Colonoscopy during menstrual cycle

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Jul 1, 2012

I've done some research as I fear I'm going to be on my period during my colonoscopy... Another thing to be anxious about, great!

I would like to keep the tampon in if possible but worried that if they are blowing air in, then the tampon might get too tight...

Tmi?! Probably but a question I wanted to throw out there sorry.

Anyone had a similar experience or fear for this?
Hmm good question, not something I've thought about before but I'm sure someone here has had that happen.
My suggestion would be to call the number for the unit that's doing the colonoscopy and see what they say about it, or call your IBD nurse, either one should be able to advise you on what to do about it :) . Good luck, let us know how it goes :) .
I was on my period for my last scope so I used a tampon and had no issues from the procedure. If you're worried the best thing to do would be to call the unit where you're having your scope and ask if it's likely to be a problem. And you can always reschedule if you think you'd be more comfortable having it done at another time.
I remember my mum had to have a colonoscopy when she was on her period. She called the hospital and they told her "the doctor will be very discreet" -whatever that means! I think they thought she must have been embarrassed, but what she was actually concerned about was the same as you. Anyway, it wasn't a problem at all.
I have a friend who found herself in the same situation

She rang the Nurse & they assured her the utmost in discretion & comfort

Worked very well
Thank you, I started thinking it was a silly question but glad I asked now!

What will be will be... Although I hope I don't start my period the day I go in... I can't imagine the stomach pains I would have that day. Fingers crossed all will be good.
You could that a pill from your GP called Norethisterone that will delay your period if taken a few days beforehand, but i'm not sure what effect the prep will have on it's ability to work :lol:

It is a slight worry of mine, as i'm not entirely regular, but i'm going to try my best to plan around it.

I guess you just have to remember that they've seen it all before and blood (even if it is menstrual) probably doesn't phase them at all.

The joys of being a woman, eh...
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Very true! Well, I'm due on this week so I'm keeping check on the pre menstrual signs... Pimples, check, moody swings check... Just need the flow now! :)

Colonoscopy is on Monday so fingers crossed I'm on then off all beforehand!

Hoping I don't come on day before... With that and period pain and prep day and hunger, now that would be a pretty rotten day!!!
Well, it's prep day.... And I just come on my period today too!

Not a good day at all! I'm hoping to go in tomorrow with little or no sedation too as I want to be in and out and drive home. Not making it easy for myself I know!
Hi, had colonoscopy and having a tampon made no difference what so ever! In fact, had I not mentioned it, they not even have known I was on.

There was no tightness and didn't even pop out! ;) ... Okay silly sense of humor could help myself on that one!!
Yay, well done :) I know how easy it is to worry beforehand, but it's really not the big deal we imagine it to be. I hope the scope went ok otherwise too x
Thanks, there was a couple of tiny ulcers and just waiting back for biopies but the gi seems to think that my main issues is in lower intestines which I am taking aza for. Hope the biopies don't take too long to come through.
I remember my mum had to have a colonoscopy when she was on her period. She called the hospital and they told her "the doctor will be very discreet" -whatever that means! I think they thought she must have been embarrassed, but what she was actually concerned about was the same as you. Anyway, it wasn't a problem at all.

lol that is funny!

I often think about how uncomfortable it would be to have my periods during a scope. Plus I never wear tampons because I dont think its healthy to wear that. Ive been very lucky my periods never occured at the same time of a scope! If it ever happens to me, I would just tell my doctor the situation before the scope. They are used to see blood, mucus, anal fistulas and all those things, they wont be troubled by a woman's periods :smile::smile:
God - I hadn't even thought about this! I've only had 1 colonoscopy and luckily wasn't "on" although my periods have been quite irregular which I *think* is down to be stopping taking birth control pills as I thought they weren't helping my stomach and the steroids I'm on.

I think the doctors are used to all kinds of circumstances and have probably seen all and everything.

Betty - glad it all went ok! Sounds like you have the same problems as me although Aza did NOT agree with me and I was told to stop taking it immediately - visiting the nurse on Friday as they want me to start Humira...

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