Lodge Lady, I so understand what you are saying. There are two differences with me. First, I walk between Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's. They say I have Crohn's Colitis. I have 2 polyps in my lower bowel, that had inflammation on them. I have two brothers and two sisters, and they all have polyps, but not inflammation. If I have UC, and everything is inflamed down there wouldn't a polyp be too? The second being, I have never had an issue with my tummy or my bowles. I never even took a laxative, other than for my colonoscopy at 50, which was perfect.
With this,you hit the ground running and fast. I have been through so many doctors, all at the top of their field between UCLA and Cedars Sinai. The reason I stay with my current doctor is because he listens to me, and hears what I have to say, and will take this into consideration with my treatments. I am on remicade, but it saved my life, so I am okay with it. Honestly, starting Vancomycin, and Remicade the same day, and symptoms stopping completely 48 hours later, including fevers, we are not sure if it was not a really bad case of cliff which I had for ten months.
I did have doctors throwing stuff at me, as so many of our tests are false negatives, false positives, and we are all different. Our doctors are not researchers and there are not enough of those to go around. At least hear on the west coast, the GI offices are overwhelmed started with infants going to the elderly. Its nuts. I am just so grateful I, and my family have always eaten well.
Something has to change though. The food industry is out of control I occasionally will drink Almond milk, and Rice Milk as I only do cheeses. I, however, have to still read labels, as I cannot consume carageen. No one should!! One of our markets out here, has a line of "healthy" foods, to try and out beat the local WF's and most of their products have this same ingredient. What??
I admire all of us. We deal with so much. Yes, we know in the over 50 crowd, most have stuff to deal with. This though? Who would have thunk?
Have a good day out there today.