Does anyone else ever get really bloated?

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Jan 12, 2013
Hi there,

So I definitely ate too much yesterday at dinner, and I ended up going to bed feeling really bloated. I figured that would be gone, but it's lunchtime the next day and I still don't feel hungry at all, and I look a bit like I swallowed a beach ball! This is the first time that I've had bloating last for so long! Does anyone else randomly get bloated for what feels like ages?
all the time McM17 , but i am not diagnosed with anything at moment so not sure if i am helping or not , but i do get this and when i am flaring up i can have a small amount of food and feel like i have had a three course meal !! x
Me too Mc and it does not seem to have any specific trigger and the accompanying gurgles and rumbles are so loud they are embarrasing. Ron.
I get this too but my stomach is fine in the morning but by the afternoon my stomach is so distended I feel like my clothes don't fit anymore. I know some foods that trigger it but sometimes it still happens and I can't figure out what is causing it.
I had a lot of difficulty with bloating when I had strictures. Now it is significantly reduced. For me it seems to be related to consumption of simple sugars, and especially so after I have had a small amount of alcohol. It sort of suggests it is related to a combination of my bowel bacteria and sugar consumption. Some oral medications can upset your bowel flora by killing off the "good" bacteria. If you are o.k. with yogurt or probiotics, that can help get a normal population back and reduce the gas.
I do, even if it's a day I don't eat very much. It's hit or miss but I definitely notice it sometimes.
Constantly. One kind is more likely to happen after I eat, and that's the bloating in my stomach caused by gastroparesis. I also get bloating down in my intestines which is unrelated to eating - it's caused instead by my intestine being full because I'm going to need to empty my bowels soon.

I not found any ways to avoid or even reduce the bloating. Both types make it really uncomfortable to eat.

Mine gets so bad that any doctor who examines my abdomen comments on it. A nurse changing my dressing after a surgery thought I had a blockage and I had to explain that I'm always that bloated. I've lost count of the number of doctors who've said my stomach looks swollen.