Does it hurt going number 2?

  • Thread starter AndyCrohnsPatient
  • Start date
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Does it hurt when you poop? It seems to all the time for me. It hurts at my stomach area and when im going it hurts a whole lot. So i dont go when i feel like i need to because it hurts so i know so of my pain is cause of that. I was wondering if this happens to you.
You bet.

The urgency to go hurts. The build-up hurts. Going hurts. Then you feel exhausted afterwards, it takes that much out of you.
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Ditto Johnny, for the most part, ditto. I'd like to add I feel like I want to take a nap after most trips.
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It hurts for me each time. I have a fissure. Hard to heal when you poop more than once a day!
Ah yes, the effort required/poop consistency ratio.

I've devised a scale related to commerical kitchen appliances.

1. The bread toaster. Pop! Out it comes!
2. The soft-serve Dairy Queen dispenser (with the nice little swirl at the end).
3. The clangy meat-grinder.
4. The defective inverted beer keg.

It only hurts when I've eaten something that doesn't agree with me. Which is right now...Stupid beef.:(
here is my normal number two schedule.....

1.) break out topical lidocaine 4% and apply liberally....
2.) wait as long as possible for it to set in, if I can...
3.) do the deed and hope I don't scream.......
Solid poo hurts me for sure...why I would almost rather have the D as long as it isn't frequent.
Boy when My Butt Hurts said folks are open here....

There's times when I have opened up my mind to adopt 4-5 different religions at once to find relief. I think the most recent time was when I overexerted myeslf at a business convention and worked my butt off setting up our booth, and skipped lunch, and that night went to watch a baseball game and had a huge footlong hotdog and 3 beers.

That night was pure hell and torture. The next day I thought the colon had to be empty but kept going, and I was losing internal organs.