Male here with no experience in labor pains but plenty with abdominal cramps from CD. When I get "the cramps" I mix 8oz of greek yogurt with a heaping spoon of honey and eat it. The yogurt has probiotics that is friendly to the piping, and the honey is a natural anti-inflammatory. This helps to shorten the duration of the cramps.
I eventually noticed a pattern between cramps and certain foods. I have now identified the trigger foods through (painful) isolation process, and since they have been eliminated from my diet the cramps are far less frequent. But I could develop new reactions at any time. The perplexing thing about CD is that no two patients have the same trigger foods; most cannot tolerate dairy products but they do not bother me.
My GI was impressed at this yogurt/honey home remedy and how I controlled CD through diet. He was even more impressed that my last colonoscopy was so clear that he scheduled my next one out to 10 years not the usual 5.
It won't help a blockage though - that requires a visit to ER.