Fistula question ladies??

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Mar 16, 2012
United States
I have not been dx with crohns as of yet. My GI thinks I have IBS, wants me to try some meds first and then will consider a colonoscopy if the meds do not work.

My question is, What exactly does a fistula look like?? I may be way off here, I am new to all this. I have noticed a small soft bubble like bump on my upper left labia majora( not on the lips but right next to the lip, sort of adjacent to the clitoris, so it is not near the vagina opening at all. It is real soft and does not hurt much, maybe a little especially when I mess with it. I was thinking maybe it was a sebaceous gland or something, but not sure. I called gyne and she said watch it for a few days, if it does not go away or gets bigger to come in. It is soft to the touch.

Anyone else here have something like this?
i am pretty certain this isn't crohn's related. crohn's effects the digestive system- not really the reproductive directly. i had some peri-anal involvment with my crohn's so 'down there' was swollen in general but what you describe does not sound related. also a fistula is a hole or tract- it drains and is pretty painful....some fistulas turn into abscesses.

i wouldn't worry it sounds like a sebaceous gland or even blocked hair folicle or pimple.
You will know if you have a vaginal fistula because you will pass gas through it, as in your farts are literally redirected through your vagina. Usually you will pass stool and/ or pus through it as well. I'm not saying you should not get it checked out, but it does not sound like a fistula. If anything, it's more likely an abscess.
Thanks ladies.

I'm going to the gyne this afternoon to get it checked. I guess I am just freaked out as I have never had anything like this before. Thanks again for the replies and information, I really appreciate it.

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