Fistulas, Fissures and Abscesses Support Group

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Glad to hear things are moving along for you! Stay positive and take it day by day (as we all have come accustomed to).

I'm having gracilis surgery for an anal fistula myself in a little over two weeks. If all goes well, my CRS thinks we could do the ileostomy reversal around 8 weeks after. They're giving me 70-80% odds of having success and I'm keeping my eyes on the prize of a much better 2017!
Wish you all the best
Well what a stressful week I went for preop last Friday they called me yesterday said my blood sugars were very high at 295 surgeon fearful of infection or would not heal after surgery.I tried reaching my endo doctor could not get in til Thursday this week I wanted to ask him what he thought did not get a chance.Nurse calls from surgeons office surgeon still nervous about the blood what do I want to do?? I am like ummm can I wait til Thursday she said,we would like to know so needless to say all the stress and agony of not knowing what would happen I canceled my fistolotomy to hopefully get diabetes with better blood numbers then will have the visting the surgeon again and the preop all over again oh god.Thanks for listening
Glad to hear things are moving along for you! Stay positive and take it day by day (as we all have come accustomed to).

I'm having gracilis surgery for an anal fistula myself in a little over two weeks. If all goes well, my CRS thinks we could do the ileostomy reversal around 8 weeks after. They're giving me 70-80% odds of having success and I'm keeping my eyes on the prize of a much better 2017!

This gracilis mucsle surgery was the longest to recover from but I'm also anemic so it always takes me longer to heal. My friend has me in 2 iron pills a day. But I'm almost positive it's successful. Good luck with ur gracilis surgery, hope all goes well for u. Best thing to do is stay in bed alot an try not to sit for at least a mo.
Update on me: Met with my surgeon this am, the biopsies from my colonoscopy showed NO Crohn's, YEAH! But my small bowel was full of inflammation? He is putting me under on Sept 19 to explore the fistula (#2 - Perianal; first one was recto-vaginal). He said I may wake up with a seton. I just want this over with. Going on 2 years now, with no diagnosis...but yet I have all the symptoms and issues, including anal abscesses and fistulas. I wonder sometimes if the doctors even have a clue...
Hi MeLee38, I'm sure they do have an idea. But if I've learned anything over the last 33yrs is that CD really is a very tricky thing to 1st diagnose & 2nd to treat, especially with all the trade offs & complications from assorted meds.
I think its one of those illnesses that defies convention almost because you only have to read a few of the people on here's experiences to know that severity & treatment can vary wildly from patient to patient.
For me, before all of this, I would never have believed an illness could be so complicated.
I really hope you get some relief very soon.
Best Wishes
Hi everyone, I have had a fissure for 6 weeks now.. It's killing me it throbs for about 8 hours after a BP. I'm taking stool softners, fiber supplements, sitz baths and the doctor just prescribed me nitro-bid ointment.
Any other suggestions?
I also haven't gone to doc yet, I just know it's a fissure.
Hate it!
Hi everyone, I have had a fissure for 6 weeks now.. It's killing me it throbs for about 8 hours after a BP. I'm taking stool softners, fiber supplements, sitz baths and the doctor just prescribed me nitro-bid ointment.
Any other suggestions?
I also haven't gone to doc yet, I just know it's a fissure.
Hate it!
The doctor will be able to help you. Prayers and support.
In my 4th week post mucosal advancement flap. Feeling pretty good. Still some bleeding and minor pain from incision. I see CRS tomorrow. Hoping for good news!
Feeling nervous about having "exploratory" surgery. And to top it all off, I developed more symptoms over the last couple months. They are running some more tests, but are now telling me it may be Lupus. So for the past 2 years I thought it was Crohn's, was told Nope, not Crohn's, now we have to dig deeper to see what is causing all my issues. Has anyone else undergone "exploratory surgery" for fistulas? The doctor couldn't tell me what to expect cause he said he doesn't know what he's up against until he gets in there. My nerves are shot!
Feeling nervous about having "exploratory" surgery. And to top it all off, I developed more symptoms over the last couple months. They are running some more tests, but are now telling me it may be Lupus. So for the past 2 years I thought it was Crohn's, was told Nope, not Crohn's, now we have to dig deeper to see what is causing all my issues. Has anyone else undergone "exploratory surgery" for fistulas? The doctor couldn't tell me what to expect cause he said he doesn't know what he's up against until he gets in there. My nerves are shot!

I can only tell you about my experience. Essentially, the surgeon does not know: a. If you have a fistula; or b. The classification of your fistula. He/she will put you under anesthesia and probe the area of concern to see if there is a tract going from your rectum to your skin or your anus to the skin. If you have a simple fistula, he/she may be able to do a fistulotomy, which just means cutting through to skin to open the tract to allow it to heal from the inside out. However, if your fistula is more complex, he/she may place a seton, or stitch, through to tract to keep it open and allow drainage. If you do not have Crohn's there are several procedures that he/she may discuss with you to potentially close the inside opening and allow the fistula to heal. These may include a mucosal advancement flap procedure, a LIFT procedure, or some other potential surgeries. If you do have Crohn's, you will need to get that under control with medication before any of these procedures can be done.

Again, I'm not a doctor, but the outline above is what I've been through over the past 3 years. Good luck to you and keep us all posted.
Thanks GABoy! I have been down this road before. I had a recto-vaginal fistula that they repaired with the advanced flap procedure, but immediately following that surgery I developed a peri-anal fistula. I have had CT scans and rigid sig scopes etc. They are thinking it is complex because this is not the first one and it is very close to the first, so they think I have multiple tracks going on, plus the active infection (its been oozing puss for 8 months, Cipro and Flagyl both did nothing, same as the first one). He said I may wake up with a seton. Just nervous since I obviously do not heal well, and have other health issues going on at the same time. Hard on the nerves LOL
Thanks GABoy! I have been down this road before. I had a recto-vaginal fistula that they repaired with the advanced flap procedure, but immediately following that surgery I developed a peri-anal fistula. I have had CT scans and rigid sig scopes etc. They are thinking it is complex because this is not the first one and it is very close to the first, so they think I have multiple tracks going on, plus the active infection (its been oozing puss for 8 months, Cipro and Flagyl both did nothing, same as the first one). He said I may wake up with a seton. Just nervous since I obviously do not heal well, and have other health issues going on at the same time. Hard on the nerves LOL

Hello MeLee, I have a rectovaginal fistula aswell, I have had 11 surgeries an also a ileostomy. They have me the ileostomy because the first 2 surgeries fail as a result of a hard bowl movement that broke the stitches an ruined the surgery. They said i was a very complex case. Is ur fistula high, in the middle or low? Mine is low which they say is the easiest to fix but apparently that's not the case with me. Inbetween every surgery they examine me under anesthesia to check if it's healing correctly. This last surgery was a gracilis muscle walking flap. We think it's healed but not 100%. So they are working on another under anesthesia appointment an if it's healed they Will reverse the ileostomy, however if it's not my plastic surgeon is going to do an exploratory surgery to move some of the gracilis mucsle around to make another flap. Both my CRS an plastic surgeon aid they are going to figure out what to do once they see if the scar tissue is heald enough. So I'm going under with no one particular plan. Needless to say make sure you know all about it Drs an what they specialize in to get the best results. Do as much research as u can do u can know what ur up against because these fistula are complicated an everyone heals differently. I myself do not have Crohn's or IBS mine is a result from having fibroids removed from my uterus an the Surgeon cut me an I woke up with a colorectal Dr telling me I have a fistula as a result of the equipment poking throw into my anal canal. I wasn't comfortable with having the ileostomy but now I'm thankful because I'm not having constant infections or any feces passing threw. Good luck on ur surgery and stay positive.
Hello MeLee, I have a rectovaginal fistula aswell, I have had 11 surgeries an also a ileostomy. They have me the ileostomy because the first 2 surgeries fail as a result of a hard bowl movement that broke the stitches an ruined the surgery. They said i was a very complex case. Is ur fistula high, in the middle or low? Mine is low which they say is the easiest to fix but apparently that's not the case with me. Inbetween every surgery they examine me under anesthesia to check if it's healing correctly. This last surgery was a gracilis muscle walking flap. We think it's healed but not 100%. So they are working on another under anesthesia appointment an if it's healed they Will reverse the ileostomy, however if it's not my plastic surgeon is going to do an exploratory surgery to move some of the gracilis mucsle around to make another flap. Both my CRS an plastic surgeon aid they are going to figure out what to do once they see if the scar tissue is heald enough. So I'm going under with no one particular plan. Needless to say make sure you know all about it Drs an what they specialize in to get the best results. Do as much research as u can do u can know what ur up against because these fistula are complicated an everyone heals differently. I myself do not have Crohn's or IBS mine is a result from having fibroids removed from my uterus an the Surgeon cut me an I woke up with a colorectal Dr telling me I have a fistula as a result of the equipment poking throw into my anal canal. I wasn't comfortable with having the ileostomy but now I'm thankful because I'm not having constant infections or any feces passing threw. Good luck on ur surgery and stay positive.

Thanks. I do not have Crohn's (I had several tests including a colonoscopy and biopsies to check this), mine started as an anal abscess that developed in between my sphincter muscles. When they cut my sphincter muscle to drain the abscess, the remaining infection formed the recto-vaginal fistula which was extremely low (pocket below vaginal opening). My sphincter muscle healed fine, so no incontinence (thank god). Once the infection stopped, they did the flap repair, which cured 90% of the problem, I only pass gas through it now when I sneeze or cough, nothing else passing through there. But 2 months following that surgery I developed the peri-anal fistula that comes out near the perinium. And it has been oozing infection and blood for the past 8 months. So now I go under to see what they can do. My surgeon specializes in colon/rectal surgeries, he has written papers and done studies on colon cancer patients and colon surgery recoveries in the elderly. He knows what he is doing, he has done all my scopes, tests, follow ups and surgeries himself. Very compassionate and hands on. Just hoping it will be the easiest and least painful of all the options LOL Sorry you have been through so much, it sounds awful. Hugs
Thanks. I do not have Crohn's (I had several tests including a colonoscopy and biopsies to check this), mine started as an anal abscess that developed in between my sphincter muscles. When they cut my sphincter muscle to drain the abscess, the remaining infection formed the recto-vaginal fistula which was extremely low (pocket below vaginal opening). My sphincter muscle healed fine, so no incontinence (thank god). Once the infection stopped, they did the flap repair, which cured 90% of the problem, I only pass gas through it now when I sneeze or cough, nothing else passing through there. But 2 months following that surgery I developed the peri-anal fistula that comes out near the perinium. And it has been oozing infection and blood for the past 8 months. So now I go under to see what they can do. My surgeon specializes in colon/rectal surgeries, he has written papers and done studies on colon cancer patients and colon surgery recoveries in the elderly. He knows what he is doing, he has done all my scopes, tests, follow ups and surgeries himself. Very compassionate and hands on. Just hoping it will be the easiest and least painful of all the options LOL Sorry you have been through so much, it sounds awful. Hugs

Thanks an yes I sure have lol. It's good yrs is low an that u have a good Dr. Urs is low so that's good. I will pray for u to have a fast recovery an a successful one. Hope u keep us posted on ur journey.
Hi everyone, I have had a fissure for 6 weeks now.. It's killing me it throbs for about 8 hours after a BP. I'm taking stool softners, fiber supplements, sitz baths and the doctor just prescribed me nitro-bid ointment.
Any other suggestions?
I also haven't gone to doc yet, I just know it's a fissure.
Hate it!

I have 3 right now and I feel your pain. My Dr prescribed Diltiazim andthat worked for a bit. Now I am going for a minor surgery where the Dr is injecting steroids to help them heal. I hope yours health fast.
Hi, not sure if this is the place to start but I need some help/assistance/advice.

I do not know if I have Crohn's and until today I had never even thought that I might have it.. but lately some things have started to make me wonder.

Here are some things I deal with...

- If I'm not careful with my eating/cleaning of my anal area.. I will end up with hemmorhoids very quickly. I've had them dozens of times, and I've had to get them lanced twice. I hate it.
- If I get nervous I have to use the bathroom.. doesn't matter if I just went 10 minutes ago.. if I get nervous I immediately have the urge to go.
- I have inflammation in my underarms that itches and I scratch sometimes til it bleeds. I have scratch marks all over my legs from scratching random places without realizing.

Now... I have two abscesses around my anus. When I first noticed them I just thought I had been sitting in my chair too long editing. (I work in film.) I noticed some itchiness and minor discomfort but it wasn't bad. I started feeling around and noticed 2 stiff "patches" of skin. One was a little tender and the other didn't hurt at all. I messed with the tender one, and it started draining blood and puss. The other one didn't really do anything.

I started looking on the internet for what I could do to avoid surgery on these things because I don't have insurance nor the money to get it done. And almost unanimously it was suggested to try Turmeric powder mixed with tea tree oil applied directly to the abscesses. I've been doing that for 2 days at night as well as taking a 500mg turmeric supplement every morning. I'm currently at the end of night 2, and right now I'm pretty miserable. My brain is telling me that it has to get worse before it gets better and that this is a sign of it coming to a head so it will burst.. but I'm just not sure...

I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing to see where we end up, but I really want to avoid surgery if possible. I just cannot afford it or the trauma it would cause me and my business right now.

Any advice or suggestions are appreciated.

I'm also sitting in hot tub water for 10-20 minutes.
Hi Wholesomejoe! I find Hot tub soaks for 20 minutes 2-3 times a day, warm compresses morning and night and sitz baths after each bowel movement will help. Also, start on a low residue diet, take pro-biotics and drink anti-oxidant juices. These are the things I find help alleviate pain and discomfort, and they also help with regulating my bowel movements (as much as they can be). I also take Vitamin B, D and Omega 3 supplements daily. Best of luck!
Hi Wholesome Joe. I'm sorry your going through this. Do the abscesses seem to be getting larger? Are they warm to the touch? I think every medical professional would tell you that you must have the abscesses drained. Many times, they will do it in the ER under a local. Hopefully there is a CRS on call. You can apply for charity care, or something similar in your state.

The risk you run is it getting worse. I let mine sit for a while and did just about the same treatment. It didn't work and I had a large abscess that had to be drained and I was in the doctors office everyday for weeks having the packing changed. Better to deal with it early than too late. Good luck to you.
Hi Wholesome Joe. I'm sorry your going through this. Do the abscesses seem to be getting larger? Are they warm to the touch? I think every medical professional would tell you that you must have the abscesses drained. Many times, they will do it in the ER under a local. Hopefully there is a CRS on call. You can apply for charity care, or something similar in your state.

The risk you run is it getting worse. I let mine sit for a while and did just about the same treatment. It didn't work and I had a large abscess that had to be drained and I was in the doctors office everyday for weeks having the packing changed. Better to deal with it early than too late. Good luck to you.
I agree.
wholesomejoe,you need to see a colorectal specialist. Abscesses can form into fistulas. You need to deal with things before they get worse,in my opinion. I can relate to the $$ problem,like so many of us can. The danger is the damage being done to your body.

I have five fistula that went undiagnosed for years. I had a fistulotomy and seton placement on three of them. Recovering from the surgery was slow but helped me. The surgery was two years ago. I did start remicade after surgery as well.

Two years ago I was told I could lose my rectum and today things are looking much better. I still have setons but the fistulas,though not healed,are much improved. They barely drain now.

I have been dealing with perianal crohn's for 6 years now and have had multiple surgeries to drain abscesses, fistula surgery (no seton placed as the C/R Surgeon couldn't find the internal opening to the fistula) and massive amounts of pain. I was in denial about having Crohn's as I don't have daily stomach issues per say. However, I came to realize that my Crohn's presented in weird ways with abscesses turning to fistula, eye infections, sores in my mouth and nose and although not a symptom of Crohn's, I have had 2 DVT's and 1 DVT that became a PE (discovered that Crohn's patients are twice as likely as a 'normal' individual of having clotting issues). Earlier this year I relented and started taking Humira. This past week, I was just thinking of how well the Humira was working with the abscesses. I can feel the abscesses trying to reappear as I get close to my next dose, but the Humira will kick in and calm them back down. Well, this past Sunday the cycle began again...started to feel pain in that area but it wasn't a hard lump that I normally get. Instead, it came from a different area and is from what I can determine, a thrombosed Hemmorhoid. WHAT PAIN!! Oh my goodness. I actually broke down crying to my mom (I am a 44 year old adult!) as I tried to describe how much I hurt. My doctor can't see me until tomorrow and I absolutely had no idea how I was going to wait it out. Well, my husband has been using DMSO to treat his arthritis for years now. I swore I wouldn't use it because, honestly, the smell is horrible. He researched it extensively and swears by the results. This morning was so bad that I would have done anything to alleviate the pain. So, at his suggestion, I applied the DMSO to the area after showering. The results were not immediate, but pretty close. It is now 1 o'clock in the afternoon and the pain has been SIGNIFICANTLY reduced. This pain I can deal with (don't we have different levels now that we're dealing with these issues???). I forgot about the DMSO and called my husband to say, "I don't know what happened but I feel so much better." He reminded me of the DMSO. I still have more personal research to do about it and I will say that the FDA has not approved it for use through a prescription other than to treat Bladder conditions. However, you can get it through the health food stores and although I resisted for a very long time in using this, it was as close to a miracle as I have come to in dealing with this. Please investigate for yourself and seek guidance from your doctor! I am always seeking other's assistance and what has worked for them so I wanted to share my experience with all of you. Best wishes!
I have been dealing with perianal crohn's for 6 years now and have had multiple surgeries to drain abscesses, fistula surgery (no seton placed as the C/R Surgeon couldn't find the internal opening to the fistula) and massive amounts of pain. I was in denial about having Crohn's as I don't have daily stomach issues per say. However, I came to realize that my Crohn's presented in weird ways with abscesses turning to fistula, eye infections, sores in my mouth and nose and although not a symptom of Crohn's, I have had 2 DVT's and 1 DVT that became a PE (discovered that Crohn's patients are twice as likely as a 'normal' individual of having clotting issues). Earlier this year I relented and started taking Humira. This past week, I was just thinking of how well the Humira was working with the abscesses. I can feel the abscesses trying to reappear as I get close to my next dose, but the Humira will kick in and calm them back down. Well, this past Sunday the cycle began again...started to feel pain in that area but it wasn't a hard lump that I normally get. Instead, it came from a different area and is from what I can determine, a thrombosed Hemmorhoid. WHAT PAIN!! Oh my goodness. I actually broke down crying to my mom (I am a 44 year old adult!) as I tried to describe how much I hurt. My doctor can't see me until tomorrow and I absolutely had no idea how I was going to wait it out. Well, my husband has been using DMSO to treat his arthritis for years now. I swore I wouldn't use it because, honestly, the smell is horrible. He researched it extensively and swears by the results. This morning was so bad that I would have done anything to alleviate the pain. So, at his suggestion, I applied the DMSO to the area after showering. The results were not immediate, but pretty close. It is now 1 o'clock in the afternoon and the pain has been SIGNIFICANTLY reduced. This pain I can deal with (don't we have different levels now that we're dealing with these issues???). I forgot about the DMSO and called my husband to say, "I don't know what happened but I feel so much better." He reminded me of the DMSO. I still have more personal research to do about it and I will say that the FDA has not approved it for use through a prescription other than to treat Bladder conditions. However, you can get it through the health food stores and although I resisted for a very long time in using this, it was as close to a miracle as I have come to in dealing with this. Please investigate for yourself and seek guidance from your doctor! I am always seeking other's assistance and what has worked for them so I wanted to share my experience with all of you. Best wishes!

I am glad it helped you.
As supportive as this thread is it is also full of horror. There seem to be absolutely no good results for anyone. :( Everyone, including myself, seem to take one step forward and two steps back.

This has got to be one of the most dangerous extra-intestinal manifestations of the disease. I've had Crohns for 17 years. Fistulas are definitely THE thing that affects my quality of life most.

Mish, I absolutely share your feelings. It seems that as soon as I feel confident that I have resolution to pain and suffering and I won't get another abscess, WHAMMO! It's a horribly vicious cycle and it can knock us to our knees at times. But, it is like anything...when you go through really tough times that you don't feel you can get through and you do??? It's the greatest feeling in the world to feel happiness again or, in our case, to be without unbearable pain.

Who would've thought our lives would revolve around our rear ends?? :ylol::ylol:
Some cautious good news. I saw the CRS yesterday. My fistula is closed post mucosal advancement flap surgery.

However, I did tell him that I had some increased pain with an area of swelling. After a couple of days, I had a large amount of blood and the pain subsided. Of course, that sounds like an abscess that burst.

He looked and said there was no abscess at this point in time. He discharged me with specific instructions that if I get the pain and swelling again, I am to come in immediately. So again... cautious optimism is all I can have.
Hello!! I am just wondering if anyone has had their fissures injected with steriods or anal tags removed? I just had the surgery this morning and would like to know what I'm in for.
Been a while since I was on and did an update. Had exploratory surgery in September, where they found and removed a large peri-anal cyst. Recovery for that seemed to go well, not nearly as much pain as when I had the advanced flap repair or the hemorrhoidectomy. However, it seems that now the flap repair has let go or re-opened as I am once again passing stool through my vagina, YUCK!! So another call into my surgeon today, was hoping the cyst removal would be the end of this for awhile...but alas, there is no rest for the weary, sigh...
Been a while since I was on and did an update. Had exploratory surgery in September, where they found and removed a large peri-anal cyst. Recovery for that seemed to go well, not nearly as much pain as when I had the advanced flap repair or the hemorrhoidectomy. However, it seems that now the flap repair has let go or re-opened as I am once again passing stool through my vagina, YUCK!! So another call into my surgeon today, was hoping the cyst removal would be the end of this for awhile...but alas, there is no rest for the weary, sigh...

I hope you get relief soon.
Been a while since I was on and did an update. Had exploratory surgery in September, where they found and removed a large peri-anal cyst. Recovery for that seemed to go well, not nearly as much pain as when I had the advanced flap repair or the hemorrhoidectomy. However, it seems that now the flap repair has let go or re-opened as I am once again passing stool through my vagina, YUCK!! So another call into my surgeon today, was hoping the cyst removal would be the end of this for awhile...but alas, there is no rest for the weary, sigh...

Thinking of you MeLee... I hope you get some relief soon. In the end, it seems temporary respites are the best we can hope for.
So my prior post appears to be true ...

This weekend, I thought I felt a little swelling. Yesterday, I saw a little blood. Today, there is no doubt that I have an abscess. The mucosal advancement flap has apparently failed.

I guess that lasted nearly 3 months. Back to the CRS, back to the GI.
So my prior post appears to be true ...

This weekend, I thought I felt a little swelling. Yesterday, I saw a little blood. Today, there is no doubt that I have an abscess. The mucosal advancement flap has apparently failed.

I guess that lasted nearly 3 months. Back to the CRS, back to the GI.
I hope you are better soon.
Saw CRS today. There is an infection, but rather than do an I&D, he wants to try 10 days Cipro/Flagyl.
So, I am just finding and joining the club, unfortunately...Had surgery November 3rd to take care of anal fssures and hemi's - both internal and external, and rectal tags. Had surgery a week ago today because of an icky abscess that created a hole near my anus. I am a week out and was discharged four days ago. Still feel weak as water and so worried over this thing healing as I have crohns and am Diabetic as well. Still on antibiotics - my 9th day, a few days to go. I go back to see the surgeon for a follow-up visit on the 7th. Out of work now possibly until Jan 2nd. So completely discouraged...
So, I am just finding and joining the club, unfortunately...Had surgery November 3rd to take care of anal fssures and hemi's - both internal and external, and rectal tags. Had surgery a week ago today because of an icky abscess that created a hole near my anus. I am a week out and was discharged four days ago. Still feel weak as water and so worried over this thing healing as I have crohns and am Diabetic as well. Still on antibiotics - my 9th day, a few days to go. I go back to see the surgeon for a follow-up visit on the 7th. Out of work now possibly until Jan 2nd. So completely discouraged...
Hi. Sorry for what you have been through.
My seton fell out!!
I had it put in on 20th October 2015 so it's lasted pretty well. It wasn't scheduled to come out yet as I'm yet to have been on medication long enough for it to help heal (humira failed after 3-4 months and I'm on my 3rd 1st dose of vedolizumab because the first time my heart was enlarged and the second I had got a chest infection so both resulted in me missing the 2nd infusion 2 weeks later) I contacted my surgeon and he says I'll have to have surgery again- didn't say whether he was going to put another seton back in or try something else. My fistula runs straight through the anal muscles so the surgery with the highest success rate isn't suitable for me because I could be left incontinent.
Has anyone successfully got shut of a fistula?
Anything that has worked really well for you?
Or just any advice/ comments?
thanks 😊
They couldn't do surgery on me either. The fistulas were too numerous, and the abscess I had was too high up, horseshoe. Over two years ago I went on Azathioprine and Remicade, and they closed up shortly thereafter. I haven't had any since. I think it's important to get into remission, and get the bowels healed up. I had some ulcers, and those eventually healed up too. Been in remission for over two years now. Wishing you better days.
So, what's next if you've failed Humira, Entyvio and now Remicade/ 6MP? I saw my Gastroenterologist last night, and my perianal disease has flared back up. I have an abscess that needs to be drained and blood in my stool. I guess we can consider the mucosal advancement flap a failure. I'm calling the surgeon today. He already knows that there is an abscess but it was very small when I saw him and he put me on abx in the hope it would clear.

Anyway, I'm putting on a brace face for family and just saying we always knew the surgery might fail and that we're in this for the long-term. But in reality, I am so sick of this, and I've only been dealing with it for 3 years. I know most of you have been dealing with it for much longer. Anyway, thank y'all for reading and letting me vent.
So, what's next if you've failed Humira, Entyvio and now Remicade/ 6MP? I saw my Gastroenterologist last night, and my perianal disease has flared back up. I have an abscess that needs to be drained and blood in my stool. I guess we can consider the mucosal advancement flap a failure. I'm calling the surgeon today. He already knows that there is an abscess but it was very small when I saw him and he put me on abx in the hope it would clear.

Anyway, I'm putting on a brace face for family and just saying we always knew the surgery might fail and that we're in this for the long-term. But in reality, I am so sick of this, and I've only been dealing with it for 3 years. I know most of you have been dealing with it for much longer. Anyway, thank y'all for reading and letting me vent.
There are other biologics out there. Simponi, Cimzia and I am not sure if there are others after that. Best to you
There are other biologics out there. Simponi, Cimzia and I am not sure if there are others after that. Best to you

Yep. We talked about those and several others. Surgeon is sending me for an MRI. Seems like a waste as when I asked him what could the painful bump be other than an abscess, he responded with a wry smile as if to say it's an abscess.
Hi all. Has anyone has a fistulatomy and sphincterotomy? I have had a fistulatomy.. but not a sphincterotomy.... wondering what the difference in recovery is??
Further update: After having the cyst removed in September, I had another flare up, lots of diarrhea, and now have fecal matter leaking from the recto-vaginal fistula again (so obviously the advanced flap repair has let go and/or didn't work). Surgeon does not want to go in and repair again until he has a better idea what is causing my issues. Since my colonoscopy didn't reveal any Crohn's, they seem baffled. So now I go for a CT enterography of my abdomen (close up of small bowel etc) and get to see another GI specialist based on referral from my existing colon specialist. Based on my multiple symptoms, my GP is now thinking it may be lupus and not Crohn's. Has anyone else gone through this process, thinking they had Crohn's (GI issues, flare ups, internal abscesses, fistulas etc) only to find out it was something else entirely? I know one thing, this lengthy (2-3 years) time period of health issues with no diagnosis or head way is FRUSTRATING!
Further update: After having the cyst removed in September, I had another flare up, lots of diarrhea, and now have fecal matter leaking from the recto-vaginal fistula again (so obviously the advanced flap repair has let go and/or didn't work). Surgeon does not want to go in and repair again until he has a better idea what is causing my issues. Since my colonoscopy didn't reveal any Crohn's, they seem baffled. So now I go for a CT enterography of my abdomen (close up of small bowel etc) and get to see another GI specialist based on referral from my existing colon specialist. Based on my multiple symptoms, my GP is now thinking it may be lupus and not Crohn's. Has anyone else gone through this process, thinking they had Crohn's (GI issues, flare ups, internal abscesses, fistulas etc) only to find out it was something else entirely? I know one thing, this lengthy (2-3 years) time period of health issues with no diagnosis or head way is FRUSTRATING!
Sending support and prayers
hi all, I had the sphincterotomy two weeks ago and I'm still in a quite a bit of pain. I also feel like I can like ten small BM a day! I'm wondering what is causing this.. I have always taken stool softners and miralax, so I don't know whats happening. have my follow up Wednesday. Anyone have any suggestions?
Hey all!

If you have fissures hemmy's fistulas or abscesses give me a shout. I have been through it all. Even all at one time. (14 surgeries under my belt). I love to help people because I had nobody to help me for years. Once I found this group it changed my life, for the better...BIG TIME! Anybody that needs help or answers regarding these things, I urge you to just ask. I don't care if it takes all day. I will help you the best I can. I wish someone was there for me and I want to be there for you, the people.

And ladies and gentlemen! salut!:drink::dance:

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hi all, I had the sphincterotomy two weeks ago and I'm still in a quite a bit of pain. I also feel like I can like ten small BM a day! I'm wondering what is causing this.. I have always taken stool softners and miralax, so I don't know whats happening. have my follow up Wednesday. Anyone have any suggestions?

How did the follow up go? Your sphincterotomy was recent,it will be painful for awhile. Those muscles need time to heal. We're you given something for pain? I hope your surgeon answered all your questions at the follow up.
Had another CT Colon and Abdomen scan today. And of course the 2 litres of contrast liquid they had me drink gave me the WORST diarrhea. Almost exploded while in the CT machine, had to run to the bathroom as soon as they let me get up! And of course a lot of it drained out the recto-vaginal fistula, what a mess!! Meet with my GI specialist in 2 weeks to go over the results. Fingers crossed!

I almost had an incident in the MRI machine too!! My gosh do you have a lot of trouble right now. I'm hoping for you to get well soon. It can only get so bad before it starts to get a little better. Let's hope it's sooner rather than later.

Peace and positive thoughts my fellow canuck,

Having those tests when you have a fistula is necessary but NO FUN! I remember I had to have a barium contrast done...umm...yeah....boy did I make a mess EVERYWHERE!!!!!

I almost had an incident in the MRI machine too!! My gosh do you have a lot of trouble right now. I'm hoping for you to get well soon. It can only get so bad before it starts to get a little better. Let's hope it's sooner rather than later.

Peace and positive thoughts my fellow canuck,

Hope you feel better soon.
Hello everyone.. I m New to this club and want to share my story...
I was exactly 4 months pregnant when I suddenly started bleeding and was put on complete bed rest.. after a rest of exactly one month I miscarried naturally (baby was stuck in the vagina and the doctor used her hand to drag him out). The next day I had my D&C to remove the leftover clots.
It's been 3.5 months now since this incidence and I have started noticing this bubbles feeling. I feel as if i m passing tiny bubbles through my urethra and vagina.. I went to the gastrologist and he did my sigmoidioscopy yesterday which was clear ( no evidence of fistula).
Today in the morning when I woke up, emptied my bladder, and laid on the bed, I again felt that I passed gas from the back passage and urethra together... this has happened before also...I have no idea what is happening..
Hey, had surgery about 2 months ago and had a seton placed in. And normally haven't had that much blood loss. But just after using the bathroom it was dripping into the toilet. Not sure why it would happen now? Any one else have an idea?
Hey, had surgery about 2 months ago and had a seton placed in. And normally haven't had that much blood loss. But just after using the bathroom it was dripping into the toilet. Not sure why it would happen now? Any one else have an idea?
Does your doctor's office have anyone on call?
No, i'm in the military, so my gi doc won't be back till monday. I feel like the ER would be a waste of time. Just didn't know if this was normal with a seton thats been in for 2 months or not. I can let him know monday. Im waiting on a blood test to see if humira is working or not.
Dear ramorrison,

I have had that happen before too and I never did figure out why. My surgeon didn't seem surprised either, but had no real explanation.Nothing much ever did come of it. Maybe to be on the safe side, talk to the doc and see what it could be that happened. Let me know how it plays out I'm still curious about it myself.

wishing you luck,

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Dear mariam,

I also have had the sensation of bubbles going in strange places when i passed gas. It felt like they were under my skin going upwards toward my tailbone. This was years ago when I had a lot of fistulas. It finally went away on its own after several years, 3 or so I recall. I'm pretty sure it was the start of another abscess or fistula but my doctor never really gave me an answer. I think you should get the Doc to have another look.

I hope you get it figured out and I am very sorry to hear of your loss. That must have been terrible. I cannot even imagine.

Sending you my support and wishing you well,

Hi everyone 😊
I went to go and see my surgeon today for my post op appointment (I had a seton put back in as it fell out after 14 months) he told me that I had a couple of option if I didn't want to have to keep the seton in for ever. He said that I could have a 'plug' put in or a clip which isn't very invasive but only has a 50% chance of working. Or I could have an advancement flap which is more invasive and has a 75% chance of working. I was taken aback because I wasn't expecting him to suggest more surgery, I was expecting to have the seton taken out when I'd been on the vedolizumab a bit longer (I failed humira) he recommended that I have the plug or clip first and then the flap if needed. Just wanted to know if anyone is/ was in the same boat or if you've had any of these procedures done?
Thanks for reading 😁
Hi everyone 😊
I went to go and see my surgeon today for my post op appointment (I had a seton put back in as it fell out after 14 months) he told me that I had a couple of option if I didn't want to have to keep the seton in for ever. He said that I could have a 'plug' put in or a clip which isn't very invasive but only has a 50% chance of working. Or I could have an advancement flap which is more invasive and has a 75% chance of working. I was taken aback because I wasn't expecting him to suggest more surgery, I was expecting to have the seton taken out when I'd been on the vedolizumab a bit longer (I failed humira) he recommended that I have the plug or clip first and then the flap if needed. Just wanted to know if anyone is/ was in the same boat or if you've had any of these procedures done?
Thanks for reading 😁

Hi Abby, I had the advanced flap repair done, it was a painful surgery with a long recovery, and it has since let go, meaning I have to get it done again. That being said, when I researched the options the flap repair was the best option for me in my situation. Good luck :)
Thanks for getting back to me 😊 He did say that one was more invasive so would be more painful and have a longer recovery time, that's possibly why he suggested trying one of the others first in the hopes that it would work. Hope you get yours sorted soon! Crohns is bad enough without stubborn fistulas!!
Hi abby, I had the plug surgery and was painful after but the plug came away after just 9 days. I had the advancement flap done last Thursday and is more invasive and im in alot more pain. My surgeon has warned me it could fail. My fistula is a stubborn one. Xxx
Hi Abby,

I had the advancement flap and it failed. It was done by a general surgeon(Dr. Simons) In B.C. Canada. Very, very nice guy. We just pulled a book off his office shelf and both read how to do it though (it was his first one), so results may vary. Yes it hurt like Hell! Only tried that one once. Hey at least we tried. Don't let me scare you off, just my experience. Hospital was not exactly top notch, but they did their best. It has been a total success for many.

This disease and the treatment options available are mind boggling! We just have to educate ourselves, then choose to do something to try and get better! There are many choices to be made but in a lot of ways we, I'm afraid, are just along for the ride.

Hoping and praying for the best outcome you can possibly have,


P.S. you can pm me any time or just talk to me on this thread. I have experience in this area.
Thank you for the replies 😊
Kelly have you had a seton before- just wanted to know if any of the pain was compairable to seton surgery? Are you up and moving about now after the flap surgery? Did you stay in hospital or was it day surgery?
Cmack I think your very brave for letting your doctor experiment on you lol, I'm sorry it didn't work. What is your next step to help your fistula?
It's such a pain when a fistula runs through the muscles as the cutting surgery has the highest result rate!

I had to have a lot more surgery after that (a lot). Fistula after abscess after fistula.I had several setons, also a rather large drain tube and while they are painful and annoying they are nothing compared to the pain I had with the advancement flap. It was as if a super hot curling iron was up "in there." When i first woke up in the recovery room I was howling in pain. I was told to be quiet as I was upsetting other patients. My response was a very loud, "I can't f@*king help it." (as best as I can recall)

Sorry if that was too graphic,

I'm wishing you luck,

Thank you for the replies 😊
Kelly have you had a seton before- just wanted to know if any of the pain was compairable to seton surgery? Are you up and moving about now after the flap surgery? Did you stay in hospital or was it day surgery?
Cmack I think your very brave for letting your doctor experiment on you lol, I'm sorry it didn't work. What is your next step to help your fistula?
It's such a pain when a fistula runs through the muscles as the cutting surgery has the highest result rate!

Hi Abbynormal,

I also failed the mucosal advancement flap. My surgeon said his success rate was approximately 75%. It was very painful, but I would do it again if I thought I would fall in the 75% that are successful. The pain is worse than the seton surgery as the flap procedure is more invasive.

I wish you all the best.
Thank you for the replies 😊
Kelly have you had a seton before- just wanted to know if any of the pain was compairable to seton surgery? Are you up and moving about now after the flap surgery? Did you stay in hospital or was it day surgery?
Cmack I think your very brave for letting your doctor experiment on you lol, I'm sorry it didn't work. What is your next step to help your fistula?
It's such a pain when a fistula runs through the muscles as the cutting surgery has the highest result rate!


Was I brave, stupid, desperate or crazy? I think it was a combination. :lol2:
Hi abby,
Yes I have had a many of setons and the pain from them is nothing compared to the pain im in. I am struggling to move about. I was in hospital for five days but thats as I had sepsis after my last surgery and as this was more invasive surgery my surgeon wanted me kept in xx

I had to have a lot more surgery after that (a lot). Fistula after abscess after fistula.I had several setons, also a rather large drain tube and while they are painful and annoying they are nothing compared to the pain I had with the advancement flap. It was as if a super hot curling iron was up "in there." When i first woke up in the recovery room I was howling in pain. I was told to be quiet as I was upsetting other patients. My response was a very loud, "I can't f@*king help it." (as best as I can recall)

Sorry if that was too graphic,

I'm wishing you luck,


Thank you, I appreciate your honesty 🙂
Did you have to stay in hospital after the surgery or were you just a day case? How long did your recovery take?
What's your next step to help your fistula/s?
Hi Abbynormal,

I also failed the mucosal advancement flap. My surgeon said his success rate was approximately 75%. It was very painful, but I would do it again if I thought I would fall in the 75% that are successful. The pain is worse than the seton surgery as the flap procedure is more invasive.

I wish you all the best.[/QUOte

It seems a lot of people are in that 25%, how are you helping your fistula now?

I was in hospital for 8 days maybe 9. Wasn't much fun. I had to have about 10 more surgeries after that about a week hospital stay for each. Then fortunately I healed up. Started to improve after that. About 3 years in and out of the hospital or so maybe 4. Then the long road to recovery, about another 3 years to fully heal up on the insides I finally literally ripped the last seton out by hand a couple years ago (was driving me nuts) and that was the last part to heal. Although I think there is still a bit of a divot because once in a while a seed gets stuck where the last seton once was.(I am blessed so far to be able to remove anything that gets stuck in there, as it causes a fair amount of irritation)(touch wood). Couldn't ride a bike for about five years total maybe 6.

(It really is quite a fog though. I was pretty doped up with Demerol and Percocet, sometimes morphine as well) Hard to recall everything, some parts are very blurry in my mind. Other parts not so much.

cmack I feel your pain. This process started for me over 2 years ago, I have had 3 surgeries since then, several tests and am waiting on another surgery. The advanced flap repair was by far the most painful (although I did have a hemorroidectomy at the same time - when they went in to do the flap, the hemorroid was in the way!). I was kept in the hospital for 3 days and then sent home on Dilaudid, had to go back into emerg for more pain meds after the first week home. If I had to put it on a pain scale the flap surgery was a 12, compared to the 40 hours labour for my son which was a 10. SO more painful than labour, and that's saying something LOL

Wish you all the best, this process is definitely not fun!
Hi all.

Im 9 days post op from having the advancement flap surgery and im still in so much pain I am really struggling even moving around. Did you guys find this and how long before the pain subsides? My surgeon has warned me that im likely to have problems as I always do after repair surgeries, Can I ask how do you know if the procedure has failed and how long after this happened to you?

Many thanks
Kelly xx

It's gonna hurt for a while. Make sure you get enough pain meds(careful though, they can make you sh!t a brick). It should start feeling better after 10 days to 2 weeks. Make sure (AND I DO MEAN MAKE SURE.) That you stay hydrated (at least 2Litres of water a day. Not pop, not coffee WATER), don't smoke (if you smoke get some Niccorette gum instead), Do not drink more than a couple alcoholic beverages a day(none if on pain meds or Tylenol/Acetominophen) and definitely use a stool softener. Lactulose is a great one, use as directed. If you crap out a hard one it will be your worst nightmare.(surgery and lots of it) Trust me I've been there! Hell on earth! You really need to stick to these things until such time as the Doc has given you the green light.

There is really no way to tell if it worked unless you start improving not declining. If it takes a turn for the worst get to the ER ASAP.

That's the best advice I can give you,

Hoping you a complete recovery,

Hi Cmack

Thankyou for your message. It really is tough, I am doing all that you have mentioned and as a plus I don't smoke. Unfortunately I did literally shit a brick on Tuesday despite using 2 lots of the stool softners that my surgeon put me on. That was my first bowel movement since surgery the week before and she said she didn't want this to happen. I had a load of blood when this happened and have had bleeding since. This was my 20th procedure since june 2013 and im sick of the thought of surgery and worried about something may have happened this time. I just want an end to this it really gets you down.

Thankyou again for you message

Kelly xx
Hi kelly1,

No sense worrying. you might still be OK. If you worry too much it will only bring you down.
I'm not surprised the brick caused blood! I know how bad it hurts when that happens. I'm cringing just thinking about it. that was a setback so hopefully within about ten days you should notice improvement. Is the pain easing off? I hope it settles down for you soon. Good thing you don't smoke as it delays healing in addition all the other bad stuff we already know about.

Sending you well wishes,


If the bleeding is heavy and wont stop you should get in touch with the surgeons office. Sometimes toughing it only makes matters worse. Wow 20 since then. And I though my 14 was bad!

Hi Cmack

Thankyou for your support. The pain is still pretty intense, I have the bleeding everytime I open my bowels, will keep and eye on it and will call my surgeon Monday if still the same. I know 20 its crazy I never thought I would have this mant but these fistulas can be stubborn.

Kelly xx
Dear ramorrison,

I have had that happen before too and I never did figure out why. My surgeon didn't seem surprised either, but had no real explanation.Nothing much ever did come of it. Maybe to be on the safe side, talk to the doc and see what it could be that happened. Let me know how it plays out I'm still curious about it myself.

wishing you luck,


Talked to my GI doc, he's recommend switching to remicade. Not sure if its just the bleeding every time i go to bathroom, or a mixture of blood results also. Also he mentioned doing a diversion ileostomy if remade doesn't help fistula. Hopefully remade works
Talked to my GI doc, he's recommend switching to remicade. Not sure if its just the bleeding every time i go to bathroom, or a mixture of blood results also. Also he mentioned doing a diversion ileostomy if remade doesn't help fistula. Hopefully remade works
I hope also that Remicade works for you. Keep us updated.
Good day,
I had the fistula plug surgery on 2nd of February for a high fistula. My hope was to find information on the internet of details refarding success or failure of the plug surgery with timelines so as to serve as a guide for mine. Unfortunately, there is little information. I'll try and provide my ongoing developments in the event it could aid others and hope I can solicit responses from those who have had this surgery before either as a success or failure.

I started with an abscess that created a high fistula in december 2015. In May I had a seton placed with goal of having a surgery after 90 days or so. I developed an abscess in my groin area which turned out to be another high fistula the day prior to scheduled surgery. The surgery was changed to a seton for the 2nd fistula. The setons continually drained but allowed me to have a decent life, save the constant drainage and chafing.

The 1st fistula eventually stopped draining around september and then both setons broke and fell out within a week of eachother around october. The first fistula closed and so far has remained healed. The second continued to stay open and drain. Crs was resistant to do anything, but agreed for plug surgery, which I had on 2feb.

I did a bowel prep prior to surgery to enable the internal site to rest without having a bowel movement so quickly after surgery. So far been trying to rest as much as possible and eat somewhat healthy. If I had the will power I would have continued a liquid diet a few days after. No bowel movement yet, a little scared on that front. There is about a centimeter of the plug that sticks out of the external opening of the fistula and that area has continued to drain lightly the last 3 days.

There is definately more pain then the setons which ive been switching between tylenol and narcs for.

Will update soon and hope to hear from others who have gone through the plug surgery

Good luck all,
Good day,
I had the fistula plug surgery on 2nd of February for a high fistula. My hope was to find information on the internet of details refarding success or failure of the plug surgery with timelines so as to serve as a guide for mine. Unfortunately, there is little information. I'll try and provide my ongoing developments in the event it could aid others and hope I can solicit responses from those who have had this surgery before either as a success or failure.

I started with an abscess that created a high fistula in december 2015. In May I had a seton placed with goal of having a surgery after 90 days or so. I developed an abscess in my groin area which turned out to be another high fistula the day prior to scheduled surgery. The surgery was changed to a seton for the 2nd fistula. The setons continually drained but allowed me to have a decent life, save the constant drainage and chafing.

The 1st fistula eventually stopped draining around september and then both setons broke and fell out within a week of eachother around october. The first fistula closed and so far has remained healed. The second continued to stay open and drain. Crs was resistant to do anything, but agreed for plug surgery, which I had on 2feb.

I did a bowel prep prior to surgery to enable the internal site to rest without having a bowel movement so quickly after surgery. So far been trying to rest as much as possible and eat somewhat healthy. If I had the will power I would have continued a liquid diet a few days after. No bowel movement yet, a little scared on that front. There is about a centimeter of the plug that sticks out of the external opening of the fistula and that area has continued to drain lightly the last 3 days.

There is definately more pain then the setons which ive been switching between tylenol and narcs for.

Will update soon and hope to hear from others who have gone through the plug surgery

Good luck all,
I wish you the best. You might check out the Surgery section also
Still going strong after plug surg 5 days ago. Pain has mostly gone. Still lots of drainage which has strong odor. Lots of sitz baths, taking it easy, and, trying to eat healthy.

Any post plug stories of success or failure with details and timelines would be appreciated
Still going strong after plug surg 5 days ago. Pain has mostly gone. Still lots of drainage which has strong odor. Lots of sitz baths, taking it easy, and, trying to eat healthy.

Any post plug stories of success or failure with details and timelines would be appreciated
Glad you are improving

You are doing the right things in my opinion. Sitz bath's are annoying, yet they feel good and help a lot. Keep them up it is the most important thing you can do. Keep you rear end clean like a New Corvette! The warm water brings blood to the surface too and speeds up recovery.

Wishing you all the best,

Hi everyone I had a sphincterotomy 7 weeks ago. I plan on training for a half marathon in a few weeks, does anyone know if running causes more stress to that area? I'm still
Sore.. I don't want to do anything that will cause damage!

Sorry to say. It may cause some pain if you run that far. I had trouble walking after mine. Maybe try short distances and see how you feel, then increase the distance slowly if everything is OK. Hope you make the top ten.

"If it hurts don't do it, if it feels good then do it often." -unknown :ysmile:

Hi everyone,

Just wondering if others have ever had problems with drainage if the outside portion of the fistula tract is closed? I had mucosal advancement flap. The outside closed soon after surgery and I was discharged. I recently had some swelling, which led to an MR Enterography that showed the tract did not close. My assumption is that it is still opened in the rectum, but there is no place for it to drain. I went on abx, and pain/swelling went away.

A couple days ago, I had a large amount of drainage. I saw GI and surgeon yesterday and am going for EUA on Tues next week. Surgeon says that the tract did not open on the outside. I guess my question is does puss, etc. build in the tract and when it can't escape, come back through the rectum and out of the anus. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks in advance.
Hi gaboy

I had my flap perocedure in January. I healed over very quickly on the outside. There was a tiny hole that was seeping drainage. I went in last Tuesday to hospital as I was in alot of pain. I had an infection and was taken to theatre and they done an EUA and I had a collection that had built up in the tract and it was also leaking from the anus. .I now have a seton back in and see my surgeon next week.

kelly x
Hi everyone,

Just wondering if others have ever had problems with drainage if the outside portion of the fistula tract is closed? I had mucosal advancement flap. The outside closed soon after surgery and I was discharged. I recently had some swelling, which led to an MR Enterography that showed the tract did not close. My assumption is that it is still opened in the rectum, but there is no place for it to drain. I went on abx, and pain/swelling went away.

A couple days ago, I had a large amount of drainage. I saw GI and surgeon yesterday and am going for EUA on Tues next week. Surgeon says that the tract did not open on the outside. I guess my question is does puss, etc. build in the tract and when it can't escape, come back through the rectum and out of the anus. Has anyone experienced this? Thanks in advance.

Yes this can happen. It happened to me. If it is leaking out it isn't likely an abscess so that is good. It needs to be looked at for sure. If it hurts or feels like pressure is building before your appointment on Tuesday go to the ER. I hope things improve.
