Got arrested..and released this morning

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Dec 18, 2010
I can't stress enough why Marijuana Law Reform is so important..I know its been in the works where I live, but the cops don't care if you got that card that says you're a medical marijuana patient.

Yesterday evening around 9:30 I was what you call '4 deep' when you have 4 people in a friend got a new car so we decided to go cruising back home from club/bar. It did smell a little bit like weed but the driver did not smoke. Next thing you know we see blue lights and I was like SHIT. It smells like weed in here! My stupid friend forgot to put her temp in the back window of her car! which is why we got pulled over.

We get searched and the whole bit and I was the only one arrested and charged with possession of paraphernalia which is ridiculous because it was only rolling papers! and in possession of a half ounce of weed. My dad said he knows an attorney who specializes in medical marijuana card holders so im hoping this gets cleared soon..I also got in touch of an advocacy group that said they'll help me a court date has yet to be determined.
Mind you folks in this particular part of Washington I live officer/deputy/state trooper much have a warrant present from a judge in order to search your vehicle whether it smells like marijuana or not or probably cause. THERE must be a warrant..and for good reason..They never even bothered to call it in..and they insisted they search me and the car. and they even ask "May we search you or the vehicle?" and I said "No you may not!" That's a legitimate gripe right there!
UGHHH that is a spoiler. I am sorry you had to go through something like that. I'm worried about a 3rd crab cake and you were in the clink...or at least I hope they didn't have the nerve to not let you go.
Dad bailed me out. Pops to the rescue. He wasnt pissed at me at all..he was pissed due to the fact how I was treated..Medical Marijuana laws for sick folk like me are in such a grey area and we're victimized and treated as if we're felons. I have red marks on my wrists and took pictures of it to show in court.
Now thats a bummer right there, but good to know your out of the grey bar hotel. I would think that since you where not the owner of the car and that it was your friends car you saying that you do not submit to a search would have no meaning to the cop that pulled you over, unless it was specifically for your person. Hopefully the atourney gets all the leagal stuff over with and gets it thrown out for you.
yeah I kind of said some stuff I shouldnt have..but regardless of how it went down..they had no right to search without a warrant. its a law where I live, anyway.
Well you just found the grey area that leo's will use to justify an arrest. Sucks, but untill it is completely legal without the dea huffing and puffing about it thats probably going to be the best there is.

Anyway some things to remember if you find yourself in that situation again, hopefully though you wont.

Dont consent to any search of your body, house, car, personal property, anything.
Dont talk to the cops about anything, just show them your medical card.
Request a lawyer.
Dont believe anything cops say about you, friends, loved ones, neighbors, or partners. They do this only to get information out of you.
Dont sign any statements.
Dont volunteer information.
Answere any questions with a question.
Be polite, yes it is hard, but firm in your response.
Do not resist arrest physically.
Well good luck and keep us updated as to what happens. Like I said, hopefully your attourney gets it thrown out for you, this disease is bad enough without that stress being added to it.
With a fellow japanese at the stand, I think this should be in my know how it is..maybe shes fair bias BS. Im sure the arresting officers will be there..and I know the state patrol makes all troopers show up regardless most of the time..especially in the matter of this. But there's no way these charges would stay. I have qualifying proof to use it. This place wouldnt just accept anyone to get a medical card...they went through my medical records with a fine tooth comb.
I'd take your medical records with you, research showing the efficacy of MMJ for people with IBD, and a short list of bullet points of what a day might look like for you when you're in a flare. It wouldn't get you off, but could earn you some serious leniency.

If it was me, I'd personally ask for a trial by jury and go for jury nullification but I wouldn't suggest others do so. I like to cause trouble like that ;)
wont need to..why bother? This attorney is taking my case for FREE cause he told me he's got a real good chance already..believe me im bringing all important paperwork and medical records so once the judge sees that this should turn the tables in my favor.
Well as predicted, all my charges dropped..including the possibility of being under the influence. This judge was great. I had all the paper work stated as to why I prescribed marijuana as a last resort if most or all current medications for treatment of Crohn's have failed me. My GI was even there to testify on my behalf to prove I was not in the wrong and shouldn't be despite the law. The judge then said to me "I can only imagine the pain and depression you go through and you definitely don't need this!" then she slam the gavel and called it a done deal and they also were ordered to give me back my weed and my pipe! Suckazzz!
Haha! Wow! Nice! I'm glad it worked out in your favor. :) Sorry you had to go through all that in the first place though. Not cool.

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