Green Stool

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Odd. I didn't realize my white stools were an indication of bile duct problems. I guess that's something to talk about when I get a GI. A GI's kind of a pandora's box though. I have to worry about getting pestered to do tons of expensive tests I couldn't even afford on an income based sliding scale price.
That was the originating search for me, was white stools. They aren't completely white yet and it very well might explain why my nausea is out of control. I will keep a close eye and see if they continue to get whiter - if they do I will be calling my GI pronto.
:( i'm colour blind, so i always find it hard to distinguish exactly what colour it is..
Ya I went to my GI Thursday, I have an Upper Endoscopy on Friday. He prescribed me Zofran but my Medicaid only will cover 15 pills a month (he prescribed 60 a month) but I am trying to get approved for more (it helps some but not all of it.) If the scope is negative, he wants to do a brain scan, and then who knows after that. I may, mention my white streaked stool to him as well if these last two weren't flukes or something.
It's curious that they label only 1 color of stool to be foul smelling. I've smelled all the others. I disagree.
That's what my gf says.

Why are you eating floral arrangements? Maybe you're not really sick?

I still have ongoing nausea and my stools are "normal" colour now.. I asked my gastro cons about this as I keep trying to stop my anti sickness tablets and within a few days am running to throw up again spontaneously. He said sometimes they never find a cause and its just a case of managing it - oh joy lol


You really make me laugh! Love the thought processes on that last comment ;-)
Anything coming out of the back end for me smells like something crawled up there and died!
You caught me, I have been eating Garden Hyacinth in order to cause the symptoms of Crohns. I just wanted so bad to have the disease that I was willing to stop at nothing to be diagnosed with it.

I am so ashamed!!!!!! Hehehehe, giggle.

Soupy - I am more concerned on the right treatment for my nausea. 1) Not sure my insurance will cover long term / lifetime supplies on Zofran without a clear medical cause and 2) My doctor is likely to attribute my nausea to stress and anxiety without him seeing a cause hence not treating the symptoms but telling me to reduce my stress.

I really don't want to lose my meds for it.
Would eating flowers cause Crohn's symptoms? I'm going to start spiking peoples food so they know what I'm going through ;)
Yes Isla I can completely see where you are coming from. All any of us ever wants is the correct diagnosis and treatment for it no matter what the problem. Unfortunately it doesnt always work that way in medicine as you know yourself.

The harder aspect of meds and insurance yet again rears its ugly head and I just think its so unfair that folk are held to ransom over their health!!! GRRRRRR

I really hope you get the answers you deserve and some relief soon on a permanent basis.
funny they actually have like bws1982 stated only one type of foul-smelling why do I have a pile of matches next to the john to cover the so wonderful scent as they stated?

Pen Matches work wonders, don't they!!!

Lately though I had in one weekend every color on the scale, plus a few I didn't want to have, blood and puss...yucky!

anyway, I have learned that anything outside your normal, should be noted and consulted, changes with this disease allthough slight, can me huge indicators, especially if you feel bad at the same time!

Doc I didn't know when you eat frogs your stool is green!