Has this happened to anyone? (For bad gas patients)

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Mar 14, 2009
The other day I had a lot of sugar and other things I shouldn't of eaten. I started feeling so much better so i guess i was over endulging.

I have been extremely gassy lately from the TPN and other crap i think im eating.. Plus good Red meat for my iron..

Well i have been having pretty odd oncomfortable "i cant sleep pain" in my Mid back left and right and occasionaly lower back as well..
It almost feels like cramping as if i walked a mile.. Even the Fentanyl patches dont have much effect on it.

So i was walking around at the mall with a friend and all the sudden started getting shooting pain in these areas every few minutes..

It started hurting so bad i almost cried. Thought about my lungs.... kidneys.. all the peccimistic stuff..
I ran to the bathroom after barely making it there and moved a bowel and let out a lot of gas... Ill admit it did relieve the escrutiating pain.. My friend wanted to take me to the E.R but i said i was fine..

I called my doctor right away to be on the safe side..
I thoguht to myself... I get once a week bloodworkups so i know my kidneys and other stuff is ok..

my doc said an emergency situation for me would be a High Fever, vomiting and nausea... I was told that the over endulging and fructose corn syrup and put gas in the weirdest places and can be QUITE painful... was relieved to know.. Still bothers me at night and in the mourning.. I need to take it easy on that..

Anyone else? Gas experiences
I had very strange back pain about 10 years ago.

I used to wake up at night with excruciating pain in my back. The muscles seemed to cramp up all at once.

My GI took it seriously, CAT scans and x-rays were taken.
He did see enough of a connection between the pain and Crohn's, this is why he took it seriously.

It turned out that I had broken one of my ribs, close to the spine. A nerve got trapped in the crack and the bone healed over the nerve.
So when I lay down to sleep, after a while, the nerve would pinch, sending the muscles into spasm.

The problem wasn't Crohn's related, but he thought there may have bee a connection.

I don't know if this is what your pain felt like. But it's always good to get it seen to.
dan, i can go hours with it and hours without any discomfort. the discomfort prolly isn't as bad as the pain your describing... I did have a pain in my ribs before because i was SO Skinny.. so hey who knows..

Thing is.. a good Bowel movment and gas relief usually does it so i appreciate your response.
ugh...yep every once in a while I get that when I dont do the things I know I should...like I have been dying a wee bit the last 2 days..it sure can be excruciating...I also have a fistula that puts gas into the most uncomfortable places...too much info..but oh yes i hear you, it's a joy. :p
Oh I know how you feel!!! Mine usually isn't in my back, but it has been in the past...it's usually right under the left side of my ribcage...and YIKES!!! Last week it happened at work, and I had to go curl up in our lunch room for an hour and a half and massage the spot before I could get any relief. Relief that came in the form of a big, large, loud, smelly toot. But MAN did it ever feel good!

It actually happens quite often...but for me I can pretty much figure out exactly what I ate that gives me that type of gas. My doc said to sip a cup of hot water with lemon, it helps move the gas down. Or you could try laying on the ground and moving your legs in a bicycle kind of motion...although for me, that would have been too painful.

Hopefully that's all it is in your case!

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