Hating life

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Jun 6, 2011
Do you ever get to the point where you just hate your life? I'm getting over bronchitis, the antibotics made me sick. I'm going through a miserable divorce where I keep getting told that even though my ex tested positive for drugs, even though my ex admitted there is a child molestor in the house he lives in, even though my child is told if he talks about anything that happens to him while with my ex then someone will break in and kill me, the only father figure my child has ever known and my child, and even though my ex does not hae a license and can neer get one and he has peope with warrents and driving under suspended licenses and even many of them have been arrested for drugs there is no way we can ask for supervised visitation or no overnights. I'll just have to deal with not knowing where my child is and if he is safe every other weekend and every Weds because that's the standard. I don't understand...It's miserable. I don't know what else to do...
All I can say is you have to be strong for your child. Without you, who knows what kind of life your child will be facing. As parents, all we can do is be there for our children and to protect them the best we can.

My heart goes out to you because our own son has been through a nasty marriage and split up. We worried about our grandkids. Our ex daughter in law ran from the police and left our 11 year g-daughter standing there. She was put in foster care and we were unable to she her for almost 8 months.

Stay strong for your child.
I'm very sorry that you are going through such a terrible situation. I worry about my children all the time and can't imagine what you must be going through. I agree that we have to stay strong for our children and hope that you can draw some strength also from all the support you have here.

Wishing you and your son all the best
This is worrying. Why do you have to let your boy go to this house? I find it sinister that he isn't allowed to speak about what goes on there. And you can be sure that you will never get better with that kind of stress/pressure/worry on your plate. I know everything is hard when you're feeling ill, but maybe you should get the authorities involved. Your child is being hreatened!
Take care. Keep us posted.
I have to let him go because there are court orders and the case is ongoing so if I don't send him I could loose everything. He gets threatened often and we've gotten CPS involved but CPS dropped the case when they heard we're in a divorce. Everytime something happens my ex's attorney gets involved and each case is insufficiently investigated. My child is at the point where he doesn't trust anyone of authority because they don't care he's gotten to the point where he won't tell anyone who is supposed to protect him about the threats because in the end it does nothing for him. I don't blame him. :/
There has to be some avenue for him. Some type of child advocate? My heart really goes out to you and your son. The stress of this situation has got to be huge.

Hugs to you and your son. There is nothing more precious then a child and to have to go through this is heartbreaking.

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