Hawkeye'e Fitness Thread

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How hot has it been in your area? It's quite hot here today, supposedly going to be 91 F and very humid! My guts don't do well with high heat and humidity, yuck. I'll be staying indoors in the air conditioning today I guess.
Tonight at 6PM it is 25C (77F) - the "feel like" temperature with the humidity is 28C (82F)

It was hot all weekend - planted trees and shrubs yesterday
Ran 2 -10 and 1s this morning, ended up doing about 3K (+/-2 miles). The afternoon was spent planting 4 boxwoods, pruning some cedars and spreading 90 kg (about 200 pounds) of line on the lawn.
Been pretty good at getting out for runs this week 2 sets of 10 and 1. Managed to get out for a run around the neighbourhood and back this morning by 8:05.
Kept the running up over vacation and am adding a third set onto the 10 and 1s to get up to a 30 minute run time. The local marathon/half/10K/5Ks were this weekend, but we were out of town.

If they have the same schedule next year I may be crazy enough to try the Friday night 5K, Saturday 5K and Sunday 10K.
So that would be 3 races in 3 days - the 5k, 5k, 10k? That sounds challenging but I am sure you could do it! Especially if you have a whole year to train for it. Go for it, Hawkeye! :)
Yes, it is a goal to look forward to. The next race I am looking at is a 5K in October. Then maybe a 5K or 2 in December and then keep up the running over the winter.

Did 4.35km this morning in just under 30 minutes, back at the house shortly after 8.
Gross morning for a run even with a shiny pair of new sneakers: 21C feels lke 30C with the 95% humidity. Ended up taking a lot of walk breaks
Cool shoes, I like the color! I love buying new workout clothes and shoes. It's weird that it's hot there, it's become quite cool here - feels like autumn already. We've had temps in the 50s F (about 10 C), windy and overcast - I've had to wear sweaters and jackets the past few days! Brr! Too soon, it's still August! Let me have a bit more summer before it becomes autumn!
4ish kms in 27ish minutes. I say "ish" beacuse my Garmin froze up on my run 14,672 steps so far today though.
Pretty good week, managed to get out for a run Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday was hard due to the heat.
that great I have the hot pink gel kayano
I ran 1 mile 13 min and did a workout with my trainer
It holiday so I off to enjoy the rest of my day!
Way to go Hawkeye
I feel better when I can workout
Starting to get into the cooler rainy weather here in the Pacific Northwest
Love my kayanos, have to look for another pair to have as a backup.

Went out for 22 minutes tonight and did 3.35 km
Another run last night on the treadmill and one planned for outside tomorrow morning.

Tonight I registered for a 5K next month and bought a new pair of running shoes - not sure if they will be an snazzy as the green ones I have now.
I hope your calf is okay! It's always such a sinking feeling when you think you might have injured yourself working out. If you have anything like a foam roller or a stick roller, use that on your calf and that will hopefully help.
Did work out today with trainer I am exhausted A good full body workout mostly weights one set out three rep set of excersize he had me on the treadmill for a min and half on 10.0 hill :eek:tomorrow is a rest day!! :yrolleyes:

Hope your calf is feeling better
You're running a lot lately! Every other day it seems like, based on your posts? Training for a race or just enjoying running regularly?
Trying to get out every second day. I am registered for a 5K in a month and am looking to register for one in December and on another on New Years Eve.
Had an OK week at keeping up with the running. Got out for 5k Saturday morning, had a crappy run on Monday night and did 2.7km on the treadmill tonight
3.2k on the treadmill tonight in 26 minutes. Ran the first 20 minutes straight. Had to work off the chicken wings I had for supper
5 K this morning in 33:46 - had to break out the gloves. They days of running in shorts and a t-shirt are coming to an end or a bit
How cold is it there? It's getting cooler here as well, temps in the 40s F at night and high temps in the 50s - 60s F during the day. Not cold yet but definitely jacket weather, I've had to wear long sleeves for sure when walking the dog lately. Getting cooler and feeling like autumn for sure.

Did I tell you that I'm going to do my first 5K ever? :) I can't jog due to my arthritis so I'm going to walk it (slow walking is actually encouraged in this race, it's a non-timed and non-competitive race). My mom and I are going to Japan in the spring. She's running a marathon there and I'll be walking the 5K in the same race. It sounds really fun and we'll be there when the cherry blossoms are blooming, so I want to get out and walk around a lot anyway to see the beautiful sights. I'll be bringing my camera for sure, it sounds like a wonderful time. So yeah, that'll be my first official 5K! Tokyo in the springtime! :D
That's great on the 5K Cat. I was out for 3.3 tonight in 22 minutes. It was warm enough for shorts and a t-shirt.

It was 2C here on Sunday morning. The next few days have a forecast high of 16C and lows down to 8C, although it is forecast to go down to 4C on Saturday night
It hasn't been quite that warm here - I had to have pants and a jacket for walking the dog yesterday, couldn't get away with shorts or a t-shirt. It rained a bit today too and was really windy. I haven't turned the heat on in the house yet but I did put the flannel winter sheets on the bed last week.
Out for 4.5 k this morning, Had to pull on gloves and a light toque. %C with a windchill of 0. The long weekend is here
Thanks. just relaxing for the rest of the day before going back to work tomorrow. Managed to get out to vote yesterday at the advanced poll for the election.
Glad it's not a flare and just a bug! Still, I bet that was a miserable night. Good to hear you're recovering pretty quickly.
Got the 5K done this morning in 32:06, not a personal best, about a minute slower than last year, but faster than I thought I'd do.

Ran the first 2.5 k straight until the water station, then took a walk break, then ran some more until 4K and another walk break and then to the finish.

All in all a good day and a medal and a technical running shirt to boot.
Did you get a medal for placing in your age group, or was it a race where everyone got a medal? Either way, congrats! The 5K that I'll be walking in Japan, it looks like everyone gets a medal in that race, so I'll be bringing home a cool Japanese 5K medal and am very excited about that. :)
Cool, nice color on the shirt! I like bright colors in workout clothes, I feel drab wearing black/white/grey all the time in the gym. Green is much better than black/white/grey.
Took most of the week off - my sciatic was bothering me earlier in the week, but i managed to do 2.4 k on the treadmill last night
I just got back on the rowing machine (was a rower pre-crohn's)...did 2000 m, said screw that and came home.

My body must've missed it though, it forced me back the next day and found I wasn't at weak as I thought - I've been pumping 10K each day for the last week. Although my times are out of whack pre-diagnosis, it's a good feeling :)
Rough week. I have been fighting a cold since Friday/Saturday. Got on the treadmill tonight for the first time in a week and did 2.14 k in 18 minutes
There are some nasty colds going around lately, I've had 3 colds just this fall! Feel better soon!
Did a 5K family fun run/walk today for charity in about 45 minutes. I ran a bit am still getting over a cold. There was still a bit of snow and slush under foot on parts of the route.
Yuck, hope that cold goes away soon. Wow, we have only had one snowstorm so far and the snow didn't last long. It snowed the Friday night/Sat morning on the weekend before Thanksgiving, but it was already all melted by Thanksgiving. Haven't had any sticking snow since, just alternating rain and sun. Everything is green/brown here still.
Did the 5k run last night. We onky did 4k though, the trail was really icy. It was above freezing for most of the day and the temperature started to drop when the sun went down. It was like running on black ice
No running this week. I have been dealing with severe headaches since Wednesday. I was originally going to the doctor on Monday but ended up going to the ER this morning. Turns out it is a sinus infection. Picked up the course of antibiotics and some sinus meds at the pharmacy this morning so I should be on the mend soon
No running this week. I have been dealing with severe headaches since Wednesday. I was originally going to the doctor on Monday but ended up going to the ER this morning. Turns out it is a sinus infection. Picked up the course of antibiotics and some sinus meds at the pharmacy this morning so I should be on the mend soon
Wishing you the best.
Feeling better today- its day 2 of antibiotics, had a bit of nausea around lunchtime.
Managed to get the outdoor Christmas lights down and put away in the garage and get the weekly grocery run done.
Shoveling is in my near future too. We're supposed to get anywhere from 1 to 10 inches of snow tomorrow, depending on how the storm tracks. Current estimates are roughly in the 5 to 8 inch zone, so I'm sure I'll be helping the hubby shovel if we get that much.
Back at it. Went out tonight to start to get back into running. Did 7 sets of run 1 minute, walk 2 minutes.
That's great that you're back at it! I've been flaring since late July so I haven't done any exercise at all in weeks. It's driving me crazy. I love to read about others who can exercise though so keep up the good work!
Up to 10 sets of run 1 minute, walk 1 minute. Had to run on the treadmill this morning as it is raining here
Good job! I've been walking as much as I can now that this flare is finally on its way out. I nearly got my 10,000 steps in yesterday and my goal is to reach 10,000 steps today. I haven't been to the gym in months but I'm working my way back up to that!
Tried the running track at the gym Wednesday night, did another batch of 10 and 1s it's almost 830 and I am up to 3100 steps already between the walk to the school bus and fertilizing the lawn
Started 6 and 1s (3 sets) on the treadmill this morning. Aiming for running 10 minutes straight by the end of February. Then hoping to do a 10k this year
Hey there!

Glad to see you're still here on the forum and able to keep up with your fitness goals. Good luck with your 10k training! I'd love to hear about your current training routine.

Still at it. Did a 10k and 5-5ks last year. Training for a 10 k.
Right now I am running for 6 minutes and walking 1 minute for 3 sets. I will do that for another couple of days (I try to run every and day) and then do 2 sets of running for 8 minutes walk for 1 minute and then run for 2 minutes. After that it will be running 10 minutes and walking 1 minute. It is a program where you start at running 1 minute then walking 1 minute for 10 sets and gradually increase the running to get to 10 and 1s. Once I am up to 10 and 1s, I will work at increasing my long runs each week.

Even when you are doing a race with this program they recommend doing it in10 and 1s.
It's based on the program from the Running Room store, which I think has some similarities with the Jeff Galloway running programs.
Back at it again in 2020. Ran 2,6 km yesterday, it was nice enough that I ran outside. Up to running 4ish minutes and walking a minute.