
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 9, 2011
Hello everyone,
My name is Eli. I am a 20 year old female and this is my story.
Since about July of last year, I started to see blood when I went to the toilet. Both in the actual stool and on the TP, and dismissed it as a type of bug, or fissure, hoping it would go away with time. Well, it didn't and continued to get worse, with severe urgency multiple times a day, D, and lots of blood, sometimes "blood clot" looking things. In the mean time I got a horrible sinus infection, so went to the Dr. was given a steroid shot and a "Z pac" (an antibiotic) and was sent on my way. The symptoms seemed to go away, so I thought I was getting better because for about 2 weeks everything seemed much more normal than before. But then, things went downhill fast urgency of bloody D up to 10 times a day with nausea resulting in no appetite, getting bloated and crampy feelings after eating anything, and horrible pain and "hot flashes" when I had to go to the toilet, or while I was using the toilet. I finally concluded that this was not going away and should see the Dr. at the end of Oct. because I was constantly feeling tired and dizzy (prob. from losing so much blood and dehydration from the D.). I went to my GP and was prescribed 325 mg Iron and Lomotil, and ordered to get a blood test and stool sample (at first the Dr. thought I had a bacterial infection such as salmonella or something like that). Well it wasn't any of that and was referred to a GI. I went to my appointment and the Dr. said he thought it was UC or Crohn's and was surprised there wasnt a history of either in my family, and was ordered a colonoscopy for the end of Dec. Had the procedure and the Dr. found was he thinks (75% sure) is moderate UC but took samples to biopsy to make sure it isnt Crohn's. I have a follow up appointment in the middle of Jan. to discuss the finding and how my medicine is working. He prescribed me asocol and entocort (2 pills 3x / day asocol and 3 pills a day of entocort). I have been on both for just about 2 weeks now and still get blood and painful urgency but only about 2-3 times a day and my stool seems to be hardening up (not as much D.). My Dr. said he wanted me to try this so I could have time to "research" the biologics so we could discuss which one I would feel more comfortable with starting at my follow up app. But I feel it is a little early to start on remicade, humira, or cimzia, and I am also worried about the side effects of these drugs, such as tiredness, increased risk of certain types of cancers etc.
Does anyone have any advice on what I should so, like continue with the entocort and asocol for a while longer or try another medication with not as many side effects and risk factors?

Thank you so much for taking the time out to read this, and sorry it is so long!! Can't wait to start becoming involved in what seems like a wonderful and helpful community of people with similar problems! :)
Hi Eli and welcome :bigwave: Have a look at our treatment forum as this will have lots of info about the meds already mentioned to you and others that are less invasive on the system. I would say it is definetly worth asking about alternatives to try first if possible, even though you are not fully well it seems the meds you have been put on are already helping and you haven't been on them a huge while so something 'milder' could work for you. Glad your here and hope things continue to get better for you :)
Hi Eli and welcome! I am sorry about your recent diagnosis. If your GI is suggesting a biologic, you most likely have a good deal of inflammation that warrants the treatment. I know the side effects can sound pretty scary, but remember, allowing your IBD (Crohn's or UC) to run wild can be very bad.

However, only you can decide what's right for your body. I suggest doing some homework in the Treatment forum. There are sub-forums on each biologic. I think you'll find it very helpful.

Good luck with your upcoming appointment. Please let us know how it goes!
Welcome to the forum, Eli.

I, like you, started out with steroids and asacol. I was diagnosed with moderate/severe UC. Now I'm on Remicade, and am very grateful for getting my life back.

I know how scary it sounds, but if it works, it is very much worth it to use it.

Whatever you decide to do, we are all here for you. :hug:
Oh my goodness! Thank you all for such encouraging messages! The Treatment forum seems very helpful.. I will definitely be spending a lot of time there from now until my next appointment :)! It's just hard trying to decide on which one would be my first option because they all seem so similar .. with the exception of self-injectable vs. having to go in to the dr.'s office.. but hopefully I'll be able to narrow them down to one and respond to it!

Thanks again for all of the encouragement and well wishes!