
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jul 2, 2011
I have undiagnosed Crohns. I have all the symptoms and I was supposed to have a C-scope a few months ago but because I was nursing a baby I didn't want to deal with possible nursing interruptions so I have waited. The last few months have been very good pain free and diarrhea free. I made some alterations to my diet and was smooth sailing. That was until this past Wednesday I ate something was should not have and now I have not been the same since. All day on Thursday I was cramping along my transverse colon. But no diarrhea. Then on Thursday night it started and has not stopped. I have not eaten anything in 42 hours but the diarrhea and the cramping will not stop. Yesterday I had a gatorade and it reappeared in the toliet as blue feces. Which is completely gone now. Even water makes me cramp and have to run to the bathroom. I'm not on an meds. Yesterday morning I took an imodium with did nothing. I have a headace that is splitting is 10 different directions, from lack of food and my morning coffee... I don't know what to do. If I eat I know I will cramp and give my body something more to push out. It is Sunday and a holiday weekend. Should I go to urgent care, or the ER. I feel stuck..HELP please.

Thank you ,
We have a saying around here, that if you have to ask if you need urgent care or the ER, you probably do!

That means that yes, you need to get yourself down there. Tell them you are awaiting results and have suspected Crohns disease and they must treat you accordingly. Really insist on that.

Good luck, and please keep us posted!
HI Angela :welcome: There are a few people in the same boat. One, if you are still nursing , it maybe a good idea to stop, but check with your doctor. Nursing will suck the nutrients that you need to provide for yourself and the baby. You also dont want to be on any meds even OTC because it goes to the baby. You are having caffeine withdrawl and I know about that too. If you have some applesauce, Rice, bread or toast, known as the brat diet, but for now applesauce should help. If you continue through this, you will lack potassium and other vitamins can be dangerous. I am not a doctor but I have had experienced crohns for 20 years. If it keeps up , I would go to the ER, an IV is the only way to help you so you dont dehydrate. Please let us know your updates ok, we are here, hope you are ok.
Hey Angela

I would also recommend going to the ER and getting checked out, I have crohn's over 20 and I gave birth to two children in the last 3 1/2 yrs and I breastfed also but it took it out of me big time, my GP recommend I stop feeding at 8 weeks on my second as I was losing so much weight. I wasn't bathroom bound at that stage but I couldn't get enough calories into me to sustain us both.
If your not managing to get food/ fluids in then you could end up really ill really fast and you don't want that with a young baby to look after. Can I ask how old your little one is now? Please go get checked out and keep us updated.

Sending you hugs, take care

Gwen xxx
Thanks everyone...I stayed home, and Im feeling slightly better. I managed to eat a little hoping it is going to stay.
I have weened my little one who is now 18 months. She weened just in the pasts few weeks. When I was supposed to have the scope she was still nursing so I opted out of the scope at the time.
This has been my worst flare up and I hope I on the mend..Thanks for the tips and I will go to the ER if I get any worse as I start to eat again.

Hey Angela

Do you think your symptoms came about when you were weening of just after??? I had flare a few months after I gave up feeding my second, but I did do a house move in that time and I think it all contributed to my fall.
Hope you are feeling better soon, oh and good on you for feeding for that length of time.

Gwen xxx

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