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May 25, 2010
Plese excuse typos and bluntness, still lots of pain and drugs, but getting better. On that nnote,

Not much now, just getting my strenght up, but apparently surgery was long overdue, they are all glad it's done, and I'll be glad as soon as I can poop so they'll take this darned NG tube out. Surgeon offered to "jumpstart" things with a suppository today, but I feel gurglings and I'd rather heal on God's time, not mine, so we are giving it until tomorrow. I am still not complettly sure what they did, other than I Have four cuts, took ileum, appendix, 1.5 ft of colon, and it was "clogged" up more than they realized. My GI dr. looked actually cute today with a smug little, "I've been telling them surgeons all along" looks on his face. He's and older physician from I think India. He's a trip and today was his first day back after surgery was done. He looked like the cat that got the cream.

As for recovvery....slow. Had good day yesterday, reallly really bad day today, better tonight, and everyone is telling me as soon as I start farting and/or pooping things will start healing a lot faster. I'm in no hurry. I just want it done right. I have no Idea how people go through this more than once. However, my husband and I discussed we had the long decision waitig period, now the dr.s are saying something about my prednisone usage will slow things down, (if they had done it sooner, another non-issue) developed the blood clots in the legs 3 weeks ago which changes recovery, so it has been a lot of unusual variables we had to deal with, too.

I thought I typed a note here last nite, but not sure. Bear with me, i'm still very drugged, dazed, confused, and abnormal on a good day. You all are the very best.

When I'm well, for those that are interested, got unusual stories to tell, but for now, just know that I had one of my worst times today, starting with very small amount of very dark urine that had a few people nervous. Soon after, my sister-in-law and niece stopped by. I was in and out of it, very very strange. Before leaving, they had prayer over me. within an hour after the left, I was filled with an amazing determination and strenght. Had to quickly get up, been urinating a LOT and normal color, considered, and have been on a steady upward spiral ever since. For me, I believe in the power of prayer and in God's timing. I do not wish to offend anyone with other belief's, but for me, this inspirational moment today feels like a turning point. Along with my sister's prayers today was many other prayers from many of you and they are being answered. For those with other belief's, your thougths and well wishes are tremendiously felt and appreciated. I'm stopping here before I get too emotional.

On this note......back to recovery, I'll be on and off the forum as comfortably for me, as well as facebook. and Dexky and Pasobuf, thanks for helping with that.

As always, last request, special prayers and thoughts to our little forum Princess Maddie! I probably shouldn't put it that way because I know there are other parents with little ones suffering just the same, but for those who know, Maddie has a special place in my heart. No offense to the other families of toddlers going through the same thing, and you are all included in my prayers.

Will I chat this much when they take me off the drugs?

See ya'll later!!!!!! It's great to be home, even just for a little while. I miss you all.
All is right again!!! Good to have you back Bev!!! Good night from the Bluegrass state!!!

Hi MisB, :bigwave::bigwave::bigwave:

I am soooooooooo happy to see you back, YAY!!! It's so great to hear that everything went well and I hope it all settles for you when have your poop. Onward and upward to a speedy recovery!

Thinking about you, :hug::hug::hug:
Bev, you're back! *Mwa!* Wonderful that you're seeing God's timing coming through. Praying for you! Keep on getting better.
Awwww Bev, We are glad that you are back and giving us your love and support as always. You are such a special Lady and princess maddie sends you love, hugs and kisses to her Angel. I am glad to see you back on the forum cause that means you are starting to feel good enough to drop by, that is a plus in my book.

You have been through so much and I truly hope that you start feeling better soon. You never cease to amaze me by always thinking of someone else when you are hurting and going through a tough time. Keep getting better, we miss you on the forum and cant wait to hear from you more. keep us updated on your progress whenever you are feeling up to it.

You are in our thoughts and prayers daily
love and hugs to you
woohoo! you're typing on the forum despite being drugged & recovering from surgery - lol you've really got CF-Addiction! :D

Bev it has made my day to log in here and see you've posted, and even moreso to hear you sounding so positive and noticing little improvements already.

these first few days where you feel like you're in a goldfish bowl, being peered at, prodded, your urine frowned over, your bottom activities noted and celebrated - they'll pass very quickly, and soon you'll be up on your feet causing havoc on the ward :)

to me, it doesn't matter where you get your faith & healing from, whether it's religion, love from other people, medical care, or your own inner strength and determination - it's the fact that you have the ability to shine through these bad times that matters, and you certainly have that.

((big hugs)) to you Bev - me and my family are thinking of you and sending our love.
Yay Bev! I came here specifically this morning to see if there was any news about/from you - and I wasn't disappointed! Glad to hear you are on the mend!...and will be looking for more positive updates! Lisa
Yay Bev, so glad to hear you're on the mend and well enough to post on the forum again! I hope that the healing process continues to go well and that you can get the NG tube out soon. Hugs!
Good stuff Bev! Glad you are the mend. Don't be in too much of a hurry, the more you look after yourself the better you will heal. Just keep moving your feet, a few times a day. Will stop from retention of water and blood pooling. When you are able,and you start to walk that is when you will start releasing gas.

All the best, keep up the good recovery. Let us know all the details when you know!! Big Hugs!!!!!!!!!
Glad to hear you seem to be on the road to recovery and you have such a great attitude. Keeping you in my prayers that you can poop and/or fart soon. God bless
Hiya, Bev! I am so very happy that you are on the mend. Sounds like your just one game of "pull my finger" and your homebound! :ylol2::ylol2::ylol2::ylol2:
glad your a bit better, missed ya.
(((((((((((((((((( MisB )))))))))))))) yes, it is all good things from here... :)

If youa re anything like me, as soon as they pull out that stupid NG tube, healing time starts to fly by!! Man, I hate that thing...to me it is the WORST part of the whole surgery!! Tryin' to walk around the ward feeling like an elephant with an embarrassingly small trunk.....

Anywhos, so happy to hear things are on the uphill swing. Stay strong. :) :)
Hi Bev,
I hope you are continuing with your recovery today and are feeling some improvement, We are thinking about you....
Great to hear from you! Sounds like things are headed in the right direction - hallelujah!

I agree with Ding. These days seem slow now, but looking back on it they'll just be a distant memory. Especially when you start to really feel great. It will all be worth it :)
What a wonderful testament to the power of prayer. All the best to you and I hope you fart very,very soon! Hee Hee

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