Horrible dim ache in left side

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Mar 16, 2009
horrible dim ache in left side

I have a horrible dim ache on my left side near my hip, already know I have crohns, had right hemi colectomy 16 mnths ago. I was in hospital because of this a month ago and its come back, the consultant said I had infection so was given iv antbiotics. I am now trying to ignore it until it gets so painful I cant stand it, and try and think its all in my mind and it will go away.

I do find it hard to go to the loo, then all of a sudden I will go and dont think I'm going to stop. Is this normal with crohns or not. I also am freezing cold one minute and then half hour later I cant stop sweating, then it will go.
Kari- I am not a doctor, but what you are describing sounds like a stricture pain to me. At least that's how I feel when mine is acting up. I can also feel it every time I goto the restroom.

The freezing cold- hot thing, are you on Pred? I'm usually freezing off pred, and when I'm on it, I'm burning up.

Lastly- Since you've had surgery. Better be safe than sorry. Perhaps you should go have that pain checked out. You could have some kinda post op complication. I'd hate for some massive infection or tear to be going on. =(
Kittee said:
Kari- I am not a doctor, but what you are describing sounds like a stricture pain to me. At least that's how I feel when mine is acting up. I can also feel it every time I goto the restroom.

The freezing cold- hot thing, are you on Pred? I'm usually freezing off pred, and when I'm on it, I'm burning up.

Lastly- Since you've had surgery. Better be safe than sorry. Perhaps you should go have that pain checked out. You could have some kinda post op complication. I'd hate for some massive infection or tear to be going on. =(

Thanks Kittee - I mentioned it to my GP, as this is on the left not on the right where I had my colectomy. Yes its difficult to go when I'm on the loo like its stuck, then it will just release and then cant stop. He just said when I next have a problem he wants me back asap. Im going to take a stool softener. The feeling when Im not going is like a pulling or swollen sensation inside, and am careful what I wear round my hips / waist as I can feel it then.

My consultant wont put me on steroids, was on them for a spell in hosp, but for some reason he dosent want me on them.
Hi Karisue

I had pains in my left leg before my first op. It turns out I had fairly extensive adhesions which may have had an effect on the nerves running down to my leg. I still get numbness, tingling and sometimes even soreness in the same leg especially when I have a difficult BM. I'm not saying that this is definitely what you have, just sharing my experience which I hope helps.

Good luck with it all.

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