- Joined
- Mar 30, 2014
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- 34
Hang in there everybody. Hope stands for: Hold On Pain Ends.
dear stelarjess: I am exhausted every day. Some call it fatigue. Some call it tired. I can totally understand how you feel. I used to have migraine headaches back in 2006 and 2007 and they were very painful. I once waited six hours in the Emergency Room to get help for a terrible, terrible migraine. Since I wasn't bleeding to death or missing a limb I suppose I got put down at the end of the list. So there I sat in a wheelchair in the Emergency Room waiting room leaning against a wall for six hours. I don't have one day where I don't have a pain or ache or discomfort. Many people dream of money or fame, I dream of having a good nights sleep and waking up refreshed and having no physical or emotional pain for just 24 hours.
NEWT: Hey, don't worry about the foods on your list. You can eat anything you want to. Some foods that make one person have diarrhea may make another person have constipation. It is good to have a list of foods that don't bother you. I eat a very small variety of foods....
I eat my healthy breakfast smoothie, I will eat cereal and milk. And I will eat macaroni and cheese. These are my basics. I gave up coffee and candy four months ago. Keep in touch. Keep eating those gummies, you should be able to eat something that makes you happy.:ylol:
It's taken me 2 years to convince him that just because *I* can't eat something doesn't mean he shouldn't buy it for himself.
Stellarjess..don't feel guilty for missing work. Any one of your co-workers would do the same if they felt like you. I used to practically crawl to the time clock in the mornings at my job. I was a CNA in a nursing home night shift for 15 years. Taking off work was a major no- no there. No sympathy when dealing with that corporation. At times my knees would look like cantaloupes and if it wasn't for the residents bathrooms..which BTW we were not allowed to use...ughhhh !! It would have gotten very ugly. I finally had enough and had to apply for SSDI . I was granted that after the first try and even though it's not much it's better than nothing . I shudder at the thought of them reviewing my case . I imagine with the funds running out as we're told constantly by the media it would be easy for them come up with a way to say "NO MORE" . !!
I never had an iron infusion..they give me packed red blood cells when I get badly anemic ? I too am having that overwhelming fatigue and just had my Remicade infusion last Monday. I get sick on iron pills..you too ?
I can't imagine working anymore. I struggle just doing basic things here at home . Only outlets I have are grocery shopping (even that is starting to be too much my feet kill me less than half way through ) and Dr. appt.s . I would have someone shop for me but it's the only chance I get to see the world. Pretty pathetic...huh ?
I'm older yes ..but I have friends who are my age and enjoying the freedom of retirement and I can't help but feel a tad jealous at times. If they only knew how lucky they are to be healthy...to trade places for a day would do it for them. Sigh
Hang in there girl better days ahead..? Sorry for the long story.