How are you feeling today?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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I ate at a restaurant yesterday, bad idea. I am real sick today. I have suffered with Ulcerative Colitis for 20 years. My old account here was "Ann Morgan." No one has posted here for 4 months. Hope you are feelin better than I am today. Bye. ♡
I haven't posted here in years either. Wandered here because I am in such excruciating pain today. Ironic since I just started with a new gastroenterologist this week. Bad cramps like I haven't had for ages. Oh well, this will pun intended. Back to working on banking and income tax. Oh, maybe that's why I feel so sick, lol.
Have a great day everyone. Hope you are all pain free!
I haven't posted here in years either. Wandered here because I am in such excruciating pain today. Ironic since I just started with a new gastroenterologist this week. Bad cramps like I haven't had for ages. Oh well, this will pun intended. Back to working on banking and income tax. Oh, maybe that's why I feel so sick, lol.
Have a great day everyone. Hope you are all pain free!
Hope you feel better real soon.
I haven't posted here in years either. Wandered here because I am in such excruciating pain today. Ironic since I just started with a new gastroenterologist this week. Bad cramps like I haven't had for ages. Oh well, this will pun intended. Back to working on banking and income tax. Oh, maybe that's why I feel so sick, lol.
Have a great day everyone. Hope you are all pain free!
Your dog photo made me happy today !
Not sure what is going on. I have been doing well in the two years since I have been diagnosed. On Humira and 6mp, amitriptyline and immodium. My gastro moved away, just met my new one. All of a sudden, the last few weeks have been off and on pain/bloating and severe discomfort. Is this what happens when one or more of the meds stops working? I am doubled over here...have been all day. Thank goodness for snow days off!
Not sure what is going on. I have been doing well in the two years since I have been diagnosed. On Humira and 6mp, amitriptyline and immodium. My gastro moved away, just met my new one. All of a sudden, the last few weeks have been off and on pain/bloating and severe discomfort. Is this what happens when one or more of the meds stops working? I am doubled over here...have been all day. Thank goodness for snow days off!
I would probably call your gi and tell him what is going on. Let us know what is going on.
Did my Humira shot Thursday night and finally felt better today. We'll see how long this lasts. Thanks for all your concern and support.
Wow I am really tired and it is 1:31 a.m. and I think I pushed the hug button on every post here.:oops::sorry: This happens every time I go online and I post too much, I will try to take a break and also get some sleep. .:ybatty::ybatty::ybatty:
I erased my original post because it was just me whining. I get my colonoscopy and endoscopy next week so after that I should be able to get some form of treatment for my colon. Take Care. Lynda. :bat: Why is there a bat emoji ?
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The Crohn's disease is getting to me today . I think it had to do with grease

You mean fatty foods ? Yeah, I cannot eat any fatty foods. But I am missing Taco Bell food right now. Don't forget to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and take it easy. :rosette1:
Help me. My nurse practitioner told me on Monday to stop taking my pantoprazole pill because it is a proton pump inhibitor and I am having a colonoscopy next week and I think that proton pump inhibitors affect the calprotectin levels and my calprotectin level recently was almost 700. Today I'm severely ill and I called my doctor's office. I took 4 extra strength Gaviscon and I was still severely ill because I have been taking acid reflux prescription medication for years and now I am not taking it. The doctor's office told me to take Zantac twice a day and so I had to drive to the pharmacy by myself and I'm really really sick right now with watery diarrhea. As soon as I got to the pharmacy I had to run to the restroom to have diarrhea and my heartburn and acid reflux are very very bad right now. I had to have a pharmacy gal help me find the medication and because I'm so sick I cried in front of the pharmacy gal. I was so afraid I was going to have diarrhea and vomit at the same time at the pharmacy. I understand the reason for my nurse practitioner to take me off my pantoprazole medication but I am severely ill right now. I'm just sitting here crying. My colonoscopy is in one week and I know I cannot take pantoprazole. I don't know how long it takes for this Zantac to work but I took 4 extra strength Gaviscon between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. and at 5 p.m. I took a Zantac. I need to know if anyone has ever felt like this before and I really feel like going to the emergency room right now but I'm going to wait until tomorrow morning because I don't want to panic but I am severely ill right now. I'm going to turn off my phone and cry now goodbye
Bummer, I was so tired today that I slept off and on for 6 hours. I have laundry to wash which means I must drive to a laundromat and this must be done on Sunday or Monday. My Colonoscopy prep is Tuesday and my colonoscopy and endoscopy are on Wednesday. Does this ever happen to you, where you have to sleep during the day because you are so tired? I know that I spent all night at the emergency room on Wednesday so maybe today is the day to catch up with my sleep. It is 7 p.m. right now and I'm still super tired. I've only been able to eat liquids for almost 3 weeks and that is getting so boring and so icky and one night I had a dream about food because in real life I was so hungry. Have a good weekend.
Bummer, I was so tired today that I slept off and on for 6 hours. I have laundry to wash which means I must drive to a laundromat and this must be done on Sunday or Monday. My Colonoscopy prep is Tuesday and my colonoscopy and endoscopy are on Wednesday. Does this ever happen to you, where you have to sleep during the day because you are so tired? I know that I spent all night at the emergency room on Wednesday so maybe today is the day to catch up with my sleep. It is 7 p.m. right now and I'm still super tired. I've only been able to eat liquids for almost 3 weeks and that is getting so boring and so icky and one night I had a dream about food because in real life I was so hungry. Have a good weekend.
Hope you are better soon, Lynda
You best catch some more ZZzzzz's, then hopefully tomorrow you will have more energy. I strongly dislike it, when I sleep in and then I feel rushed all day. Best wishes to you, Lynda. I hope the rest of the weekend is better.
Correction: Oh, the reason that the FNP at my Gastroenterologists office told me to stop taking my Pantoprazole prescription acid reflux medication was because she said it is bad for my bones and I have osteopenia/osteoporosis.

My Endocrinologist takes care of my bones in addition to my thyroid, so I have regular blood draws, bone scans, Vitamin D3 and I've had one Reclast infusion.

A Gastroenterologist office should not be monitoring my bones and that FNP should just focus on the digestive system !

♡ Take Care
Hello Everybody,
I just joined the forum and am pleased to be a part of this.

Today I am battling frustration playing the waiting game again.

Two weeks ago, I rejected Remicade, with seizures of my neck and back every time I sat down for 2 days, followed by massive diarrhea, where everything that what went in came out the same on exit.

The last time I had it like this was when I first got hemorrhoids and decided to take fiber pills and eat a lot of solids, BIG MISTAKE. When I first went into the hospital ER, it was because I was bleeding so I bad. I had not idea what I was doing to myself with the fiber pills. They felt my hardened stomach and gave me a CAT scan and diagnosed the Crohn's right away. They wanted to admit me, but they were over booked do to a large bus accident and lots of critical patients. Two days later I went to my new GI doc and was sent back to get admitted. The ER doc told me my intestines had completely shut down and I was four days away from complete organ failure and never going home again. I did not process what this meant for a few months and then it really shook the monkeys out fo my tree, knowing I was so close to death.

So freaked out again, I called my GI office and spoke to nurse, she called back after consulting with the doc and told me to get back on Prednisone after I they had me go to the lab for more blood work. I already had a follow-up in two weeks, so they didn't schedule a closer appointment.

The Prednisone worked and kept me out of the hospital. I waited for the appointment with my Physician's Assistant who had been great so far.

She went over my my results and my C-Reacitve Protein which indicates massive swelling is supposed to be 8 and is 186.9. She was upset I waited two weeks to see her, but there were not other appointments available. When I told I was very worried, she said she was worried too and wants me to see one of the Doctors. She wanted to put me on a new drug, which my insurance does not cover and cost thousands of dollars, so she put me on Imuran. Now I'm waiting for another two weeks to see how the new drug works and then see the Doctor.

4 weeks on Prednisone that drives me insane sometimes. My dose is not very high, but I am very sensitive to it. If was not for this and the anti-diarrhea medicine, I would be back in the hospital. The Imurin does not seem to do much but upsets my fragile digestion. My research on the drug said it could take weeks or months to really work.

I know, I'm not as bad as many others and better than many others, so I should not despair. Having no energy and playing the Prednisone waiting game, it could be worse. Even though I take iron, my hemoglobin is still low and that kills my energy.

I see a nutritionist who has me on a lot of Probiotics and vitamins, the D2 is a prescription.

Blessings to everyone and me best wishes for everyone to be as healthy as possible.


I take 16 medicines right now, that includes supplements.

Predisone 60 mg a day
Imuran 5 mg daily
Metformin 2000 mg daily because Prednisone shoots my blood sugar too high
Linsopril- HCTZ 10/12 mg, Blood pressure every other day, which I used to control with exercise.
Ambien 10 mg to sleep a few hours at night
Florastor Probiotic 4 times a day
Renew Ultimate Flora 50 Billion 2 times a day
Vitamin D2 50,000 iu once a week
Vitamin D3 2500 iu daily
Vitamin B12 5000 mcg daily under my tongue
Vitamin Iron 65 mg daily
Vitamin Potassium Gluconate 550 mg daily
Lopermide to nearly keep me solid
One A Day, Men over 50 daily
Cortisone Foam up my back door for internal hemorrhoids
Nitroglycerin, hydra-cortisone, lanacane for y external hemorrhiods
Hi Michael,

Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear all the suffering you have been through, this bowel disease stuff is tough to deal with. I'm glad you are being seen by a new GI and have had a diagnosis, that is a very good start. Obviously you know that fiber is a bad idea right now, I hope things improve further with the treatments you have been given. I would tell the doctor about the multi vitamin you take, some of those contain certain synthetic vitamins that are poorly absorbed or can sometimes act as toxins in the body. This can cause gastrointestinal distress or other problems. There are multivitamins you can and probably should take, Dr. Fuhrman makes a good one that is GI recommended You get them at I hope you feel better soon, keep in touch.


It's Tuesday at 1:04am and it is officially my colonoscopy/endoscopy prep day. Clear liquids all day. Four Dulcolax Laxative Pills at 3pm. At 5pm start drinking the Miralax / Gatorade concoction.

A driver picks me up at 6:30am Wednesday to drive me to my colonoscopy / endoscopy, sit in the waiting room during my procedure and then drive me home......this is a service provided by a company here ( cost to me is $30 an hour. )

Since my retired sister didn't stick around town for 4 extra days before her going back to Idaho ( with no explanation as to why she couldn't / wouldn't stay to help her only sister ) I had to hire total strangers from a company to help me out. I'm not rich either, so $90-$120 is a lot of money. Sorry, still feeling hurt and bitter.

But I now must concentrate on the prep and colonoscopy/endoscopy.

Spooky : Ha Ha I just read every single post on the BAM thread. I really must be bored ! Reading my old posts was a bit freaky.:eek2:
I did not know where to post this, so I am posting it here.My endoscopy showed gastritis and I need to know how doctors and patients treat gastritis and what is the most common way to treat it. I see my doctor in May but I was just curious if anyone else had gastritis and what do they do about it. Take care and have a good day. :luigi:
Does anyone have a medicine for when they are not feeling well. Gaviscon doesn't do anything for me. My Crohn's disease medicines are Lialda, entyvio and imuran.
Does anyone have a medicine for when they are not feeling well. Gaviscon doesn't do anything for me. My Crohn's disease medicines are Lialda, entyvio and imuran.

For acid reflux I take Pantoprazole ( Protonics) a prescription pill one pill every morning. I have been taking Pantoprazole for years and it helps control my GERD very well. Recently I have had a bit more heartburn and acid reflux, so I also take Extra Strengrh Gaviscon chewable tablets during the day. This combination seems to work for me. But I also make sure I eat small meals instead of big meals, I no longer drink coffee, orange juice is a no-no ( as well as pasta sauce) and I never lay down or recline after eating. ♥️
I saw my GI on April 24. The scale showed I only lost 3 pounds since my last visit. During my appointment he said "you aren't wasting away or anything." I was not offended by that. I weigh 181 pounds, so if any of my new medications make me nauseated / vomiting and I lost weight then I wouldn't ever be underweight since I already should weigh way less than 181 pounds for my short stature of 5'1".

Solid food has not been agreeing with my gut for a while now, so have been drinking 6 Ensure drinks a day at 220 calories each ! ( I will mention the Ensure Drinks to him on March 11th when I see him again. ) This is surely the reason for me not losing a massive amount of weight due to my symptoms the past 3 months ( or longer.)

I just ate a half of a plain bagel with plain cream cheese on it, so I will see what my gut says about that ! I am not going to buy solid food anymore because I try it out, it doesn't agree with me and I throw that food away ( wasting money. )

I will buy liquid foods and soft foods only. Back to making my smoothies too, which I love to drink once a day ( my sister bought me a new Nutribullet "extractor." ) I use my smoothie as a meal replacement, it has a combination of ingredients in it.

Tired today and talking too much.

Yuck, now checking my poop every day because my GI asks me questions about my poop at every appointment with him.

Take Care. Hope you are feeling good. ❤
Lynda, try drinking Ensure Complete. All other varieties of Ensure have carageenan which is supposed to be bad for anyone.
Lynda, try drinking Ensure Complete. All other varieties of Ensure have carageenan which is supposed to be bad for anyone.

Thanks 🙂
I will start reading all the labels.
But Ensure Complete has more calories than regular Ensure and it is even more expensive.
I sure get out of the grocery store quickly if I am almost buying nothing but Ensure and soft foods.
I need to buy plain Greek yogurt again.

Hope you are feeling well today. 🌻
I saw my GI on April 24. The scale showed I only lost 3 pounds since my last visit. During my appointment he said "you aren't wasting away or anything." I was not offended by that. I weigh 181 pounds, so if any of my new medications make me nauseated / vomiting and I lost weight then I wouldn't ever be underweight since I already should weigh way less than 181 pounds for my short stature of 5'1".

Solid food has not been agreeing with my gut for a while now, so have been drinking 6 Ensure drinks a day at 220 calories each ! ( I will mention the Ensure Drinks to him on March 11th when I see him again. ) This is surely the reason for me not losing a massive amount of weight due to my symptoms the past 3 months ( or longer.)

I just ate a half of a plain bagel with plain cream cheese on it, so I will see what my gut says about that ! I am not going to buy solid food anymore because I try it out, it doesn't agree with me and I throw that food away ( wasting money. )

I will buy liquid foods and soft foods only. Back to making my smoothies too, which I love to drink once a day ( my sister bought me a new Nutribullet "extractor." ) I use my smoothie as a meal replacement, it has a combination of ingredients in it.

Tired today and talking too much.

Yuck, now checking my poop every day because my GI asks me questions about my poop at every appointment with him.

Take Care. Hope you are feeling good. ❤

My nutritionist had me put soup in a blender to make it easier to digest and worked when I was in the deeper part of my flare than I'm in now.

I wish you all the best.
I am better now but last night and this morning i was spending a lot of time in the bathroom.

I have had diarrhea for years. Using Cottonelle Wipes ( they are like wet baby wipes, but they are for adults ) really feels better than plain toilet tissue. And those Preparation H Medicated Wipes are even better if I am in the bathroom a lot, because these wipes contain witch hazel, which is very cooling to that area of the body.

Glad you are feeling better. 🙂
The Humira Nurse Ambassador lady was just here at my apartment to talk to me about Humira and the forms for me to fill out and faxing and what I need to do and what my doctor needs to fill out.

I had to take an anxiety pill while she was here 😥.

It is a "patient assistance foundation" that will pay for my Humira. It's an easy process that still makes me nervous, I have a hard time focusing, concentrating and remembering things ( sigh. ) The nurse lady was nice.

Anyhow my last blood test and x-ray ( to check for TB and hepatitis? ) just got received at my doctors office. After my doctor reads those results he will decide what dose I should be getting and he will contact my Health Insurance Company for the Humira Pre-Authorization process. So, my Humira has not been approved by my health insurance company yet.

Once everything is approved and all my paperwork and my doctors paperwork is sent to the patient assistance foundation then the nurse will come back to my apt. She will show me about the injections and probably will do the first 4 shots then. ( ? ) The Humira medicine would be sent to me via mail order from a speciality pharmacy ?

Now I have a headache 🙁.

My Gastroenterologists office is as good one. I like my doctor and his medical assistants. If a doctor is gonna put a scope up my butt then I want him to be a good doctor that I can trust 😄.

Well, I have booklets to read and information to collect now. This nurse lady will be monitoring me the first 5 months ( ? )

God I'm tired.

The Humira Nurse Ambassador lady was just here at my apartment to talk to me about Humira and the forms for me to fill out and faxing and what I need to do and what my doctor needs to fill out.

I had to take an anxiety pill while she was here 😥.

It is a "patient assistance foundation" that will pay for my Humira. It's an easy process that still makes me nervous, I have a hard time focusing, concentrating and remembering things ( sigh. ) The nurse lady was nice.

Anyhow my last blood test and x-ray ( to check for TB and hepatitis? ) just got received at my doctors office. After my doctor reads those results he will decide what dose I should be getting and he will contact my Health Insurance Company for the Humira Pre-Authorization process. So, my Humira has not been approved by my health insurance company yet.

Once everything is approved and all my paperwork and my doctors paperwork is sent to the patient assistance foundation then the nurse will come back to my apt. She will show me about the injections and probably will do the first 4 shots then. ( ? ) The Humira medicine would be sent to me via mail order from a speciality pharmacy ?

Now I have a headache 🙁.

My Gastroenterologists office is as good one. I like my doctor and his medical assistants. If a doctor is gonna put a scope up my butt then I want him to be a good doctor that I can trust 😄.

Well, I have booklets to read and information to collect now. This nurse lady will be monitoring me the first 5 months ( ? )

God I'm tired.


I hope you feel better. We are in the same boat. I called my GI office today, learning over the weekend on line that my insurance no longer requires prior authorization as of 1/20/18. They got the authorization today anyway and are ordering the Humira. Once I receive it I chose to go into the office for my first injections and not the home visit. This is because I have a form the doctor needs to fill out to get my biome (good and bad bacteria balance) tested by They will not only give me the results but will add them to a national database that will be used for research.

I know 5 people from my support group that rave about how much Humira has helped them. One couple says when they travel, they sometimes have to bring a small cooler and doctor's note to get on the plane. They try to work around the every two week doses but wedding and funerals can happen anytime.

I was at my uncle's funeral today and found that I can now for the first time in 7 months control my bathroom visits. The need came during that homily and 20 minutes later during my cousins eulogy I had a hard time listening, planing my escape route to the bathroom. Luckily the pressure didn't get too much. I have a large hemorrhoid just inside my exit that blocks the flow, before I stretch out (painful when fully solid). I named it Herman and the big one on the outside is Frank and his seven sons, little hemorrhoids. I have to be in remission for 3 months before they can be operated on. Thanks to a great nitroglycerin and steroid cream, they are painless. Herman has been a friend because when I didn't have good control, he gave me a warning and gives me just enough time to get into the bathroom. I haven't had an accident yet, cross my fingers.

I am exhausted too, staying up to 3:00 AM two nights in a row waiting for my awful painful cramping gut to release and vacate what gets blocked only at that time of the night for some unknown reason. Just 5 hours of sleep because we had leave early for the mourning events the last two days.

I look forward to getting some sleep and even more so sharing our likely success with Humira.
When the Humira Nurse lady was talking to me today and showing me booklets, I already knew about almost everything she was telling me about, that's because of this forum and a few videos I have watched on YouTube. 💜
Ok. So what happened this afternoon/ evening ??
[ Thursday ]

I had some yellow watery diarrhea and I did not eat anything different today than I did yesterday. Also, here I was ready to go to bed/sleep and I am having acid reflux. And a stomach ache.

And around 7:30pm I had to rest because I was so tired. I put on headphones and listened to relaxing music and fell asleep. I was extremely tired this afternoon.

Now I really DO believe that stress makes my symptoms worse ! I am trying to get all my Humira paperwork together to send to that foundation and I am hitting a roadblock with my computer.

And I am super stressed about all these screaming kids playing outside my front door every afternoon and is SO loud. There are rules here at my apartment complex and I wish people would follow them.

I can't listen to those screaming kids all summer, I already take clonazepam every day for anxiety.

1:08am Friday right now and I have acid reflux and the left side of my colon is doin' something ( ? )

I am sorry, Lynda, for all the trouble you are having. As far as eating goes, I have a nutritionist who says there will be days when you can eat all the right things and still have trouble with your stomach.
hi my son having light cramps 2 or r 3 not painful its like pressure for short time after 2 hours of eating and then immediately burps , he did colonoscopy on march which showing very active inflammation , the doctor increases imuran dose and add cortament mmx , before 2 weeks he has many cramps and slight fever and runny nose and some dizziness , he took zithromax anti biotic to 3 days and all symptoms disappeared except what I mentioned above any idea
he is also taking modulen 3 shakes daily
hi my son having light cramps 2 or r 3 not painful its like pressure for short time after 2 hours of eating and then immediately burps , he did colonoscopy on march which showing very active inflammation , the doctor increases imuran dose and add cortament mmx , before 2 weeks he has many cramps and slight fever and runny nose and some dizziness , he took zithromax anti biotic to 3 days and all symptoms disappeared except what I mentioned above any idea
he is also taking modulen 3 shakes daily

I would contact the doctors office and tell the receptionist to give the doctor a message. Be sure to include all the symptoms, something is going on that needs attention. Just my thoughts. Good luck, and let us know how things go.
Try not to get too worked up, maybe there is a solution you haven't thought of yet. Stress certainly is a bad thing, I pray you are able to afford the things you need, Lynda. Don't be ashamed to go to the food bank once in a while if you need to, I would. I have donated lots of things to charity when I was working, so I don't see the shame in it. I hope you feel better soon.
Try not to get too worked up, maybe there is a solution you haven't thought of yet. Stress certainly is a bad thing, I pray you are able to afford the things you need, Lynda. Don't be ashamed to go to the food bank once in a while if you need to, I would. I have donated lots of things to charity when I was working, so I don't see the shame in it. I hope you feel better soon.

I am really amazed that I am still alive. A lot of things that have happened with me during the past 12 years could have gone even worse than they did. I truly believe there are angels watching over me. I know they are there.
I am really amazed that I am still alive. A lot of things that have happened with me during the past 12 years could have gone even worse than they did. I truly believe there are angels watching over me. I know they are there.

I believe something similar, Lynda.
Unrelated to IBD.
Why does it sound like my upstairs neighbor is a sumo wrestler or bowling inside his apartment. Or possibly tipping over furniture. Or ....
I need sleep. This stresses me out.
The previous resident upstairs was an older gentleman named Joseph, he was SO quiet and lived above me for 7 years !
Living in apartment complexes is a challenge.
Yeah, one time my sister recommended earplugs.
How ' bout the neighbor just goes to sleep or reads a book or plays solitaire....something quiet.
( sigh )
Good Night.
I had watery diarrhea 5 times today so far and I only drink liquids every day. Gurgling and spasms in my lower bowel area.

I am getting concerned today because the area where my anal fistulectomy scar is is irritated. It might be irritated from the diarrhea and wiping all day long. I dont want another fistula or abscess.

I just started the 6mp pill yesterday. So now I take the 6mp pills daily, after 2 weeks I have a blood draw, a week after that I see my GI. Lots of monitoring.

I use Cottonelle Wipes every day, but tomorrow I am going to buy Preparation H Wipes because they have witch hazel in them and it gives a cooling affect to the area you wipe.

Take Care. 🐝
I feel for you, that's no fun. I hope the witch hazel helps. I often get concerned about even the smallest problem with my gut, it's pretty hard not to be upset or scared. Usually things are somewhat manageable though.... the stuff we deal with hey???
It is me again.
Do you think God punishes people ? kitchen and bathroom and closet were flooded on Wednesday. I have been breathing in second-hand epoxy fumes for the past 24 hours ( when a person moves out the kitchen counter tops get painted and then epoxy on top of the paint ) and this afternoon I get home to find out the chiller unit ( air conditioning ) isn't working in my Building #4 ( all our "air conditioning" comes from a chiller unit for the whole building.)

Ok, so I am going to see my mechanic tomorrow because my left rear turn signal doesn't work, I know I will have been cursed if he says that I also need $1,000 worth of work on my engine too. I see my GI tomorrow too !

I am not mentioning all this in a depressing way. I am at home now and actually just sitting here thinking when the next thing will happen. Yikes.

Something good always happens after something bad happens ( for me ). So I will try to look at things that way this week. After all, after my flood I got my carpet cleaned and that nice cleaning lady cleaned up my kitchen and bathroom area. She actually cleaned a large mirror that I cannot clean myself because it is high up.

Well, I am gonna use my shower now, the one with the new fixture that turns the water off and on. After the flood now I am afraid to touch that thing.

Take Care.
In my thirst for IBD knowledge I have read the first 6 pages of the "Diagnosed over 50" thread. There are 16 pages !! I know the posts are older and treatments may have changed, but I am reading about all the same medications they use now and those posts are 4 years old. Has anything changed 😕
How am I feeling ? My eyes hurt from reading posts on my phone.
Take Care 🐶

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