How to avoid injection site reactions?

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Sep 23, 2009
:eek2:I have to take injections for Cimzia and have used my thighs only. The pamphlet says to alternate between stomach and thigh to avoid site reaction.

What do they mean by site reaction?

I can't inject in my stomach but can try to inject an inch away from the last ones in the thighs.

Is injecting in the same spot increasing the chance for an allergy?
Hi nogutsnoglory,
With any injection, you get a site reaction from the innate immune response. But some individuals may react more so than others. It is basically inflammation of some sort at the site of injection can involve pain, swelling, redness, etc. The local immune system at the injection site has perceived a foreign invasion so reacts towards it. You don't want to add to the reaction by injecting at the same site. Plus you don't know if the local immune response at the previous site of injection is going to act in some way against what is being injected. And you don't know how far the area of reaction is to the exact site of I think they can't predict that either hence why they ask you to alternate with the stomach. ....because they can't predict what is happening in the vicinity. The site (and its vicinity potentially) needs some time to recover. The stomach is not near to the thigh hence why they want you to alternate between the two. So is that stomach to two give more time for recovery for each area. You really need to address your concerns and issues with your Dr. They are best able to help you.

Good luck with your treatment.
Thanks for this info. My nurse told me to only inject in my thighs though. I want to ask about the stomach too but they are afraid since that's the affected area.
Thanks for this info. My nurse told me to only inject in my thighs though. I want to ask about the stomach too but they are afraid since that's the affected area.

Hi nogutsnoglory,
If you are told not to inject in your stomach then you mustn't do so. If you have issues wth that area, I can see why they would tell you to avoid it. It is best always to go with medical advice over a leaflet because the leaflet is generic but the advice you have been given is specific to you. Trust in the ones who are looking after you, better. They know your body. I hope it works for you...I wish you all the best. God be with you.

juljul xx
Thanks for this info. My nurse told me to only inject in my thighs though. I want to ask about the stomach too but they are afraid since that's the affected area.

Hi nogutsnoglory,
If you are told not to inject in your stomach then you mustn't do so. If you have issues wth that area, I can see why they would tell you to avoid it. It is best always to go with medical advice over a leaflet because the leaflet is generic but the advice you have been given is specific to you. Trust in the ones who are looking after you, better. They know your body. I hope it works for you...I wish you all the best. God be with you.

Many apologies nogutsnoglory, I hadn't read your post properly. I hadn't understood you meant you were not allowed, and assumed it was just not wanting/liking to.

Please go with your Dr's/nurse's advice. Don't inject in your stomach if you are not allowed to for medical reasons. Thanks.

I should say that I am not a medic of any sort and anything I say to anyone on here is never a substitute for medical advice. Thanks.

juljul xx
I appreciate it. I know the nurse said that but am wondering if she just didn't know. I will ask my doctor. Either way appreciate you explaining the risk of injecting in the same site.

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