I almost pooped in the pool!!! LOL my funny

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Apr 7, 2010
Ok so I am dealing with a flair and have been slowly getting better. I am trying to get into a physical routine and get healthy, so I decided to start swimming. I'm thinking, good for my joints, relaxing and easy. So here is the funny that happend to me.

I get to the pool at my gym and decide to use the indoor pool, too many kids in the outside one. I come out of the dressing room and there is just a few people around. One older man in the lap lanes, and a few kids plaing around in the shallow end and a bored teenage looking lifegard. Great I think, I will do a few laps in the other lane. I get in and am just having a relaxing time. I am half way down the pool when it happens..... the cramp! Ohhhh noooooo not here, not now...please. Yes I know you all know what I am talking about. Let me tell you the end of the pool looks very far away at this point.
What do I do? what do I do??? Ok relax I tell myself, if you stress or panic it will get worse... breathe...deep breathe... damm it! Nothing left to do but to swim and get out! Let me tell you it is about impossible to swim while clenching butt cheeks. I am trying, I am so focused on the edge of the pool that I just block everything else out... still trying to deep breathe...clench butt cheeks... swim! I am trying my best and then I hear the lifegard... "Hey lady are you ok?"... yessssss I yell I'm fine. I am also thinking, go away... go away. Then I hear "are you sure you are Ok? you look like you are having trouble." I"M FINE..... swim, kick, clench, deep breathe!!! Poor kid, what did I look like.
I get out and run to the locker room, with the lifegaurd blowing his whistle yelling at me for running in the pool area. Four letter words popling into my head, but I keep my mouth shut. I get to the bathroom and the dam swimsuit won't come down. Ladies I know you know what I am talking about. It got all tangled up, and I am stressing and trying to deep breathe, still clencing butt cheeks. AGGGHHHHHHHHH
When I got dressed and into my car I just burst out laughing... did that realy just happen? Yeah I think it's going to be a while till I get back in the pool.... LOL
LOL! I had to read that aloud to DH. He said, 'Ha! Just another day with Crohn's, eh?' Hehehe...I'm glad it ended well.
I was on vacation a couple of yeas ago with an old boyfriend and his parts. We were in Mexico, at one of those hotels with like ten pools. One day after a rough day bathroom wise, we were in the pool, and a fart, well wasn't really a fart. I pooped in a pool at the age of 21...I was mortified, and may have blamed it on a group of small children floating near bye muhahaha
That brought tears to my eyes from laughter!

I don't know how you managed, I've been there and you are right. You absolutely can't clench and swim. You deserve an award for that one!!
Haha, what a story, woops! I totally get what u mean. It almost (almost!) happened to me in college.
That is why I like swimming in moving water, such as a stream, or creek...washes the evidence away...rofl....although my Mom's pond would hide it pretty well too - and is big enough!!! hahaha

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