I am feeling spent

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Hi there, and welcome,
You have been through a lot and it does affect your moods dealing with it all. However, speaking from years of experience of misdiagnosis, hospital tests, surgery and struggling too with fatigue whilst working, I can empathize with you. Do not cut off your wife or friends as isolating yourself will only make you feel worse. Illness can do that to you and of course meds! Take one day at a time and thank God for just feeling good today. I have been on Remicade infusions too and did well until I took a lung infection as a result of it. I am now doing very well after 3 years of trials of different meds that made me ill.
So remember, there will be a better day just hang in there! Talking to a good friend who understands and really listens, will help too. Bottling up ones feelings, I call it ' the fears and tears of illness ' is not good. Talk to your Consultant about your concerns and ask questions. I do and it helps to be informed.
There is light at the end of the tunnel! Find an interest that will take you away from your worries for a while. I am a keen photographer and artist,
Let me know how you are, best wishes.
I think you should talk to your wife. sounds like she loves you too- and this is one thing she CAN help you with.

Maybe you'll feel better without the stress of the job? maybe the stress is keeping you going? if you can afford to do something else - put it all out on the table, weigh the options - and listen to your wife - she might have some suggestions you hadn't thought of - you don't have to do this alone.

I am sure many here will emphasize with your story; being torn between the ilness and re-trying to live a "normal" life...

1) From between the lines, I can sense your fear from getting "out of the game". I used to be terrified from that. It also keeps haunting me ... But the best advice I can give here is just let go. If you find yourself T home tomorrow, not working, so be it ! If you are trying to hold it so strong and it is still getting away from you, maybe it's time for a break.

2) You sound like a very ambitious guy. Tunnle this energy to treat yourself. After long years of working like hell, you surely deserve it. Sleep well, take your wife to the beach, make some gentle work-outs, go to massage/accupunture etc., try different diets, jucing...

I do totally understand, however, that your current life style is as far as can be from that. This gets me back to (1).

3) Where is your disease located ? Did you have any surgeries or considered any ?

4) Have you been looking into clinical trials ?

To me, assuming that you saved enough (sounds like you did), it doesnt look like a bad idea that you twke a break.
Have some rest to recover, take your wife and go on some vacation. Be outdoors breathing some fresh air and seeing some sun light.
Maybe after several months you will feel re energized and be ready toget back. But in the meantime, just enjoy the good days and love your wife like hell.

I am writing this in tears; I know the feeling of trying to choke it up and "be a man". It doesnt have to be that way. Do NOT take it as a given.

Good luck, I hope entyvio will do the trick for you, keep us posted.
Maybe in all this craziness you can find a chance, an opportunity, to something you would never do had it not been this condition.

All my best to you, dear.

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