Wow, we are the complete opposite. I am the laid-back mom, Alex ate all kinds of junk food, fast food, candy, it's still what he prefers! I feel SO guilty all the time. He goes on food jags, like, as a toddler ate store chicken nuggets and broccoli for lunch every day for like a year. He's the pickiest eater in both texture and trying new things. He will eat healthy, but comes undone when he has to drink an Ensure. He hates carbonation, so no soda ever, nor fruit juice, only water and some milk.
He was always sick and on antibiotics a ton and was in daycare. I had them when very first pregnant with him for a sinus infection, then again after his C-section. Then he had them once/month his first full year for horrible ear infections. Ear tubes helped, but then it was tonsils and adenoids out for sleep apnea and constant inflammation. Then it was asthma. Each time, it seemed necessary, but now I wonder if I couldn't have done something differently. Seemed to be a strep infection of his bottom that finally triggered Crohn's. What is interesting to me is that once his immune system finally kicked in, it went into overdrive, he has hardly been sick at all since before his first fistula - his first sign of Crohn's.
Definitely genetic. No other family history of IBD, but IBS, yes, diabetes, migraine, seborrheia, eczema, asthma. sigh...