Ileostomy and organ donation

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Jul 10, 2012
Hi I would like to join the organ donation but with me having an ileostomy would they still use my small intestine. As far as I'm aware there is nothing wrong with my small bowel.
I think just the fact that you have indeterminate colitis would exclude use of your small bowel, since there is a possibility of Crohn's disease. I don't know this for a fact, however.
You've still got lots of other good organs to donate. I'm signed up as an organ donor, though over the years I'm losing more and more of them. I've still got some good ones left though. Hahaha!
You've still got lots of other good organs to donate. I'm signed up as an organ donor, though over the years I'm losing more and more of them. I've still got some good ones left though. Hahaha!

That's funny "I'm losing more and more of them." My 17 year old told me the other day I was being disassembled.
Yeah, there's loads of other organs! I didn't honestly know that people donated their small intestines!
Not going to say what one of my sons asked if it could be donated when he was younger and first heard of organ donation. Lets just say it is what women say men think with. :wink:
I always use to be a organ donor as well. My dad though however decided he did not want to be an organ donor anymore. He said he just does not trust it. He said imagine if you are in an automobile accident or any accident for that matter and you end up in the hospital where there is someone there who lets say needs a heart. My dad said that with the way how everything is so crooked, he said what if that patient has a family with tons of money and they pull the doctor on the side and say, hey I will pay even extra ( millions to you in your pocket) if you make sure my kid or whatever family member gets a heart. I mean imagine that your accident is bad and you are not in good way, but still could be saved with life saving measures but the doc decides to just let you go so your heart can go to the othe pateint on the wait list whose family if giving that doc a ton of money under the table!!! I know, I know, it sounds pretty far fetched, but hey, you never really know. I dont trust anyone after all that I have seen out there.... I mean my dad brought that to my attention. I just told my husband that when I die and I mean die on my own that he can donate my organs. I will even write a ok letter as well stating that I am ok with that if I should die. But I just wont have it plastered all over my drivers license that I am a donor. When I die my husband can then tell them they can have anything they want, though I am not sure I would want to give any of my organs with how messed up I am, would not want to give a poor soul all my problems:ywow:
If you are listed as an organ donor, the next of kin (spouse, parent, sibling, etc.) still has to agree to it when the time comes to donate.

CheerBear, I'm not sure how they do it in the UK. In Texas in particular, you can do it on a website at the time of driver's license renewal. I would imagine there is a government website out there somewhere that would tell you how to go about it in the UK.
That's funny "I'm losing more and more of them." My 17 year old told me the other day I was being disassembled.

That reminds me of when I was waking up from an emergency exploratory lapartomy in the ICU. I was drugged up and majorly out of it. In that drug fog, all I could recall was being told I had to have 4 pints of blood. I kept thinking about how cool it was that I had surgery for an oil change. HAHAHA!
Jeez never thought of it like that surely that would rarely happen. They only use organs which have nothing wrong with then so they won't get your problems lol
To anybody thinking about being listed as an organ donor....once you sign up, be sure to tell as many family members as possible that you did this. It is ultimately up to the next of kin to approve going forward with organ harvesting when the time comes. Even once listed, your spouse, parent, sister, cousin, whoever is next in line to you can decide not to do it, so be sure many many many people know this is what you desire.
Hmm, did they change it?? I thought if your ID and drivers license says you are a donor, then they can take your organs no matter what anyone says. But if they changed it then that is good. I told my hubby if I die he can donate my organs, I dont mind then. But after my dad told me that story, well you never know. I mean it is such a messed up world we live in today, and money and greed is all around us. I mean even a scenario of what if a doctor that happens to be on call the at the time you are brought into the ER and that doctor has a friend of family member who needs an organ you have. Well they could easily just "let" you die just to have your heart or whatever ya know.. I mean I know it sounds crazy, but not really. I mean you just cant trust it these days and that is sad really.

But yeah, I am all for donating my organs if I should die, my family knows this. That is good to know so that if I do die, they can make that call.

To anybody thinking about being listed as an organ donor....once you sign up, be sure to tell as many family members as possible that you did this. It is ultimately up to the next of kin to approve going forward with organ harvesting when the time comes. Even once listed, your spouse, parent, sister, cousin, whoever is next in line to you can decide not to do it, so be sure many many many people know this is what you desire.
I ask my wife who is an ICU nurse about organ donation. 2thFairy is correct they can't even call the organ transplant team until they have permission from next of kin, even if it is on the divers license.
I think your family is just freakin' awesome Dukeis! An ICU nurse for a wife, kids that are not only smart, but creative thinkers, and you are just a cool dude on top of all of it. Makes me smile!
My kidneys leak protein pretty badly . I have been dxed with auto-immune disease ,they just don't know what kind. I have been told that because of the nature of my disease,if my kidneys fail ,I cannot have a transplant, I suspect that it will also make me ineligible as a n organ donor . Ron.
Unfortunately, the entire body has to be in incredibly good health for them to accept an organ here in the United States- I, for example, even with perfectly pink and healthy organs, were I not to have Crohn's disease, would be let aside because I am overweight. They only want the best of the best so that there are no possible issues with organ rejection- it's no longer about mere blood type and age, they now take every possible health aspect into consideration. Sadly, this has caused the need for me to also remove my name from the bone marrow donor list.
One thing I can still do, is donate my body to science, and also "be there" in case a brother needs a kidney. ;)
Also, don't forget that being a donor includes bones, skin, eyes, tendons, etc. There are so many parts that people don't think of. One body is very valuable to SEVERAL people.
I'm an organ donor...Crohn's didn't even come up when I signed up. It states right on my Health Card that I'm a donor. I even got to pick what parts I want to donate. But, yes, still notify all family and friends that donating is your intent.
I've always been an organ donor, or rather listed as an organ donor - haven't actually donated organs, :), but because of hospital acquired infections am now ineligible which makes me really mad. Still I guess they can dissect my body to their hearts content, maybe even use my intestines to find a cure for crohn's!
I can't even donate blood in Australia as I lived in England for 18 months during the 'mad cow' out break. Blood aside, I have nominated to be an organ donor, but like Dukeis I'm starting to have them 'retired' early! Sure most of mine would look moth eaten anyway!