In pain

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 24, 2012
Just got out of the bathroom once again. sitting on my computer desk chair all alone and in so much agonizing pain. drinking hot tea and bending over now and then to try and compensate for the feeling of knives cutting through me. would be so nice to have loving arms around me to console me.
Maybe laying down with a heating pad would help a little more with the pain. Dunno if you're able to have pets or not but even a warm kitty or small dog can give both warmth and companionship. Mine always understand when I'm not feeling well and don't leave my side. :)
If it is green tea, stop drinking it; it may be the cause of the cramping. Switch to a pure herbal tea or ginger tea. A hot water bottle (wet heat) may help. Hope you feel better! Hugs!
I hope you are feeling a bit better now.
Sometimes when the sharp pains happen (feels like barb wire being pulled through a area), sitting up can make it feel worse and last longer. ITA with the warm heating pad. Also laying down helps - on your side, alternating every 10-15 min. It sometimes helps ease the sharp pains. Does it hurt to stand? Is the pain all over or can you pin point it? If you lay flat can you feel the area? If it is a rhythm type pain, like waves it could be a blockage. If the pain does not let up you should call and check it out. If the pain is happening regular, you need to call.
Try not to eat fiber foods-fruits or vegies with skins-wheat type crackers, cereals - corn, popcorn....things that don't digest easily. Great time for rice krispies, applesauce, mashed potatoes, ensure, boost and no name drinks... If you cant tolerate milk in cereal try the vanilla coconut milk its by the soy and taste better.
Warm beverages might help.
Take care, feel better soon.

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