Happy (late) birthday to Shanen's hubby from here as well. I hope it was a great one for him. Around 50 is about the time you really start to know things (mostly about how much you don't know).
Mandy, my good friend, don't do so much walking that you shrink more than a few more inches, we won't recognize you.
Today was a busy day. My sister from Nevada has been staying with my mother to help her get organized in anticipation of her big move to Indiana in August. We helped whittle down her possessions quite a bit (under my mother's direction and/or approval) so she doesn't have to move so much. I feel blessed because I ended up with my grandmother's beautiful China set (think it was actually her mother's as it was made in 1900, the year my grandmother was born), as well as a couple crystal pieces from my other grandmother my mom ended up with when after she lived with us her last several months. Both grandmother's died when I was about 3. I also have some pictures of my sweet sister to peruse who passed away from breast cancer about 20 years ago. I was sadly lacking any pictures of her. I still miss her greatly. I then drove my brother home who lives about 40 minutes from us. The good thing is the family members I dealt with today are the ones who don't drive me bonkers, and I'm feeling rather content with having spent time with family I don't see often enough. Well, once again, I better try to get some sleep as it is after 4 am. Tho I did have three naps earlier, including one at my mom's. Oh, the joys of narcolepsy.
Hope you're all happy, my friends.
(Trysha and Kirst, are you ok?)