Thanks Mandy
Hopefully that’s good news for your Mum Mandy...does she have to stay in at the rehab place..
Hope your son has started his new job and that he likes it..
My sister is not too good at the moment...hope she will start to feel better.
Fonthill seems a very good and caring nursing home....she has first rate nurses and a physiotherapist which will help enormously...for the two weeks she is there.
Food is available at any time she wants it...unfortunately she is off food right now..
She has a nice room to herself with en-suite bathroom ...shower etc. But needs help in the shower...which accommodates thevwheelchair.
We are hoping the home care team will soon be in place then she will come home and have 24 hour care.
The physio made me tired was still painful
from two days ago and I could not move my arm so well as it had been previously.The physiotherapist reduced the treatment today because of pain and he said he will increase it when the pain is reduced.
My other arm is also quite painful and he said it was due to overuse since I can’t yet use the
Recovering dislocated one yet.
I had no idea it would take so long to recover.
As long as I stay out of the white jail hospital....I can cope.
It was a fascinating sky today with huge black and grey clouds draped across the sky and as I watched from the clinic window ....sheets of rain poured down from some of those clouds..
quite a spectacle...finally the clouds moved on and a lovely blue sky appeared.
And the arm pain went as gradually as the clouds ....after the physio acupuncturist had placed the needles in appropriate positions.
Relief at last.
It was a crispy cold day today...never ceases to amaze me these drastic drops in atmospheric temperatures....summer to winter within 24 hours..