ive found when someone from down under says something, such as the beating thing, they get growled at, yet when its someone above saying it, we accept cultural differences and let it slide. as this thread is monitored i dont think anyone should be tellin anyone off, leave it for the super mods.
one word used lots on here is (rooting) bad word here.just my 2 cents worth. now for my win.
I've noticed you've been reserved lately, Trev, and I've wondered why. If I've offended anyone, and I'm sure I have because I often don't understand cultural differences like I should, and sometimes don't know where the line is with "friendly bantering" (I know some people think I've crossed this line, and I apologize to ALL, sincerely, I know feelings get hurt both ways, or all ways for those who are left uncomfortable - in fact after the fact, I've realized I've crossed that line), and I guess that is my point. We should all try to be respectful of each other when something gets uncomfortable. I appreciate the way you approached this, Trev. I appreciate Dusty's way of listening to my growling when I was in a bad mood and uncomfortable with her "ways" too.
I'm curious about the word "beating" Trev. Here in the US it has two meanings, like getting ahead or winning. It can also mean something like hitting, kicking, or punching. Do you use the word both ways? That may be something that has caused this problem.
As to the word "rooting," I appreciate that clarification. Here it means cheering for, or wanting to win, when used in a sports context. I think we should be careful, now, knowing that in when we want to use it and choose our words wisely.
As to the other matter, I understand both sides. I could state my opinions, but it won't do anyone any good. I'm just sorry there are "sides." I will just leave it at that. My two cents worth.
I hope that we in the US don't come across as we think we are better than anyone else, but it sounds like we do. For that, I am sorry too. The cultures from all over the world are unique and beautiful. I used to date a man from Turkey, and very much appreciated most of his culture. Still, partly cultural differences (and the fact that I discovered how crazy he really was) drove is apart. I still love part off that culture, that I would have never experienced before.
I hope this helps answer, Trev, at least my opinions on your concerns.
It's awfully hot in here. Would somebody turn on the air conditioner?
The Bee who hopes I don't sting too much
(and I caught that Dusty)