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It's very wet and windy here. The Rimutakas got winds of 140+kmph - I just lit the fire and its pouring. Duvets are out and we are having a movie weekend on the sofa.
It's very wet and windy here. The Rimutakas got winds of 140+kmph - I just lit the fire and its pouring. Duvets are out and we are having a movie weekend on the sofa.

What are duvets???Sorry Kirsty your weather is so awful! We are to get strorms tonight and tomorrow. Down in the 40's tomorrow night! That is cold for Sept.
How are you feeling now? Injection kick in?
Duvet's are bedcovers warm like quilts. What do you have? I'm doing ok today - great to have hubby back for a day or so. Nice to have the company. We just about to have a cuppa tea
We just call them blankets or quilts. I have heard of duvet, but didn't know what it was. Enjoy time with hubby now and have a great day together. Snuggle in your duvet!!:thumright:
hi Kirsy coffee time here 2, shocking weather.

Hi Trev,
Your weather bad too? Probably not like Kirsty's. I guess you must be at work.
Have a good day and weekend. Getting ready for bed now. Talk to you soon!!
Nighty night!!
hi Teresa, i havent worked for years, only working at home trying to get the motorhome finnished. Kirsty will have worse weather than us, Welly weather is always bad.
I would love cool, rainy weather. I used to love the defined four seasons here, but it is just to hot and dry for me now. We are the second driest state, and the fourth fastest growing one. I hate heat. I'm the only one I know that can get sweaty in the effort of taking a cool shower.

P.S. Yes, I took my meds, Teresa, but I'm not sure I wanted to see this game. 20 to 27 in overtime.
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Wow the winds on the Rimutakas got up to 170 kmph thats heaps:ywow:

I would have hated to land in to Wellington airport today - its bad at the best of times - like your own rollercoaster. I can always spot non wellingtonians as they come off real white and shaky and the wellingtonians are grinning cos they got a rollercoaster ride for free.
I am absolutely terrified of strong winds. I used to love being out in a wind, and feeling it push against me or suck the breath out of me. We live in a very mountainous area, so very rarely have problems like the Midwest U.S. for tornados, etc. However, our area had a very devastating windstorm the beginning of last December, and trees, etc. were toppled all over the place. Doug and I were in our house when we heard this horrible noise, and a neighbor came running into our house without knocking, to see if we were okay. The noise we heard was a tornado on our house ripping the roof off, down to the wall board in our ceiling. The area was without power for about three out four days also because of the damage from the storm, and inside our house, with fire going, it was only about 40 degrees. Burr! I went into a series of seizures and ended up in the hospital for a week, with Christmas right in the middle. It was the only year I didn't have my annual Christmas eve party. :stinks:

But I love rollercoasters!:dance:
Wow that would be mega scary and terrifying. In wtgn we just get wind and rain. sometimes it is hard to walk up the street cos of the wind. Occasionaly they put ropes along Molesworth st in Wtgn as it acts as a wind funnel, mum got blown down there once and in to the arms of Sir Edmund Hilary (climber). Sometimes the wind chill factor can make a nice day seem miserable - we even had a song out "you can't beat Wellington on a good day, even a bad day too":dance: :dance:
I loved the song, but I forgot you all had accents :ycool:

The shots of Wellington were beautiful and gorgeous, and captured the moods of cold wet winds. The night shots were absolutely stunning. Knowing that there are no tornados, I would love to visit. Also, I would love to try the fish, anywhere but landlocked Utah. I still love the diversity of Utah though.
Sandy, Sorry your team lost!:(Better luck next time.)
Just chillin today! Goin for a long ride later up over the mountains to Jon Bonnet's reataurant from the early 1800's. It's a cool place. Have a light dinner and drive back home. I haven't been out of the house except for my women's group this week. Also to work:tongue:
I look forward to a pleasure drive.:hug:
Hope your weather calms down. It's been raining here all morning. Dropping into the 40's tonight. Sandy, you would love it, as I do!
I would love cool, rainy weather. I used to love the defined four seasons here, but it is just to hot and dry for me now. We are the second driest state, and the fourth fastest growing one. I hate heat. I'm the only one I know that can get sweaty in the effort of taking a cool shower.

P.S. Yes, I took my meds, Teresa, but I'm not sure I wanted to see this game. 20 to 27 in overtime.
pretty good today 723-- thank you for asking.
It is a nice cool day today, a bit rainy which I like having grown up in rain (UK)
How are things with you--
Sorry you are not winning---
pretty good today 723-- thank you for asking.
It is a nice cool day today, a bit rainy which I like having grown up in rain (UK)
How are things with you--
Sorry you are not winning---

Things are ok here. Just have a tummy ache. My son has a tummy flu and I saw hi Wed. Maybe I caught it.
I like cooler westher too. Especially when the trees change color.
I am winning now!!!:thumleft:
I'm back too, for a moment before I fall asleep again. I'm getting really frustrated with my sleeping habits. I will be awake sometimes now in the middle of the night for an hour or two, and then fall asleep at the strangest times, like the middle of a football game (until Doug wakes me up because he thinks I'm going into a seizure. :ytongue: My gosh, these seizures have ruled my life for too long.
Trysha, didn't you say you live in Canada now? Forgive me, but I have a very poor memory. If so, how did did that change come about, if I may ask? (you know how we from the US are snoopy)
Teresa, I'm sorry you have a tummy ache. I hate the stomach flu. You have enough else to deal without such things. Glori, how are you today? How is everyone else? I hope you answer before I can't keep my eyes open...:yfaint::ghug:
Well, it looks like everyone has gone on their adventures over mountains and so forth, and since I'm awake (it's about time), I'll go get busy and win while nobody is here!:ybiggrin:
I'm back too, for a moment before I fall asleep again. I'm getting really frustrated with my sleeping habits. I will be awake sometimes now in the middle of the night for an hour or two, and then fall asleep at the strangest times, like the middle of a football game (until Doug wakes me up because he thinks I'm going into a seizure. :ytongue: My gosh, these seizures have ruled my life for too long.
Trysha, didn't you say you live in Canada now? Forgive me, but I have a very poor memory. If so, how did did that change come about, if I may ask? (you know how we from the US are snoopy)
Teresa, I'm sorry you have a tummy ache. I hate the stomach flu. You have enough else to deal without such things. Glori, how are you today? How is everyone else? I hope you answer before I can't keep my eyes open...:yfaint::ghug:
Hi Sandy
Sorry about your sleeping patterns---could it be due to your drug regimen.Has it been reviewed lately by your doc?
I came to Canada many years ago as a medical scientist . The opportunities were greater in Canada and we have had a lovely life here, it is a beautiful country full of opportunities for hard workers.
It is a very long story and I would not like to bore the audience.
I am off to the pub Would anyone like to come?

Only if the pub has good food, atmosphere, water and no smoke. Sorry Rob, I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.

Can someone hold my spot here for a while. I will be away for a few days researching wheelchair info to make sure I can advocate for myself and get the right chair. Thanks.

Slippin' in for a brief win...
Hi Sandy Sorry about your sleeping patterns---could it be due to your drug regimen.Has it been reviewed lately by your doc? I came to Canada many years ago as a medical scientist . The opportunities were greater in Canada and we have had a lovely life here, it is a beautiful country full of opportunities for hard workers. It is a very long story and I would not like to bore the audience. hugs Trysha
You are sure an interesting person, Trysha! Your comments, and lack of comments, have long left me with the impression of that of a very intelligent person. Being a medical scientist only confirms it. I hope I'm not embarrassing you. I have a lot of theories as to my sleep patterns, and I think you are partially correct, but that is only a small slice of a much larger picture. I appreciate your comments, though, especially with your background in the medical field. Yes, my doctor does review my meds, about every three months or more if needed, (my neurologist because of my hard to treat epilepsy), but I wish doctors woud listen more. I say that knowing I have a very bright and caring doctor. Like you, I won't bore everyone with the rest of the details. I just like to gripe. I'm glad you have enjoyed your life in Canada. I do think there are great opportunities for those in the US and Canada. I have always wanted to see England and Denmark as the lands of my ancestry, however. I have had a brother live in England, and a niece stay in England for an extended stay as her husband is from there also. I've seen Mexico, and my foster son is from Guatemala, which you have to come from the right circumstances to have any quality of life living there or coming from there. Okay, I'm rambling again. I hope everyone is having a good weekend.
Only if the pub has good food, atmosphere, water and no smoke. Sorry Rob, I'm allergic to cigarette smoke.

Can someone hold my spot here for a while. I will be away for a few days researching wheelchair info to make sure I can advocate for myself and get the right chair. Thanks.

Slippin' in for a brief win...

I'll try to save one win for you, and ditto to what you said.
I'm back too, for a moment before I fall asleep again. I'm getting really frustrated with my sleeping habits. I will be awake sometimes now in the middle of the night for an hour or two, and then fall asleep at the strangest times, like the middle of a football game (until Doug wakes me up because he thinks I'm going into a seizure. :ytongue: My gosh, these seizures have ruled my life for too long.
Trysha, didn't you say you live in Canada now? Forgive me, but I have a very poor memory. If so, how did did that change come about, if I may ask? (you know how we from the US are snoopy)
Teresa, I'm sorry you have a tummy ache. I hate the stomach flu. You have enough else to deal without such things. Glori, how are you today? How is everyone else? I hope you answer before I can't keep my eyes open...:yfaint::ghug:

Sandy, I didn't sleep a wink last night. Grrrrr... hiding under my heat right now. Hubby took pictures of the hyper-extension in my legs and it was painful for me to stand there while he did it. Sent me into spasms as well. Also, nearly fell over back wards more than once. LOL! Daniel is grossed out by the hyper-extension in my legs. (He's a squeamish little guy) Other than that, the Ducolax Laxative is finally working so I'm making my way frequently to the loo. Ha, ha. Of course I drag my friend the IV pole with me. Trying to catch up on fluids again. Never ending battle. So, lots of fun over here. Want to join me? I promise not to wake you if you are only sleeping.
Hi everyone,
Been sick all day with stomach flu.:frown: Slept 4 hours this afternoon. Feel like total crap. Head is pounding too. My son is better today, so hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow. Love you all and hope you feel better!
hi Trysha, sorry to hear you are not well. my day has been a comedy of errors, i was cutting some Melita board for my fridge and cut it too small, second attempt i didn't do the clamps tight enough and the guide for the router slipped and i wrecked my last piece of board. at least the shops are open tomorrow.
maybe you should give it a rest for today! Thanx for sympathizing with my stomach flu. I am all alone as it is 2am and hubby is asleep.:shifty-t:
i gave up about 3pm and watched a movie my son recorded, he missed the ending. what a day.
Sounds like it! We were supposed to go on a nice drive thru the mountains to an old restaurant built in th early 1800's and I had to get sick! Caught it from my son when I visited Wed. I think. He just got better today.:yfrown:
put your feet up for a few days, i very rarely catch anything, strange when most crohnies catch everything. can you go for your drive next w/e?
what am i, Scotch Mist , see you later.

You will have to forgive Teresa............................because she is Teresa

It is all no smoking in the UK these days ....except the places I go in London that have I would not go to a pub that specialises in food .....apart from that.......

Sorry you have been ill Teresa ....... But get back to work

See Trysha .. Sandy has worked you out....I always knew you were the voice of reason
put your feet up for a few days, i very rarely catch anything, strange when most crohnies catch everything. can you go for your drive next w/e?

Maybe, thanx Trev. Sorry, had to go last night. Was about to be sick and noone answered for awhile.
Hi everyone,
Still not up to par, but feelin a little bit better. Hope you all are doin good.
Sandy, thanx for the friend reference on the other forum,soo sweet! You mad my day!
I win for now!
Thanx Robert,except for the back to work part!:tongue:
This is an order for everyone here. including me, with my different problems. Now I'm going back to sleep after sleeping all night, and half the day yesterday. ~ sigh ~
Hi Trev----main thing is you did not injure yourself
I am really getting better now and hope it stays that way---thank you for the concern.
Now-to claim the win
You had it long enough. Since I'm sick, I claim it back for the afternoon. Noone else is allowed!!!:dance:Or else:voodoo:I'll get you!!!:eek2:
that should be she will get me to sort you out. I need to hurry up and drink that coffee:ylol2:
Yea, just finished my coffee, breakfast and morning pills I take 10 pills in morning, 1 for lunch, 3 for tea and 2 for bed - it's half of what I used to take :dance: in addition to all those pills are pain meds and antinausea
Yea, just finished my coffee, breakfast and morning pills I take 10 pills in morning, 1 for lunch, 3 for tea and 2 for bed - it's half of what I used to take :dance: in addition to all those pills are pain meds and antinausea

Remember i may need your help. Read above post!(Robert):rof:
This is an order for everyone here. including me, with my different problems. Now I'm going back to sleep after sleeping all night, and half the day yesterday. ~ sigh ~

Two days in a row I'm quoting myself. LOL. That was supposed to say order to get better. That tells you how tired I was. Now if I can stop my hands from shaking so I can type (or Swype as a little program I have on my phone is called) then I would be a lot better off. I would be ecstatic if I could remember what I was going to say to all your posts above. (I know I came in this room for a reason.) It had something to do with your caffeine talk. Or maybe Teresa's roast. Or was that in her other thread? We know who is truly blond on this thread.
not quite sure if this is a win, but I am starting to gain weight (I don't look so sick anymore!) and eat all the time. So I must be getting beter right? But I guess it is a win in my book, better hit the gym tomorrow...
Sandy it's ok you screwed up the message. I knew what you meant. Hope you are doing better this evening. Email me when you can.OK? In for the win...:dance: :hug:FOR YOU!
Sandy wants to have a Christmas eve party with all of us. Wouldn't that be a hoot?
i would love to come, but 12 or more hours on a plane would drive me nuts. why dont you guys move somewhere closer to us so we can visit.
i would love to come, but 12 or more hours on a plane would drive me nuts. why dont you guys move somewhere closer to us so we can visit.

My hubby would love to move to Italy. He seriously would if I said yes. But my parents and family are all here and I couldn't leave them. I would go over for a vacation, but the plane ride would terrify me too!
I heard you guys were getting flooding over there. Was in in your area or somewhere else I hope!?
Our football team STEELER"S game is starting in 5 minutes so I have to sign off for tonight! Have a great day!:dance::dance::dance:GO STEELERS!!!!!!
It's no fun when you are unwell - I feel as though I should be kind to you (but I do hope you are improving today) - I think you are just mad because your team got battered
It's no fun when you are unwell - I feel as though I should be kind to you (but I do hope you are improving today) - I think you are just mad because your team got battered

Yes they sure did. But it was 1st game of the season. They will come back and be fine. They always do. They are winners!!!!:dance:
How are you today Teresa? I'm sorry the Steelers lost. I'm still trying to figure out which pro team to route for as the closest to us is the Dallas Cowboys and I can't stand them. However, my bother-in-law is such an avid Eagles fan and it is hard to go against him ...
I was actually awake and going by 7:00 for a change. I think that is good for a win. No headache (to speak of) at present either.
Robert, are you bald yet?
How are you today Teresa? I'm sorry the Steelers lost. I'm still trying to figure out which pro team to route for as the closest to us is the Dallas Cowboys and I can't stand them. However, my bother-in-law is such an avid Eagles fan and it is hard to go against him ...
I was actually awake and going by 7:00 for a change. I think that is good for a win. No headache (to speak of) at present either.
Robert, are you bald yet?
Good morning Miss Sandy! I missed you! I told Robert that the Steelers will win next week or I'm eating crow! Hope you don't become an Eagles fan! They are good though! Glad you got no headacha today. I feel better too! Having some coffee. My tummy was queasy but it's going away now. I sent you family pictures! Hope you like them. Can't remember which ones now.
What are you doing today? I have to run over the store and get a card for my group leader and send it out. Today is her!
Well I had my hair cut on Saturday - by a truly beautiful Italian lady with jet black hair (sorry going off subject) - who said I had the thickest hair she had ever seen - i.e. a pain to cut.

They used to say that about Doug's also. I've always been told mine was too fine and hard to style. It grows so slow that with each haircut - well, I'm almost bald now.

Teresa and Robert, er, you better see that other thread.
They used to say that about Doug's also. I've always been told mine was too fine and hard to style. It grows so slow that with each haircut - well, I'm almost bald now.

Teresa and Robert, er, you better see that other thread.

Sandy start taking Biotin, my hair was thinning and I take one everyday and it stopped. Also use Garnier Fructiesse FALL FIGHT shampoo and cond. It is great for that too!

What other thread???
Well I had my hair cut on Saturday - by a truly beautiful Italian lady with jet black hair (sorry going off subject) - who said I had the thickest hair she had ever seen - i.e. a pain to cut.

Well no wonder we didn't hear from you all weekend Robert! Now we know why. Did she pull any hair out????:wink:
I'm catching up. Time to go do my dishes. Yuck. When I don't do them, they save them all for me.
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