I posted a joke on the joke thread you might like.
I'll be sure to check it out later...
I posted a joke on the joke thread you might like.
But Robert, we still love you and that is why you keep coming back.
Robert when do you get your work done
teresa when do you go to your sisters
Sanni, I like you already. your name is what my nieces and nephews use to call me when they were littleI gues I have to "give up" for now since I need to get going again. Not sure about the time difference but maybe I can win again later.
You all have fun!
Hmmm - that sounded pompous - not what I meant. No I work very early and quite late on the laptop - plus in London most weeks.
I would never be so rude - it was aimed at me.
I should get back to my history thing though.
it is only 730 a.m in my part of the US. my dog did not need out she just tried to knock this cell phone out of my because she is jealous
Just like a kid, aren't they?
Yes I am pleased we were so kind to Carol when she was away.
Robert, you are not allowed to win....
Hi Carol,
What is the mick???
Hi Cheryl,
Can't stay, my sister is coming up shortly. Just wanted to say hello. haven't seen ya lately! Have fun!!! Watch out foroo: mouth!!!
Take the mickey,being sarcastically cheeky.tongue in cheek.
Sounds like a classic case of denial to me, Robert.
No that is not good Robert - yell louder - it may make a difference:lol:
G' night Sanni. Sleep tight. My dog is afraid of balloons too. When you come back, you will have to tell me your fuzz ball's, er , dog's name. He/she is beautiful!
His name is Vilho (a typical male name in Finland). Not the easiest to pronounce in english. I spell it with a W .. so its Wilho. My dad (who is american) can't pronounce it so he calls him Willlow.
His breed is a Chinese crested dog. Hes a big boy for his breed though. And the best dog I ever had (the only dog too since he is my first dog). I also have two Burmese cats there names are Aamu (means morning) and Mocca (no explenation needed there). :heart: Love animals.
And my man has a King boa.. I call her Satin.. but thats not her name. (Its Satan)
Whats your pets names? It always interesting how people come up with names for pets... or children too.
, how would you like it if we called you King Looney?
Erm.....well actually................
Well really!
I have no idea what I have done this time to stir up the witches coven
Sorry,I beat you all!
My win.
So as I come here to collect my win before bed I'll vent a little too. Why is it that we do things even if we know its bad for us? I mean... Im sitteng here drinking my second cup of tea when I know I should not since it flushes all the minerals from my body (and my foot allready has a small cramp in it).. but then I drink it anyways... because having a cup of tea is one of the best parts of my day.
I know it is for most. But my body does not work like normal anymore and most things that are good for people are bad for me. Tea, water.. Im only supposed to drink stuff loaded with salt and potassium. But I love tea.. havinga wonderful cup of green tea with honey as I type now. :heart:
Why is it that we do things even if we know its bad for us?
Robert... Its time to go to bed. 22:30
Good night, Sanni.
Hello Teresa,
I thought I had finally seen you off - then you suddenly appear. Understandable that I am a bit put out.
Glori - hope you are better soon - but I am afraid I will not be going easy on you when you get back!
Well.... put out that I thought you had gone but you turn up again. Oh Teresa it is so easy for me to annoy you - we used to have great fights.
Sensitive....but can be tough now and again. Dad always told me I wear my feelings on the outside...
What happened to Glori?