Leaky Bowels?

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Nov 13, 2012
Lately, I have been sitting a lot (college). It seems like my butt starts to really sweat after about 10 minutes of sitting. So bad that it soaks through my shorts and leaves wet marks on the seat. This 'sweat' smells awful (like ass) and sometimes has a brown tint to it. I recently has a checkup and my doctor said i was in great health. I dont eat any junk food and I stay active. I tried using goldbond powder, which worked great at first, but then it stopped. What can be causing this? Maybe gluten intolerance?
Did your doctor do a physical exam? It is possible that you have a fistula that is leaking. Aside from that, yes, you can get anal leakage. I used to use a little TP inside my underwear, and it worked quite well.
i dont think it is a fistula. I have no pain when having a bowel movement and no other symptoms, aside from having a sweaty butt.
I once had a fistula that was only found upon me "feeling" it (by touch), but I never had pain or knew it was there otherwise. I agree with Shamock, that it could be a fistula. I'd have a CR perform an examination.

In the meantime, toilet paper is a good padding...as is a feminine napkin, although assuming you're male (by name), that may be too awkward.

Good luck!
hemmorhoids could do the same thing cos they can swell if ur sat putting pressure on them.
def see your doctor and find out the cause!
until then maybe try carrying baby wipes and wearing some thicker protection or a pad... good luck hope you get a solution soon
Developed leaking bottom some time after external haemorrhoidectomy and delormes procedure for prolapsed bowel. Thought it was anal fissure, or dietary, crohns, damage to sphinter, infection, candida, lack of fibre, ibs, imbalance of intestinal flora you name it. Had the colorectal surgeon check it out and he found no problems. At my wits end and spent time doing planks, kegel exercises, yoga, meditation, cranberry tablets and suppositories, garlic tablets etc. If anything the leaking seemed to be getting worse. Then remembered the surgeon prescribed emdep 25 medication to ease post operative cramping. In high doses, it is an anti-depressant. In milder doses, it is a muscle relaxant so good for the cramps. So stopped taking the emdep and the leaking stopped like turning off a tap. What a relief, having a leaking bottom is a real social impediment. But before you stop taking emdep and similar medications particularly anti-depressants, talk to your doctor as mental health delicate situation. Also your leakage problem might not be due to emdep or similar meds.
I know exactly what that is like! I have Crohns, I have had many fistula's and perianal abscess's. I have had four operations because of these. Even after four operations I still have leakages. I have had a seton stitch/drain in place, this stops abscess's forming. But then they do drain into my underwear. I have to use protection to soak it up. Otherwise it will go through my clothing. I get very paranoid about and often ask my wife if it has come through my clothing. You don't always get pain with fistula, however if you get an abscess you will know all about it. You need a Doctor to have a look inside, they will not have to look very far to find a fistula.
I have this also I am on lialda which makes it go away but recently missed a few doses due to illness and it came back with a vengeance. I too use the old wad of t p trick I have recently had a scope and no fistula or access but lots of wbc in stool

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