Lost cause

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Apr 4, 2012
I haven't really visited this forums in months.
Originally I joined after being told I may have crohns.
Well. I do have colitis but it's not crohns... Weird huh.
They said I had klebsiella oxytoca and I went on gentamicin and got told to move on with my life even though I still have symtoms.
It's weird, doctors don't really see this as something worth treating..
Anyway, I have decided to put up with the pain etc and move on :)
Just getting a skin tag removed and I will explode with positivity.
I would say I will be back at square one, one day but not worth worrying about.
Just can't have dairy or red meat ever again I guess :(
I'm going to look for a new job and start a whole new life.
:) 3 hours sleep is enough to live so that's all minimum I need.
As for my symptoms... Ohwell, **** happens I guess.:)
Bring it on world :) bring it on :)
Do you still have antibiotics left to take? If not, go back and get more, sounds like they haven't cleaned up the whole mess.

I'm still on gentamicin.
I have sort of given up trying to find the answer...
I went to hospital and said I didn't want to live anymore and they sent me home...
Can't even get help pleading suicidal.... Which is weird...
I went to a micro biologist who told me basically to move on with my life...
Went to a colorectal surgeon who said he will get rid of the skin tag... That's a plus :)
Really happy about getting that removed.
I'm still losing weight which is concerning but I guess not too concerning if they won't help me.
Iv just gotto keep treckin and il either one day start feeling better or my body will give up fighting the bug.
Either one seems to be my only options.
Never thought doctors would leave people so stuck.
Oh well., **** happens, right.
Thank you both for replying, good to see I'm not invisible too lol.
Thank you again :)
Well how long did they say that the antibiotics would take to start having an effect? Some infections are tough. Honestly I'm happy for you that it might NOT be Crohn's and it most likely is just infectious colitis! Yes you could be cured once the antibiotics do their job!

Now it might take a while, hell, the current round if antibiotics might not be enough! But even so, keep up, you found a cause, you know the treatment, it'll work! Give it time.

With all that gentamicin,I would urge taking a potent probiotic like vsl3-dr..your normal flora in your gut is likely dead or dying!that affects digestion in a huge way!!ask for that formula..in the states it's by prescription at that dose.
3 hours of sleep a night??wowie..I'm jealous!:) I need 10 at least and stl feel tired!you go!!
You should really be a contemplating dietary regimen such as the paleo or scd diets. I did the medication route which did nothing but create additional problems (liver failure). I've been off my mess for over 5yrs and in full remission. Goodluck
I read that the bacteria after treatment can cause Colitis, this might be the reason you are still having symptoms. You might look into treating it like a few others have suggested with diet, vitamins and probiotics. It has been well documented that these take the edge off of symptoms enough to live a somewhat normal life. I take it you cant sleep longer than 3 hours? If you are choosing this number I would suggest getting more sleep as not getting enough sleep will cause stomach problems by itself. I would also suggest some antidepressants/sleeping pills there is no shame in taking things like this there is a reason they were invented and if you need them, you need them, feeling great is possible and even if drug induced its still feeling great.
Like thermo mentioned,antidepressant medication can help. I have done much research on the gut-brain connection. EvEn as a nurse who has worked in critical care, I really didn't understand that the intestinal tract has a whole slew of receptors for neurotransmitters especially serotonin and dopamine. It's why the gut is often called the second brain. From what I understand, a very low dose of tricyclics antidepressants such as elavil,doxepin, or trazadone can also help with chronic pain. I take doxepin at night which also helps me sleep and cymbalta during the day which helps a lot with my pain. You may want to discuss options with the doctor.
I know taking a bunch of medicine is as appealing as a fork in the eye(it is for me anyway) but personally, I like a moderate approach.. Conventional western medicine along with other modalities like the chiropractor, supplements and any dietary changes to ease up my symptoms. Honestly?if someone said standing on my head would help I would probably give it a go!
I do have my limits though. My rule is if something won't cause obvious harm I'll try it. If it sounds too wacky or I know it may worsen things, I just pass!
Thanks all,
I usually try look for the answers my self and keep everything bottled up.
But I will take many of the options you have given me and I'm thankful that you are considerate to provide the help.
I will try see if I can get that probiotic.
But i wont start the probiotic till after taking tje gentamycin as it would kill it anyway.I'm a little confused and new to dealing with all this so it's a little bit of a shock.
My diet is pretty basic and I have kept to it for a long time now.
Basically fish, cereal and veg, fruit etc.
I try to go out of the above diet often.
My gland swells up in my neck a lot and I get other weird symtoms..
I think some symptoms are prob just from the antibiotics.
I'm guessing my gut flora is pretty dead lol...
1 month of vancamycin and 2 weeks of gentamicin has prob destroyed a lot.
Il never understand my weight loss though... 20 kg's down the drain...
Don't get me wrong, I was actually happy to lose the kg's but I'm just hoping it will stop and not lose too much lol.
Some doctors say I'm a medical mystery and I'm pretty down with that at the moment..
You get sick of trying to find out what's wrong after a while lol.
I really look up to you guys who have crohns.
You really are a strong people. I have had colitis for only 8 months "as far as I know"
And it's not an easy thing to deal with.
I was kept up more nights with some weird UTI thing though.
I once went to pee 70 times on one night... I got no sleep that night.
Things have calmed down a little... A little is better than nothing.
I am still very lost as to what the deal is with my body but I guess either do many people.
Thank you

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