Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

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I have been keeping up with this forum for a few weeks now. I finally decided to give MJ a try. Now, I only know enough about this from what have researched. And I have read a lot which is what lead me to give it a try. I live in Colorado so I am lucky to have access to it. Long story short, I went to a dispensary and told the guy I was looking from something with a higher CBD content. He ended up giving me Ogre. Max THC of 6.10% and CBD at about 3% I started on the 9-26. I smoke about 2 - 3 times per day and a couple of hits at a time. So far I have not noticed any improvements. Should I give it more time? Do I need a different strain? Any thoughts will help. Thanks
Absolutely fascinating discussion. Would anyone like to comment on the negative aspects of Medical Marijuana use. For example cannabis has been associated with ischaemic pattern colitis.
I ask this as I brought up the possible use with my GI guy and he hit it on the head citing various negatives including fibrotic changes in the liver if I recall.

I certainly would prefer to try Medical Cannabinoids rather than the biologics and azathioprine considering a strong family pattern of myeloproliferative diseases. SO, it would be nice to have an argument to put to him at my next meeting on Monday.
Would anyone like to comment on the negative aspects of Medical Marijuana use. For example cannabis has been associated with ischaemic pattern colitis.

Associated, but never clearly established. If you go over the literature on cannabis from the past 20 years, you can find cannabis associated with just about every condition.

I ask this as I brought up the possible use with my GI guy and he hit it on the head citing various negatives including fibrotic changes in the liver if I recall.

In cross sectional studies, yes. But if you actually read those studies, you'll find many of the users were also drinkers, many of them alcoholics who already had liver problems. The studies never established causation, just correlation. There's no data that suggests cannaninoids damage the organs to induce fibrosis.

I certainly would prefer to try Medical Cannabinoids rather than the biologics and azathioprine considering a strong family pattern of myeloproliferative diseases. SO, it would be nice to have an argument to put to him at my next meeting on Monday.

After 5-ASA and immunomodulators failed for me, I was looking at biologics next. I knew they would stop working after a while, they diminish your immune response to every other pathogens you encounter, they require I take a day off every 2 months to spend it in a chemo lounge and it's very expensive. After an acquaintance of mine who is on Remicade was hospitalized with pneumonia at 29 (!!!), I took a hard look at the reality, the data, and decided to give cannabis a try.

I am now in remission and require no other aid or medication except a daily dose before bed. Once I can get my hand on strains that have more CBD, the short term memory performance will become normal again. As for sperm count, I may have to get myself checked or stop using while we try to get pregnant. Otherwise, I live a completely normal life.

There are very few doctors in the US or Canada right now that are fully educated on the modern science of cannabis. It's nice to see in Ireland they seem more open to it, but they still don't appear to go in much depth in their literature review.
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I have been keeping up with this forum for a few weeks now. I finally decided to give MJ a try. Now, I only know enough about this from what have researched. And I have read a lot which is what lead me to give it a try. I live in Colorado so I am lucky to have access to it. Long story short, I went to a dispensary and told the guy I was looking from something with a higher CBD content. He ended up giving me Ogre. Max THC of 6.10% and CBD at about 3% I started on the 9-26. I smoke about 2 - 3 times per day and a couple of hits at a time. So far I have not noticed any improvements. Should I give it more time? Do I need a different strain? Any thoughts will help. Thanks

How long has it been since you started? It will take more than a few days.

You'd probably do better with a high THC strain if you're flaring right now. 6% is low.

If you are in Colorodo you must have access to edibles? Smoking is the absolute worse delivery method, not to mention you can end up wasting a lot of herbs. Edibles, tinctures or oils will be more helpful at treating the colitis.
Thank you for your response francisK7.

I started last week on Sept 26. So not that long. Since i have never had MJ before i was ok with starting at a low thc to see how i might react. I will try a higher dose. Yes, i have access to edibles. They are marked in mg. What would you recommend as a dose?
There is no doubt that potent strains, especially indicas, would knock you out if you never had cannabis before. An easy solution is to take it an hour before bed, and to sleep through the "high" period. After a week of doing this your tolerance to the psychoactivity will have ramped up significantly, and the benefit to your gut should be felt.

As for dosages, here is how I would do it in your situation.

1. Start low, 10 mg edibles or drops. You can have these during the day and see how they affect you. The food must be metabolized before the cannabinoids enter your bloodstream (unlike inhalation, which is very quick) so you might not feel a thing before 30 min to two hours.

2. You want to reach 25mg and stay there for a few more days

3. Eventually, 50mg-100mg daily before bed is the objective.

If you overdo it and find yourself so high you could scoop the clouds, stay calm, do not panic, remind yourself you will recover completely in 10-12 hours. Retire to a quiet place and relax. Do not engage any machinery, drive, and I'd avoid the phone too. (Pro tip). Do not mix alcohol with edibles, not while you learn how to dose them for your specific needs and require clear, unhindered feedback from your body and mind.

At such low doses and short time it was unlikely to make a significant difference but you should at the very least be pain free and the number of BM per day should have lowered somewhat.

If you want to give your colon a HUGE health boost, you can do really high dose THC and/or CBD edibles before bed (100mg+) coupled with a paleo diet for a week or two. The diet will give the colon a break and the massive doses of cannabinoids will supercharge the healing process.
Associated, but never clearly established. If you go over the literature on cannabis from the past 20 years, you can find cannabis associated with just about every condition.

In cross sectional studies, yes. But if you actually read those studies, you'll find many of the users were also drinkers, many of them alcoholics who already had liver problems. The studies never established causation, just correlation. There's no data that suggests cannaninoids damage the organs to induce fibrosis.

After 5-ASA and immunomodulators failed for me, I was looking at biologics next. I knew they would stop working after a while, they diminish your immune response to every other pathogens you encounter, they require I take a day off every 2 months to spend it in a chemo lounge and it's very expensive. After an acquaintance of mine who is on Remicade was hospitalized with pneumonia at 29 (!!!), I took a hard look at the reality, the data, and decided to give cannabis a try.

I am now in remission and require no other aid or medication except a daily dose before bed. Once I can get my hand on strains that have more CBD, the short term memory performance will become normal again. As for sperm count, I may have to get myself checked or stop using while we try to get pregnant. Otherwise, I live a completely normal life.

There are very few doctors in the US or Canada right now that are fully educated on the modern science of cannabis. It's nice to see in Ireland they seem more open to it, but they still don't appear to go in much depth in their literature review.

As a scientist, I appreciate your citations. As a person, I appreciate you taking the time.

If I might further burden you/others for strong citations in support of the use of Med Marijuana for Crohn's


PS. I've no doubt my last GI guy would have given it a blast. Unfortunately he retired and I am left with a GI guy who fears anything that isn't handed down from the Gods of Pharma, isn't blessed by the FDA, and isn't worshiped by the unquestioning risk adverse sheep amongst his peer group.

The last time I was in with him, he was peeved because I asked too many questions - "did I not know he had a clinic to run". As a university teacher I had responsibility for over 800 students. You can imagine how many questions, academic issues, and suicidal emergencies that that can generate. So, I found his intolerance of questions rather lame.
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FrancisK7-My doctor recommends his patients stop all cannabis intake for four days every month or so,to help with tolerance issues.I have my doubts this is wise for those of us who are using cannabis for IBD purposes,rather than pain management.Your thoughts?
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 2011. I have opted to not take any medication..even prednisone. I've been using medical marijuana since my diagnosis and I really believe it is the reason I haven't had any surgeries.
FrancisK7-My doctor recommends his patients stop all cannabis intake for four days every month or so,to help with tolerance issues.I have my doubts this is wise for those of us who are using cannabis for IBD purposes,rather than pain management.Your thoughts?

As I understand it, the tolerance build up is to the psychoactivity -- that is, the cannabinoids' ability to alter our consciousness. The anti-inflammatory properties are preserved.

I could be wrong, I haven't read much about tolerance in the literature. You could ask your doc for his source. A four day pause is certainly not enough to alleviate psychoactivity resistance in any significant way in my experience.
Interesting. Legalizing medical marijuana in Florida has just been put on ballot. Daughter's doctor supports but daughter is afraid of being caught. Employers do drug testing so.... LOL. Needless to say, you know how I voted and how she voted! Hope it passes!
Hello everyone I am back hopefully more than temporarily as I am working a lot, and finishing law school at the same time.... This being said the discussion seems to be going pretty well. Though it must be said that again similar to Francis I have been symptom free from The RSO now for 9 consecutive months without any pharmaceuticals.
Dave13 I would say that stopping for a couple days couldn't hurt but what I do is at least 1 or 2 days a week I drop my intake in half so that my body does not plateau from tolerance. Think of it like exercise when you do the same routine every day for months your body gets use to it and you need an increase in either weight or reps. If you fluctuate on a cycle with your intake you should be able to mitigate the tolerance aspect of the Cannabinoids.

Also everything Francis says is fact, right now there are simply to many people whom at this point are simply afraid from 2 consecutive generations of indoctrination to believe that cannabis/Heroin/LSD are in the same class of drug which we all know even those afraid to use it is simply not true. The fact there are also people who consistently say to me well I know someone that has ____________ fill in the blank autoimmune disease and they smoke a couple joints a day and it does nothing for them. I consistently say smoking for most diseases does not and will not work unless you smoke like a chimney in January in the artic. Direct ingestion in tincture/oil/edibles is the best option though for me Oil/ tinctures have worked the best for me at about 80-100 mg. Again just a reiteration of what I said before.

Summing up my larger point for having the time to write this and come back to the forum is based on the fact that I think we need to as a group here figure out a strategy to break people out of the fear of cannabis and treat themselves effectively I know some will say you can only lead a horse to water you can't make them drink but to watch people suffer unnecessarily drives me insane. What are all of your thoughts?
Hello everyone I am back hopefully more than temporarily as I am working a lot, and finishing law school at the same time.... This being said the discussion seems to be going pretty well. Though it must be said that again similar to Francis I have been symptom free from The RSO now for 9 consecutive months without any pharmaceuticals.
Dave13 I would say that stopping for a couple days couldn't hurt but what I do is at least 1 or 2 days a week I drop my intake in half so that my body does not plateau from tolerance. Think of it like exercise when you do the same routine every day for months your body gets use to it and you need an increase in either weight or reps. If you fluctuate on a cycle with your intake you should be able to mitigate the tolerance aspect of the Cannabinoids.

Also everything Francis says is fact, right now there are simply to many people whom at this point are simply afraid from 2 consecutive generations of indoctrination to believe that cannabis/Heroin/LSD are in the same class of drug which we all know even those afraid to use it is simply not true. The fact there are also people who consistently say to me well I know someone that has ____________ fill in the blank autoimmune disease and they smoke a couple joints a day and it does nothing for them. I consistently say smoking for most diseases does not and will not work unless you smoke like a chimney in January in the artic. Direct ingestion in tincture/oil/edibles is the best option though for me Oil/ tinctures have worked the best for me at about 80-100 mg. Again just a reiteration of what I said before.

Summing up my larger point for having the time to write this and come back to the forum is based on the fact that I think we need to as a group here figure out a strategy to break people out of the fear of cannabis and treat themselves effectively I know some will say you can only lead a horse to water you can't make them drink but to watch people suffer unnecessarily drives me insane. What are all of your thoughts?

It is shocking to watch that the facts about cannabis as a treatment do not spread like plague while so many people experience constant suffering.
This is what I am saying why I have to keep coming back here and yeah Francis thanks bro, good to see your doing well and have the time to keep coming back and spreading the truth. Crohn2357 its not just Crohns though today my building manager told me she had severe MS and I told her about the oil and her response was well smoking never worked for me so why would this? I tried breaking down to her but I don't think it registered completely. The problem is there are mostly 2 types of doctors out there right now the ones whom will actually tell you that there is no way that Cannabis works regardless of preliminary tests and the ones that will tell you well it works but a pharmaceutical company needs to do clinical trials and then I will support it. In the rare case that a doctor does approve of its use having him/her say it on the record becomes a problem and the ones that will are usually the same docs under investigation because they write to many pain prescriptions discrediting them as "good" doctors. The doctors patients in turn think we are all crack pots. They think we are lying and delusional or which this one really gets me, that some how we are some sort of anomaly, a miracle of science so to speak which can never be replicated in a lab or in other people.

The frustration kills me because so many people do not have to suffer like as they do and can potentially be free of pharmas as many of us on this page are. Its pure indoctrination and though we are slowly winning the debate, it should be an avalanche at this point with the number of success stories but yet it is still a crawl. I think we need to start to figure something out even if its as small as attending local group meetings and really stressing the results or anything which would make the dissemination of information more wide spread. ANY THOUGHTS?
Looking for some help with amounts. My doctor did sign so I could get my MM card, so I am purchasing from our local dispensary. Never used mm before so it is all new to me. I started taking high CBD caps (20 mg CBD per cap) the middle of August. I take 1 in the morning and one at bedtime. I added what they call snake oil at the end of September. They call it an easier alternative to "run from the cure" oil. It consists of hemp seed oil and amber cannabis honey oil- 80mg honey oil in every 1ml of hemp seed oil. At the dispensary's advice I started with 1 drop under my tongue at bed time. I have worked my way up to 4 drops. I am not in a flair and have been doing fairly well with a very restrictive Paleo type diet and naturopathic supplements as well as salofalk tabs from my specialist, I have been on the salofalk for ever although I have my doubts that they actually do anything. Since adding the MM I have had less pain but would love to actually be in full remission after 24 years with UC. Hollistic Joe I see you say that you take 80-100 mg how many drops or ie teaspoons is that? Any recommendations for me on how much I should try to take. Also wondered how long it takes to work fully, how long did it take to be in full remission?Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is what I am saying why I have to keep coming back here and yeah Francis thanks bro, good to see your doing well and have the time to keep coming back and spreading the truth. Crohn2357 its not just Crohns though today my building manager told me she had severe MS and I told her about the oil and her response was well smoking never worked for me so why would this? I tried breaking down to her but I don't think it registered completely. The problem is there are mostly 2 types of doctors out there right now the ones whom will actually tell you that there is no way that Cannabis works regardless of preliminary tests and the ones that will tell you well it works but a pharmaceutical company needs to do clinical trials and then I will support it. In the rare case that a doctor does approve of its use having him/her say it on the record becomes a problem and the ones that will are usually the same docs under investigation because they write to many pain prescriptions discrediting them as "good" doctors. The doctors patients in turn think we are all crack pots. They think we are lying and delusional or which this one really gets me, that some how we are some sort of anomaly, a miracle of science so to speak which can never be replicated in a lab or in other people.

The frustration kills me because so many people do not have to suffer like as they do and can potentially be free of pharmas as many of us on this page are. Its pure indoctrination and though we are slowly winning the debate, it should be an avalanche at this point with the number of success stories but yet it is still a crawl. I think we need to start to figure something out even if its as small as attending local group meetings and really stressing the results or anything which would make the dissemination of information more wide spread. ANY THOUGHTS?

My Doctor is in the latter group. She completely believes it but they are not insured or licensed to prescribe it. At least at her LARGE Boston Hospital. We have dispensaries opening next year and I'm praying that they will come with their own set of doctors. I know this is not the right way to do it (having doctors there to prescribe because it leads to misuse) but I want to be able to purchase good MM and oils/tinctures. I want to stop taking my main medications. I want to be able to take it at work (low THC). I want to feel good all the time, not only on nights/weekends! I'm constantly in pain and after 15 years it is really, really starting to depress me and I'm not one that depresses easily.
My Doctor is in the latter group. She completely believes it but they are not insured or licensed to prescribe it. At least at her LARGE Boston Hospital. We have dispensaries opening next year and I'm praying that they will come with their own set of doctors. I know this is not the right way to do it (having doctors there to prescribe because it leads to misuse) but I want to be able to purchase good MM and oils/tinctures. I want to stop taking my main medications. I want to be able to take it at work (low THC). I want to feel good all the time, not only on nights/weekends! I'm constantly in pain and after 15 years it is really, really starting to depress me and I'm not one that depresses easily.

I'm wondering, assuming dispensaries in MA wont have on-hand doctors, if they will allow me to go in and ask questions without a prescription. I'd like to go in and get expert advise to bring back to my doctor for my argument - Assuming she is insured by then.
Hey Wendy I take Rick Simpson oil in Half milliter doses with edible bars which hover at somewhere between 45 mg THC 3 mg cbd 3mg cbn every day, once a day. The only time I do anything different is on days I decide to go and eat a ton of popcorn at the movies or grab a couple drinks at the bar than I double it and take 2 VSL#3 Capsules to help the process along so to speak. I have to say though I ONLY started recently within the past 3 months eating popcorn/nuts again regularly and drinking alcohol. I figured I would guinea pig myself and test the limits of this medications ability.
Answering your questions, for someone like you - Wendy- whom is that far along in what I call the deficient Cannabinoid syndrome, I would think you would need heavy doses to start and then work your way down because you need to saturate your system in Cannabinoids. In a pure numbers perspective I would say based on information I have read exclusively here from other members you may need up to 1000 mgs a day. This may be more on an extreme periphery but it is possible. Keeping this in mind I would start somewhere between 250-500 mgs a day. Sounds high but with the number of consecutive years you have been sick your body will need that much to fill the receptors back up so to speak. From this range if it puts you into remission great if not complete remission but partial just increase the dose until you get there. If its to much to handle I suggest building from 100 to 200 to 300 or what ever over a course of weeks or days if you are really desperate. In terms of drops from the oil it should be for you about to 2-3-4sub lines on the oral dropper tube, for the edible bar for you would be 2 segments but that would be on the bar itself. Though if you attempt to expedite it I would also suggest drinking a lot of alkaline water with a high PH as you do this. Recently I have read not in journals or articles but some California based mm wellness blogs that in some terminally ill individuals with prolonged illness the oils in high doses will shut the illness down but cause the body to go into acidic shock from the sudden change in body chemistry. This mostly happens in cancer patients but it is something to be aware of.
For me personally I was almost in total remission within 4 days but didn't feel 100 percent for about 2 weeks. I would think for you the process maybe a little longer but you will definitely feel a noticeable difference in the first couple of days. If its not the pain it will be the number of movements a day then the pain vice versus but there will be a change. Since your not in a flair now the time it takes to notice a difference maybe when ever you go off the Palo diet and eat a former trigger food to find out it no longer is.

Mish-What happens is that since the healthcare industry does not officially sponsor it, Doctors won't officially comment on it. Also I would venture most dispensaries will have a doctor on site but the statute is not as open as California so misuse will be relatively low though honestly I believe that misuse at this point is minimal in most instances because Marijuana even in a recreational sense has been shown to be an effective preventative supplement for a number of diseases making even a perceived misuse possibly not. Answering your second question you can definitely go into some of these dispensaries that will open and get very good advise essentially for free, though some of the more aggressive dispensaries will attempt to lock you into seeing there doctor and getting registered with them you can honestly just blow them off. If they try to say we can not legally speak to you unless you register with us that is a lie and leave. Also if you want expert advise to really convince her it works here is a link from the forum a couple of years ago that has a number of very convincing articles from very reputable universities. Crazy thing is since this link was posted there are dozens of more articles with more surprising results. They are just all over the place but this is a start for you.

Wail I have indeed heard of this new peptide treatment I Believe you are talking about the same medication delivery system being developed by Virobay pharmaceuticals that uses a Cysteine Cathespin platform to essentially shut down the parts of the immune system which are over active in the affected parts of the body, shut down the enzyme process completely in the protein transcription to be more precise? That company definitely has the right idea but I think long term side effects from there medications are going to be rather catastrophic unless of course they figured out a way to isolate the treatment to the affected areas of the body only and use the medication in short term increments similar to steroids. What are your thoughts and am I right that is the molecular peptide treatment your are talking about?
Hollistic Joe. Thanks for the help. I haven't increased the dose yet. I am actually not feeling well and wondering if anyone else has heard of mm making you feel worse. Slight increase in # of bms and D. Should I continue and it will start to improve? When I first started the high CBD caps I felt worse for a couple of days and then back to the way I was before but with an improvement in pain. I added the oil 3 weeks ago, slowly increasing it but am only up to 4 drops.
I have never read in any study or anywhere that MM can make you worse especially in C&C situations, what pharmaceuticals are you taking in conjunction with the MM, it could be potentially causing a interaction which would trigger an increase in symptoms. Also it could be something you ate, not saying you went off the diet, it is possible you ate something which was a little old that had a higher bacteria count then your use to and it is throwing you off slightly, have you taken any probiotics or VSL3s lately? I think as I said before given your situation you may really need a heavy primer dose of MM oil to kickstart your body's repair process. I would also find a organic-vegan vitamin supplement megafoods makes a good one, if you don't take one of those already. So in sum I would increase if not double your mm oil intake as long as your bms and D are on the rise. Take VSL3 for a couple of days in your case I would say you probably need close to the max a day 6-8 and a organic-vegan supplement. If you happen to not have a problem with rectal insertion, this is kind of a novel idea but I say try inserting a dose of the oil rectally so it goes right into your colon, that may give you faster relief, as well as taking it orally so your kind of covering both ends. Hope this was helpful and hope you get it under control.
Just want to say you caught me at a great time its one of my rare Fridays off this term. I will be free all weekend as well so fire any questions you have at me. That goes for anyone here as well!!!!
Thanks for all the help. It was Thanksgiving here last weekend so I think maybe your right I ate something that wasn't good. The only pharmaceutical I take is Salofalk I have been on it for years. I take a lot of naturopathic supplements including a multi vitamin and Bio-Kult probiotic. I am very sensitive to any change so I always add things very slowly. I am a bit confused by the dosage advice what do you mean by 2-3-4 sub lines on the dropper. The oil comes in a 10 milliliter bottle, how many milliliters should I try to take? You take 1/2 a milliliter a day is that right? Thanks again.
Hello everyone I am back hopefully more than temporarily as I am working a lot, and finishing law school at the same time.... This being said the discussion seems to be going pretty well. Though it must be said that again similar to Francis I have been symptom free from The RSO now for 9 consecutive months without any pharmaceuticals.
Dave13 I would say that stopping for a couple days couldn't hurt but what I do is at least 1 or 2 days a week I drop my intake in half so that my body does not plateau from tolerance. Think of it like exercise when you do the same routine every day for months your body gets use to it and you need an increase in either weight or reps. If you fluctuate on a cycle with your intake you should be able to mitigate the tolerance aspect of the Cannabinoids.

Also everything Francis says is fact, right now there are simply to many people whom at this point are simply afraid from 2 consecutive generations of indoctrination to believe that cannabis/Heroin/LSD are in the same class of drug which we all know even those afraid to use it is simply not true. The fact there are also people who consistently say to me well I know someone that has ____________ fill in the blank autoimmune disease and they smoke a couple joints a day and it does nothing for them. I consistently say smoking for most diseases does not and will not work unless you smoke like a chimney in January in the artic. Direct ingestion in tincture/oil/edibles is the best option though for me Oil/ tinctures have worked the best for me at about 80-100 mg. Again just a reiteration of what I said before.

Summing up my larger point for having the time to write this and come back to the forum is based on the fact that I think we need to as a group here figure out a strategy to break people out of the fear of cannabis and treat themselves effectively I know some will say you can only lead a horse to water you can't make them drink but to watch people suffer unnecessarily drives me insane. What are all of your thoughts? OTE]

a recent study that came out of Isreal dealing with Crohns patients achieved remision by administering two joints a day.
Perhaps somebody here can give me some encouragement or some insight. I have my medical marijuana card, I am on every drug they can throw at me. I was recently diagnosed with Crohn's last year and this last year I've been admitted17 times, twice this month.

I am on imuran, Humira, prednisone, ....the works. My disease refuses to go in remission, and continues to stay active in the last 7 inches of my large bowel. I just recently found out I am now suffering from avascular necrosis of the hips as a result of a blood clot I had in my left leg and the prednisone they hsve had me on. A Blood clot broke off 3 months ago and went into my lungs. And almost killed me, I'm lucky to be they're telling me my hips are deteriorating from poor blood supply flow and the prednisone adding to it.

The reason I was asking, is I have been having huge anxiety. Last time I tried mmj I was19, & I was an idiot taking way too much at once because of a dumb bet that my friends made that I couldn't clear a bong in one hit.

It was so much at once that it gave me really bad anxiety and that stuck with me. Now I'm on a position where I have tried everything under the Sun my GI can give me.

I'm wondering if this could be my Savior and help me get off these nasty pharmaceuticals and maybe be the thing that actually put my disease in remission or at the very least help with my pain and inflammation. I've been having to be on strong narcotic pain medications as well constantly, & I would love to be able to reduce that greatly or maybe possibly get off the narcotics all together. At the hospital it takes a minimum of 2 mg of dilaudid just to touch my pain.

I'm only 32 but I'm rapidly falling apart and this disease is ravaging me. I know many here swear by mmj, for some reason this anxiety to try it is getting the best of me.

Does anyone have any advice for me? Should I just baby step and start extremely small with one puff wait and see what happens? I have a vaporizer and access to flowers I'm just not sure on how to start.
Dialn, have you adjusted your diet? As for MMJ, I also get anxiety from smoking it or vaping it, I never used to, but I ate too much cAnnabutter and it gave me a full on anxiety attack, since then every time I try smoke it I get anxiety, if I could get it medicinally though I'd try get oil with regulated dosage and maybe very low thc, but don't be discouraged you will get through this
In a state where you need fingerprints to get MMJ legal,I'm NOT a criminal.Looking into vaping CBD oil, although my current research shows its both the T and the C that help with the Crohn's. Currently dealing with fistula abscess. trying to use tincture from "whatever" med I can get to help with it all but I don't really care for the "woo-woo" effect unless in a safe place. Anyone just use CBD oil for Crohn's? or do I really need the T part of the plant. I hate this time of year when it seems to flare up ( cold, damp) I guess I need to move to a decent state whether I want to or not. AND be able to get the proper strain for my needs. :sign0085:
Dialn911-perhaps if you stay away from the more motivating sativas and try a nice indica, something more body than mind.Maybe that would help relieve some anxieties, start with a small amount.
Wendy, I take half of a tenth of a milliliter a day, for you I would recommend at least double that if not a .25 of a milliter a day to get you started. The oil I get comes in a 1 ml oral dropper, I will be making it with my current crop come January then I will be able to work a little bit different but that's what I do at the moment.

Dialn911-That was actually one of the first studies I ever read regarding mmj and Crohns from my experience if you are in a large pharmaceutical uncontrolled flare as you seem to be I would take Rick Simpson Oil a super concentrate of Cannabinoids for you however since it is the last 7 inches of your colon which is acting up causing more of a proctitis effect I would take the Oil rectally and anally. You need as much Cannabinoids as possible to get your body back to normal. Also given the pharmaceuticals you are on I would suggest using mmj in segments, meaning that I would start off small then work my way up to a manageable dose than stop the pharmaceuticals. You need the THC as a Catalyst to the CBD so they work together to return your immune system to normal or as normal as you can be. I was in your exact position this type last year at 25 so I know completely how you feel, blindsided, invalid, alone..... This will be overcome the first thing you have to do other than get yourself some Rick Simpson oil is to relax as much as possible. Also in terms of Flowers I would get indicas for the night time Sativa for the day time. Though just to let you know when in an active flare smoking it only mitigates pain and spasms in the intestines, the oils and tinctures are what really get you into remission and start the healing process. Not to leave out Dave but I AGREE with him if you were paranoid when you smoked at 19 it was probably because you smoked a potent sativa being in Arizona I would make the reaching assumption it was probably Acapulco Gold a Landrace strain from that region that is a super sativa - a super upper.

Al-Sleet- good to see you are taking the initiative and coming here for advice you need THC and CBD to help heal with the process. If you can try to get the oil and eat it this is the best way to combat Crohns without pharmas. Do you live in the same state as Dialn, Arizona, that's the only state I have found which requires finger prints to receive medical marijuana though it is rather ridiculous from a state interest stand point they like to I guess make sure there sponsored MMJ does not get into the wrong hands though criminals will always find ways to beat the system its why they are criminals or just really good at working the system depending on perspective.
Thanks Joe, but Illinois is the state for "patients" to give prints. Looking at AZ's website, prints are for others. e.g.

Illinois passed the bill allowing MMJ Jan 2014, and only NOW are accepting applications, guessing that early second quarter 2015 will be open for dispensaries. From what I've read , the prints are taken, sent to the fed, and if "clean" disposed of in IL, nothing about what the FED does with them but we know those 3 letter agencies better. Nothing to hide, just I don't care to be treated like a criminal for medicine. If I were 85 years old, I prob wouldn't give a spit, but I'm Still concerned. I hope some day in the future they can change the class of this medicine so they can do MORE research but I guess big pharma cant patent a plant unless it's GMO Monsanto. You know thats coming. I suppose I'll have to deal with the woo-woo effect for Crohns, even though it does get in the way of daily activities. But if BOTH T and C are needed for this disease, I suffer thru it. Thats the trouble with the internet, there is so much info out there just try to sort thru it all. I assume as legal state Dr. would know what "brand" of medicine would be most helpful for my condition, be it t/c ratio or sat/ind variety.
Does anyone have experience or information on how to get Cannabis oil in Florida? My 19 year old daughter has had Crohn's disease for the past 7 years and is currently on Stelara. She is doing well, but would like information on the cannabis oil as well! Thank you!
amazingly CBD oils can be found on Amazon or ebay, or search engine for CBD oil. Although the CBD oil is almost nil in THC, it can be sold in all 50 states. is ne I've found but haven't tried yet. Lots of snake oil out there, but this may lead you to other sites that also sell it....
Thank you but I want to make sure what I am buying is legitimate. Was hoping someone could give me information to buy it where they get it, if it is working for them!
amazingly CBD oils can be found on Amazon or ebay, or search engine for CBD oil. Although the CBD oil is almost nil in THC, it can be sold in all 50 states. is ne I've found but haven't tried yet. Lots of snake oil out there, but this may lead you to other sites that also sell it....

I've always wondered about efficacy of cbd oil for ibd.
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Al-Sleet I find that incredibly interesting that finger prints are required for everyone in Illinois, though Arizona requires finger prints for some people, I think given Arizonas political leanings it would make sense there, not so much in Illinois however. New York and New Jersey have some of the most restrictive laws regarding MMJ and you do not need to be finger printed there. I would check my sources for that information look on the legislature site for clarity. In the near future the plant will be reclassified out of a schedule 1 drug and I think big pharma has attempted in various means to synthetically create a compound which mimics marijuana to little effect, look up Marinol. Big Pharma also would probably not want to waste its own funds to buy the necessary land to accommodate the amount of oil they would need for large scale commercial production especially when there are at this point hundreds of small operations and thousands of at home producers. I doubt Monsanto would even want to touch it because the number of variables of manipulation necessary to create a GMO Cannabis plant that is a super version of some strain to then mass produce it to create oil from it, the cost benefit analysis just does not add up. Remember its not like corn where simply more corn equals more profit. In this case you need and if we are talking medicinally only a Cannabis plant which produces a ton per crop with, lets say 1:1 ratio THC/CBD and probably an elevated CBN, CBG rates as well since they are known to be cooperative in the synergistic effect, then it has to be stabilized so that it is a guaranteed replication every time its grown where other phenotypes will not be expressed, this at the current level of tech is not feasible especially since there are tons of seed banks which cross breed regularly and have copy rights on there strains down to the lab results. The US government has had a patent on Cannabinoids and there anticancer properties since the 70s but has done little to utilize it, probably because a synthetic delivery system is not effective and hard to replicate in a lab.
CBD oil by itself will not work to obtain complete remission, the plants other compounds need to work in synergy to get a full effect and achieve remission. Though CBD will help it is not as effective as CBD, THC, CBN, CBG plus the 79 other Cannabinoids found in Cannabis as well as the Terpenes working together. The best analogy I can think of that makes the most sense would be if you bought a used car that hasn't moved in a number of years and think that all you need to add is gasoline without oil or other fluids and think the car is going to run. You need all of it to get the best of it. Answering your inference regarding being high all day on THC that is not true many of us on here with the exclusion of weekends, only use the plant and our specific most effective delivery method mostly oils/tinctures at night before bed. So if your concern is the woo-woo effect lol, you need not worry if you only consume the oil before bed. I also would like to add that vaping and smoking it do NOT have the same effect that oral ingestion does. Vaping and smoking causes a carboxyl effect which burns the compounds faster causing a faster effect to commence however in terms of medicating the part of the body we need medicated, the intestines, by the time the compounds reach that area of your body the effect is severely diminished as opposed to oil/tincture oral ingestion which is more similar to an injection or standard medication than smoking. Let me know in any event your results from simply vaping cbd oil I am rather interested to hear about your results if any. In terms of answering the second part of your question, Rick Simpson Oil is generally not strain specific but I personally to smoke on the weekends love Sativas as they give an up effect which given the right strain can give a caffeinated like result. Indicas are the strains that usually transcend through pop culture they put you out like a punch from Tyson in his prime. Indicas give the Woo-woo effect you are probably referring to though I would like some clarification on what woo-woo means lol. Just remember Indicas for the night, Sativas for the day though Rick Simpson oil at night is the most effective and is typically non strain specific but if made at home you obviously can control strain specifics. I hope this was helpful I try to clear up as many misconceptions as possible also try to clear up specifics regarding usage and how the plant works and to let everyone know unless its a bad flare many of us are not simply high all day everyday, we stay sober till the night time lol but seriously its important to create that distinction publicly last thing we need is some real narrow minded person taking excerpts from this blog or other blogs and using it in a legislature to convince people on the fence that all we want to do is get high all day every day and that we use medication as the cover for our "immoral" desires, though its not true obviously we have to cover all bases.
MugsyMagoos - Florida has a limited MMJ program right now for high CBD strains and oils, a full legalization bill is on the ballot for the November 4th election. In terms of what to use refer to above or previous pages on this site and if you still have more questions let us know.
Dialn911-perhaps if you stay away from the more motivating sativas and try a nice indica, something more body than mind.Maybe that would help relieve some anxieties, start with a small amount.

thanks for the advice, but I want to clarify one thing. Arizona does not require finger prints to get MMJ. I have renewed my card twice now and purchased MMJ. Never once was finger printing required at any point.
Hello guys!!! i've missed you all!!! i have exciting news about Coltyn! He has been on cannabis oil for 7 months tomorrow, but, TODAY he had a colonoscopy..... and he has no active crohns, no ulcers and went from severe inflammation (20cm)to a "maybe some scattered mild inflammation" if I can i'll post his before and after picts and his new facebook PSA video!! CANNABIS WORKS!! and I cannot thank you all enough for being brave enough to share you stories on here and discuss mmj and answer my questions, a HUGE THANK YOU to Hollistic Joe!!! Joe, you helped save Coltyn's life, and I cannot thank you enough~~ sending you love from the whole TurnerFamily!
Joe just wondering your thoughts on low thc, iv read that 5mg of thc has the same psychotropic effects of placebo, this is important to me because since orally ingesting home made cannabutter (probably high concentrate thc) I had an anxiety attack and ever since then even the smallest amount gives me extreme anxiety... Do you think 5mg thc would still be enough to get one in remission combined with the other CBDs and compounds? Trials are happening in Australia soon, don't know if they'll be for crohn's or not though.
Hello guys!!! i've missed you all!!! i have exciting news about Coltyn! He has been on cannabis oil for 7 months tomorrow, but, TODAY he had a colonoscopy..... and he has no active crohns, no ulcers and went from severe inflammation (20cm)to a "maybe some scattered mild inflammation" if I can i'll post his before and after picts and his new facebook PSA video!! CANNABIS WORKS!! and I cannot thank you all enough for being brave enough to share you stories on here and discuss mmj and answer my questions, a HUGE THANK YOU to Hollistic Joe!!! Joe, you helped save Coltyn's life, and I cannot thank you enough~~ sending you love from the whole TurnerFamily!

:dance: :dance: :dance:
Rollinstone -I would say 5mg THC maybe enough for you to get the full effect with the other Cannabinoids though, the amount of THC person to person will vary based on the body's needs. I would say if you do not like the THC due to a post bad experience I would start as low as possible and work up a tolerance that still has a medicinal effect without the psychotropic effect. I too know what its like to have to much THC it is rough and if its not normal to ingest THC than it is especially bad so I understand and have had a similar experience to the one you must have had. The problem with homemade Cannabutter more often than not is the break down of Cannabinoids from over heating creating a carboxyl effect before one even ingests it. However the over concentration happens quite regularly as most people do not precisely dose the Cannabinoids to the butter in home use, remember in most situations people make Cannabutter for recreational use not medicinal. Though I do not know the specific circumstances in which the butter was made it sounds as if the person or people making it had more recreational intentions in mind then medicinal. Sorry your first experience was rough, it is an unfortunate reality at this point when attempting self-medicate with home made materials. As stated above 5mg may work for you in combination with other Cannabinoids but I cannot say for how long or how well it will be person to person. I will say that from my experiences lower dosages will work well in the beginning but you may need to increase the dosage to 10mg withing 6 months maybe less all dependent on how physically active you are as well. Let me know if you have any thoughts or concerns. You are in Australia? Is the state launching its own study or is it private and what is their timeline looking like to then implement mmj on a medicinal national level.
Without having read the whole discussion until now, and risking asking the same question people have asked over and over, how are people who regularly use medical marijuana coping with the effects at work the next day. The number of times I have smoked a joint can be counted on one hand. Recently I though it makes sense to try it as an addition to my current long-term treatment regime. I have to admit, I find it hard to concentrate at work and am making more mistakes today than usually. If this side effect remains (I assume so), medical marijuana is definitely not an option for me.

Just wanted to know what people generally do.
Firstly I can not speak for everyone but from whom I have talked to on this forum amongst others I help find that 1. We don't smoke for disease treatment unless in the midst of a flare to mitigate the symptoms. Generally we orally ingest oils/tincture, I do not have problems the next day as long as I space my dosage out to be 8-10 hours before whatever activity I have the next day so figure 2-3 hours before bed time give or take. I also have found that the high slow effect is only caused by indica strains. Sativa strains actually cause the exact opposite effect, you will be so on point from some sativas your boss will think you are shooting for a raise. This being said the down effect can be easily counter if you are still woozy from the night time indicas that I assume you are smoking in your joints with a large cup of coffee or a double shot of espresso. Hope this was somewhat helpful if you have any more questions let us know we don't care about repeating what is already on the forum. This is all about the spread of information, we are all in this together.
Hey joe, thx I really appreciate your help, they are hopefully doing trials here, there have been some good doctors who have been helping sick PPl regardless of its legality. The cAnnabutter I had was from a friend who got it off his friend who made it for his mothers cancer, problem is it wasn't regulated so there could have been extremely high amounts of thc which I'm assuming is what happened. Another thing I was going to ask is, do you know if there are any clinics in the US that accept international patients? I'm considering taking a trip over there for a few months if need be if things are too slow here. Appreciate your help bro.
I see in advanced stage cancer patients extremely high Cannabinoid content is necessary for effectiveness so a strong cannabutter makes sense in that setting. In terms of Doctors helping people out illegally, I find that rather interesting, how do they make the work, where do they get the supply?
In the U.S. If you fly to Washington State - Seattle or Colorado State -Denver it is recreationally legal there so I would assume you could find a dispensary there that would point you in the right direction and assist you as you need it. Though I don't know of one personally if you went there finding someone that would help you would be relatively easy since in Colorado especially dispensaries apparently are everywhere though I have never been. Seattle I have heard is a little more tricky however or would be a good starting point to find precisely what you are looking for. I am here to help whoever I can whenever I can no thanks is needed but is appreciated.
Hello guys!!! i've missed you all!!! i have exciting news about Coltyn! He has been on cannabis oil for 7 months tomorrow, but, TODAY he had a colonoscopy..... and he has no active crohns, no ulcers and went from severe inflammation (20cm)to a "maybe some scattered mild inflammation" if I can i'll post his before and after picts and his new facebook PSA video!! CANNABIS WORKS!! and I cannot thank you all enough for being brave enough to share you stories on here and discuss mmj and answer my questions, a HUGE THANK YOU to Hollistic Joe!!! Joe, you helped save Coltyn's life, and I cannot thank you enough~~ sending you love from the whole TurnerFamily!

where do you get the oil? do dispensaries carry it? what dosage was he on and what are the side effects? I want to try oil myself.
I found out I have bilateral Necrosis of the hips. its extremely painful. I have to have surgery, their shooting for 3 weeks out. My DR. wants me to stay on Humira and Imuran, but I strongly feel this would be a mistake and not worth the risk of infection. I have been flaring despite being on these drugs, so how well their working is debatable.

I really feel though that staying on them for surgery is an unnecessary risk. He said I could flare befor or after surgery....sure, but a flare I can deal with and if need be a hospital stay. A flare wont kill me. A bad infection however would be a nightmare along with slowed healing. An infection on the other hand could kill me and others here have stated that they would have quite the Humira, because they stayed on it and suffered infections.

Im worried about pain control and have been on narcotic pain meds as well. Im thinking if I start cannabis and it works with pain and inflammation, this will help me reduce my pain meds and allow me to get off biologics and steroids.

Cannabis could be my saving grace.
I'm also very interested to know what the oil ratio you guys use for Coltyn is, dialn I'd definitely recommend tryng the oil, and maybe have a go at the IBD aid diet aswell in conjunction to get you into remission.
Coltyn uses a high CBD. the ratios very with every plant, the strain is Haleigh's Hope for cbd @ 30:1 the THC he uses is ghost train. not sure of the ratio there. He gets it in a concentrate. This harvests came out we have to add more thc to the concentrate. it was 22.08 cbd and .25 thc. so in this case he will take .3mls of cbd and .25 thc. I hope that makes sense! the ratios are never the same. this time were trying to see if the 88:1 will be sufficient, and hope we can lower the thc to none. If this happens, we may be able to ship the cbd over state lines according to the farm bill but that is still way in the future.
where do you get the oil? do dispensaries carry it? what dosage was he on and what are the side effects? I want to try oil myself.

We get the oil from the Flowering HOPE foundation in Colorado. Dispensaries do not carry it. (yet). there are no side effects. If you are in Colorado, i can help you, if you are not then getting a magical butter machine is your best bet.
anybody here on blood thinners and use medical marijuana? I'm on 20 milligrams a day of xarelto and I'm worried about marijuana and interaction.
Hey Dian and the rest I have been running around like crazy the last couple of days. I am actually in New York this weekend, fathers 60th. Anyhow my father happens to be a pharmacist, I know, makes my use of cannabis more interesting but I just asked him about interactions with Xarelto and Cannabis according to him there should not be any interaction. I tend to think there wouldn't be an adverse reaction beyond perhaps that a typical dose would probably affect you more and faster than the average person. Besides that you should be all good. Otherwise listen to the dosing from Colotynsmoms though I would say given your necrosis a slightly higher dose maybe needed as well as vitamin supplementation with probiotics - namely VSL#3. I would also think you should drink alkaline water to stop the potential acidity that could occur from your body chemistry shifting. Though that is unlikely I would want you to be aware of all relevant risks. Hope the oil works for you as well as it has for the rest of us here.
thanks Joe,

I appreciate the response. I believe your dad is correct and knows his stuff. I just spoke to my hematologist today, and he as well said there should not be interaction between xarelto and cannabis and I would be fine. He fully supports my use of it and he works out of a cancer clinic, so he is familiar with patients and the use of cannabis. I also already take VSL#3. I don't know for sure how well it helps me, but it definitely can't hurt so I continue to take it.
my pain specialist wanted to up my oxy cotton to 60 milligrams every 8 hours because of my necrosis , but I've held off instead and stayed on my 40 milligrams every 8 hours because I wanted to try cannabis to supplement and see if that helps. That way I could avoid going higher up on the narcotic latter and treat my pain and stay where I'm at or even decrease it.
Hey everyone! I have been looking for a more nature medicine for a while now and I am going to try the medical marijuana. My question is how often do other people use it? Do people use it only for flare ups or as more of preventive thing? Trying to get as much information as I can so any advice would be helpful.

Hey fastlane I think generally speaking you'd use it regularly to stimulate the endocanabanoid system and prevent flare ups and try sustain remission. Iv just sourced some cannaoil (w coconut oil) n I definitely think it's helping me quite a bit, only been 4 days also
I was wondering if anyone here know if there is a problem with smoking cannabis(for recreational use) while on Remicade (which is working) is there any problem with smoking marijuana while on Remicade
Any info please !!!
I was wondering if anyone here know if there is a problem with smoking cannabis(for recreational use) while on Remicade (which is working) is there any problem with smoking marijuana while on Remicade
Any info please !!!

I'm not a medical professional and can't tell you what remicade could potentially interact with...but in my opinion (which is not professional nor is it meant to be advice) the cannabinoids would help, but remicade does weaken the immune system and I believe makes u more susceptible to infection so the actual act of smoking may not be the best method of ingestion? Perhaps edibles, tinctures, oil, or even vaporizing would be a better. Also, if ur on meds of any kind that mess with ur immune system it's prob a good idea not to share smoke(ie. passing a joint around)...
Hey everyone! I have been looking for a more nature medicine for a while now and I am going to try the medical marijuana. My question is how often do other people use it? Do people use it only for flare ups or as more of preventive thing? Trying to get as much information as I can so any advice would be helpful.


In my personal experience the more I use the more it helps...I've found that medicating 3x a day seems to keep me symptom free...twice a day would prob do it but i have a floating shoulder that hurts pretty much constantly and it helps with that also...I would say it's probably different from person to person but in general I keeping a regular dosing regimen as w/ any reg prescription seems effective.
This isn't loading for me, any chance you could plz post the results?


The Phase 2a pilot trial was a 10-week randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study of GWP42003 extract, which features Cannabidiol (CBD) as the primary cannabinoid and which also contains Tetrahyrdocannabinol (THC) and other cannabinoid and non-cannabinoid components. The trial included 60 adult patients with ulcerative colitis who had not been able to gain remission from the condition despite first line treatment with salicylates, and in some cases immunosuppressive therapy.

GWP42003 was given as a twice daily oral capsule in a dose titration regimen with an upper target dose of 250mg twice daily. Due to the pilot nature of the study, and the small patient population, the significance value was set at p=0.1.

The primary endpoint of this study was the percentage of participants achieving remission quantified by the MAYO score and included a range of secondary measures to determine whether GWP42003 has a positive benefit for subjects on symptom control.

The study included 60 patients, of which 29 patients were randomised to the active treatment group, and 31 to the placebo group. During the early weeks of the study, more patients withdrew from the active treatment group than from the placebo treatment group so that the per protocol population (those that took the investigational medicine as intended) comprised only 17 patients on GWP42003 and 27 on placebo. Most of these withdrawals were due to minor THC-related adverse events such as dizziness. For this reason, GW believes that the results for the protocol compliant population are most relevant to the assessment of efficacy. The intent to treat population (ITT) includes those patients who were only exposed to GWP42003 for a short period, and therefore had little if any opportunity to benefit.

The primary endpoint of disease remission, as assessed by a Mayo score of 2 or less at the end of the study was achieved by 41% of the protocol-compliant patients on GWP42003 and 30% of patients on placebo (Odds Ratio 1.3, 95% CI 0.4 to 4.0 [NS]). This difference was not statistically significant in either protocol-compliant patients or the ITT population.

Among the secondary efficacy endpoints, for the protocol-compliant population, the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire was significantly in favour of GWP42003, as was the Physician Assessment of Disease severity. At the end of the treatment period, in this per protocol group, the physician assessed 82% of the patients in the GWP42003 group as having normal or mild disease, compared with 52% in the placebo group. The Patient Global Impression of Change showed that 93% of the patients in the per protocol population regarded their condition as "improved," compared with 60% of the placebo group. Both these differences were statistically significant.

For the ITT population, the Patient Global Impression of Change and the total partial MAYO score change from baseline (this includes stool frequency, bleeding and physician global impression) were statistically significantly in favour of GWP42003.

All patients on GWP42003 reported at least 1 adverse event, compared with 77% of patients on placebo. Of the adverse events on drug, 90% were mild or moderate. There were no serious adverse events (SAEs) on GWP42003, while there were 4 SAEs on placebo (two of which were exacerbations of the ulcerative colitis). However, as stated above, 13 patients withdrew from the study due to adverse events on drug, compared with 7 on placebo. There were no deaths in the study.

"There is a substantial unmet need for an effective treatment in patients with mild to moderate ulcerative colitis who have failed to enter remission following first line therapy or relapse whilst taking maintenance therapy. In particular, both physicians and patients recognise the importance of avoiding steroids due to their side effect profile," stated Dr. Peter Irving Guy's Hospital, London, and Chief Investigator of the study. "These results provide promising evidence that GWP42003 may produce clinically relevant improvement in the severity of ulcerative colitis compared with placebo, in patients who complete a course of treatment."

Dr. Stephen Wright, R&D Director at GW Pharmaceuticals, stated, "In patients who were able to take GWP42003 for a prolonged treatment period, these results provide good evidence for a therapeutic effect in the treatment of ulcerative colitis in patients who had previously failed to respond to first line therapy. The results support the further investigation of GWP42003 and have provided useful pointers as to how this further investigation should best be done. In addition, the relatively poor tolerability of the dosage form used in this study suggests that further reductions to the THC content may be helpful."
Thanks for sharing, in my opinion the whole plant with all its compounds in tact will always be more powerful than extracts, hopefully this study will warrant more studies though, where they could use ramp up dosaging so as to mitigate adverse reactions.
Hello I'm totally new to this, I have no idea where to start, if someone would be willing to help me out, I haven't been officially diagnosed yet but doctor suspects I have crohn (I've been in really bad shape the past 2 weeks, 30mg pred for 6 days and it didn't really do much thus far)

anyway I just want to avoid all the hard drugs as much as possible and try out hemp oil to keep my symptoms under control, if anybody could help me out on how to get my hands on some I'd be very grateful
Hello I'm totally new to this, I have no idea where to start, if someone would be willing to help me out, I haven't been officially diagnosed yet but doctor suspects I have crohn (I've been in really bad shape the past 2 weeks, 30mg pred for 6 days and it didn't really do much thus far)

anyway I just want to avoid all the hard drugs as much as possible and try out hemp oil to keep my symptoms under control, if anybody could help me out on how to get my hands on some I'd be very grateful

Welcome Fayth
Have you talked with your doctor about medicinal cannabis? FrancisK7 is from Canada and could help with some questions you may have.Others from Canada may be able to help you as well.
I thought if you took the right supplements with it it was fine? also it's just a temporary hard fix isn't it?

I haven't talked to my doctor yet about cannabis, just to some of my friends, I never really smoked mari (3 or 4 times when I was 16 and I didn't really enjoy it) My buddy said he can get me a strain with low THC and show me how to make brownies and butter, I don't think anything's going to be particularly legal about that but what do I care

What I'd like to know though is how much am I supposed to take? is it just trial and error? start with small dosage and increase depending on my symptoms?
I was wondering if anyone here know if there is a problem with smoking cannabis(for recreational use) while on Remicade (which is working) is there any problem with smoking marijuana while on Remicade
Any info please !!!

none. . . from years of experience. :ycool:
Those results are underwhelming to say the least. The treatment group did not show statistically significant improvement on their primary outcome measure and had a lot of people drop out due to adverse effects. Sounds like that particular formulation has a ways to go before market.
Firstly I can not speak for everyone but from whom I have talked to on this forum amongst others I help find that 1. We don't smoke for disease treatment unless in the midst of a flare to mitigate the symptoms. Generally we orally ingest oils/tincture, I do not have problems the next day as long as I space my dosage out to be 8-10 hours before whatever activity I have the next day so figure 2-3 hours before bed time give or take. I also have found that the high slow effect is only caused by indica strains. Sativa strains actually cause the exact opposite effect, you will be so on point from some sativas your boss will think you are shooting for a raise. This being said the down effect can be easily counter if you are still woozy from the night time indicas that I assume you are smoking in your joints with a large cup of coffee or a double shot of espresso. Hope this was somewhat helpful if you have any more questions let us know we don't care about repeating what is already on the forum. This is all about the spread of information, we are all in this together.

Joe, have you heard of any Michigan dispensaries selling FECO via mail-order? If I were to drive to Michigan how much of a supply could I purchase and how long would it last? THANKS
Hey Dialn just wondering how long you've been on pred for or how long you ere on it when you got the necrosis diagnosis and what symptoms you were having

I haVe been on it for about 8 months. First it started as a limp and small aches and pains in my joints. It got progressively worsee to a point my legs gave out. If your on prednisone stay on top of this risk factor. By the time you notice pain it's too late. Also, only an MRI can find it early. By the time it shows on an x-ray it's too late.
I haVe been on it for about 8 months. First it started as a limp and small aches and pains in my joints. It got progressively worsee to a point my legs gave out. If your on prednisone stay on top of this risk factor. By the time you notice pain it's too late. Also, only an MRI can find it early. By the time it shows on an x-ray it's too late.

I had a MRI last night, it'd only in my right hip I got a mild ache in it, did both your hips have it? And what is the plan of treatment your docs have come up with if you don't mind me asking?
I had a MRI last night, it'd only in my right hip I got a mild ache in it, did both your hips have it? And what is the plan of treatment your docs have come up with if you don't mind me asking?
yes its in both hips. As of now they're going to do a procedure called decompression surgery to see if they can save them. If that doesn't work then its going to be a total hip replacement.
Hey everybody. First time posting on this section, but I wanted to share my story and get some advice. After a few years of Remicade, probiotics and whatnot, I would still have my good days and bad with Crohn's. Smoked MJ on my birthday last October and haven't had any issues since. I've had a lot of success just using a pipe (or is it a bowl?) right before I go to bed -- my sleep has gotten a lot better, too. Anyway, the only drawback for me is the act of smoking, which can get irritating.

Fortunately, I was able to try a friend's vaporizer, and it was spectacular. No irritation and the same good result. I'm thinking that one would make a great Christmas present for myself, but I'm not sure where to start. Any suggestions? My only requirement after talking with my buddy is that I would need one that doesn't use oil -- once again, still a newbie at this and not sure what that means -- and isn't terribly expensive.

Any advice on where/how to buy and what to get would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Hey everybody. First time posting on this section, but I wanted to share my story and get some advice. After a few years of Remicade, probiotics and whatnot, I would still have my good days and bad with Crohn's. Smoked MJ on my birthday last October and haven't had any issues since. I've had a lot of success just using a pipe (or is it a bowl?) right before I go to bed -- my sleep has gotten a lot better, too. Anyway, the only drawback for me is the act of smoking, which can get irritating.

Fortunately, I was able to try a friend's vaporizer, and it was spectacular. No irritation and the same good result. I'm thinking that one would make a great Christmas present for myself, but I'm not sure where to start. Any suggestions? My only requirement after talking with my buddy is that I would need one that doesn't use oil -- once again, still a newbie at this and not sure what that means -- and isn't terribly expensive.

Any advice on where/how to buy and what to get would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

This thread has lots of helpful information on vaporizer here
Hey everybody. First time posting on this section, but I wanted to share my story and get some advice. After a few years of Remicade, probiotics and whatnot, I would still have my good days and bad with Crohn's. Smoked MJ on my birthday last October and haven't had any issues since. I've had a lot of success just using a pipe (or is it a bowl?) right before I go to bed -- my sleep has gotten a lot better, too. Anyway, the only drawback for me is the act of smoking, which can get irritating.

Fortunately, I was able to try a friend's vaporizer, and it was spectacular. No irritation and the same good result. I'm thinking that one would make a great Christmas present for myself, but I'm not sure where to start. Any suggestions? My only requirement after talking with my buddy is that I would need one that doesn't use oil -- once again, still a newbie at this and not sure what that means -- and isn't terribly expensive.

Any advice on where/how to buy and what to get would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

The da Vinci ascent vaporizer is the best I've ever used for dry erb as far as portables go. Volcanos are awesome but are way too expensive...just my 2 cents
Dear cannabis users, do you split your cannabutter/tincture etc... dose or do you take it once a day? Would there be a difference regarding their efficiency?
I was wondering if anyone here know if there is a problem with smoking cannabis(for recreational use) while on Remicade (which is working) is there any problem with smoking marijuana while on Remicade
Any info please !!!

Is happiness a side effect :ybiggrin:
Medical cannabis is a scientific misnomer. It's a political qualifier at best, or serves to denote reason of use. Because physically speaking, all cannabis is medical or medicinal. Medical cannabis sold in dispensaries is not grown differently than the cannabis grown for recreational purposes. The chemical properties are the same.

The difference lies in standards of care, especially post-harvest.

In dispensaries, there are standards to maintain that the street vendor doesn't have to uphold. After the plant is cut, it must be cured using the right method, at the right temperature and humidity level, and then it must be properly dried before it is packaged for storage. If the cannabis is too wet when it is stored, mold will form and fungus can appear, which will transfer in the user when they smoke it.

Tinctures & edibles are best for the long term treatment approach. It delivers massive doses of cannabinoids directly into the gut.
I know curing and drying increases the efficiacy of cannabis. What chemical changes occur when the plant is cured and dried to make it more efficient?
Finally got myself some cannabis oil, been taking it for a week at bedtime - no signs of improvement in symptoms - how long should it take to work????
Dear cannabis users, do you split your cannabutter/tincture etc... dose or do you take it once a day? Would there be a difference regarding their efficiency?

I don't think there would be a great difference. Try it and find out, you can always go back.
FrancisK7-My doctor recommends his patients stop all cannabis intake for four days every month or so,to help with tolerance issues.I have my doubts this is wise for those of us who are using cannabis for IBD purposes,rather than pain management.Your thoughts?

Interesting. I've been doing this, mostly to save on current supply(leaf), and haven't noticed any decline in health. I sometimes go for 5 days without vaping.

These plants are quite potent already - a heavy creeper-sleeper strain? - and I'm now being very dose-cautious. A recent stove incident left me very alarmed. No fire. No damage. No more heating tea on stove top in expensive enamel pots after one vape of this stuff. :eek2:
I thought if you took the right supplements with it it was fine? also it's just a temporary hard fix isn't it?

I haven't talked to my doctor yet about cannabis, just to some of my friends, I never really smoked mari (3 or 4 times when I was 16 and I didn't really enjoy it) My buddy said he can get me a strain with low THC and show me how to make brownies and butter, I don't think anything's going to be particularly legal about that but what do I care

What I'd like to know though is how much am I supposed to take? is it just trial and error? start with small dosage and increase depending on my symptoms?

Yeah, I would consider pred. to be a hard fix. It should also only be a temporary one, used only for acute flare ups.

Dosage: see my posts back on page 37
Has anyone ever used Humara and medical marijuana together? Need to know.

Here's another thread that may help :

A few yrs ago :

Medical Hemp Oil for Sale

purchase cannabis oil

And that is where early products like these Hemp oil based ones, are able to bridge the current legal gap and bring to market oils and products that manage to be reasonably high in CBD, and legally devoid of THC. It is really the best we can do with the current legal climate around Cannabis as Medicine in the U.S.

Elixinol™ is a hemp oil extract produced from non-psychoactive Industrial Hemp plants that have been cultivated to naturally producer higher levels of CBD – Cannabidiol. Elixinol’s Hemp is organically grown in ideal micro-climates in Northern Europe, which helps create a product of the greatest purity.

Elixinol is a whole plant extract made from real Hemp, not synthetic, not an isolate, and nothing added. It contains all the synergistic Cannabinoids, Terpenes, Flavinoids, and other effective compounds found in the original plant.
Finally got myself some cannabis oil, been taking it for a week at bedtime - no signs of improvement in symptoms - how long should it take to work????

Barelyalive what type of cannabis oil is it? Also I sent you a private message several weeks ago and didn't hear back from you I hope you stay the course with this. I would like you to know that if the cannabis oil does not seem to be working it maybe because you have a significant bacterial imbalance in intestines and need to supplement it. I also suggest taking a vegan-organic multi vitamin as I have heard it helps with the healing process though I have been taking one for years so I do not know how effective it can be. Enclosed is the links to the vitamin and probiotics I take. Perhaps this will help with the synergistic effects that the cannabis oil needs to operate.
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I get a great deal of relief from my crohns with MM. I am wondering if anyone knows if a strain of MM that is low in THC and high in cannabinoids will be effective?

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