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Well, you could try the passive-aggressive approach. If you are leaving in less than 2 weeks, you could try "oh, we are moving in such a short amount of time, I just haven't had time to stop! :ghug: it will be over soon!
I'm sure I'll be fine. The count down has begun. We get keys in 8 days. She's gone for a week, which means we can pack and clean in peace.

It's just one of those things where we shouldn't have stayed so long. I usually can brush off people and what they do. But if you pound away at me enough, I'll break and won't be able to take so much. She's my "pseudo mother-in-law" so I have to break before her. At least until I get out of her house. :D Until then, my boyfriend has done the dirty work.

Oh, and just found out she left this morn. Think tonight I might buy a bottle of wine. :heart:
(yes, I still love her though)
I know what you mean. My in laws are wonderful people and I love them to bits. They come for over a month every blessed year. I am ready to go to the loony bin by the time they finally get on the plane otta here. But like I said, love them to bits.
Seems her main bitch about me is that I don't always eat her cooking. Straight from the dad's mouth too!


She always seems like such a health conscious woman, and telling me to take CoQ10 with my Beta Blocker and stuff. But she doesn't get my eating habits?! She always tells me that she'd end up cooking it even if I didn't eat it. Now I find out she's got a different story?! WTF! I'm finally in remission and I don't want to jinx it quite yet.

Give me an effin' break!

7 days and counting.
Feel really down

Found out I didn't get accepted to do a masters course and got a letter from consultant saying test results show my crohns isn't under control and I need to have infliximab more often.Ive had a few cries about it but everytime I do I get stomach pains.Scared that I need surgery.Sick of being tired all the time and parents mistaking it for laziness.Makes me even more depressed that boyfriend starts 32 weeks of paras training soon.
So sorry, hon. Maybe the extra infliximab will help, and you can try again next semester when you're healthier? Good luck to you. :hug:
Found out I didn't get accepted to do a masters course and got a letter from consultant saying test results show my crohns isn't under control and I need to have infliximab more often.Ive had a few cries about it but everytime I do I get stomach pains.Scared that I need surgery.Sick of being tired all the time and parents mistaking it for laziness.Makes me even more depressed that boyfriend starts 32 weeks of paras training soon.

I'm sorry to hear that. They say, "The universe laughs when you make plans." Sometimes the plans you made for yourself aren't what life has in store for you. Lately I have been having a tough time accepting that. But once one path is closed to you, you can start looking at your options and set goals for yourself. You can apply to that program again, right? And hopefully your doc can make some changes in your treatment and get you better. I know it's tough right now, but you'll find a way.

We know you aren't lazy. Good luck in whatever you decide to do.
Sorry Cinny, that's rotten and of course you are disappointed. I would be too. I am sure though that you will get a chance next time and dont give up on it. I didn't get into a couple of jobs I really wanted years ago the first time round but my determination meant I got there eventually. You might need this time to look after yourself and get sorted. That is the main thing and if you started a course that you couldn't attend due to illness then that would be a nightmare, stress you out more and make you worse. Dont worry it will all work out I'm sure.
I am more disappointed that your parents dont understand that you are ill not lazy. Just hope that they click soon and give you the support you need.
for the past two days I've been so sick I can barely move. First it was D which seems to be taking a break at the moment. but every single muscle in my body is weak. even typing is difficult i dragged myself into work, but I don't know how I'll ever function. It was difficult enouh just to write this post, and I work in IT! typing all day.
ARRRRGHGHGHGHG. I know NOTHING about customs in the UK, so I mistakenly paid Royal Mail to get my package out (they didn't have my package) and now they won't ******* refund my money! I want to scream and cry. I AM FURIOUS!

Oh my God, I am so ready to get off this roller coaster! I have been on 40mg for over a month, just went to 35mg today. I slept in so horribly late (it felt amazing!) today because I had to take an Ativan last night. So I took my pred today a lot later than I usually would - now I will be up for 2 days straight.....

But that's not really the worst of it, I am getting the shakes so bad! I can literally feel when it kicks in, today I got so dizzy, every time I stand up and try to walk I feel like I just got off one of those spinning rides at the fair.

On the plus side it is really helping my gut right now. Taking the good with the bad I suppose.
I get tremors from my thyroid, so they stuck me on the smallest dose of a beta-blocker possible. It helped enough that I was happy. Since, I've had to increase it a little.

I'd ask about that if you want. I know it's another medication. But it's helped with my heart palpatations and hand/leg tremors. I think it would help you sleep too. They always warned me about how it knocks you out sometimes when taken at night. It helps keep me relaxed.

I was put on 25mg of Atenolol to start. It's the smallest dose they manufacture. Maybe for a little while it would help you get over the hump of the pred.

I was really bad. When I had my foot on the break, my knee would jump around. I couldn't handwrite worth ****, not even a signature. So so embarassing. Ha, couldn't cut my dinner either now that I remember an episode. Ugh.

Sorry for being so scatterbrained through this post. Hope it helps. If not, please feel better. :heart:
I have tremors as well. If the 25 mg Atenolol suggested is too much, you might try asking for Propranalol 10 mg. Also a beta blocker, with much the same side effects as Atenolol. As far as the dosages being to much.... I am on 80 mg a day for my tremors. If it wasn't for propranalol, I would have as much problems with my tremors as I have had with the crohns.
I appear to have swapped foot pain for back pain... and I much preferred the foot pain. This flipping hurts and I haven't even done anything to trigger it this time.
I had applied for a supervisor's position. Just got the word that I did not get the job. Makes me wonder why I have spent 25 years here. Not a good day.
:( So sorry Doug.

I am holding off adding any more meds to my diet right now since I'm about to have surgery. I'm not doing much except hanging around the house trying not to expend calories (LOL - while I'm on pred - it's a constant battle). I play a lot of video games and putz around online a lot, but the pred makes me want to get up and do laundry or vacuum or tear out my wilted garden beds out front. Stuff I'm not allowed to do right now. I got a survey in the mail about my recent hospital stay. When I tried to fill it out, my handwriting looked worse than my third grader's. It was all shaky like my grandmother's! It freaked me out, but I literally couldn't hold the pen still. It's so much easier to type!!!

And then there's the fact that it's 1:10 and I'm wide awake, sweating to death, sitting online because I can't sleep.....

Hope everyone else is going well. :yoshijumpjoy: Seriously what I feel like right now....
I thought that decreasing my dosage of pred would stop all the side effects, but it hasn't. I'm on 10mg right now, and I still go two days without sleeping, still have a fat face, still get super anxious and manic at times, still sweat like a sumo wrestler.. I hate it. The other night I was so desperate for some sleep, I took ativan, seroquel and amitriptyline. I didn't sleep til 12 hours later. And my GI is totally unsupportive about it.

Today I tried to drive myself to the doctor, because I was having severe(!) chest pains, for the first time ever. It was worse than any pain I have ever experienced. I guess I passed out in the hallway of my building, because I woke up in an ambulance. They thought I was having a heart attack or a pulmonary embolism. I was hooked up to heart moniters for 4 hours, because my heart rate kept spiking. Then they thought I had a perforated bowel from my colonoscopy last week. Then pneumonia (I've had a chest infection since thursday.) It was ridiculous. Turns out I had a chest virus, and it "attacked" the tissues between my breast bone and ribs, so it's all inflamed. I was given morphine all day, and sent home with regular tylenol. My GI was consulted, since they thought it was crohns related (of course) and he wouldn't let them give me anything stronger than tylenol. I feel like ****. I'm supposed to be in remission, and I feel worse now than I have in months. What is the point of being on these medications to help the crohns, if they're just gonna make me sick all the time? I would rather be in a flare, with excellent painkillers and antinausea meds, than on remicade and imuran and prednisone, with no "symptom helpers" when I'm gonna be sick anyways. I still have diarrhea, cramping, sharp stomach pains, dull achy stomach pains, joint pains... And now chest pains. I know it's the lesser of two evils, but was I wrong in thinking that remission meant "normal?"
Moon face takes a long time to go away. Weeks.

Anxiety (sleeplessness) can, too, especially if you're prone to it without pred.
Got a memo from work the other day that someone who worked in the same office area that I did last week has possible MRSA!....Of course, they didn't specify when or at what work station the person was I have no idea if I was exposed to them.....
pasobuff, you should be able to contact HR, specify that you have an auto-immune disease and its very important for you to be able to evaluate how likely it is that you were exposed. They can't tell you who had the issue, but they should be able to tell you if they worked at the same workstation or at the same times of day. have you had mrsa before?
I'm not sure that's true. HR is most likely to tell you that you should assume you were exposed and proceed with that assumption. That means getting tested, cultured, etc.
I guess it's dependent on your HR department then, because ours is a little more forthcoming with information. We have a very large building with multiple bathrooms so the whole office is just not going to get exposed to one person's infection.
Just found out yesterday that I have high triglycerides AGAIN. Awesome. So, this is how my life works out... I get stressed (enter Grave's & Crohn's issues) which means I have to eat carbs like bread and potatoes (enter high triglycerides). WTF?! So, I guess this just means I have to eliminate stress? Ha, ya right.

The nurse was like "it only requires a diet change, so try to eat less carbs". I was like "um, I can't have any diet changes b/c of my Crohn's". DUH!

And I repeat, Awesome. Time to call and have the report faxed. Let's just see how high this is.
Why do you find that you need carbs when you're stressed out? Do you get a benefit to your Crohn's from carbs? That's pretty interesting. Most research I've read says the exact opposite.

Sarah and I still haven't started the keto diet we're planning because we were delayed by first the hurricane and then other family stuff.. but we'll probably start very soon.
Carbs like bread, pasta, potatoes help calm my Crohn's down and keep it under control. Example: I'm okay to have a salad, if I eat bread with it (croutons or just a piece of bread & butter).
This is one of the reasons that I think "Crohn's" is probably 2 or 3 different diseases sometimes. There are flat out contradictory testimonials and research all over the place, or it seems that way.
Yup, no information is the same... just like the disease isn't the same for everyone. Oh, another carb... pb&j. Those seem to rule my life lately.
I am very upset today about just how life loves to kick you in the ass!

For years when I was well I yearned for more friends to have nights out with, lunches, more invites out etc. Well I have that now but am far too sick to be able to do anything. Just before I got sick again I got in touch with some old school friends who are always having nights out, and little events. And 2 health based groups that have social events. But I can't take advantage!

The last straw was finding out today that my best friend, is moving back to her parents who live 20 minutes from me. It has been hard to keep our friendship going the last few years since I couldn't visit her, we would roughly take turns. This news fills me with upset because I won't be able to do anything with her when she moves back. No meals out (HA!), nights out or even cinema trips.

What is the point of getting what I wanted when I cannot do anything with it???? It just seems cruel.
Life can be a bummer Stargirl. Hope you feel a bit better soon.

I am just embaressed today to find that I cannot buy a bus ticket online to get to uni tomorrow because I am €197 in debt and funds just wont come out. My husband has to pay for my meds, and bills are hounding me. Have started teaching dance part time but dont get paid til end of month. I am fed up of having to rely on my hubby. he is so good but he works hard for his money and I need to take it off him. I have applied for the medical card to pay for meds which I really need to help with the money situation but they keep delaying it. Last time they lost some stuff i faxed and I have to resend it now. Am so busy with Uni I dont know when I will get to fax it. So frustrating...and embarrassing to not be independent like i used to. Would like to curl up in a corner now :yfrown:
Oh Goldfish, so sorry! I think one of my biggest issues after I got diagnosed was my lack of independence. I felt embarrassed that I was finally an adult and my parents were still taking care of me. I let myself get into a lot of debt because I was too proud to ask for help when I couldn't work anymore. Let your loved ones take care of you when you need it so that you will be healthy enough to return the favor. We all need a little help sometime. :heart:
i'm not sure if this is the right place. it seemed better than starting a new thread.

i have a fistula that comes out in my labia. i have a huge gaping hole, and since it burns to pee over it, i have to use a folded up baby wipe to hold over the hole while i pee and proceed to pee all over my hand.

i just want to go to the bathroom like a normal person!!!!!

sigh. rant over. thank you for listening. :eek:
Oh my goodness. That's the worst I've heard of. Hopefully the Remicade will resolve that for you.
Oh my goodness. That's the worst I've heard of. Hopefully the Remicade will resolve that for you.

thanks. i hope so too. between that and the skin tags i'm just in pain. and stupid tylenol just doesn't do anything for me.

sorry. still ranting.

:poo: <- i like this smiley. it's funny.
Oh Goldfish, so sorry! I think one of my biggest issues after I got diagnosed was my lack of independence. I felt embarrassed that I was finally an adult and my parents were still taking care of me. I let myself get into a lot of debt because I was too proud to ask for help when I couldn't work anymore. Let your loved ones take care of you when you need it so that you will be healthy enough to return the favor. We all need a little help sometime. :heart:

Thank you. I just needed a bit of a rant last night. I am luckier than most and am working part time now so hope I can pay it all back soon. Its just that the meds are so expensive that its a bit much and luckily I am only on one. Thanks for listening though. Feel much happier today :)

Flower girl, Sorry to hear about that. That must be awful and the pain a nightmare. I really hope it improves with meds. I totally understand it must be so frustrating. :(
i had a job interview yesterday and she asked about my attendence at my last job, i had to come clean and tell her i had a 16day absence in march but i've since had surgery and am fine now.

i havent heard anything so i'm guessing i didn't get the job and i bet its because of that period of absence...the crohns has always held me back and since my ileostomy i have felt AMAZING and just want a job! GGGGRRRRRR!

rant over :)
My mom's been having health troubles for the past two months. She's seen all sorts of specialists. Today was her pulmonologist. Well, he got his hands on her chest x-ray when all this stuff started 2 months ago. The radiologist missed something in his report. Something that happens to be 10 TIMES the size it should be. Really? She can't remember what it was he said. It's going to drive me INSANE!

Next week she has CT's scheduled for her brain, chest, and stomach. Blood work starts tomorrow morning. I've been having enough trouble knowing her symptoms. I don't know if I want to know what's going on. Or what it is. I don't know if I can handle it. I'm 26!! She's only 48! Yup, pretty sure I can't handle this.

I know I'm freaking about nothing. I'm jumping the gun. I'm whatever. This is my mom. And nothing is good when it's 10 times the size it should be. And she knows her stuff. So it's not something she knows readily. Thymus gland looks to match most of her symptoms. Blah.

I need to get off the internet. <3
My brother *still* hasn't moved out and is *still* driving me insane. We had another fight the other night. I was watching TV, Biggest Loser was on. My brother wandered into the room after he had smoked a bunch of pot and started criticizing my choice of what to watch on TV. I know that show isn't the greatest, but I like it and it's my home and I'm allowed to watch what I want! So he was going on and on about how I should watch something else. I snapped and said, "Sure! Let's watch that new show called 'Have you gotten a freaking apartment yet??'" Suddenly bro got all defensive and said, "You know my job was really slow during the summer so now that it's getting busier I'm making more money and saving up for an apartment. Believe me, it's at the top of my list of priorities!" He then went to his room and slammed the door (super mature for a 26 year old!) and hasn't spoken to me since, which is just fine with me. He's the one who decided to be a food delivery boy (because he didn't want to work for "the man" whatever that means!) and his main clientele are college students. He could get a better job if he just grew up, and then he'd make money year round. But he's a stupid jerk and I don't care anymore, I just want him out. I'm so very glad it's supposedly at the top of his priority list, I hope that's really true!
Yeah, I've heard that one before Cat-it's right in before "I don't need anyone's help" and after "I can take care of myself". It sucks for you but it might be worth paying his first month's rent, then leave him to manage finding a way to stay there. If he can find money to buy pot, he can pay rent IMO.
Weird mini-vent, not really related to my Crohn's goes.

I have 2 kids, a son who is 8 and in 3rd grade, and a daughter who is 4 and goes to Pre-K at the same elementary school. We live in a neighborhood with lots and lots of kids. Maybe I'm one of those adults that are just "off", but with a few exceptions, most of these kids really annoy me!! :eek2:

There is a girl who is in 5th grade, she must be 10 or 11. She has been coming over every day after school to play with my daughter. She plays dress-up with her, puts make-up on her, and she'll even sit down and color with her. Tamsin always wants to go to her house to play with her big girl toys, but she always says, "No, my mom is cleaning and doesn't feel well." I kind of feel sorry for her if her mom is just kicking her out every day, or if she just doesn't want to be at her own house for some other reason, I don't know her parents (she has alluded to some comments about her mom made about her going on a diet because she's "getting too tall", but I caught her lying about something else last summer so who knows).

It's really not the stuff I mentioned so far that really bothers me; I mean it is a big age difference but I don't know how many other kids in the neighborhood that are home right after school. It's the weekends that bother me because all the kids are home and outside playing. There are older kids on the street behind us, boys and girls who go to the other elementary school. They all come over and suddenly this girl wants to hang out with all the bigger kids, following the boys around, etc. It confuses my 4 year old daughter because she acts so differently to her then; tells her to go home, treats her like a little kid. It breaks my heart because my daughter will come home crying her eyes out because her "friend" doesn't want to have anything to do with her.

The worst part is, there is a little girl who is also 4, and is in Tamsin's pre-k class who lives 4 houses down the street! Sophie and Tamsin were best friends, going back and forth to each other's houses all summer long. My husband and I have met, and get along great, with her parents. Ever since school started and this older girl started playing with my daughter, she hasn't wanted to play with Sophie. I can tell it is hurting Sophie's feelings, and her mom and I have even talked about it at the bus stop. I don't want to interfere in my kids lives and pick their friends. I'm sure that it will eventually work out, but right now it is causing me stress. Not a lot of stress, but some.

Am I being weird? :shifty:
Sarah, I remember my mom telling me that I wasn't being a very good friend by ignoring my other friends. I don't know how she said it, but you may want to just prod your daughter to hang out with Sophie some more, like, Oh I bet you and Sophie have this in common! or something..
That doesn't sound weird at all - in fact it is VERY similar to my daughter.....she LOVES the 2 girls across the street - they are 11 and 13 - and Tori constantly wants to play with them instead of any of her classmates.....

Yet- when I do talk Tori into having a same-age friend over, they play famously together.....and yes, I do sometimes have to talk her into me calling to have her classmate come over (she lives 2 miles down the road).....maybe talk to the mom and set up a play date without your daughters' input (or little input?).....
I have several mini vents

but I will start off by saying its Taffy Apple Season....and they are all I am craving. I eat one and then I get sick IMMEDIATELY thereafter. You'd think I'd learn and be able to walk away but everywhere I turn I see them.

I love food and I always have. I'm just upset today, more than usual, that I can't just EAT WHAT I WANT when I want.

And SO is being so friggin' difficult today it clearly must be his "time of the month"....
Must be something in the water Kenya-my hubby is having his man-period, too. He's going over to visit his family tonite, so they get to enjoy his good mood for a while lol!
Here we go, everyone is a Dr it seems.

Talking to my ME group I mention I am still sure I have ME + whatever causing the bowel/joint issues.

Ms. Superior jumps in and says I should try gluten free, and dairy free if i can, as gluten can affect the joints.

So I reply that I 100% don't have cealic following tests and things are waayyyyy more serious than a couple of food intolerances.

Didn't get a reply funny enough!!
so pissed off, have been waiting for my 3 monthly appointment with a specialist to get a jab in the arm for a rotator cuff pain. today was the day, and i get a phone call saying they have put me off for another month. the pain is getting unbearable. my wife said to tell some one who cares, so i thought i would try here. thanks for letting me rant.
we do care! Did you try freaking your **** over the telephone? that tends to work very well for me.
hi Carrie, yes i gave them all i could, but it was a temp receptionist and she couldn't care less. the specialist is from out of town and calls once a month, he wanted to leave early so they just cut off every one after 2 PM.
My issue is that I can't sleep because of the pain, but I'm so freaking tired. And my husband had the nerve to tell me "it must be nice to not go to work and just lie around all day" (I'm on disability). I went off on him telling him he can have the Crohn's and I'll go to work, and he quickly apologized. But I wish I could just feel OK.

And my 7 year old son won't stop getting hurt. Of course he doesn't do it on purpose, but 3 weeks ago, he had a bad sprained ankle, that the doctor thought might be broken. But fortunately it wasn't. He had a week with an ankle brace. The brace was off for 2 days before he got an ear infection. Then yesterday he started complaining that his head hurt. He lifted his bangs to show me the most enormous goose egg on his forehead. He said he banged his head on the playground at recess but never told a teacher. He just waited a few minutes until he stopped feeling dizzy and then went back to playing. He rarely complains when he doesn't feel good or is hurt, so this is pretty normal for him. So now we've been waking him periodically per the doctor's orders. And he is off school Thursday and Friday for the next 2 weeks for holidays and I am just dreading all the trips to urgent care for him.

OK, I guess this isn't so mini.
I want to rant *sigh*...


The horrible bloating is causing me to not want to leave the house. I can't wear/fit any of my clothes unless they have elastic in the bands. I exercise but of course the swelling and inflammation in my stomach isn't going anywhere.

To make it all worse, I would love to be pregnant right now. *insert sad face* and see a baby belly with NO BABY is just....*more sad face*.

Additionally, I did not get any sleep last night. I was up tossing and turning and tossing and turning. And my better half sleeps like a baby every single night. I am jealous of him for seems like its such a minor thing but I want so badly to just be able to get in the bed, close my eyes, sleep and wake up "halfway" refreshed. I don't ever take my jealously out on better half because he's amazing and supportive but its just another one of the little things that's driving me bananas right now.

OAN: To "LindaS" I'm glad your husband apologized for that comment. Having Crohn's makes your body feel like you're working 80 hours a week, every week!
Oh, Kenya, I empathize sooo much...when I was 32 I wanted a baby, and when my stomach started getting bigger I thought it was a good sign. Turned out to be a very large fibroid, only a hysterectomy could remove it, so no babies for me :(

I hope it happens for you soon! And I'm jealous of how well my husband sleeps too-I confess I occasionally kick him to wake him up so he'll be awake, too! I know, not nice...
lol @ Mountaingem! If Sam starts snoring I push him to make him stop lol, but man oh man if he ever did that to me!! I'm a bit too protective over my sleep lol!

my mini rant today is my head is all over the shop and it's doing my nut in! don't know whether I'm coming or going, wish I could just wake up 2moro and feel more settled.
Oh ladies heehee...Im so guilty too of the waking up of my guy. He sleeps so good it doesnt even matter he usually kisses me and then i feel especially
@Mountain...sorry to hear that and glad you can relate *huggs*
My husband wears a C-Pap otherwise he'd snore like a chainsaw. I only snore when I have a cold.

Kenya, I hope you can get pregnant soon. I know how hard it can feel. It took us 10 months to get pregnant.
So a while ago I started pregabalin (Lyrica), and a couple or so weeks ago my hands started itching. It's taken until now, well an hour ago 3:30am, bloody silly O'clock in the morning, for me to do a 'find' in the online patient information leaflet for 'itch'. Reading the paper copy: I didn't twig. It says it can cause skin reactions! Read the bloomin words and think you stupid cow and you might save yourself some agro! Arrgghhhh!
I've been waking up in the morning so stiff I can barely get out of bed. It's really diificult to get up, sit down, or bathe. I called my Rheumatologist and the most helpful thing she had to say was "Let's see if the Remicade kicks in."

Nice, very helpful, thank you. In the meantime maybe she should provide 24/7 care until we "see" if the medicine works. If you can't even tie your @#$* shoes, how long should you wait???
I grabbed the effin' handle of the frying pan AFTER taking it out of the oven.....YUP.....burned my hand!!!

2nd degree on 2 of my fingers at the pad......and burned the others too...hydrocodone 7.5 isn't touching it!!! (niether are the margaritas!)

oh - and after a pretty good day hubby is pissed at me because I didn't make sure our daughter actually used soap in the shower.....up until then he actually had a ~chance~ at getting lucky tonight!
@MountainGem oh I'm sorry and I totally feel your pain and agree 100%. Sometimes telling someone to "wait and see" is worse than just saying nothing. When you hurt from head to toe (even had those days where it hurt to come my hair) you need more options. For the joint pain I was having I found exercising does help. I know when you're "in pain" it seems like mentally the hardest thing to do. I started out walking the treadmill for about 10 minutes 3 times a day. Now I'm up to running 1.5 miles and that's 3-4 times a week, in addition to the elliptical. I don't have joint pain anywhere near as bad as I was having, which I get horrible knee and ankle pain. I hope it gets better!
My mini-vent is I went to Starbucks yesterday to get a "Salted Caramel Mocha". Now mind you, I'm not even supposed to have Starbucks at all. I only "reward" myself one day a week and yesterday was that day.

I get all worked up, showered and dressed for my date with the Bucks. Then get there only to hear they don't have the SALT for the SALTED Caramel Mocha. I wouldn't have been so burned by it all....but this Starbucks is always running out of stuff!!!!! They are hardly ever stocked which just annoyed me.

At least the cashier was nice and gave me a Venti for the price of a Tall. *Compromise*
how can they be out of salt? How can they not get replacement salt when it's out?? so confused.....

I've been drinking starbucks way too much recently. I know it's making my gastritis worse, but I'm sooooo tired.
@Carrie...apparently it's some sort of "special" salt they use for this particular drink. I'm assuming because it's one of the limited time only brews. I didn't think it'd make a difference but it did.

They also never have the Greek Yogurt I love and a few months back they ran out of the Mocha Coconut mix too! I'm like "Grrrr!!!!!"

And yes, I don't need it either but I have to reward myself some kind of way. Oh but please believe, I was on the couch for the rest of the day yesterday with massive "D".

*Sigh* which unto a whole 'nother "rant"....
I am going to vent about holidays. My family rotates where we are going to host Thanksgiving and this year it is my turn. Last time it was my turn I was flaring and it was just too much, so I asked if we could trade, and no one would trade with me! Finally, my mom took on hosting for us, because I can't do it when I'm flaring. I'll bring a dish, but I just can't take on all the work of hosting approximately 15 people when I'm this worn out.
Kenya, that is so annoying when they run out of stuff! Target is always out of one or two things on my shopping list when I go there.
linda- not nice of your family! at least your mom finally pitched in.

kenya- wow. you do more exercise now than i did before i got sick. that made me tired just reading it.
Kenya, I need to treat myself pretty frequently too. For the longest time, whenever I had to go to the doctor or the pharmacy or to the hospital for tests, I'd buy myself a pretty bottle of nail polish to cheer myself up. Well, now I have a huge box full of nail polish! I need to figure out a new treat for myself, ha ha. It sounds like you do too, coffee/caffeine affects me the same way. I'd be on the toilet all day too if I had Starbucks.

My mini-vent is that... I can't be mad at my brother! I'm sure some of you have seen my posts about him in the past, long story short he's been living in my house for over a year now (it was supposed to be 3 months) as I gave him a place to stay after he was discharged from the Air Force. For awhile we got along fine, but then I think he did too many drugs or triggered a mental illness or something, and he went crazy. He would say things that just do not make sense and he would try to tell me things (my favorite crazy rant was that I should just stop being sick and look to him to be my "digestive role model" - hah!). We fought A LOT during that time and my hubby and I asked bro to move out, soon.

So, a few weeks ago bro and I had a huge fight and my mom happened to be over. She took my side and agreed that my brother was talking crazy (as usual) and that he was being needlessly critical of me. My brother was saying weird stuff like how he's better because he taught my dog more tricks than I did (seriously!). So I yelled, "I gave you a place to stay when you had nowhere else to go!!" And he stopped and said, "You're right. I never thanked you for that. I really do appreciate it. Thank you." And, ever since then, he's been NICE to me! He's made an effort NOT to fight with me! It's strange because I've grown to expect him to be a total jerk to me, so now I'm just suspicious of him. It's like, too little too late. I can't accept his niceness now after months of being at each others throats. And I know the niceness won't last, I just know it. Does that make me a bad person, or just realistic?

Edited to add: Also, does it make me a bad person that I'm venting about someone being nice to me? :blush:
@Cat I'm going to PM you with some information I think might help you and your brother. And no...I'm always weary of someone changing their "modus operandi" on me all of a sudden too. Kinda like, yesterday you were a jerk and today you're all sweet...what are you playing at? lol...its a strange defensive paranoia mechanism I have going on....

@flowergirl...hehehe...its really NOT that bad or hard. You just start off slow and before you know it your body will "crave" working out. I skipped all last week because I wasn't sleeping well but this week it is back to business again!!!

@Linda...oh don't I know it!? I just literally made the "screw face" for like 12 seconds when they told me they were out. I know the cashier saw my facial frustration because that's when she offered the free upgrade. Nevertheless it doesn't change the fact, I feel robbed of my treat. I think for that....I will have TWO treats this week (insert evil grin)
cat - a digestive role model!!!!!!! i literally laughed out loud. that's too funny. it probably wasn't funny to you when he said it.... :rof:
I've been waking up in the morning so stiff I can barely get out of bed. It's really diificult to get up, sit down, or bathe. I called my Rheumatologist and the most helpful thing she had to say was "Let's see if the Remicade kicks in."

Nice, very helpful, thank you. In the meantime maybe she should provide 24/7 care until we "see" if the medicine works. If you can't even tie your @#$* shoes, how long should you wait???

Ohhhhh god, I know what you mean. I started having horrible joint pain after I stopped taking my painkillers (as per my GI's orders...) The following 2 weeks were the worst I've had since being diagnosed. I had been on narcotics for 7 months, which he knew, and stopped cold turkey. I ended up in the hospital with what the paramedics thought was a heart attack (turns out, I had severe inflammation of the tissue between my breast bone and ribs.) The joint pain was so bad, I spent most of my days in a hot bath tub. I even resorted to taking aleve, which made my intestines bleed like a bastard. But he didn't care, as long as I wasn't taking any narcotics. Apparently they are the medical equivelent of selling your soul:rolleyes:
So I went to my GP, he gave me percocet, and they made me really sick. So I went back and asked to be weaned off them. He gave me t4's. They're working very well. But while I was with my GP the last time, I managed to read some of my medical file. My GI dr had written that I was a "possible drug seeker for narcotics" and that I was schedualed for surgery within the next 6 months. Now, I'm 100% not a drug addict, seeker, or user. I've never gotten them off the street, never used them for recreational purposes, and I asked to be taken off them. AND, the word "surgery" has never been mentioned to me. I've never seen a surgeon, and my GI hasn't said anything about having surgery. In fact, the only reason I'm on remicade and prednisone and imuran, is so that I don't have to have surgery. I was SO mad after I read that, I was going to switch GI drs. I have an appointment with him this month, so I'm going to bring it up as pleasantly as I can, and see what he says. I HATE his attitude towards treating the symptoms of crohns, as well as the underlying cause. He refuses to even talk about any symptoms that may not be crohns related. I honestly thought he was a great dr up until know. I've never been this angry at a dr. He doesn't even know me! And I read about drug seeking behaviour. I've done anything that a drug seeker would do. Everytime I've been to the emergency room, there is actually something wrong with me, and I've needed the painkillers really bad. If I just wanted to get high, I would go buy some heroin and be done with it, instead of dealing with drs, pharmacists, and judgmental ********.
And I don't even need surgery. My intestines are almost completely healed, even the stricture. So he can suck it.
25times- yikes! i'd kick that dude to the curb.

mini-vent -- i have really small ears, and it's really difficult to find earphones for the ipod to fit my ears.

that's my vent.
This rant is a tad graphic. I think we're all fairly used to that on this forum though so here I go. This past year has been HORRIBLE. 4 surgeries on my butt for a fistula. Then they came to the conclusion that I was having such intense pain because there must be nerve damage from the surgeries. I started seeing a pain management specialist who has been great with everything. But the stuff I'm on leaves me unable to drive and where I live you have to drive to get to ANYTHING. Read this as, I've had no life for the past year. I'm getting really tired of it so I've decided just to start scheduling a few fun things and deal with the pain later. My first fun night out was on Saturday for a Bruce Hornsby concert with my Dad. The concert was sooo good and we had a great time. The seats though were old auditorium, solid wood seats. I made sure I had a jacket to sit on the whole time but it was a three hour concert and it wasn't the type of concert people were standing up for. So here I am, Monday night, my ass is still bleeding. I'm bandages look like they're covering gunshot wounds or something. And the pain has been so bad. I guess it just makes me SO mad that my body is being punished for having one night out. I'm going to a halloween party and a steeler game at the end of the month. Tickets are purchased for both so I can't back out. Guess I'll just schedule in a week with my bed afterwards.
Mini vent:

Yesterday my husband picked up dinner for us during a baby scream fest. He gets home, i let him eat in peace, I finally calmed the baby down, and laid her next to me. I started eating and of course (it never fails) she started crying again. My husband sitting next to us, fully aware, picks up his lap top and starts surfing the internet. WTF, REAllY? Needless to say, I had to stop eating and take the baby in the other room to try and get her to sleep. Never did finish eating... jerk.

PS-I didn't yell at him yesterday because I was so pissed, but today i mentioned it and he had no idea i was mad or that he even did it?
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Manzyb, I sometimes think men don't have the necessary gene to hear babies crying, especially in the middle of the night. When my son was a baby, he slept in our room. He was crying around 3AM. I asked my husband to bring him to me so I could feed him, and he ignored me. The next morning, he said he never heard the baby crying. I have no idea how that was possible, as he was less than 5 feet from him!

BTW- your little one is so cute!
Mini vent:

Yesterday my husband picked up dinner for us during a baby scream fest. He gets home, i let him eat in peace, I finally calmed the baby down, and laid her next to me. I started eating and of course (it never fails) she started crying again. My husband sitting next to us, fully aware, picks up his lap top and starts surfing the internet. WTF, REAllY? Needless to say, I had to stop eating and take the baby in the other room to try and get her to sleep. Never did finish eating... jerk.

PS-I didn't yell at him yesterday because I was so pissed, but today i mentioned it and he had no idea i was mad or that he even did it?

when we first had our baby i did stuff like this. men seem to think that their life doesn't change a whole lot when the baby comes. you have to specifically tell them when you need help or you won't get it. don't think they should "know" what to do or that you need help. they don't. or they pretend not to.
next time in that situation, as soon as the baby starts crying and he pulls out the lap stop, you have to say - excuse me, i haven't had a chance to eat yet and you have, do you mind taking the baby for a few minutes so i can finish - seriously, you have to spell it out for them. if you don't you'll just stew about it and get mad the next day and they don't have any idea what you're talking about.

it'll feel weird at first, because you would think they should be able to tell when you're mad or need help. you just have to learn to be more blunt.
cat - a digestive role model!!!!!!! i literally laughed out loud. that's too funny. it probably wasn't funny to you when he said it.... :rof:

My jaw just dropped when he said that to me. I was like, there's about a million things wrong with that statement! For one thing, his diet and digestion aren't that great either! He eats mostly frozen pizzas, and I'm wondering if he might have the beginnings of IBD as well (they say siblings are the most likely people to get it). He once told me he "pooped black stuff", and he does a lot of drugs (marijuana from what I can tell, but he acts wired a lot the time the way a coke addict would so I don't know if he's into harder drugs and just hiding it well?). I wonder if he's self-medicating some physical pain that he hasn't told me about. I don't think he's self-medicating emotional pain - he had a great childhood, in fact he was always the favorite and was spoiled by our parents (I was given more of a "You're the oldest so you have to be responsible and pay consequences for your actions" upbringing). So long story short, he's no role model in any regard, digestive or otherwise!
My mini-vent of the day might be tmi so proceed carefully.

I've been having some issues. Let me see if I can sum up my events for almost the past week. Shart pain (had only twice before back in college, pre-Crohn's dx) Thurs morning, **** doc in ER, neusea, liquid diet, fail liquid diet, neusea, GI doc not really taking me seriously (?), green poo everyday (except one normal morning), more pain, another ER, lots of radiation, ovarian cyst, still neusea, and green poop returned.

Lovely, right? Well, I know it might sound rediculous... and unfortunetly, I don't feel like elaborating anymore. Either a ruptured cyst or gallstones. Who knows. My normal GI doesn't seem to care enough as they never called back yesterday regarding more blood tests or ultrasound. UGH! I get that something upset my Crohn's, pissed it off, and now I have to get back to normal by myself (because I'm at the point where I don't want help with my CD anymore). I don't really care what it is anymore, since it's not hurting. lol - silly right? I'm just sick of agonizing over it. Would like someone else to care enough to figure it out.

I know, unorganized and stuff. More later I'm sure though. :heart:
Oh and so active Crohn's equals diet rich in starchy carby foods. Which increases my already too high triglyceride levels. Which increases whatever alk phos levels that are already out of range. Which makes doc question gallstones more. Which also makes my mom worry about liver failure. Awesome. Someone pass me another bagel.
Carrie - Because of where my setons are, I've never had much luck with donuts. I'm assuming I'll be standing most of the game and for the halloween party since there's a concert. I'm on Norco and Neurontin. I know Neurontin isn't a pain med but it still affects me. I tried driving and I just feel like my reaction time is really slowed down. And normally when I sit, I sit on my right leg. That one is necessary for driving! haha. I'm still bleeding through bandages so wondering if I need to make a quick call to the surgeon.

Oh and to make it better, my best friend lives in New York. Perez Hilton is having a huge party/concert tomorrow night. Her and I are HUGE perez, dj mia moretti and caitlin moe, pauly d, and karmin fans. They're all performing. She won tickets and automatically asked me to come up to go with her and stay the weekend. And I just can't do it. Totally bummed.
omg. that sucks that you can't go to the concert/party! I'd so want to go as well. I hope your friend has fun. I was on neurontin more than a decade ago now. I didn't last on it because it made me slow AND I gained a ton of weight within the first month on it. I was off before the second month was over. :ghug:
annak87, I am so sorry you have to miss the party. I know how you feel. When I was in college, I had tickets to a Saturday Night Live taping, but I was in the hospital and had to miss it.
OK, I have a mini-vent against my sister in law. My entire family and all my friends know that when talking on the phone to me, I might have to suddenly hang up (I say "gotta go" and hang up) and then I'll call them back when I'm done in the bathroom. Well I hear her telling someone that I am so rude because I just hang up on her whenever we're on the phone. This is just the last of so many things about her that piss me off. If my son wasn't so close to her son, I'd only see them at family gatherings, she annoys me so much! And my brother is so whipped, he always takes her side, even when he's completely understanding about my CD. He's had to drive me to the ER so many times in the past, he knows I am not being rude when I have to go quickly.
Hey Linda, that must be so irritating but you know, you have to chalk it up to ignorance and it is their loss if you choose to not associate with them. We can pick our friends and family in my books! Yeah most men have to comply with the wife lol, it is in the books :lol:. Dont worry this is stress and YOU dont need it, they dont know how you feel so screw them! ;)
bring the phone into the bathroom next time so she can hear what is actually happening when you 'hang up on her'? I'd probably be all over her until she really got it, but that's because I get so mad when people talk about me.
then it could just be "gotta go! unless you want to join me in the bathroom again..?" lol

right after I wrote my last reply to this thread I had to bust a move getting to the bathroom in time. Just as I got in there and everything started to dump, a poor coworker walked in... and right back out again.
then it could just be "gotta go! unless you want to join me in the bathroom again..?" lol

right after I wrote my last reply to this thread I had to bust a move getting to the bathroom in time. Just as I got in there and everything started to dump, a poor coworker walked in... and right back out again.

I think I might have to try that, even though bringing the phone into the bathroom would gross me out from using it again! I wonder if I can sterilize it afterwards?
put the phone down before you wipe or anything else messy? you can also wipe it off with antibacterial wipes. I would probably put it down, wipe myself, wash my hands, then pick it back up. I wipe my phone off occasionally with antibacterial wipes anyway.
Oh ladies heehee...Im so guilty too of the waking up of my guy. He sleeps so good it doesnt even matter he usually kisses me and then i feel especially
@Mountain...sorry to hear that and glad you can relate *huggs*

Hope your OK Kenya. I give my hubby a gentle kick when he snores to wake him up. Even then he is lovely to me and he always gives me a kiss too. He is always so lovely and I am such a grump if I'm tired. Hope the bloating is a bit better.
mini vents

My IE is so slow that I write out 2 words before they show up on on my screen.:voodoo:Bigger than mini vent....I am not sure why but my colostomy wafers are not sticking on as well as they normally do. I don't know if I got batch that has poor stickiness to it or what... but my whole routine has changed because I can't trust the loyalty of these darn wafers. I know there are barrier glues and such but they really break my skin down and I just want to know what this big change could be...Know what I mean?:stinks: Has anyone ever got a bad batch? or do you think it's something differently related??? I hate the thought of going through 3 more months of this poo sneaking across my wafer and stinkin me up, if my supplies are the problem! :ybatty:
leslie, you're not using any new lotions or soaps are you? I'm guessing you haven't switched anything out, but other than a bad batch of wafers, it could also be that your skin is too .. moist? thats not the ideal word, but you know what I mean.
wafers won't stick as well

Carrie, I don't think I am using anything in creams and lotions. I have started taking Metamucil (sp?) and my ostomy is sticking out more than it was. I thought that was the problem but I don't know why they would stick less because of this.

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