
Crohn's Disease Forum

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My mini vent today is that I have just deactivated my facebook account (which I enjoy) because of this bloody Timeline. It's my own stubborness I know but why do other people like to force you to do things their way. I may not own the page but at least let me have some choice in how it looks. Oh well, hope I dont regret it :(

LOL goldfish, you know I just did the same thing to my Facebook account 3 hours ago, because of similar reasons but mostly whats the point? Perspective employers will see that I have a FB account but not able to read it. But I just felt like its time to dump it.
Ha ha Glad I'm not alone Scaryman :) I will probably go back to it one day as I liked finding friends I had lost and totally know what you mean about "whats the point" but I kinda wanted to make a point with them. ah well we'll see. It might get me off this computer a bit if I dont have it... gotta be good health wise hasn't it?
It might not matter if I can work out the box I sealed myself in 21' years ago with SSI. Trying to reapply if the application can be processed quick. Long boring story but the perspective employer problem is out. Issues i have with social networks is the data mining, so what's the point? Even though I don't post sensitive stuff on FB. For crying out loud look at the stuff everyone (including me) posts on these forums. The point is this is more sensitive than what i post on fb.
I am still experimenting with non-Rx alternative remedies and its frustrating. Since I have a mild case of CD, I still have the luxury of taking some risks, but it does get tiresome. I am now trying internal cleansing and colonics along with my regular daily naturopathic routine because I want to get to the point where I can eat foods which are currently still triggering flares. I don't really miss beef, so that's not a problem and junk foods, white flour and sugar I shouldn't be eating anyway, so I don't resent not having them. But, I still feel too restricted. I guess seeing how even Wheat and dark breads still cause inflammation, as well as rice, peanut butter and a few other foods, gets me ticked off. I am hoping that the internal cleansing, colonics, and healing internal remedies will do the trick.

As an update I am doing much better with different foods since I began the colonics and internal cleansing. Inflammation is sometimes non-existent, and the bleeding (from hemorrhoids and/or colon) has stopped totally. And I also have had perfect elimination over the past three days, text-book, perfect.:ytongue: ( I should take photos and post them, LOL).
I wish genetic testing was as quick as shown in CSI. In reality I will be looking at 4-8 weeks for the Hospital to get the results back.

I am being seen at a specialist, one-of-a kind unit in London to try and dx my inflammatory problems. But they are starting with a blood draw to look for the genetic types of Amyloisosis which is their specialty. One because that is a rare disease my rheumy has managed to think of and can be tested for, and two I guess it's much easier for them to do that than booking me in for 2 days to have a barrage of tests to look for the non-genetic forms as a starting point.

So even though I go next week will be rather an anti-climax!
It might not matter if I can work out the box I sealed myself in 21' years ago with SSI. Trying to reapply if the application can be processed quick. Long boring story but the perspective employer problem is out. Issues i have with social networks is the data mining, so what's the point? Even though I don't post sensitive stuff on FB. For crying out loud look at the stuff everyone (including me) posts on these forums. The point is this is more sensitive than what i post on fb.

Actually isn't it mind blowing what some people DO post on there? It makes me wonder really.
Arg! This isn't terrible, but annoying for sure. So I work out in the gym 3x every week, and I use the gym in the basement of my workplace (it's free for employees to use). There's a TV with a DVD player down there. And today, for some strange reason, the DVD remote suddenly decided to break. So now I apparently can't watch DVDs in the gym until they get/find a new remote to replace it with (maintenance tried fixing it but couldn't) - and I always watch DVDs when I exercise! I have a DVD that I burned myself of my favorite singer in concert, it always gets me pumped up. Now I can't watch it for awhile! How frustrating! That's what I get for going to a free gym, ha ha. Oh well.
well I guess its my turn as I have been lucky for a while now but I seem to have begun a mini flair ( I say mini in the hope that that is all it will be). I nearly died the other day when I almost had an accident in the gym but was very lucky to have been in the changing rooms at the time and made it to the toilet. i had had an accident in their a few months ago and although it was nothing major I was mortified. The worst thing is that I have no idea its about to happen and then, Oh my God! Well I am sure you guys can all guess. So from there I'm afraid I have D again but only one day so far when I couldnt leave the house as I couldnt trust myself. The last few days I get the cramp warning so I get half a chance to get to the loo. Am back on anything gluten free and wheat free again but because I have been Crohns free all year I have kinda forgotten how I got back on track last time. I am going on a few days hols in 2 weeks and really want to be better for it. One of the worst things I find is the tiredness, i really really hate that. These are my summer hols, im supposed to be full of life before I go back to college.
My best friend celebrated 8 years with his girlfriend/now wife this year.

I celebrated 8 years of beig sick (and single).
I sometimes REALLY hate the general public/everyone around me. Friends literally told me back after my surgery that they don't really get why I OCCASIONALLY complain about my Crohn's-related issues and pain because I don't SEEM sick. Well, news flash. Every doctor I've seen in the past year and a half has told me that I have an incredibly high pain tolerance, so I can usually stick it out without complaining, but that doesn't mean that my days don't consistently suck! One of my friends was complaining to me all week about her stomach pain because she "knew I'd understand." Don't get me wrong... I do understand because that's my daily life. But last night she was really in pain and constantly texting me and I basically diagnosed her pain as probable appendicitis (using my vast, Crohn's-gleaned knowledge). Sure enough, that's what it was, and she's having surgery tonight. I feel bad for her, but it pisses me off how she and everyone have reacted to it. She keeps talking about how she's so scared to have the surgery. I HAD my appendix out in high school. It is NOT THAT BAD. It's a freaking laprascopic surgery. She's not going to have ugly scars or be in the hospital for weeks. Everyone's acting like she's on her damn death bed or something. But because I don't complain much or appear sick, everyone makes light of the fact that I was in the hospital for basically a month and almost went into septic shock. People need to be educated on this stupid ******** disease and realize that it's no just your average stomachache.
I hear you elizamt-I have a friend that had laproscopic surgery on her shoulder and my God you would have thought it was an aputation. Being sick and in constant pain makes it hard to deal with whiny people.

Just because we are in constant pain makes some people around us think we should be "used to it" by now, as if that's even possible. I too have a high pain tolerance and often look "fine"-because I try not to look too sick if possible, so I fix my hair, put on the war paint, etc.

Insensitivity is the real issue-and all of us face it with friends and loved ones. One of my sis-in-laws was griping about laproscopic knee surgery (from rock climbing, natch!) and it was all I could do not to roll my eyes. Then she says, "Oh, that's kinda what you have right?" Uh, no.

I just smiled and shook my head, when inside I was screaming at her to get the f away from me, lol. I did tell her I have AS and bone spurrs on my spine the size of my husband's fist, that shut her up. :devil:

The great thing about this forum is everyone I try to let it out on here rather than smack the person, not making any promises though.
ARGH!!! Husband is being an ass tonight.....I know he doesn't feel well but that isn't an excuse. We were texting earlier, and he told me he had an idea for cooking something...I respond 'k?'...minute later the text read 'answer the effin phone'.....I text back my cell never rang and to call my Moms as I just got there (pick up our daughter after school/my work).....guess it is MY FAULT that he tried calling HOME and I wasn't there to now he isn't talking to me. least he won't be home for another hour - he is driving home from the fire academy....
I hate prednisone. I've been off of it for well over a year and yet my face is still "fat". Went to see a plastic surgeon and its $7,000 to get it sucked out and tightened. I'm In my 20's and i'm not overweight!!! I wish i had never taken it. :y:cry:
Lola, I hear you - I was on Entocort for 7 months, and it's been well over a year since I've been off of it too. I had lost a bunch of weight when I was really ill, and being on Entocort allowed me to gain my weight back (and then some) but it all seemed to go to my tummy! I work out 3x per week now and I still have a flabby gut, yuck. Seems like steroids can have long-lasting effects on the body.

And that's not even my vent for today! My vent today is that I have ANOTHER cold! I'm not on immunosupressants, I'm only on Asacol. But this is the 3rd cold I've had since summer began. And whenever I get a cold, it seems like my guts get a little angry too. So I'm sniffling and coughing and cramping and nauseous. Yuck!
Yep, count me in the prednisone chubby club. I'm on Pentasa, Humira, Methotrexate and Prednisone and I'm still flaring-are you kidding me??????
Does anyone else have problems with office staff when calling for an appointment with their GP.?
My experience repeatedly is as follow
Me:I would like to make an appointment with Dr XX
Receptionist: Why---whats the problem?
Me: the GI would like follow up on some recent tests from a serious episode in the ER., and before starting new treatment for the crohn's.
Receptionist: The Doctor has no appointments available for three months-----
you can have an appointment with the nurse practitioner next week.,
Go to urgent care or emergency is another repeated advice.
Me: no the GI specified information needed from the doctor.I will let the GI know.
Receptionist checks with GP---he has an appointment next week for me!!!
This happens repeatedly and I don't deny a nurse practitioner has a place but not with serious complicated cases, they are not doctors.Except for emergency and urgent care this GP takes care of me all the time.
Talking with the GP she says they are dealing with the office staff and system now..
This has been going on for a year now.
It makes calling the office very stressful and presents a very poor image of an excellent
It will leave me no option but to find another GP which is next to impossible right now.
Another option would be to seek private care but I don't think that exists in Ontario.
It is bad enough coping with the ill health and all the crohn's problems without having to endure unsympathetic and obstructive office staff.
Trysha, my GP is really good about seeing me right away, but the hospital here is like how you described. If they feel that I'm really ill then they get me in immediately, but if not then there's always a several month wait! When I had my c-scope, I wasn't sure if I could afford it so I didn't book the appointment right away. They decided that because I didn't call right away to book it, that I must be "fine" and therefore I could wait 4 months to have the scope done. Fortunately they took pity on me when I called back in tears and explained I was suffering and just couldn't wait that long, and they got me in the following week. Still, though, that's pretty crappy and I feel for you. Are you able to talk to someone besides the receptionist? I find that receptionists are pretty uncaring and know nothing and don't have much power to change the schedule. If you can talk to a nurse instead, they often know more about what you're talking about and also have more power, so they have more ability to sympathize and to get you in quicker. I usually email my GI now instead of calling, because when I call I don't always get to talk to a nurse or my doc, but when I email it always gets responded to by a nurse or my GI. They don't let the receptionists do email I guess, not at my clinic at least. Anyway, I'm glad you got an appointment in spite of the receptionist being a pill!

My mini vent today is that I seem to have a pinched nerve in my neck! Arrrgh! It's just one thing after another lately. Some backstory, I have GERD and it's been steadily getting worse. I normally sleep on my left side, and lately I've been noticing that I have a sore throat in the mornings, but my throat only hurts on the left. So I figured it's probably from acid coming up my throat when I sleep, and it settles on the left side of my esophagus as that's the side that's lowest. So, last night I decided to try to sleep on my right side as an experiment to see if I woke up with a sore throat on the right. My throat really didn't hurt this morning, but as the day has progressed my neck & shoulders/upper back have hurt more and more and it feels like the time I had a pinched nerve. It's a sharper and more intense pain than just neck strain from sleeping funny, but sleeping on the opposite side is the only thing I did differently than normal so I'm thinking it must be related somehow! But anyway, my neck flipping hurts and is pretty stiff (it's not meningitis, I looked up the symptoms of that and I don't have dizziness nor fever nor confusion or any other symptoms). Oh, and my guts have apparently decided that anytime anything goes a bit off with my body, that they're going to get upset too. I had a cold last week and my guts got upset. My GERD went more haywire than usual and my guts got really upset. And now my neck hurts and my guts aren't happy with that either! I seriously cannot catch a break lately. So sick of this!
Hi Cat-a-Tonic,
Thank you for your concern.
I will see what the GP has to say tomorrow.
This is a critical time for me because the GI told me I will be having Remicade and the coordinator will be calling me. He said it is important to get the renal problems dealt with before the Remicade can be given.
I am not exactly thrilled with either of these two things and quite nervous regarding the remicade.
Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time and hope things will soon ease up for you
Hugs and best wishes
Ok, I just need to vent a little here. I posted yesterday that my GI doc went out of the country on vacation and wont be back for a month. I am not diagnosed yet, but have been having issues on and off for little over a year now. I have not been feeling to good this past week( a lot of intetsinal pain and just feeling bad). Well I called to try and get in with one of the other GI's there. The nurse called me yesterday and said I should go to the ER. I explained to her that , NO, I cannot really afford to run to the ER. My deductible is $2,500 that I would have to pay, and I am certain the ER would likely be useless( do blood work, do an xray or CT scan and send me on my way with a HUGE bill!). She then tells me that I should see my regular primary care first and if they think I need to be seen, they can call their office and I would maybe get in to see one of the other GI's there.

OK, so my nurse at my regular primary care docs office calls and talks to this same GI nurse. My PC nurse tells the GI nurse that my doctor thinks I should be seen asap by one of their other GI's there since my GI is out for the month. Get this, the GI nurse goes and tells my Primary care nurse that she recommends I just go to the ER!!!! My pC care nurse then tells her that I do not need to go to the ER, that I just need to be seen by one of their GI docs there since mine is out of the country for the month. At this point my primary care nurse is getting annoyed with this GI nurse. My primary care nurse asked her how many GI docs do they have on staff. There are 19 of them. So my Primary nurse told the GI nurse "Dont tell me out of 19 doctors there on staff, not one of them can see my patient"! The GI nurse then tells my nurse, "Oh, well even if she did she one of the other GI's here, they could not order any testing for her".

OK, can someone please tell me if I am wrong here, but is this not the most insane, stupid and most unprofessional thing you have ever heard??? This is a top hospital here in Chicago. WTH! This is so very unprofessional. It is so ironic, I mean they are complaining here that too many people frequent the ER instead of going to the dr's office. Yet here they are telling me to go to the ER! This is absurd. I am beyond angry right now. My primary care nurse said she was going to wait until the GI's offcie closes and then she is going to call the GI doc on call and talk to that doctor and explain what is going on. Hopefully this will help. I swear I am so close to just never going back there, but it is a good hospital for the most part and I know if I went somewhere else, I would really likely have a long wait. I am so frustrated. I feel awful and just want to be seen and get the ball rolling so I can set up some tests already! Sorry for complaining, and thanks for listening.
We are going camping this weekend, leaving Friday afternoon....I managed to get the camper put down, most of the stuff packed up...then realized we still need to cover up the whiffletree (threaded rod for cranking up/down) again - never put the cover back on after trying to fix the crank system. Would have done it this evening before it got dark, but Little Kitty left a 'present' (aka half eaten bird!) right where I need to lay down!!! YUK!
Headed out of town for a conference today - over a five hour drive - discovered that I forgot the garment bag containing shirts and sport coat beyond the point of turning back
Phoned the rheumatology nurse two weeks ago who assured me she would get me an appointment as soon as she could. Well haven't heard anything back from them so phoned them today as I haven't slept properly in a week because of the pain and guess what no record of a phone call. I nearly burst into tears on the phone I know it's not the receptionists fault as she didn't take the call but I was so annoyed luckily she was lovely and gave me the number to contact the nurses. I phoned and left a message asking them to get back to me as soon as possible but somehow I don't think it will be today :-(
i had surgery in april, at which point I was diagnosed to crohns, before then it meant nothing to me. i was glad to hear the result, they cut all the active stuff out, great! as it had been the cause of my vomiting and pain for 1-2 years.

now ITS BACK. i'm so angry and annoyed. I knew it would come back, i read everything that said it does come back in most people, most people need more surgery, etc etc. but i thought i'd have a bit of time :(

i saw my GI today and he prescribed prednislone. :( :( :(

im really p* off at this stupid condition. people areound me are trying to help but they can't take it away and it sucks. I feel like i've read every advice column and post about diet for crohns and still have no idea what i should be eating. Its poo. worse than poo.


vent not over.
You should google "Elaine Gottschall" and "SCD Diet A-Z". The SCD Diet works amazing for me (just don't cheat on it and it'll work miracles). It's a shame I discovered it as late as I did, but it is surely a blessing. I've had Crohns Disease since age 11 and am currently 25. Feel free to pm me if you have any questions.
Bleh. A lot of my co-workers have been coughing and some have had terrible colds or the flu lately, but they still come to work sick anyway which drives me nuts. I try to stay away from them, not touch my face, wash my hands & use sanitizer often, etc. But then yesterday my hubby started coughing too and I couldn't avoid him. Of course he's already feeling better because he's got pretty much perfect health, but about an hour ago I started coughing too. Not sure if this will end up being a cold or the flu, and also not sure who to blame for giving it to me! It could be hubby or any number of co-workers. So I'm just kind of vaguely angry at everyone right now. :p So not happy, and hoping this is just a cold and not the flu. I had my flu shot but from what I hear lots of people are getting the flu around here in spite of having had the shot. So far I'm just coughing but the last time I got a bad cough, it turned into bronchitis - why can't I just feel better in 24 hours like hubby - whenever I get sick it always seems to last for weeks! And no, I'm not even on any immunosuppressants right now, just on Asacol and reflux meds and Amitriptyline. Blah! Stupid whatever virus this is!
One of the things the drives insane are people that come to work sick. I have told people at my office who do that to remember those of us who are susceptible to catching things easier and stay home when sick!
Thanks DougUte. It's even worse in the office today believe it or not. I have to cover for the receptionist at my office when she goes to lunch or if she has a day off, etc. She has the flu but is one of those people who came in sick anyway yesterday, so I had to sit at her germy desk (I used lots of sanitizing wipes!) when she was at lunch yesterday. Today she is out sick so I'm at her desk again all day this time - and get this, the girl who is covering my breaks also has the flu!! Grrrr! And like you said, these people know I have a chronic illness and that viruses knock me down harder than an average person - but they stupidly come in anyway when they're contagious. I have two tubs of sanitizing wipes and 2 bottles of hand sanitizer at this desk, let's hope that's enough to keep the flu away! I was coughing yesterday but I don't feel sick and I'm not really coughing today, so I don't think I'm sick - yet. I'm so frustrated with these sick people who come in and spread their germs all around the office though! I had my flu shot and I read that it's something like 60 to 70% effective this year, so I hope that's enough to keep me healthy. But at least one of my co-workers said she had the shot too so clearly it's still possible to get miserably sick even with the shot. Urgh, I just really don't want the flu.
Izzy climbed up into our bed at 4AM, did her little commando crawl across the covers, and then curled up in a little ball between our heads to go to sleep like she does every early morning...

...and then she vomited all over the bed, with repeat performances (and sheet changes) at 5 and 6. That's when I got up and came to work.

Since I left she's thrown up everything my wife has tried to give her, which has pretty much been juice and popsicles.

I've been procrastinating in finding a new pediatrician (ours is my childhood doctor but I've recently come to realize that he's the pits) and now I'm dreading having to call him.

I really hope Sarah doesn't get this, but with her 6MP I know that's a pipe dream.
Izzy climbed up into our bed at 4AM, did her little commando crawl across the covers, and then curled up in a little ball between our heads to go to sleep like she does every early morning...

...and then she vomited all over the bed, with repeat performances (and sheet changes) at 5 and 6. That's when I got up and came to work.

Since I left she's thrown up everything my wife has tried to give her, which has pretty much been juice and popsicles.

I've been procrastinating in finding a new pediatrician (ours is my childhood doctor but I've recently come to realize that he's the pits) and now I'm dreading having to call him.

I really hope Sarah doesn't get this, but with her 6MP I know that's a pipe dream.

Boo! Hope she has Phenergan around.

Also, to make the bed situation a bit easier, make up the bed in 2 layers. I did this with one of mine who wet the bed. On Izzi's bed, put the plastic mattress protector sheet, then mattress pad, then sheet. Then, repeat. Put on another plastic protector, then mattress pad, then sheet.

That way, if she barfs in bed again, just strip the first layer off, and she's right back in bed while the washing machine saves the day.

I hope it passes soon. No fun, especially if everyone shares the bug. I still shudder to remember years ago when all 6 of us had the puking from both ends bug at the same time. I seem to recall the boys out back puking in the bushes since all toilets were occupado.

Unfortunately she's been puking in OUR bed so far, and we only have one set of protectors for that one. :)
So, I do believe I've started coming down with one of the viruses that's been circulating in my office. I felt fine when I woke up, fine when I went to work, fine for the first hour or so of work, then suddenly started getting waves of nausea and it quickly got bad. It doesn't feel like a flare and I didn't eat anything that would have done this to me, and one of my co-workers yesterday said she was very nauseous in addition to other symptoms, so I'm assuming this is a bug. I went right home and am now in PJs with a puke bag next to me (just in case, I haven't vomited yet so knock on wood) and my heating pad on and some Zofran and Gatorade. Yuck. And to think I would probably be fine if a few sick people had just stayed home instead of coming in to the office and spreading around their damn germs!
I agree about sick people coming into work. I don't know the number of times I've said I have a low immune system and pick up their bugs so quickly, and because of this I've been off sick so much over the Winter!! I did literally go mad at my manager who came in sick and then decided to cough in my face while she spoke to me :mad: sooooo angry!! I was then off sick the day after!!
It seems like this time of year no matter where you go, you risk catching something. I went to the neurologist Tues. for my tremors and the next day, well actually that evening, became ill for three days. Stomachache, D, headaches, sleeping alot. So those that go into work sometimes do cause others to get sick. But would if it's someone who already missed their limit of days off? What should they do then when they are sick? That happened to me yrs. ago. I had crohn's and didn't know it and I would get intestinal flu (I thought) alot and be doubling over with abdominal cramps and D. I missed all my allowed work days and then when I got a bad cold, had to go in sick. This is the problem with amount of days you can miss. But, I understand the employers point of view too.
Apparently I have a partial bowel obstruction....I'm so bloated and uncomfortable. My GI wants me to take extra Entocort and try to ride it out so I'm on an all liquid diet which is the worst! Plus my stomach is gurgling like crazy thanks to this stupid partial obstruction and I really don't feel like sitting in a quiet lecture hall with my stomach this loud, there is nothing more mortifying than your stomach being the loudest thing in a classroom full of people. But I have to go to class, my exams are getting close and I'm stressed the eff out! But I also just want to get in bed. :cry: Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Aw Emily, that's terrible. I hope things get better really soon! I haven't had a blockage myself (knock on wood) but it sounds awful, and to have to go to classes on top of that sounds like a nightmare. :(

I just need to vent about a lot of little things that have snowballed together to make me upset. My oven just broke and it cost almost $300 to fix. It wasn't under warranty. If we had bought a new warranty, that also would have been about $300 so either way we had to pay through the nose. We have one of those automatic robotic self-scooping litter boxes (the really expensive one, not one of those cheapo ones) for our cat, and that broke last week too. It needs a new $40 circuit board - and this will be the second time we've replaced the circuit board in it, and no it's not under warranty either. It may need other parts besides the circuit board too. Besides that, I'm super stressed from work because I got like 6 new projects to do and I have no idea how to do any of them and I have to figure it all out by Feb 1st. (Instead of figuring them out, I'm procrastinating and posting here which really is just adding to my stress but that one's my own fault!) Going to the gym is my stress relief but I'm seriously going every day lately and starting to think about going twice some days because I am that stressed from work & financial crap. I did a hill program on the exercise bike yesterday on my lunch hour and felt like doing it again when I got home even though my legs were already tired. I feel like I do a lot of work but don't make enough money to pay for things when multiple appliances break at once, basically. When it rains it pours. I should just become a personal trainer so I can work out all the time and get paid for it. :p Sorry for the long ramble, thank you if you read it all and sorry if it didn't make any sense.
Apparently I have a partial bowel obstruction....I'm so bloated and uncomfortable. My GI wants me to take extra Entocort and try to ride it out so I'm on an all liquid diet which is the worst! Plus my stomach is gurgling like crazy thanks to this stupid partial obstruction and I really don't feel like sitting in a quiet lecture hall with my stomach this loud, there is nothing more mortifying than your stomach being the loudest thing in a classroom full of people. But I have to go to class, my exams are getting close and I'm stressed the eff out! But I also just want to get in bed. :cry: Blahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'm so sorry you are having that problem. Mine does that too and I always wondered why. Sometimes my husband looks at me and says, "Is that your stomach???" Wow, what causes that? IDK! I just know it's from the crohn's. It would be so hard in a loud classroom. Did you ever try Gas x ? It might help break up the gas before it gets bad. Or maybe try beano before you eat. Gas x helps me alot. I can't take hyocystine, made me so dizzy and vertigo and nauseated. It helped the spasms but not worth the way I felt! Hope this helps!:Flower:
Ugh, my co-workers are at it again! I was venting in this thread awhile back because some people were coming in to work sick with colds & the flu, etc. Now, cold & flu season is pretty much over, but it seems like a nasty case of pink-eye is going around. Two co-workers have stopped by my desk today to talk to me, and I noticed that both of them had one pink goopy eye! Eewww! For crying out loud, I had pinkeye a few years ago and I stayed home because I didn't want to infect anyone else. These people know full well that I have chronic health issues so I am more susceptible to infections, but they come and stand a foot away from me with their gross highly contagious eyes! I just hate it. I really hope I don't get it myself, but my left eye is starting to feel a little bit iffy (I'm seriously hoping that's just because I'm worrying about my eyes). Yuck! Just needed to vent about that!
Ugh, my co-workers are at it again! I was venting in this thread awhile back because some people were coming in to work sick with colds & the flu, etc. Now, cold & flu season is pretty much over, but it seems like a nasty case of pink-eye is going around. Two co-workers have stopped by my desk today to talk to me, and I noticed that both of them had one pink goopy eye! Eewww! For crying out loud, I had pinkeye a few years ago and I stayed home because I didn't want to infect anyone else. These people know full well that I have chronic health issues so I am more susceptible to infections, but they come and stand a foot away from me with their gross highly contagious eyes! I just hate it. I really hope I don't get it myself, but my left eye is starting to feel a little bit iffy (I'm seriously hoping that's just because I'm worrying about my eyes). Yuck! Just needed to vent about that!

Maybe take some peroxide mixed with half water and with a moist wipe or tissue close you eye anbd rub it over your eye and do it as many times as you can. I bet that might help prevent it. Or use a shot glass and wash your eye out with boric acid. I remember my x mother inlaw used that when her kids were growing up. Read directions for an eye wash of course!!!:)I looked it up for you, here is the link~ This is a cure as well!!! Teresa:hug:
I need to vent today. In addition to finding out that Asacol has been suddenly discontinued ( and I need to find another remission maintenance med, the pharmacy screwed up my ranitidine refill (they tried to give me 150 mg once a day - hah! - I take 300 mg twice a day, nice try), and work has been crazy and just to top it all off, my car started making a funny sound. Fantastic. I need a hug. And some chocolate. And a bottle of wine.
The wife of one of my best friends has posted on facebook 4 times about how bad a stomach virus she got was, but how she's so happy she has such a great "hubby" to take care of her.

I really want to be rude and say that I've had worse stomach problems every day for 9 years and just dealt with them myself without whining, but I figured it would be better just to post (and whine a bit) here.

Sometimes this disease makes me a better person, more sypmathetic/empathetic, but increasingly lately it's making me more bitter and angry at people who aren't permanently ill.
I try to think of my sister who has chronic wound problems on her feet or someone who still has cancer as mine has gone into remission. Someone always has a worse case scenario. I know it doesn't help your pain hun, but you are never alone. May God give you peace and healing....:ghug:
need to vent that one side of our family is still thinking they know more about this disease than we do. they have the cure, they knew a person who had it, and it didnt seem that bad... they have convinced other family members that we have all over reacted..
boy that feels better!!!!

hugs to all you venters!!
I really dislike the people whom think they know more about the disease than we do. I'm not a mean or rude person but sometimes I just want to tell them that they don't have a clue as to what we go through. There's my vent for the day well for now anyway
Okay, I need to vent a little. It's a really hot & humid day out. I keep a little container of lip gloss in my car. I didn't realize it was so hot that it would turn my lip gloss into liquid - I figured it'd be soft and mushy, but it was more like molten lava. I opened the container (while driving of course) and spilled hot liquid lip gloss all over my pants! I ruined a pair of pants and made a mess of myself. Plus I feel really stupid, I should have known not to open something like that that's been sitting in a hot car. I really liked those pants too but pretty sure they're ruined now. :( Or does anybody know how to get lip gloss (specifically carmex) stains out of clothing?
:stinks: The only things I know of that might get it out is Kirk's Castile Soap or Goo Gone

IDK why Kirk's Castile is sold on Amazon in Pet Supplies, but it's cheaper in that section than in health and beauty. I've used it for years to remove makeup but my grandmother swears by it to get stains out of clothes. Good luck, it sucks ruining a favorite piece of clothing!
Cat, I googled "carmex stain removal" and found lots of websites with help. I don't know if they'll work, but it seems to be popular to try Dawn dish soap to get the stains out. I hope you can get them out. Nothing sucks worse than ruining a favorite outfit due to stains.
Oh, I think I have some Goo gone at home! I will try that, thanks MountainGem!! If Goo gone doesn't work then I'll try the other one you mentioned. They are nice pants, Calvin Klein dress pants that I wear to work all the time. They fit really well and I got them for a steal (they were $2 like new at the consignment shop!). They're dark navy blue pants so the stain isn't super obvious, but obvious enough.
Thanks Linda, I'll try dish soap if the goo gone doesn't work - and if those 2 don't work then I'll look into buying the Kirk's Castile stuff. I'm glad to know I have several options to try before I toss these pants in the trash! :) Thanks guys!
Non Crohn's Mini vent -

I'm trying to buy a house (yay!) and I found one I like (yay!), but the guy who's selling it is bankrupt (boo!) and so I have to deal with the bank (double boo!) and it is taking FOREVER!

Like, put-in-an-offer-almost-a-month-ago-and-haven't-heard-anything-at-all-yet forever.
Right now, I'm in tremendous pain from my back and hip. I've had multiple MRIs and x-rays, as well as cortisone injections, and they still don't know what is wrong or how to help me. The pain is almost overwhelming. It makes it hard to rush to the toilet when I need to, which unfortunately is several times per day, when it becomes urgent to get there fast.
Copeland, I'm surprised the bank is dragging their heels - when we bought our house, we bought it from a bank, and they just wanted to get rid of it. They were happy to accept our lowball offer, they knocked a few thousand off the price due to a few repairs that were needed, etc. In fact, I had wanted to put the closing date off by a month or two so I could take my time packing and so on, but the bank said no! They wanted to get rid of the house ASAP so they made us bump the closing date up by quite a bit. Anyway, I hope you get the house! Good luck!
This thread is such a good idea why have I not seen this before now. I love to moan!

I am on 40mg of steroids and I feel horrible and crazy. Im also on a course of antibiotics I feel completely drugged up and unwell and I have to be at work for 645 every day (its supposed to be summer boooo) my parents keep going to bed at like 4 and 5am and it wakes me up so past 2 days ive been up since 4am on like 4 hours of sleep :( to top it off I'm so irritable the steroids make me worse but I just feel like people around me don't even bother to try and understand what is like to live like this. I told my boyfriend I've been out on more meds and his response was at least you'll be off them before we go on holiday. Then proceeded to tell me he's going to the gym so he's going to hurt tomorrow. I DON'T CARE! Lol I don't care about going on holiday or if you cause your body to hurt I still feel crap and youre insensitive.

I could keep going but I won't. Urgh
Ugh! I just cracked a tooth. I am so sick of going to doctors, and now I'll have to get in to see my dentist. Grrr!
Going to jump in here real quick!

  • Mack needs his last set of shots but I can't afford to take him yet. I've been putting it off for almost a month. I feel like a horibble puppy mommy!
  • A month ago, I went to Tennessee for a week with my boyfriend's mom. I work three days a week, so I arranged my days so that I could be gone for an entire week (Wednesday to Wednesday) and only miss one day of work. I did everything with an upcoming due date before I left and made sure everything was squared away. I told my boss I wanted to go until the next Wednesday, but in a foolish attempt to be accommodating, I told him I could return early if something urgent came up. He said it was fine, and then… he made me come home halfway through my trip. I got back to find there was nothing that urgently needed to be done, and certainly nothing that no one else could handle. Yesterday I was informed that my coworker is going on vacation all next week and I have to go in every day to cover for her. Some notice would have been nice! And why is it fine for her to take off like that, but such an issue for me to miss one day?
  • At work today (I'm on lunch), I was required to give out my personal e-mail address to another attorney's client. What?! All they needed was for her to send me a document and for me to print it out. Why couldn't the attorney have handled that?
  • Shadow keeps whining all the time at nothing and I can't figure out what he's grumpy about. :(
Oh, I think I have some Goo gone at home! I will try that, thanks MountainGem!! If Goo gone doesn't work then I'll try the other one you mentioned. They are nice pants, Calvin Klein dress pants that I wear to work all the time. They fit really well and I got them for a steal (they were $2 like new at the consignment shop!). They're dark navy blue pants so the stain isn't super obvious, but obvious enough.

Also using baking soda and a toothbrush scrubbing the spot and rinsing with warm water might work. Or soak in hot water with baking soda and good detergent for a day and then wash.
I'm reviving this thread because I need to vent. Nothing major, but I'm a little bit upset. My boss wants to thank everyone in our group by buying us lunch. She seems to have amnesia about my digestive issues and the fact that I can't just eat whatever I want without thinking about it. Every time food is brought in, it's almost always something I can't eat. This time, she said she'd be ordering pizza. I said, I don't want to be a pain, but I can't have pizza. She was like, oh, fine, I'll order appetizers too so just pick an appetizer instead. I looked at the menu, and all the appetizers are deep fried which I can't have either. I told her not to worry about me, that I can just pack a lunch for myself that day as usual and that I don't expect her to bend to my crazy dietary restrictions. But she insisted I get lunch with the group, so I am ordering a very basic plain turkey sub sandwich on white bread as that's safe for me.

I just kind of hate & dread situations like this, though. For most people, having food brought in is a fun treat. For me it's a nightmare ("don't you want pizza and salad?" "You're so skinny, why aren't you eating with the group?") and I feel like I make it less fun for others or I come across as not being a team player. I'm just sitting here at my desk trying not to be upset about it. Most of the time I don't feel like my illness makes me stand out like a sore thumb - but times like this, it definitely does. And I hate that. I think people get the wrong idea about me, too - I'm thin and I'm eating something different than everybody else is eating, so what does that say about me? Most people at work know I have IBD but they seem to form incorrect assumptions anyway (I hear "you need to eat" and "you're so skinny!" often). I don't want people to think I'm on some weird diet to be skinny or whatever, but I also don't want to tell my co-workers the gory details of what would happen if I ate pizza or fried onion rings with them. Just feeling a little upset about being different and had to get it out there. Thanks for reading. :)
Cat, I've been having some vents that aren't major, but annoying all the same. For me, it is my husband not understanding that when I say I'm tired, it usually means I'm flat out exhausted. We've been married a long time, and he's been with me in the ER and hospital for many flares, with me when I had a bowel resection, etc. But I've been in remission for so long, he forgets what I mean when I say I'm tired.
Shanen, I don't think anyone would actually want our diets if they really knew even 1/10th of what we go through! My boss actually made a comment to me, when I told her I just want a plain turkey sub for the luncheon thing, she said "I'm sure nobody will be jealous of you." I was like, yeah, I'm jealous of all of them though with their pizza and fried foods and not having to think about what they're eating. The weird part is, one of the people in my group is a guy who has UC! But he's been in remission for decades and can apparently eat whatever he wants - I've seen him eat salad, nuts, pizza, you name it. And he acts like I'm weird when I tell him I can't eat something - I'm like, dude, you have IBD, you should be on my side and not clueless like everyone else!

That's hilarious about your candy jar. :) I have a candy jar on my desk too, but I fill it with icky candy (I admit I am tempted by "good" candy so that's not going in my candy dish). Right now it's mostly got cinnamon hard candies and some of those "starlight" mints that you get for free at most restaurants. :p The upside is, since hardly anyone ever takes my candy, I hardly ever have to bother with refilling my dish! ;)
Mmmmm...Salad...Ironically I miss this more than the candy that I am able to eat but really have no desire to. On the other hand, in the last 6-8 months or so I've had more chicken than ever really I care to.
I miss salad too, I've been daydreaming about it lately. Sometimes I think, "Maybe just a little bit wouldn't hurt?" But the last time I had salad, I had that same thought, and a little bit most certainly did hurt. :( Juicing is as close as I get to salad nowadays. Don't get me wrong, I like juicing and I'm glad I can get nutrients from fresh fruits & veggies that way, but there's nothing like the crunch of a fresh salad. Sigh...
The worst for me is in the height of the summer, when all the fresh fruits and vegetables are at the farmers market, and I am just buying flowers, because even to buy some of that stuff for the rest of the family is too tempting sometimes!
LindaS, I'm similar when I go to the farmer's market. I'll buy stuff like flowers, honey, potatoes, dog treats. :p Sometimes I'll buy a few veggies to throw in my juicer, but mostly I'll buy non-produce items. My hubby will buy these amazing cheese curds at the farmer's market and I really have to stop myself from eating those - so yummy but dangerous! He usually eats them in one sitting so at least they're not in my fridge, tempting me. :p
Hubby decided to grow cucumbers and tomatoes last year and has the same plans this year. (Usually my hobby but what's the point now??) Sun warmed cherry tomatoes hanging off the plant every time I went into the backyard. Seems especially wrong as he hates tomatoes other than in salsa.
Cat, I've been to the farmers market in Madison, right at the capital. Do you if they still have the spicy cheese bread? I couldn't eat it now, but man, that was yummy!
Cat, I know what you mean by "bringing in lunch". Some time ago our church had a dinner. It was a chili cookoff. Chili, with all the stuff in it (depending on who cooked it) with onions, beans, meat, spices, and all sorts of other stuff that I just can't eat. I felt like a fish out of water. Couldn't eat anything.
Cat, I've been to the farmers market in Madison, right at the capital. Do you if they still have the spicy cheese bread? I couldn't eat it now, but man, that was yummy!

I'm pretty sure they do - I know it's always been a really popular thing here - but I don't know for sure as I don't actively seek it out (dairy + spicy = Cat's tummy is very unhappy). I usually don't go to the farmer's market on the capitol square, either, as it's usually so crazy crowded and difficult to get to a bathroom if it's needed urgently. There are other, smaller, less crazy farmer's markets in town and I regularly go to a couple of those as it's easier to get in, out, and to a bathroom. :)
I've actually been having a few salads lately and so far I'm still standing! There's a Wendy's right across from work and one of my coworkers has started dieting and getting their salads. They looked so good I couldn't resist. :( I do get a half size though. A week or so ago they accidentally gave me a full size instead, and I wasn't feeling too great after that one, but I pulled through. I'm pretty excited about it.

Let's see if I have any mini-vents to whine about.

- No one wants to buy bras and slips from me. Ugh. The company keeps track of what we sell - and for each wedding gown, we're supposed to sell so many bras, slips, headpieces, shoes, and bridesmaids dresses. It reflects negatively on me if I don't meet these standards. I'm getting tired of hearing, "Oh, I'll just wait until closer to the wedding," or, "I can find a bra at Victoria's Secret." I don't know why I'm getting all of these anti-bra and slip brides, but I am less than thrilled about it.

- "It'll be my dog - I'll take care of it." Yeah, right.

- We don't have a magic program that tells us what dresses we have in stock. If someone calls to ask if we have one, we search it on our website to see what it looks like, then actually go look in the racks to see if we have the size they would need. A coworker answered the phone last night, had no idea what to do, brought the dress up on the website (after I pulled it up and gestured at the search bar), then just stared at it and said, "Uh… yeah, looking at it, I think we do have it in stock, yeah." Once glance tells me we don't. I tried to tell her to put the caller on hold so I could explain to her what she needs to do. She did not, so I had to try to explain while she was still on the phone, standing there with a blank expression. She then repeated at least ten times the least important part of what I had told her and ignored the important information. This is why we get unhappy customers. Come on, people.
Litter,mostly plastic supermarket bags,fluttering in the hedgerows and on high fences,all winter and summer.And again the next year,and the year after that !!!!
The past four days we've had family in town, and the agenda the whole time was to eat out and drink beer. Eating out stresses me out because there's hardly anything I can eat on most menus, and beer is off limits for me too. Every outing I struggled to find something to eat, often just didn't eat, and drank water.

Depressing weekend!!!
Today's mini-vent: It's just been a weird day at work. A co-worker quit, her last day was Friday. I have to take over some of her duties and it's rather confusing and complex. There's one other co-worker who can help me out with these new duties - so of course, she just happened to go on vacation this week! Ugh, really?

Also, a turkey crashed into the building I work in. It was apparently flying and smacked right into the building and died. I'm the de-facto person in charge of stuff related to the building (yet another job duty I inherited from someone else who quit), so I had to figure out who to call to remove a dead turkey. :confused2: That was a new one. It died right by the front door so people coming & going had to look at a gross dead turkey until the cleanup people came. That was weird.

Oh, and I ordered 50 of the same item online for a work project - they shipped me 49 and said that 1 is on back-order. Really?? Come on. This day is just stupid. :p Although I guess I have to look on the positive side, the turkey had a much worse day than I did.
Mini rant: In the last month 2 of my coworkers (also supervisors) have quit due to my crazy manager. This leaves me as the only fully available supervisor as the other two only do evenings. Now I am ending up working 6 days a week with my manager in a bad mood because we are way short staffed.
My mini-rant of the day is that I work with a team in India. The manager there can't seem to report her metrics properly, so every single month, I have to re-do them before they can be submitted to management. She's 3 levels higher than I am and I have to redo her work every single month.

Plus I was in a meeting today and started getting some pretty icky belly pain. I hate to leave in the middle of a meeting to go to the bathroom, but lately it has been happening more and more.

Cat, I hate, with a firey passion, wild turkeys. They are some mean nasty birds!
So my employer sponsors Friday grill-out lunches at work during the summer months. This week is my department's turn to host it. They decided to serve Brats, raw vegetable salad and chocolate brownies. Seriously??? They know I have Crohn's and can't eat most Friday because of the ingredients commonly used. (I usually have a sandwich at my desk or take a small plate I'm going to throw away anyways so I don't have to listen to the comments.) Is it too much to ask co-workers to be respectful and plan something of a variety to please others also???
Oh Shanen, I hate food days at the office too so I know just what you mean. My boss is always wanting to order pizza and salad, neither of which I can have. And when she does, the office smells like pizza, which is a lovely smell but I can't actually eat the pizza (lactose kills me) so it's like torture. And then of course people keep coming by my desk asking, "Did you get some pizza?" Uh, no, because I don't want to go home sick or spend half the work day in the bathroom.

For your cook-out, could you maybe request or bring in some plain chicken breasts (or something that's safe for you) to throw on the grill? Or maybe you could say you have an appointment that you can't miss that just happens to take place during your lunch break, and then just go somewhere else for a bit, sit in a park and read a book and decompress while everyone else eats their dangerous foods?
Thanks Cat! I'm not sure there's a solution, mostly I'm just frustrated at the lack of respect being shown by the co-workers I've supported through their various issues. (I've been here 8+ years.) And the lingering lunch smells when nausea is always present is miserable for me some days.

When the departments are responsible for lunches it's supposed to be a "team bonding experience" and we're all expected to participate unless we are gone so I am taking a 1/2 day of time off this Friday. I'll be here to get my job completed, help with the shopping, preparation and setting up. They'll just have to serve and clean up, which won't be too bad for them.
Mini Vent 1# of the day - when it is somebodies birthday in our office they bring round cakes for everybody.....which I cant touch without terrible consequences!!

Its been like 5 peoples birthdays in July...bummer!

My manager at work keeps saying 'does that makes sense' when he is trying to explain something.

Yes it does make sense FFS and you don't need to keep saying it...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
My manager at work keeps saying 'does that makes sense' when he is trying to explain something.

Yes it does make sense FFS and you don't need to keep saying it...grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Oh, n00b! My manager has a verbal tick of saying "You know what I mean?" especially when he's saying something very indirectly. And heaven forbid if you respond, "No, I don't know" because he gets very flustered.
There's a woman at my workplace whose verbal tic is that she constantly says, "also too". She'll be like, "Our sales numbers were good last month, and also too they should be good this month." Or she'll say, "Can you help me with this project and also too print it for me?" Ugh! I can do it also, or I can do it too, but I cannot do anything "also too" because that's just redundant and annoying. :p Also too has become like nails on a chalkboard for me.
I'm due for a good mini-vent!

I'm starting a new job - possibly career. I'm not locking myself in just yet, but it is something people make a career of, and the company prides itself on how many employees do end up staying and eventually retiring there. I keep getting a lot of, "I wouldn't imagine you doing that," and, "Are you sure you want this?" when I have obviously put thought into it. Everyone is forgetting to just be happy for me. I felt like I had accomplished something, but no one else is looking at it that way at all. Now I keep second-guessing myself, even though I know I shouldn't.
Just go with what you feel superbear, its your choice at the end of the day. Igf its something then you want to do then just DO IT.

Good luck with whatever you choose.
I'm so sick of being sick. I have so many ailments (at least 4 extra-intestinal manifestations) that I am in pain or comfortableness every single day. My day is dictated by which ailment hurts the worst that day.

All of them I'm able to handle without pain medication - I am just ALWAYS uncomfortable. pain meds make me too loopy to work/live.


OK, I'm done. thanks for reading. :)
Grey roots.

I have bought the dye, however, I have so much to do and no energy to do it with that I haven't yet covered my grey demon roots.

Since it is a long weekend, I am pacing myself to do some housework every couple of hours over the next three days. Then do some course work and an exam. Last thing before I go to bed Monday will be dyeing my hair hopefully.
I just have to vent a little bit. There's this huge ongoing project at work that my department isn't supposed to do, but we ended up doing it anyway. It's a frustrating and aggravating and not easy project to deal with - it's been difficult to get answers or the right paperwork, etc. A co-worker and I have basically been splitting up the chores of doing this project - neither one of us likes it, but if we do it together then at least we can compare notes and essentially each only have half of the work. But, apparently my co-worker just snapped and had enough and told our boss that she's not going to do this project anymore. So my boss told me that tomorrow she and I are going to have a meeting about this project.

I can see this going one of two ways - either I convince my boss that I cannot do this project by myself (I truly can't), or I will get stuck with it and have to figure out how to do this project on top of my regular work and probably end up having all my hair fall out from stress. Either I get stuck with the whole project or the project leaves my department altogether. I'm really, really hoping this project just goes away and goes back to the person who was supposed to be doing it in the first place (long story). I'm so stressed just thinking about it, though. I hate the thought of having all the work piled on top of me. My boss knows I have a chronic illness and she's sympathetic to that, so I'm going to remind her that this type of massive stress will just make me sicker and cause me to miss more work, etc. I've also printed out some emails related to the project and I'm planning out what I want to say. But I'm so stressed, I'm almost crying at my desk thinking about what's going to go down in this meeting. I'm also pretty mad at my co-worker for just dumping this responsibility in my lap (she and I are friendly except for this!). And I'm just getting over a cold so my brain fog is pretty bad this week and I'm afraid I won't be mentally sharp enough to say the right things. Ugh, I hate this! I just want tomorrow to be over with and I want this project to go away!
Mini vents... I like this idea.. get em out so they are off our chests so to speak

1. I wish the weather would make up its mind... i dont mind either type really but it would be nice if we didnt go from mid 20s to 70s and back in the space of 6 days
2. Its quite annoying that I know for a fact that my lab results were faxed to the doctor yesterday but they didnt call me and when I called today they said theyd call me back and then didnt *ugh*
I just have to vent a little bit. There's this huge ongoing project at work that my department isn't supposed to do, but we ended up doing it anyway. It's a frustrating and aggravating and not easy project to deal with - it's been difficult to get answers or the right paperwork, etc. A co-worker and I have basically been splitting up the chores of doing this project - neither one of us likes it, but if we do it together then at least we can compare notes and essentially each only have half of the work. But, apparently my co-worker just snapped and had enough and told our boss that she's not going to do this project anymore. So my boss told me that tomorrow she and I are going to have a meeting about this project.

I can see this going one of two ways - either I convince my boss that I cannot do this project by myself (I truly can't), or I will get stuck with it and have to figure out how to do this project on top of my regular work and probably end up having all my hair fall out from stress. Either I get stuck with the whole project or the project leaves my department altogether. I'm really, really hoping this project just goes away and goes back to the person who was supposed to be doing it in the first place (long story). I'm so stressed just thinking about it, though. I hate the thought of having all the work piled on top of me. My boss knows I have a chronic illness and she's sympathetic to that, so I'm going to remind her that this type of massive stress will just make me sicker and cause me to miss more work, etc. I've also printed out some emails related to the project and I'm planning out what I want to say. But I'm so stressed, I'm almost crying at my desk thinking about what's going to go down in this meeting. I'm also pretty mad at my co-worker for just dumping this responsibility in my lap (she and I are friendly except for this!). And I'm just getting over a cold so my brain fog is pretty bad this week and I'm afraid I won't be mentally sharp enough to say the right things. Ugh, I hate this! I just want tomorrow to be over with and I want this project to go away!

How did it go?
- My job is now keeping track of how many Facebook posts we make regarding work. I understand that advertising in any way benefits me as well as the company, but I would prefer 1) that they didn't rely almost solely on free forms of advertising such as this, and 2) that they stayed off my personal Facebook page.

- Eleven hour days. Eleven. Hour. Days.

- One of my dogs has now decided he simply must go out at 4:30 every morning, or he will pee on the floor, then proceed to spend the rest of my should-be-sleeping hours running around like a crazy dog. This does not pair well with… eleven. Hour. Days.

- I think I'm starting to get sick again (not Crohn's sick so much as whatever else is going on with me sick - which may or may not be it's own separate condition) and that does not go well with this ridiculous work schedule, either.
Not well. I have had the project assigned to me for the time being (even though I ended up crying in my boss's office). But after the meeting yesterday, the more I talked with my boss, it became clear that she doesn't understand the scope of it. She told me not to work on it more than a couple hours a week - I laughed and said that isn't possible, it will take up hours of every day. We're having another meeting next week with more people to discuss further. I'm still going to fight to get this project taken off my plate as it's just not feasible for me to do it. My boss did say that if I just can't do it realistically, then she will assign it back to the person who is supposed to be doing it in the first place. So I'm still trying to make that happen!
I've found that at work it is best to come off as though you would do anything in your power to help.

Maybe you could log the time you spend on that and on your other duties. Just a pad of paper. write a time down and what you are doing, every 15 minutes or so. You can compile it nicely later to show them.

Good luck.
You can vent about your hangnail and I can vent about breaking a nail (I had artificials so when it broke it took most of my natural nail with it), sound fair? ;)
So my work stress issue has been resolved - that hideous disorganized project has been taken away from me! My boss could see that it was stressing me out too much so she gave it to someone else to work on. Phew!

I have a new vent today though or maybe I just need to work through some thoughts. I found out today that my evil step-grandmother (my mom's stepmom) is in hospice and will likely pass away soon. This woman has been pretty horrible to me, but I've been impressed with her ability to just keep going. She's close to 90, and in the recent past she's been violently mugged, she's been in at least one bad car accident, she's had cancer at least once - but none of that stuff really even slowed her down. I really don't like her though and she doesn't like me, so I won't be particularly sad when she passes. But I feel kind of, I guess I feel bad for not feeling bad if that makes sense? Like, when someone is dying you're supposed to feel bad. So I feel kind of like an insensitive jerk for not feeling sad that she's finally dying. The most emotion I can muster is a bit of disappointment that the seemingly indestructible woman is finally destructing. And I feel sad for other family members who are going to be grieving soon. But I can't really find it in myself to care very much. Does this make me an awful person? I mean, I don't like my step-grandmother because she's awful. But I don't want to be awful too.

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