I just have to vent a little bit. There's this huge ongoing project at work that my department isn't supposed to do, but we ended up doing it anyway. It's a frustrating and aggravating and not easy project to deal with - it's been difficult to get answers or the right paperwork, etc. A co-worker and I have basically been splitting up the chores of doing this project - neither one of us likes it, but if we do it together then at least we can compare notes and essentially each only have half of the work. But, apparently my co-worker just snapped and had enough and told our boss that she's not going to do this project anymore. So my boss told me that tomorrow she and I are going to have a meeting about this project.
I can see this going one of two ways - either I convince my boss that I cannot do this project by myself (I truly can't), or I will get stuck with it and have to figure out how to do this project on top of my regular work and probably end up having all my hair fall out from stress. Either I get stuck with the whole project or the project leaves my department altogether. I'm really, really hoping this project just goes away and goes back to the person who was supposed to be doing it in the first place (long story). I'm so stressed just thinking about it, though. I hate the thought of having all the work piled on top of me. My boss knows I have a chronic illness and she's sympathetic to that, so I'm going to remind her that this type of massive stress will just make me sicker and cause me to miss more work, etc. I've also printed out some emails related to the project and I'm planning out what I want to say. But I'm so stressed, I'm almost crying at my desk thinking about what's going to go down in this meeting. I'm also pretty mad at my co-worker for just dumping this responsibility in my lap (she and I are friendly except for this!). And I'm just getting over a cold so my brain fog is pretty bad this week and I'm afraid I won't be mentally sharp enough to say the right things. Ugh, I hate this! I just want tomorrow to be over with and I want this project to go away!
Can I vent about the hangnail on my finger?
Aiyale, you don't need someone who breaks up with you via text. You and your health are better without that kind of stress.
AAAAGGGGHHHHH....my four year old got lice at preschool! GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS GROSS. Seriously....I'm so grossed out right now. I hate bugs. We are clean people. I just want to strip down my whole house and wash everything, but instead I'm stuck at work thinking about it and sending myself into a flare.
All this stress is making me nauseous and giving me diarrhea. I need a vacation!
On another note...any helpful tips on eliminating lice? How do I keep it from coming back since her school doesn't send home kids that have it? Ugh....yuck yuck yuck.
Guess ill join here. Just been fatuiged lately. Joints are killing me but i manage to make it. Since starting aza ive been nauses and vomiting a few days a week. Havent eaten as usual due to nasuea. Been going to restroom more often again. Good news is tuesday i see my gi and possible switch meds. Just tired and irritated of feeling sick.
I'm in a angry phase right now. Eff-everything!
There! just had to say it somewhere, out loud..... Phew! Lol
Hope all went well. Hope you enjoyed the time with your daughter dispite the shots :hug:Thanks Ron and Mandy.
I made the best of yesterday. Made a great dinner for the dam, took the little guy after school to an indoor playplace. Overall I just tried to be as normal as possible and it felt good. Damned exhausted by evening but not surprised with that. Start the Humira today and later on my usual mtx so if I feel like trash, I am happy I made the most of yesterday.
Fever all night didn't bode well for sleep, and I'm achy today but my daughter is coming this morning for a visit and will take me to the clinic for the Humira pokes. That will be nice to have her with me.
I have been to the bathroom at least five times and I have spent the majority of my wife:s time that she has been awakd in the bathroom.
Same to you.Aw bless you Ron. Thats a lovely thought. If i find myself with some spare money . I might just pop in .☺ likewise you n your good lady would be welcome here too. God bless you both
DanaBanana did they figure out your fevers yet? Im still going strong with mine had antibiotics again and as usual it did not work ughhh
DanaBanana did they figure out your fevers yet? Im still going strong with mine had antibiotics again and as usual it did not work ughhh
Glad you had a nice time with your daughter Dana☺
Thank you! It made my day. Later she posted the sweetest, most wonderful, thing to me on my Facebook wall. She's not one to really speak her feelings so it was extremely emotional for me. Made my eyes leak and heart soar!
ugh...battling a head and chest cold all week now.....am supposed to be out of town next week for training.....don't think I will be volunteering to take part in the OC spray (Pepper spray) portion of the class!!!
Aw lisa sorry your are battling the cold hun. Hope you feel better soon ��. Not sure id do the pepper spray one cold or not ��
What is it that you do ,if you dont mind my asking. Please feel free to tell me to mind own btw lol. ��
I don't mind....officially, I am a Fire Protection Specialist, and I work for New York State in the Office of Fire Prevention and Control, which is part of the State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services.....
What that actually means is I am a State Fire Marshal.....the training next week is our Peace Officer update class where we will work on handcuffing, batons, pepper spray and legal stuff...
Aw how lovely ☺. Just shows what an old softy i am.. im filling up just reading your post hun. So pleased you had a great time with her. ☺
Roache had it coming and squish spider's when they crawl up my bare bit's lol if they're in a web in the corner of a window or a somewherr i leave them be and name them insy or fred low maintenance pet's and rather fun to watch them go a hunting and fill their webs with juicy succulent flies and whatnot ☺☺☺