MRI results... Confused! Can anyone help???

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Jul 22, 2015
So I got my MRI results today and it says acute inflammation of the caecum consistent with IBD...
I typed it into Google (yes I know you shouldn't) but it say caecum diverticulum?!
Anyway I don't have a follow up until December 23rd so won't have any answers until then just wanted to know if anybody knew anything about this type of inflammation?! Maybe what treatment they usually suggest and stuff ?!?! Thanks in advance guys xxxxx
My son's inflammation was present and severe at the TI (terminal ileum) ileocecectomy cecal valve to be exact. But he did have a bit of inflammation into to the cecum.

Your MRI results seem to state that the cecum has acute inflammation that is is often found with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) which would be crohn's if you have already been dxed with that.
yeah, its not a new diagnosis of diverticulitis. Its your crohn's which is active right now in the right part of your colon. December 23rd seems far away for a fallow up appointment. Who gave you that report? If you have disease activity as stated by this MRI, a GI should offer you a treatment asap. If the doctor doesnt call you, call your nurse or GI to get this under control. Its not good to wait with disease activity.
yeah, its not a new diagnosis of diverticulitis. Its your crohn's which is active right now in the right part of your colon. December 23rd seems far away for a fallow up appointment. Who gave you that report? If you have disease activity as stated by this MRI, a GI should offer you a treatment asap. If the doctor doesnt call you, call your nurse or GI to get this under control. Its not good to wait with disease activity.

Hi thank you for your reply
I got my results in the post and it says if I need to be seen sooner call the IBD helpline and speak to a nurse -_-
positive disease activity should be seen asap by a GI doctor. It is weird practice a radiologist doctor leaves it to your opinion/perception to see sooner your doctor or not. Sending a report by the post to the patients can lead to confusion as you are experiencing right now. This is no good. weird practice.
So yeah, try to make it sooner than december 23rd to get this flare under control and to avoid any possible worsening of disease. good luck.
In your signature it says you are on pred and asacol is the pred a recent addition? If you have only started the pred shortly before the imaging then there is a chance it hasn't tackled the inflammation yet. Also, alot of times asacol isn't a strong enough med to keep CD at bay. So a call to the GI may be in order.

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