Muscle spasm?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 30, 2010
Nottingham, UK
Yesterday I had some pate which didn't seem to agree with me and made me need the toilet. But I had been taking cocodamol because I have another cold type bug with a really sore throat. I guess the codeine constipated me a bit. Anyway, when I tried to use the toilet I got this really bad pain from my lower abdomen, it went round both sides of my body and up to my ribs. I curled right up to try to ease the pain and then found I couldn't get back up! Every time I tried to move the pain went shooting around and up and down. When I finally made it back downstairs I took some more painkillers and eventually it subsided. But today my ribs are so sore, if I touch them they feel all bruised. Does that sound like some sort of muscle spasm, because it didn't feel like my usual Crohn's pain. And do you think it will happen again?

P.s. The constipation has cleared lol
You know...I see a Chiropractor and she had told me this is common for us with stomach disease. It is probably a pulled muscle. When you were feeling sick you were probably relying on a muscle that doesn't usually get used you used it differently and it freaked out. Plus we are not always eating enough of the good muscle building foods to keep us from more pain. I recommend you see a nice friendly chiro (probably covered by your insurance) and see if some ultrasonic therapy, a nice heat treatment, and maybe a massage will help (much nicer than our usual tests huh?)

Good luck and lots and lots of love!

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