My 3 year old kids belly troubles :(

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Oct 13, 2011
Michigan, USA
About 3 weeks ago I noticed blood in the toilet. Called the doc... Bring her in gathered stool samples that night straight blood poured out. No complaint of pain at all. Rush to children's hospital. She was admitted and released the next day... Told me it is not crohns or colitis all tests came back negative. No fever no throw up. Blood counts are all good, cultures are all negative. Beyond the blood and rushed toilet episodes she is a happy kid. But she is still bleeding, and it was fowl smelling. Like death in the toilet. 2 weeks pass still bleeding but it has eased up and I call doc to find out wth. He says he wants to do a colonoscopy and upper. Sends the prep over. Uuugh. It was horrible for everyone involved. After force-feeding her lemon flavor magnesium citrate and 14 oz of water with 5 scoops of Maralax. Nothing happen. Call the doc said no bm. He says wait until morning give her suppository and bring her in. Well she flushed out in the morning but not completely. Colonosopy was a bad prep they did get some photos. He took tissue saples from all over the place. Calls me yesterday and says he thinks she has both crohns and colitis. No positive tests results verified this. I feel like I am in denial bc her baby sister
had a stomach bug two days after this started and had explosive bm but no blood and is fine now. She is really gassy and he told me not to change her diet. But it seems like the docs say it doesn't effect it while everyone on here says it does. I took a list of items my kid will eat ( not lactose intolerant) she hates juice. She drinks only milk and water. Can anyone tell me easy on the go snacks I can give her. I am also in the middle of a house renovation and she is being babysat a lot right now. I have 1 month until we r homeless so I can't very well stop working on it. This stinks. Help me please something
easy to prepare.

The foods she loves... But I am not sure about. So bummed about the fruit factor she was huge eater of fruit . Ohhh and she hates fruit flavored snacks. She is a chocolate kid no candy. Poor kid Halloween coming up and she cant eat anything from her bag.:ymad:

frozen chicken nuggets
Frozen French fries
Bread stix with Parmesan
Ice cream
Pb sandwiches
Jar Spagetti Sauce
Green beans with garlic
Cooked broccoli
Raw green and red peppers

Any additions would be great.
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Hi there :welcome: to the forum! Wow this must be so hard for you and your daughter. Rice is good, applesauce, yogurt is excellent. You might not want to give her raw veggies, if she has crohns/colitis chances are she is not absorbing it or could cause a partial blockage. I know it is hard but giving her junk food like oreos maybe not a good idea. Just my thoughts. Mashed potatoes is good or better yet sweet potatoes, better nutrition.

The most I can stess is Vitamin D3 supplements is a must, everyday, it is a disease fighter and she will need all she can get. There are many here with kids who have IBD, someone will be along soon. Best of luck to you and your little one. Hugs.

Unfortunatly she has a horrible gag reflex with anything mushy. Applesauce, mashed potatos and rice make her gag and sometimes vomit while it is in her mouth. Idk what to do. Trying to be proative. Eneryone keeps telling me to leave her be. We just had 3 days with no blood but this morning it is pouring out of her bowels. Doctors appointment is not until next week she is not on any meds but 1/2 scoop of miralax daily. I think it is making her worse but doc says to keep giving it bc b4 this she was always constipated. Trying to do elimination diet. No fruit beyond a banana yesterday and she is so gassy. I give her infant gas drops but don't seem to help much. I think the miralax is making the gas worse.
I dont mean to alarm you but I think she should be in the hospital with all that bleeding, I am not a bleeder but my sister is and bleeding like that isnt a good thing. Take a picture if , I know it sounds gross but it can show how much she is losing. Keep us posted ok?
Any questions you think I need to ask the doctor about previous test results??? Will be driving but am sure I will be waiting a while in the ped GI office.
I am so glad you are taking her to the Gi! Just from what I know of, getting her bloods done, like iron, b12 and ESR rate of inflammation. Let us know what happens ok? Good luck.
Everyone keeps telling you to let her be? They know nothing of being a mother, then. I would be all over it like you are. Good job, momma! I'm praying for both of you. :hug:
I am so sorry to hear about your little one! I hope you made some progress at children's. Please keep us posted.

As far as diet, avoid raw veggies (you noted she liked peppers). Steamed or cooked is easier on the gut. You said she likes fruit - bananas are a safe food for me even at my worst. Bananas can even help reduce D. Other snacks that she may like and would be easy on her gut would be crackers (ritz or saltines) and gold fish.

I sure hope your daughter feels better soon!
Well... The outcome.

She is on prednisolone 15mg/5ml for 1 month then a 1ml decrease for 7 weeks.
Prevacid 15mg
Asacol 400mg 2 in morning 1 with dinner
Ferrous sulfate (iron) 325mg
Miralax at night
Centrum kids chewable.

5 are these are in pill form. For a 3 year old. Not good.

I am just glad she will be feeling better.
My sister has me in touch with a holistic nutritionalist. Poo and hair samples required. I guess he is really into poo which is great for me. Thanks everyone, especially Pen cuz if I didn't get her in today I would have had to wait until Monday or do the ER again. he saw her in 1 hour.

Next question: how long until the blood stops?
Thanks for the update. UC doesn't surprise me, bleeding is almost the main symptom for some. I am surprised she is on ferrous sulfate , be careful she doesnt constipate. The prevacid will help her stomach and protection from Prednisone which can cause heartburn. Yeah having her taking pills is gonna be hard. Is the Asacol in a sachet or a pill form. I used Pentasa but I know they have sachets for Asacol. Not positive on that. I found that eating before taking any pills makes it easier on the stomach. Going holisticis good but make sure your doctor knows because of contradictions.

Keep us posted on how she is. I dont know how long it takes for the bleeding to stop. Incidently is it red or dark? Are you in the US? People can help you more when we know what country you are from. All the best to you and your little one.
Yes in The US. It is in pill form. Her bleeding is red and coming from the rectum per colonoscopy. Doctor supports holistic therapy he just want to know what and before use. I am not looking forward to the pill situation tomorrow. She is irritable and I am sure she is going to fight me. Need to ask everyone if they know an easy way to teach a kid to take pills. He told me to not restrict her diet from anything bc it is all going to be an adjustment for her. Take it slow... probably best. She has had enough stress with all the testing. I am seriously in shock I think.
Oh, Sweetie. I am so sorry. But I'm so glad that there's an answer to why she was having these problems. There is hope, hun. Hang in there. :hug:

I have UC, as well. My bleeding is always red. On prednisone, my bleeding stopped in a day or two. It's a life-saving drug. But it does have some terrible side effects, the most common being moon face, pop belly, anxiety, depression, acne, and (a good one) high energy.

I don't really know how to teach your baby how to swallow pills, but just be sure that you don't cut or crush the asacol. It releases in the colon through a perforation as it travels through. Also don't be alarmed if you see the pill coming out with her poo. It's just the shell of the medicine. It shouldn't be painful, but it will itch. Use flushable wet wipes and lots of Desitin Creamy for her bottom. She's probably really sore. :kiss:
She did her pills. It was a bit of a struggle. But am sure it tastes better than the liquid prednisolone. If it smells as bad asit tastes, it is gross. She has not tried to chew them. Thank god. She will not eat much today. I did get her to eat a banana and 2 pieces of toast, with smart bal flax seed butter. I hope this meds work. I really don't want her in pain anymore. This just stinks.
I'm glad you were able to get her pills down. I understand your agony for her. Don't worry about food with the Asacol. With that pill, it doesn't bother the stomach at all. It even says on the bottle that it can be taken with or without food. I think I always took pred with food though. Also, her body knows what kinds of food will bother her. So I wouldn't ever force her to eat certain things. But like Pen said, try not to allow her to eat the junk food. Sometimes I give in, and I always pay the price. The benefit of being young with this new diet, is that she will not have strong memories of how delicious junk food can be. I'm an older horse, stuck in my ways. It may also help her if people around her avoid junk food too. Definitely get her on a daily Vitamin D3. It is VITAL!
A good thing for your daughter to have is Pediasure, like Ensure but for kids, it will give her the nutrients she needs. When you have Diahreah you lose alot. :hang:
I really do not think she will drink it. It tastes too much like vitamins. She has cetrum for kids. She won't chew them so I have to crush and put in yogurt.

I'm so sorry to hear about your little one, that must be so tough :( *hugs* to you!

If she's doing well with bananas, you may want to see if any of your stores have plantains as there is some research (follow the link) showcasing potential benefits for people with IBD.

We also have a parents of kids with IBD forum you may want to check out for support if you haven't already. Lots of amazing parents in there who understand what you are and are going to go through.

Finally, if she gets the full Crohn's Disease diagnosis, you may want to look into enteral nutrition as it has about the same remission rates as the prednisone she is on without the side effects. I'm not sure how well it works for UC, sorry.

I wish you and your little one all the best. We're here for you!
Update: Rowan is a champ. Takes her pills everyday and is active. I did pull her out of preschool for now. Life is coming at me a bit too fast right now. We are trying to get our house ready to move in. We are living out of a box, while living with my brother in law now. hopefully will be in by thanksgiving.

She has adjusted well and I just pray for no blood everyday. I am so thankful for this forum and all the advice and support. Thanks to all who have helped me. Happy thanksgiving for I have you all to be thankful for.
Hey Mum...:hug:

Oh my, what a difficult time for you and your little one. :(

I hope you are able to get some solid answers and let us know how you get on...


Thinking of you, :heart:
Dusty. xxx
i am so sorry you & your daughter are going through this. to be honest it reminds me of me & my mom when i was 5 yrs old. my 1st sign was blood in the toilet, i cried and called for my mom but made her promise not to tell ANYONE!!! well thank goodness she is the best mom and she has me at the drs the very next day!! we went through months and months of getting nowhere. i was told i had food poisoning from mcdonalds to a rare virus from my grandparents farm animals!! they dx me with UC at the age of 5 then at 15 my best friend was killed in a car accident that pushed my health over the edge, by the time i went to the hospital they told my parents there was an 90% chance that i would not make it. i was in the hospital for 3 weeks NPO while getting TNP through IV trying to get my body strong enough for the surgery. was supposed to be a 4 hour surgery and after 8 my mom feared the colon was so bad it actually broke into pieces while they tried to remove it. i had my entire colon removed while making a j-pouch inside and a iliosmty for 3 months while my insides healed, after the 3 months i was put back together and told i was now cured of UC forever!!!! until it came back!! then they told me it was crohns all along. i remember being that young and i had a belly ache everyday, it was horrible. i didnt want to play i didnt do anything besides lay in my dads recliner chair with my kitty cat and my blanket and rest. they told my mom about a diet called BRAT bananas rice applesauce and toast and really that was about all i could handle. i am so sorry that your daughter is going through this and i know what my mom went through as well, i have 3 sisters and she gave up everything her job and being home with my sisters to move in in the hospital with me. now that i am older and a mom myself i know how lucky i am to have her as my mom! without her strenght and love through everything i would have never made it. maybe if you would like i could message you with her email address and she could answer some questions if you have any. you and your daughter are in my prayers. i hope she gets better soon!!
I took her in today and had blood drawn also. They wanted me to take her to ER but they aren't going to do anything until the test results are back. I am scared to throw her into a flu and bug infested environment. Am I wrong? Idk. Being a patient advocate is so scary. My one year old is sick, and I took her to the doctors today also. Just a cold hopefully doesn't turn into ear infection. I am so running on empty.

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