My bum is so bloody sore

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Feb 9, 2009
my bum is so bloody sore

i have 4 fistula's with rubber seton's in them and i am so sick of the pain and the drainage from them i sometimes wonder will i ever get any peace a sore arse makes everything so bloody hard. Sorry for ranting. Ryan.
Rant away!
I've only got one seton and that's really quite enough thank you very much! PITA aren't they :ylol2:
Is it possible for you to have surgery for your fistulas? I had surgery for a perianal fistula, and though they were planning on putting in a drain, they just scooped out the whole thing. The recovery was very painful, but it has been so worth it.
Bummer, Ryan. (he,he..I didn't even intend that pun!) I hope you get some relief. I had a surgery, maybe the same as what MBH had. The cleaned out the area and pulled a healthy piece of tissue and stretched it over the hole to promoted the growth of healthy tissue in that spot. My doctor said it has about a 90% success rate, but it didn't work for me. Within a year it was back. I also want to mention that your Crohn's in that area has to be inactive for them to do the surgery or it won't least that's how it was explained to me.

Why are these buggers so darn hard to get rid of???? I think we need to start a fistula support/vent thread!

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