I forgot to type down but should note it. Part of the fight is convincing myself to follow diets and test them long term.
Food allergy testing is often complained about for not being terribly helpful or accurate. I've complained about this myself. I've done 3 types of allergy testing and found none of them helpful. They all gave me different results.
The often said to be gold standard for allergy testing, the skin scratch test, did give me only one result. It said I was allergic to peanuts. I was scratched with peanut proteins and I came back slightly allergic to peanuts.
In the past diet wise I tested that easily. I have rarely eaten peanuts in my life and avoiding them was simple. The result avoiding peanuts did not help my gut.
Now I've gone more broad. I'll avoid whole genus families. SOme write that this is the best way to check if one is allergic to an item, avoid all family members of a food. So in this case, if allergic to peanuts best to avoid other legumes/beans such as soy, alfalfa, carob, pea protein, etc.
Of late I've taken it another step. In this case, I'm not only avoiding the legume/ bean family I'm also avoiding any animal that was on a diet of legumes/beans. There is a business for this. Soy free chicken or pork is sold on the internet. The problem with these soy free food items I believe is that alfalfa is typical used as replacement for soybeans in animal feed.
I'll see where this latest idea takes me. I like how I feel on the wild fish diet. In the long run though is where I'll find my answer. I can feel well in the short term on diets but as I've learned it is the long term that counts.