My journey to getting well

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The journey this morning starts out tired. I was up later last night, tossing and turning in bed but when I fell asleep I slept through the night. This morning I'm tired.

I'm liable to fast today. Will see. i might not. Weight 165lbs.

Ear ache gone. Gum inflammation still there but barely. It is almost gone. When combing my hair I didn't notice any inflamed areas. So I'm on the right track I beleive with avoiding chicken, spices and nightshade.
I've shown a little life today. I'm not feeling as sore. My energy levels are up some. I'm still pretty worn down though. So I'm heading in the right direction. Have a ways to go before I'm back on my feat.

Main focus will be on avoiding garlic and onions. I'm going to add potatoes back into the diet after Wednesday. I suspect I'll be fine. These long diets were I deprive myself of to much tend to not work out for me.

I'll also avoid rosemary extract and other mints. They worry me from past experience.

I've been eating rice often the last couple of days. There for awhile I suspect it was the rice being eaten that caused the ear ache. Now I'm leaning toward garlic causing the ear aches. I wasn't eating much garlic over the last 2 to 3 weeks, but was sprinkling some on some potatoes I was eating.
Tired and fatigued this moring but similar to how i felt yesterday morning. The difference I've noticed of late if that my skin is appearing healthier. I noticed this yesterday and it continues further today. Nice to see. It's a good sign, having healthier skin. I'll keep avoiding spices/ garlic in parituclar. I'll purchase some potatoes and eat them after tomorrow and see how I do.

Ear ache pretty much gone. Sore throat pretty much gone. Inflamed gums gone. That;'s good since I see the dentist tomorrow.
I've been tired today. It hasn't been that good of a day. With that said I''m appearing healthier. I'm guessing once I used the bathroom less I'll begin to feel more energetic.

Tomorrow I'm going to purchase some spices. The spices I'll buy are ones listed in taht Kevin's chicken meal and caused the swollen gums and other health issues. The three that I'll test are paprika, black pepper, and basil. What I'll do is add the spices to some empty vegstable capsules I have and take the spices that way. I'm going to avoid garlic and onion though. I'm feeling they are the most likely cause.
Fatigued, tired, worn out, the same as I felt yesterday morning. I'm looking healthier still. I'm on the right path with my diet I believe with avoiding spices and nightshade.

With taht said, ate some potatoes this morning. I also bought the spices I'm going to test this morning. I'll start out with testing paprika a nightshade. Imagine I'll be fine. This will be a good test psychologically. Nightshade family has been a concern for awhile now.
I continue to be tired this morning, similar as previous mornings this week.

For testing I took a capsule of paprika this mornig with breakfast. So far so good. I haven't noticed any adverse reactions. I'll keep monitoring and keep doing the test for 3 days. That should be long enough to get a result.

Had dental work yesterday. My teeth are lousy. I blame my gut issues for the bad teeth. Sadly the dental work was not complete. Some sharp edges were left and bite into my tongue when I eat food. I'll have to call about having that grinded off. I mention as driving out there takes 30 minutes. I don't care for the long drive with this stomach.
Hey there 😊
I was just wondering if the alpha gal diet is affecting your iron levels at all (with you mentioning the fatigue). Is there a risk of anaemia with avoiding the red meat? Don’t know how often you get bloods done but maybe worth asking for a check on ferritin level, b12 and folate?
An old wives tale is to make ‘tea’ out of a spoon of black molasses and hot water, they call it pregnancy tea as so many women get anaemic when growing a baby.
It is possible. It has been awhile since I was last tested for anemia. Last tested I came back fine.

The argument against is that fatigue has been an issue for me for as long as I can remember with my stomach condition. I suspect what has happened is that I had more diarrhea than typical and that has me worn out. The spicy chicken meal that caused the gum swelling, eat ache, also had me running to the bathroom more often. Once things settle down I'll find myself with more energy I suspect. While on the fish/alpha gal diet I've had times where I experienced great amounts of energy.
Good and bad day. I had more energy today. It was nice. Had a sore throat too which wasn't so great. The sore throat has been an issue ever since eating that chicken meal. It isn't that bad though. Don't know why it flared back up today.

Paprika doesn't appear to be a problem spice. At least I took two capsules of the spice today with meals and haven't noticed any gum swelling, or other issues - other than the sore throat which isn't overly painful. So I'll keep testing paprika tomorrow.

Dental issue that was scraping my tongue was taken care of. Tongue still hurts this evening. It will take awhile for that to heal.

Think I'll go back to avoiding grains, rice. I seem to feel better when I avoid that.
I'm feeling alright this morning. Energy levels so so. THey are better than the previous few mornings. It is day 10 since i ate that chicken meal that caused me many health issues. It takes a long time to recover from once of these flare or reactions.

Ate some more paprika this morning. I am doing well. No gum swelling noticed. No ear ache. The sore throat is there but not by much.

Weight was 167lbs. I ate dinner last night so that explains the extra few pounds. Appearance is good and healthy. Skin looks good. I'm pleased about that.
I've done pretty well today. Energy levels were better. I wasn't becoming sore after exercising. So moved in the right direction today.

I take paprika again today No issues noticed. I think after two days of testing that is a pretty good length of time. If I was to have an allergic reaction, with the large amount of paprika take I should have had a reaction.
So i'll move onto the next spice to test tomorrow. I'll likely test basil. Hope all goes well.
166 to 165lbs. I think i'm doing well this morning. Hard to say for certain. Everything is normal. Eat black pepper as a test this morning. Will monitor to see if I react to it, watching for gum swelling, ear ache, etc.

Something that I shouldn't discount is that it might be the chicken I ate that makes me sick, with swollen gums and all the other issues I experienced. I know with little doubt that pork will cause gum swelling, ear aches, etc. It might be something given to commercial raised animals that turns up in the meat that make me ill, such as antibiotics, or soy meal, corn meal, etc.
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I want to disregard it but I shouldn't. When i began avoiding all grains once again my sore throat went away. It does have me thinking about all the grains, corn in particular, fed to commercial raised animals. If all grains are a problme for me, than maybe live stock fed grains will be an issue too.

There was the time also where I only ate chicken. After two months I became very sick to my stomach. I couldn't explain it, obviously. I wondered about the rosemary extract addded to the ground chicken I was eating. I might have just been the chicken though, and the type.

I do know that grass fed beef might not make me sick. I've had many times were I ate grass fed beef and grass fed cheese where I did not become sick. I had other issues I felt which concerned me. I don't believe I ever did a long term testing of that idea. Well,,that isn't true. One time whiile in Illinois after a hurricane passed over Florida, I only at grass fed beef and grass fed cheese and became entirely well to the stomach. I didn't feel that great on the diet but I wasn't having diarrhea.

Oh well, something to consider. I'll keep testing spices and see where it takes me. I'll still assume that garlic and onions if my main problem.
Today has been a good day. My energy levels have been good I swam for the first time in two weeks and did well. Overall a pleasant day.

I have eaten a lot of black pepper. No problems noticed from that. My gum swelling. No issues come to mind. I'll do the same tomorrow.

I have had a slight sore throat today, typcal as I've been experiencing for the last 10 plus days. It wasn't much but worth noting. I was hopin that avoiding all grains would get rid of the sore throat but not quite.
THis morning I'm tossing around in my mind the question of whether chicken s a problem or if a spice*(s) is my issue. I can make good cases either way. At this point I am fearful of eating chicken plain for a long period of time. I know from experience, done twice, that eventually I will develop a lot of diarrhea. On the other hand I'm documented issues with garlic before. Onions are likely an issue too. So I don't know. More information is needed.

Seems black pepper is not a problem spice for me. I notice no issues with black pepper.

With having moreenergy think I'll return to fastin in order to lose some fat weight. I'm 166lbs this morning. I'd still like to get down to 160lbs.

Last time I tried fasting I struggled. I didn't do well not eating for 23 hours and I didn't lose any weight. I also was eating some garlic during this time. So I'll see if this time around, with avoiding garlic, if I do better.
The more I think about it, the more I'm thinking it was the chicken in the spicy meal that I ate 2 weeks ago that caused te swollen gums and ear ache. I've known for awhile that eggs will cause tongue sores. The reaction I had 2 weeks ago is similar towhat happens when I eat pork but was less intense. I've tried eating chicken without spices in the past. It took awhile but on that diet eventually I'd develop explosive diarrhea. It would take around 2 months for that to happen. The oddest part is that it would be worse when I fasted. In the evening after a day of fasting I'd surprisinly find myself running to the bathroom with lots of diarrhea.

I've also taken garlic capsules in the past without much issue that I can recall. The garlic was aged though so possibly that makes a difference.

I'll keep testing spices in the days ahead. I might even buy garlic and if available onion powder to test if the other two remaining spices test out fine.

The theory that something fed to commercial live stock is showing up the meat and make me ill might be the answer. Grass fedbeef might turn out to be fine. I've had times where it wasn't an issue.

I do feel better when I avoid all grains. Lots of corn is fed to commercial live stock.

I am fasting today. It does have me worn down and tired.
What has me scared of eating garlic and onions is a few items. I'm pretty sure in the past I was able to eatgarlic and my skin on my finger nails would begin to pull away. I'd bleed a lot from the finger nail when that happened. It was something I had as a kid. The other that comes to mind is I appear worse, less healthy when eating garlic and onions. That is important as having clear healthy skin goes with being well to the gut.
164lbs. Skin looks good and healthy. It typically does when I avoid garlic and onions. Energy levels feel good this morning. I'm 4 lbs away from my weight loss goal. Last time I tried to reach 160lbs I wasn't able to. With avoiding garlic and onions will be interesting to see if I'm able to reach my goal easier.

Ate some parsley this morning to test. So far all seems well. Fingers crossed that I don't react to parsley.
I'm doing OK today. I had more energy this aftrnoon. Now I'm a bit tired due to working out hard. Have done well since taking parsley. Haven't noticed any ill effects after taking this herb. I'll do the same tomorrow, testing it.

Think I'll try adding rice cakes back into my diet and see what happens.
The more I think on it, the more I realize, it was the chicken that make me sick 2 weeks ago. I say that as Ican remember clearlly the last time I did an all chicken diet I became sick after 1 month. The illness/flare remained as long as I was eating chicken. It was only after I stopped eating chicken, went to grass fed beef at that time, did the flare stop.

What I must have not noticed was the slightly inflamed gums. Pork causes inflammation all over my gums. it is big noticeable and painful. Chicken on the other hand produces only a small amount of inflammation and is only painful when i floss that area.

I'll keep testing the spices. I bought them so I might as well. But I'll need to move on. It's the chicken that caused the issue.

What i next need to examine is what other fish or sea food am I able to eat. And is grass fed beef safe. I'm pretty certain it is, I just don't like how it makes me feel. I've not really eaten grass fed beef without eating grass fed cheese. In the future I'll have to change that and do a just grass fed beef diet and see what happens.
I'm feeling pretty good this morning with my idea that chicken was the food that made me ill 2 weeks ago. It makes the most sense. I don't want it to make sense. I'd like to be able to eat chicken but am afraid to do so. The last time I tried an all chicken diet I became sick a month later, and remained sick while on the diet. I remember giving excuses or theories on why the chicken diet wasn't working but I never improved with my stomach.

Now with this said I can remember eating a turkey wild caught and not having stomach issues. I became well to the stomach eating range free turkey. So in the weeks and months ahead I'll be wanting to test wild game. See if eating it works for me or not. I have a good feeling that it will be fine for me. Most likely my stomach problem has been brought about by something fed or given to animals that turns up the meat and I'll allergic to.

I'll be writing less going forward. I feel that I most likely now have a base on which I can use to find more answers and get myself well. It will take a lot of time to figure things out most likely, but I have a good feeling about it. I finally have an answer I feel. Of course if things should chnage I'll probably begin to write more.
Worth noting, there is a decent change I'll wake up at 163lbs in the morning. Bit of a surprise. My theory was that avoiding garlic and onions would result in weight loss for me. Maybe that is true. I'll keep avoiding garlic and onions and monitoring my weight in the days ahead.
Doing well. I've been eating rice cakes again and I'm talking well. That was the problem in the past. I suspect the rice cakes tired me out and had me talking poorly. That hasn't been the case of late. It is so nice to be able to communicate well.

I'll keep avoiding garlic/onions and only eat wild caught fish. It seems to be working for me. I'm looking healthy and the gut is doing decent. I might make a push to lose weight in the coming week. Avoiding garlic does seem to help in that area.

Have developed a hernia. Ugh. This is supposed to be a good year, with the gut doing well, but with having had COVID and now developed a hernia that will require surgery, 2021 is turning out to not be the best health month. I'm wondering if all the coughing from COVID brought about the hernia.
I was mildly ill this morning to the stomach. That is a rarity on the fish diet. Yesterday was a fastint day, eating only one meal. In the past when eating chicken that was my big complaints. When I fasted I'd often become sick to my stomach the next morning when eating chicken. It does make me wonder. I do feel better when I eat chicken. This time time I ate chicken though did have some negative effects I felt. The swollen gums in particular. But who knows something else might have been at play. At a later time I'll have to test chicken once again.
I feel a little jittery this morning. I'm going to blame the rice cakes eaten for that. The brown rice fiber seems to be to hard for my gut to eat. I better cut the rice caks out of my diet after today. Most likely it is the fiber that is the issue, but than again possibly all grains are a problem.

Ears feel good. No ear ache. No swollen gums. Overall I'm feeling pretty upbeat. Wish I had more energy but that should eventually return.

Weight after breakfast is 168lbs. I'm planning on fasting today. See if I can get my weight down to 163lbs.
Today was unpleasant in the morning. I had a lot of cramping. Giving up eating rice cakes will hopefully solve that problem. I suspect it will.

For today I've kept hping my answer wil come with avoiding garlic/onions. I had some reason to suspect the spice. THere is the finger nail issue and bleeding. There is also the time were I had to leave Florida to escape a hurricane. At the time I was eating hamburger with garlic salt. ONce I left down and reached my destination in Illinois I became quite ill. I began avoiding garlic. That was the only change I made, and within 3 weeks I was entirely well to the stomach. At the time I was eating a lot of cheese also. So hoping avoiding garlic gets me somewhere, over time. Avoiding brown rice fiber is good also. I've done spice avoidance diets in the past and failed for one reason or another. Rice might have been the problem to cause the failure.
The last few days I've been having cramping and poor energy levels. I'm going to avoid potatoes and nightshade to see if the cramping goes away. Don't like the cramping but maybe if they go away after avoiding potatoes maybe I'll have a good item to avoid.
It is to early to tell much, but I've avoided potatoes, ate lunch, and have experienced no cramping. This is big. If I can link poatoes and nightshade to cramping then that will be big for me. All to often i experience cramping and with that poor energy levels.
So far another good sign that avoiding potatoes/nightshade results in cramping going away. I'm so far doing well this morning with the stomach. I'm not having stomach cramping since avoiding potatoes. I need to give it more time but so far i'm pleased with the result.
Kind of nice, I continue to not have stomach cramping since avoiding potatoes and nightshade. I can get used tot his. Energy levels were not all that great today but I did fast today, eating only meal. After all this crazy note taking, I might finally have a lead with this potatoes and stomach cramping. At least I hope so. hard to say where it will take me. I appear healthy. Skin looks good. Part of that, if not most of that is due to avoiding dairy products. Avoiding dairy does make the skin look better, at least from my experience. I can always remember too the times were I avoided potatoes and I was well. add potatoes and I'd be sick. It wasn't that clear cut but I did notice things along these lines in the past.
No stomach cramping this morning. I'll keep avoiding potatoes and other nightshade family members. Energy levels feel alright. I'm a bit shaky in the hands for some reason, but that happens often with my condition. It should improve over the course of the day. Forgot to weigh myself this morning but I probably came in at 164lbs.
I do have better energy today. It is lovely. I'll keep avoiding potatoes and nightshade. Oh, I'm also less gassy and I've somewhat well when using the bathroom. All good signs. I'm so glad I noticed that potatoes were causing stomach cramping.
No stomach cramping this morning. Still doing better since avoiding potatoes and other nightshade foods. Energy levels are good. Skin looks nice and healthy. No skin markings. So I'll continue to avoid nightshade.
Today has been a decent day. No stomach craming. Energy levels have been decent. Today is a fasting day and I'm coming to dread fasting days. I want to get the weight loss over. THe last time I fasted for two weeks I didn't lose weight though I might have some a little bit of fat. This time I might try fasting a few days in a row and see if that finally gets rid of the fat I want gone. Will see. I'm not sure if I have the energy for that, or the will power.

Nice though to not have stomach cramping for a few days. Hope this continues, with me avoiding potatoes and other nightshade plants.
I'm doing well this morning. The stomach feels OK. No cramping. My energy levels are deceent which considering I fasted for 23 hours is nice to feel. I'm liable to do another 23 hour fast today in hopes of losing some more fat. So avoiding potatoes and other nightshades continues to do me well. I'm avoiding cheese also which tires me out.
Received two nice complements from ladies this week, one early in the week and other yesterday, on how attractive I've become. Course I told them I knew so. joking around. I have noticed though that my skin is looking good and clear on this diet. So rather nice of them to say so and to notice. It is nice to be feeling better and looking healthier on this avoid potatoes, and other nightshades. Avoiding cheese makes a difference too. Hope I become healthier in the weeks ahead.

Weight loss is becoming tough of late. I'm guessing this is due to eating nuts. So i might have to settle for 165lbs.
I have pretty good energy levels today. I'm not yet experiencing the magical high levels of energy that feel so good. But I'm not far away from that it feels like. No stomach cramping either. I'll keep with avoiding potatoes, nightshade family and avoiding cheese as cheese makes me feel tired for some reason. It is the trade off I suppose. in the past I ate a lot of cheese as that helped the stomach but made me feel tired and worn out I believe. Now the stomach will be not in as good of shape, but hopfully I'll have much higher energy levels so i can do what I want.
Tired this morning but to be expected as I did some weight lifting yesterday. I was weak lifting weights as I haven't been lifting as frequently of late. Makes me wonder how weak I'll become when I have the operation in 3 weeks now and won't be able to lift any weights fro 6 weeks.afterwards.

Overall though doing well. No stomach cramping. I'm very glad I noticed that eating potatos for a few days in a row brings about stomach cramping. This goes along with noticing that nightshade plants give me arthritis also. So I'm feeling good about avoiding potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, tobacco. Not taht I've been using tobacco. It's just on the nigthshade list.

Hope to add new foods to my diet in the near future. For now though i better stick with the current diet as I have that operation in 3 weeks. I need to have the stomach in decent working condition.
I havent written it down before but it is something I've noticed for awhile. Since avoiding potatoes my hair has begun to grow quicker. There is little doubt in my mind on this. I've noticed in the past that my hair growth has slowed a good amount in the past few months. Now I might know why. I bought an air fryer and was making french fries with it. That is likely cause of the slow hair growth, french fries.

I'll keep avoiding potatoes and other nightshade foods. Energy levels are decent but hope to see even better energy levels over the next few weeks. Stomach doing well today. Little cramping. I want overboard with the amount of nuts being eaten which did make me more gassy and uncomfortable today but nothing serious.
One of the things that bothers me about the potato theory is that just 3 weeks ago I ate a chicken meal and felt I had all kinds of health issues afterwards. This was Sept 15th. I had an ear ache, slight swollen gums, etc. It felt as if I had eaten some pork. I suppose itis possible that the chicken meal had pork gelatin in it. It's not listed on the ingredients list but there is a listing for natural flavors could mean just about anything. Course the chicken meal had not nightshade in it, paprika in particular. I tested paprika but didn't notice any issues with it. Oh well, I'll keep avoding other foods to such as chicken. When i get around to adding new foods I'll start with adding grass fed beef. It may pack on the pounds for me, but it does appear to be a food OK for the stomach.

I was somewhat well going to the bathroom today. That's a rarity. Nice when it happens.
Dping well this morning. I slept well. My muscles feel alright, a bit sore from working out some, but overall the muscles are good. Stomach OK.

There are siveral different possibilities on why this fish diet is helping me out.

There is the possibility of nigthshade causing stomach issues. Potatoes caused stomach cramping. It was potato chips that were problematic but potatoes are something to be concerned about. Tomatoes caused arthritis I believe, though I'm not 100% sure of that.

Garlic and onions are a better possible offender. garlic in the past has been found to cause bleeding. I sprinkle a lot of garlic salt onto a burger and my skin around my finger nail begins to pull back and bleed. I've tested this many times. The result was always the same. That can't be good for my health, stomach health I imagine. The money wrench in this is that aged garlic didn't appear to be an issue. The other problem is taht I've eaten chicken, plain, for long periods of time, and wold become sick to my stomach.

The leading tender is that something being fed to live stomach is turning up in the meat causing me to become stick. It wouldl explain why the wild fish diet is working, or seems to be working.

I'm hoping the garlic allergy wins out in the end. It would be the easiest to deal with, avoiding garlic and onions, on top of pork and melons. .
I'm up bright and ealy this morning. Taking my parents to the airport for the early flight.

Feel OK so far this morning. Energy levels OK.

I'm staying at my parents house, who keep their house cooler than I do. So far I'm handling the cooler temps well. I've suspect that wold happen. The cold typically effects me poorly. With the fish diet I would not be surprised if the cold doesn't make me feel terrible.

THe more I think about it the more likely I feel it is that meat is the cause of my stomach issues. Chicken isn't as problematic at first but over time my stomach becomes worse when I eat lots of chicken. So I'm guessing this morning that it is something fed to live stock that makes me sick. Most likely soy is the problem food. Time will give me those answers though.
Typically I'll eat an orange with a meal. Not always but that is the routine.

Today with lunch I avoided an orange and this afternoon I'm feeling more energetic. I'll try avoiding oranges and see what happens. Maybe I'll get lucky and have more energy as a result. That is the big thing I'm aiming more, more energy levels, more consistent energy levels.

This morning I was quite tired and fatigued. The cats kept me awake most of the night and I was up very early to drive to the airport. Not all that enjoyable.
Avoiding citrus and I am doing well. my energy levels are up. This is one of my least favorite items to avoid, citrus. I tend to go through withdrawals doing this avoidance. So I'll were it takes me.

Overall doing well today. Gut is decent.
Worth noting, this morning I did some weight lifting. This evening I'm not feeling sore. That's good and a change from the typical. If I don't feel all that sore in the morning I'll do a hard workout and see if that causes fatigue. If not I'll keep avoiding citrus.
Oh, this is exciting. I have all kinds of energy this morning. i'm exciting about this as yesterday I worked out hard. A more typical response would be for me to feel beat up and fatigued. So as mentioned yesterday I'll work out hard this morning. I'll see what that does to me. Hopefully I'll still have very good energy levels.

Stomach in good shape. Skin looks good and healthy. Eyes were blueish this morning. Glad to see that. .i'll keep avoiding citrus along with the other items i'm avoiding. .
i have all kinds of energy this morning after working out relatively hard. This is fabulous. So far things are looking good with avoiding citrus, along with cheese which can tire me out also. I'm avoiding the other typical items too.
I did tired myself out today. The work out this moring and then chores outside this afternoon have me feeling worn down. Hopefully the feeling will not last into tomorrow. OUtside of that I'm doing wel. I'll keep avoiding cirrus.
I forget that when I avoid citus I lose my appetite. I'm not all that hungry this morning. I ate my usual large breakfast and now feel poorly to the stomach. Nothing major though. I should be fine.

Energy levels are good. I thought I'be overly sore and beat up this morning after yesterdays hard workout. That isn't the case though. My energy levels are good. If I hadn't workd out I suspect I'd be very energetic at this time.

Think I'll pass on lunch today. i imagine it will be easy to do with my appetite being low and my energy levels being good.
I went crazy today and ate a bunch of cheese. It was on my mind this week. Think I got that out of my system. It didn't taste as good as hoped. The nice thing is my energy levels are still good. Typically I bame cheese for tiring me out. Not this time while avoiding citrus.

Feeling alright today. Energy levels are up. My muscles feel good. I'm feeling upbeat. I'll keep staying away from citrus.
Since avoiding citrus my ability to smell things has improved greatly. I noticed that right away. I notice it quite a bit this morning. Not sure why this is happening but it is.

I'm wearing a shirt that is a little on the small side. The shirt fits alright but I typically will not wear it due to my stomach extending out. This morning though my stomach is not puffed out as it can be and the shirt fits fine. It looks alright I believe. That's good. maybe my intestines are less inflamed.

And finally all the cheese eaten yesterday had me feeling lousy. Cheese still has it's constipating effect and it was doing that. I wasn't well to the stomach but was somewhat backed up. Typically that is good news I suppose but this morning it can be feeling terrible for awhile.

Also I remain less hungry. I have little appetite. I could eat like a bird I suspect. I'm used to eating more though, ate my breakfast and now feel bloated. It was to much.
I'm pretty tired and worn out today. I'm going to blame the cheese eaten yesterday for that. It is a delayed cheese fatigue day. .i"ll likely be doing better tomorrow. Eye sight isn't that great either. kind of odd but when tired and the gut hurts my eye sight become worse. And when energy levels are higher and gut feels good eye sight become much better. Overall very intersting what is happening when I avoid citrus. I better go long term with this one and see what happens. Avoiding citrus was one of the foods I stayed away from when my eyes turned blue. So will find out if that happens.
I'm feeling better this morning. I'm feeling more energetic. Overall doing well. Skin looks good and healthy. My appetite remains low. I'm also much less thirsty. This morning i only drank one grass of water with breakfast. I probably would drink 3 glasses. So avoiding cirtus has brought about changes it seems. Stomach OK.
I worked out with weights yesterday. THis morning I'm feeligg fatigued/tired. I'm doing well though. Oh, I also ate a snack of nuts last night before bed. THat likely did not help my energy levels. OUtside of this I'm doing OK. Skin looks good and healthy. I'm not experiencing much cramping. Eye sight could be better but not horrible.
I have had an upset stomach. The main problem is cramping and feeling weak. The worst seems to be over. I'm fasting today and that is helping. I'm 90% sure I know that cause, I went crazy and ate a bunch of margarine the last couple of days. The fake butter goes well on sweat potatoes. Think I'll get back to using brown sugar instead on my potatoes.

I haven't been eating all that well for the past week. So I was pleasantly surprised to find I weigh the same. This was the first time I've weighted myself in a week and came in at 168lbs in my cloths. I'll likely wake up at 164lbs in the morning. Good to see.

I'll keep avoiding citrus along with the other items. I bought some chicken items at the store the other day but found I couldn't eat them. With surgery in two weeks I was afraid of becoming overly sick. I'll get back to food experimenting after the hernia operation. Fun stuff. That does remind me, my hernia seems to have come away since avoiding citrus. I don't see much of a bump any longer. Rather odd.
Ate some grass fed bee today and it is going down well. I'll likely not do that again till after the surgery though. The fish diet is working though I'm not feeling wonder on this diet, taste buds aside.

I am having second thoughts about the surgery. It appears I can do a watch and wait approach. Since I'm not the healthiest person that has some appeal. It is going to stress me out being operated on. I'll make it I suppose but it's going to be unpleasant, more so for me than a normal boweled person.

Outside of that doing Ok. .
Since it is rare, thought I better note that I was partially well to the stomach today. That is always a good and welcome sign. My energy levels are not terrific but they have been better than normal. I am having cramping but nothing unusual. I'll keep avoiding cirtus along with the other stuff. In the past I avoided citrus for several years. It was one of those items I was sure was problematic. I never became well. So if citrus is an issue then Ithere are other problematic foods or possibly I was eating to much fiber. At that time I didn't realize how problematic fiber can be for me.
I have a bit of a fat lip this morning. Im pretty sure I know the cause. This very kind of lip problem happens when I eat pistachio nuts. I am not eating pistachio nuts lately but I did open a new can of cashews. I am guessin pistachio nuts were processed in the same facility as the cashew nuts. I'm likely experiencing cross contamination. I was thinking of no longer eating cashews. They upset my stomach slghtly, making me gassy. So I'll stop eating the today. It will take 3 to 5 days for the tip swelling to go down.

Funny for the last few days I've kept thinking I'm accidentally eating pistacios. I had no lip issues though. Diddn't know why I was having thsoe thoughts. Now I have good reason to think this.
It does seem that on this diet of avoiding citrus I'm able to do some weight lifting and to not feel overly fatigued the next day. I'm not all that energetic overall on this diet, at least so far, but doing well. I'm handing in there. Stomach has been OK on the diet. At least it has been OK so far. Appearance is healthy. Skin looks good.

My fat lip from most likely being exposed to pistachios is nearly gone. I've always wondered how realistic cross contamination was with foods. Seems I found out with the cashews I ate. At least it appears that is the case.
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I worked out hard this morning with lifting weights and aerobic exercise. I'm not feeling sore. My muscles feel good. My energy levels though are lousy. I'm feeling tired out this later afternon. Hope I'm more energetic tomorrow.

Ate the last of the beef today. It gave me a very slight upset atomach. Hardly worth noting down but I was cramping a little bit and of course that had me wondered. I'll return to the fish diet tomorrow.

Overall I'm pleased with the citrus free diet. I added pineapple to my diet yesterday. Pineapple is not a member of the citrus family I've read. It should be safe and recall eating a sweat and sour sauce with pineapple in it and being well. This was many years ago.
I''m doing well this morning. The good news, my muscles and bones do not hurt after yesterdays though workout. The bad news I am tired. I'm not horribly tired though. I'm able to do things without much issues.

Eye sight not all that great. I'm going to avoid the mineral spray that i've been using for a few months to see if that helps. I can see far with out roblem. It is the close up viewing that has gone bad since the fish diet. I hate it.

Stomac in good shape. Appetite remains poor. I tried eating a large meal and as become the case I wasn't able to do it.
One of the nice changes since avoiding citrus has been how much better I smell and how I am able to taste food better. Little doubt on this. Energy levels have been better than I thought they would be. I hope this continues for obvious reasons but also with my surgery 10 days away I'll need good energy levels that day.
Doing OK this morning. Hanging in there.

I'm going to make more dietarychanges. I'm going to go back and add citrus. Oranges are likely OK for me to eat.

There iis a desire for me to eat chicken and eggs. I keep reminding myself though, why. Every time I've tested chicken and eggs I become sick, with a major flare. It has happened every single time. It takes a month or two for the big flare issue to show up but it consistently happens. Also the last time I ate chicken I developed sore swollen gums, developed an ear ache also. It was similar to what happens when I eat pork but to a lesser severity.

I forgot that I tried an experiment this week. I ate grass fed beef and commercial cheese. I developed no swollen gum issues. I developed no ear ache. I think what I need to do and have been threatening to do fro awhile is to buy some commercial beef, beef that is not grass fed, and see if I develop an ear ache and swollen gums from it. I'll plan on eating that after the operation which is in 10 days.

Eye sight this morning is better. For one morning avoiding the mineral spray seems to have helped in this area. Will continue avoiding to see if eye sight continues to do well.

I'll go back to eating cashew huts. I'll just avoid the one brand of cashews and it is likely contaminated with pishachios.
The morning is starting out very nicely. Fingers crossed the rest of the day is the same. Energy levels are up and good. My eye sight is improved since avoiding that mineral supplement. Hope that continues. And I was mostly well when going to the bathroom. That was a shocker. Mornings tend to be the worst time for the stomach. I certainly can be sick in the afternoon and evenings, but typically mornings are the worst. Not today. So that was a nice change.

Weight is up since eating some cheese and some beef. I came in at 167lbs this morning. I will likely be back to 165lbs with in a day or two.
It has been a good day indeed. I was well once again today goign to the bathroom. Didn't expect that.

I've bought some commercial beef and placed into the freezer. I'll eat some beef in the next week or two, after the operation. It will be a good test. I am thinking it will go well as I ate grass fed beef but commercial cheese and didn't have to many issues. I did feel chilled when I ate that, and had some minor stomach issues, cramping, but it went well.

It will be turning cool in a few days. Will be interesting to see how I handle the cold on the fish diet. I now suspect that I'll be uncomfortably cold. I was hoping that I'd feel warmer on the fish diet, but now I'm not so sure.

Eye sight I beleive better, but still have issues with. Just getting old I suspect that and I'm likely watching to much TV.
Not as good of a bathroom day this morning, but still not bad. I'm going in the right direction I believe. Energy levels feel good. Skin looks good and healthy. Gut not cramping at the moment. I'll keep avoiding chicken, eggs, turkey, and pork along with the other stuff such as pumpkin, and watermelon. Didn't weight myself but I can tell I'm still up in weight some. The shorts I'm wearing are tight. I'll likely fast for 23 hours today.
Quite excting, I worked out with weights hard yesterday. This morning I lifted on my legs some. I'm not feeling sore. I;m not overly fatigued. Very good that this continues.

I'm going to cut back on eat nuts after today. I'll eat some but will be measured aboutit. I am thinking that will help prevent an upset stomach on the day I'm operated on. That will give me 7 days to get the gut in the best shape possible. I want to avoid a flare if possible.
I slept quite poorly last night. That was not expected. My gut is behaving good and I'm thinking that is hwat hurt me. I was mostly well this morning and by gut didn't like being rubbed against. It had my heart rate running higher than normal which in turn kept me awak. It was as if I was on a slow walk all night. Doing OK today and the gut remains in good shape. I've cut back o the nuts. That should help with the tender colon.

Energy levels good. I've a bit sore from the weight lifting but nothing that is trouble some. It is wonderful to do some lifting and not be fatigued greatly by it.

I'll keep with the wild fish diet. I guess I'm eating alpha gal with that addition of avoiding chicken and eggs along with turkey. Weight was around 167lbs this morning.
Today begins cooler days. A cold front is passing through this afternoon. Temps will be around 10 degrees cooler over night. This will be a good test of the diet. I beleive that eating this fish diet keeps me warmer somewhat. I'll find out in the days ahead if that is true or not.

Doing OK this morning. I find myself not terribly nervous about the operation in 6 days. That must be due to the stomach doing better. When doing something outside of the house there is always the fear of a stomach flare. It is a natural reaction. There must be less concern about that being on this diet. With that said, come the day of the operation I'm likely to be nervous naturally. I'm looking forward to but also dreading the operation.
Slight upset stomach this afternoon. Stress levels are now up. Last thing I need is to be sick for surgery. But with that said the illness has been mild. I have been messing with my diet since yesterday and dietary changes often causes diarrhea. So with a little luck I'll be better by tomorrow or Friday. I'm taking Imodium. I'm supposed to take a stool softner, at least it was brought up as a suggestion on the day before the operation. I can't imagine. That would cause all kinds of diarrhea I imagine and that is not good for anyone. I have naturally soft stools I can laugh.
Refined diet has me slightly ill this morning but nothing horrible. It hurts at times but it livable most of the time. I'll be avoiding beets which should help with the vamping. Weight 166lbs this morning. I'm heaing in the right direction.
Felt bette today after avoiding beets. Beets certainly can be gas causing. Best to stay away for awhile. Bit tired out this later afternoon. Did some pushups the tough kind this morning and imagine that is the reason for the tirdness. I'm not sore though. My muscles feel OK. Feeling better about the coming operation. So long as the gut is OK, I'll be less on edge. Appearing healthy. I'll keep avoiding eggs, chicken, and pork, Not eating beef either at the moment but I'll be testing that again. I'll see if beef causes ear aches, swollen gums, etc.
165lbs. Good and happy this morning. My stomach is better. Either the diet helped, the Imodium did it's job, or a combination of the two. Either way I'm pleased. Energy levels OK this morning. Muscles are not sore this morning but I am a bit tired. I'll keep with the modified fish diet. Oh, I avoided chocolate pudding thsi mroning. It does cause my heart rate to increase. I'm guessing the caffein is to blame.
Mild upset stomach this morning. It is entirley my fault. Last night I felt hungry and so I ate a bunch of nuts along with some potato chips. Seemed like a good idea but this morning i've payed the price. The price payed was small though. I'm already doing better and with a little lunch it will be a decent day. From here on out till the operation I'm eating good and healthy, healthy for me.

Appearance healthy. Skin looks good. Energy levels OK. Yesterday I had a wave come over me that for sure the answer is alpha gal along with avoiding chicken, eggs and some alpha diet dieters have reported. So if I should get a desire for some cheese or beef, I'll look to offset that by eating something else such as rolls. I'm not much of a wheat eater but will give that a try in the future.
I was tired today due to all the nuts eaten last night. Well, not that many nuts were eaten, but more than typical and enough to irritate the gut and to then tire me out. Doing better now this evening after eating more carefully. Imagine I'll be in good shape by tomorrow.

Dawned on me that I'm 3 months in on avoiding eggs. I'm probably one month on avoiding chicken and turkey. It would be very nice if I just had issues with eggs, chicken, and pork. That beef was safe and good would be wonderful. Will find out eventually. Though i might find msyelf just eating sea food. That wouldn't be terrible either.

Looking healthy. Skin looks good and healthy. Energy levels so so. They cuold be better. I am getting cold eaiser than I hoped.
Doing ok this morning. I twas tired when waking up and didn't want to get up. But after breakfast I'm feeling more energized. Gut ok. It is better than it was yesterday. Eating better does seem to help on tis fish diet. Skin looks good and healthy.
I'm communicating well. I've noticed this for awhile now on the fish diet/ alpha gal diet. Now I can see that energy levels doesn't determine if I'm talking well or not. I'm fairly fatigued most of the ime, yet can communicating well and quick. I'm still not the best talker, but better than what I've been. So that is a nice change seen with the fish diet.

Stomach OK today. I'm a bit gassy but nothing horrible.
I have a few tests coming up in the weeks ahead.

The first bing that after the surgery I will not be able to weight lift for 6 to 8 weeks. That is a long time to not lift. It does have me concerned as I weight lift in part to help my knees. Lifting keeps my knees in decent shape and keeps knee pain away.

The fish diet on the other hand for what ever reason seems to get rid of the knee pain. I'm not sure though how long the knee pain will not be with me without lifting. I get to find out how helpful the fish diet is with knee pains. If I can go for 6 weeks without pain in the knees while on the fish diet, that is something. I'm always looking for something to follow and this might be it.

The other reason I lift is in part that it keeps me warm. I get cold easy. Lifting warms me up nicely and keeps me feeling warm for days. Now without being able to lift I'll be finding out how good the fish diet is at keeping me warm. This weekend it is to turn cooler. I won't be wearing shorts this weekend, most likely. So this weekend will be a good test.

This morning the gut is OK. My energy levels are alright. Appearance OK healthy.
I had a good idea. I'm going to give up drinking the glass or wine or two glasses of wine a day. I began drinking the wine to improve my health. Some wine can be beneficial while to much is problematic.

I completely forget though that in the past before drinking wine, I can remember drinking wine could really tire me out, make me feel awful. It would upset my stomach. Now inthe past I'd only drink wine socially and all to often would find my wine glass being filled constantly. So my thinking has been that drinking lots of wine on New Years is bad for me. But that a little bit of wine will be handled well by the gut.

Most likely i am wrong about that. So I'll do a test, avoid all wine. I'll see if my energy levels increase. Most likely they will I'm thinking this morning.

Unfortunately I'm being operated on tomorrow which will tire me out. I'll likely be tired form the surgery for a week or longer. So I'll ave to sjpw patience with this test.
The avoiding alcohol to see if I get more energy idea worked. I was more energetic today and had less stomach cramping. I am pretty gassy though. Doing OK, a bit tired as I've been on my feet for the afternoon at the doctors place for the hernia operation. Go in at noon to have the work done. Should be fast and quick it sounds like. 30 minutes and I should be on my way soon after. Then again I've never handled being knicked out well. Hope what ever I'm given tomorrow works better. .
Just wanted to wish you all the best with your operation. Hope it goes well and fast recovery. These things are always a little stressful and I will pray goes smoothly and all well.
Thanks Delta. i imagine the operation will go well for me. Surprisingly this morning I'm feeling less stressed than I was yesterday.
My gut is feeling good and my energy levels are up. Avoiding the glass of wine is looking like a good idea. TIme will tell. I feel as if I've been close to having an answer for improving my energy levels. It wouldn't suprise me iif the glass of wine was irritating my gut robbing me of energy. So hopes are high that the diet I'm following now and avoiding wine will result in much improved energy levels. This morning I'm thinking garlic and onions are my main problem foods. Don't know why I think that but garlic has always been a spice that worries me since I figured out it can cause skin bleeding issues around finger nails. I eat a lot of garlic and onions with a meal I also feel rotten afterwards. .
Yesterdays hernia meshless surgery went well. Yesterday and this morning I'm experiencing minimal pain. I'm able to get around the house without much trouble. I'm limping while walking but that isn't necessay but more out of concerns that I place to much weight on my right side damaging the repair work

The only fear I have thie morning the pain medication causing constipation, the dream disease for me. Strainign while going to the bathroom could damage hernia repair I'm guessing. So if this becomes a problem I have some lexatives I can take. How the world changes over night, Me taking a laxative. I never imaged the day. So far I don't need to usse the bathroom. I'm passing gas well while I was fearful would not happen.

I am taking antibiotics today and tomorrow. Fingers crossed they cause me GI issues later on.

Today might be more painful than the day of surgery. Recovering from a wound will cause pain. It's important part of my healting process but naturally can be difficult to live with.

The no mesh hernia repair is so far turning out to be a positive for me. I kept hearing in previous weeks how painful hernia operations can be. I'm guessing that is caused by the mesh being screwed into bones.
My knees are still feeling great on this fish diet. I can move around without any issues while following the wild fish diet. I love it. I'm so used to typically having my knees hurt without being able to weight lift. having strong knees is wonderful.

Today I'm in more pain than yesterday. I'm rather slow getting around. The pain meds are not working all that great. With that all said,, I'm doing alright. When ever in pain from the colitis I remind myself that it will not last for ever. The pain will be gone soon. That is how I'm viewing this operaiton pain. It should improve greatly over the next couple of days.

Stomach doing well. Was a bit concerned about the antiiotics upsetting the gut; So far that has not happened. Knees feel great on this fish diet. I'mm having no knee pain right now. Thatis a wonderful feeling.
As expected after the surgery I'm experiencing pain. I'm uncomfortable. But overall all things considered I'm doing well. Today was the fist day that I was able ot shower and clean up. I was also able to take off the big bandage over the surgical wound. Smaller tape like materail remains in place to keep the wound shut. I'm walking around some without to much difficulty. The big product is standing up and sitting down. That cn be painful.

Bathroom habits are good. Stomach is felling well. Appearance is healthy. Energy levels are good. It is cooler and windy outside yet so far I'm feeling nice and warm. I'll stick with the wild fish diet. I'm not all that hungry. I'm eating less than typical. I guess that is normal from what i've read after such surgical work.
It really is great that my knees are not hurting while on this fish diet. Currently not being able to lift weights due to the operation, it is very helpful that my knees are strong and not in pain.

The fish diet I believe is the only diet I've followed that helps my knees. I likely would have noticed if another diet help the knees. So I'll stick with the diet and keep monitoring my knees. It won't be till te middle of Dec. that I'll be able to lift weights again so I'll have lots of time to see what happens.

Still in pain this afternoon but the pain is less. I imagine within a day or two I'll be back to my old self, will little pain.
Avoiding the daily drink or two of wine has helped my gut. The gas levels have significantly decreased since I avoided wine. It is nice. My energy levels are up also.
Doing OK this morning. I'm still having a little bit of pain but I can get around. Went to the bathroom quite a bit. Good to see as there is a lot of wrting about that being a problem for some after hernia surgery.

Knees still feel great. No knee pains to report.
It is cool outside today and cooler in the house by about 5 degrees from normal. I feel just fine. I'm not feeling cold so far.

This might change over time. Tommorrow after being cold all day today I might find myself feeling chilled. So far though while on this fish diet I'm not feeling all that cold. It is very nice.

Moving around is easier today. I can walk around do chores nearly normally.
It is wonderful It is good and chilly in the house this morning. Yet I feel just fine. I'm not feeling cold as I typically can during this kind of weather. The cold can upset my stomach so I don't feel there to be an issue there this morning. I'm doing just fine. Energy levels are OK.

Pain from the operation continues to decrease. Last night I was able to sleep on that side of my body though I rarely did. It didn't hurt when I rolled over to the operation side but I could feel it. Figure tonight I'll likely be in better shape there.

Stomach in OK shape.
It is remarkable and wonderful at how well I am handling the cooler weather. I'm not uncomfortable from the chill. I feel just fine. All to typically the cold weather will upset my stomach. My stomach has been fine.

I get a better test of how well I can now handle cooler weather over the weekend. Forecasts for now have temps in the 50Fs for lows. That should have the house nice and cool inside. i might be looking at 70F in the house. That will be an excellent test of the fish diet and cooler temps.

Knees feel get. I do't have any knee pains to report. Not even a twing of pain coming from the knees.
Today with lunch I ate some wheat, bread sticks. That is rare. I don't eat much wheat. So far I'm doing well. I'm not feeling cold. It remains cool in the house yet I'm feeling warm, maybe to warm. I took off a layer of clothing to help cool down come to think of it. Stomach feels good. I appeared healthy. So all go so far. I likey will not make it a habit of eating wheat but good to know I can have some, most likely. More time is needed to know for certain. In the past I found avoiding wheat beneficial for my health. It wasn't a cure but beneficial.

Hernia repair healing still going well. I'm still having some pain but once again it is tolerable. Hopefully by this weekend all of the pain will be gone.
Still doing OK since eating a good amount of wheat. It was a nice diversion meal. Typically after eating neraly the same food all the time, i'll begin adding chicken or beef meals to the diet. Then i end up regretting having health issues afterwards. With the bread sticks I feel fine, at least so far. I guess there for a short while I had some more muscles on my left foot but why that happened I don't know, and that pain went away. I have used the bathroom more than usual this afternoon but nothing painful or worth worrying myself over. I am concerned that I could have some cramping later. That would hurt. But will see. I might get luck and not have cramping this evening or over night.

So glad I didn't eat a chicken or beef meal. Todays bread sticks helped me avoid that. I'll likely get back to the old diet tomorrow. After a while once I get bored with it I bought some Chinese rice that I'll try. It has soy in it so I am somewhat afraid of this rice meal. Will see. I'll eventually eat it and see what happens. If I get sick from i,feeel cold I'll have an answer I suppose.

Oh also ate a tomato sauce with lots of spices in it. I'd dip the bread sticks into the spicy tomato dip.
I'm alive. I ate a bunch of wheat yesterday and I woke up this morning. It is a step in the right directiono. The gut does hurt just a bit but nothing horrible. I am feeling slightly fat. I have eat to much of late. It shows. I need to fast some. Not a long big fast but something where I avoid snacks. I'll plan on that today. I was going to do that yesterday but got bored basically. Boredom drove me to eat yesterday evening. Don't know my weight I'm staying away from the scale during this time of healing.

Healing is going very well. It is now one week since the operation. This morning I feel little pain. I'll still baby my right side, taking as easy with walking, putting as much weight as possible on the left side. But I don't need to do that anymore. The pain isn't there. About the only thing I'm making changes from is sneezing. I'm doing all I can to avoid sneezing and coughing. Those would hurt I suspect.

I feel nice and warm this morning. My knees do not hurt either. I tis wonderful Love the knees feeling good. With me feeling warmer all the time I turned the heat down on my tankless water heater by 10 degrees. Showers have become uncomfortably hot. Cooler temps will likely feel better .
The stomach still hurts very slightly this afternoon. I'm blaming the wheat eaten yesteray THe pain is very livable with. I'd prefer no pain of course but it is there. The pain is mild cramping. I'm a bit gassy.

Avoiding alcohol remains a good move on my part. With me not drinking a glass or two of wine a day I've become much less gassy. The alcohol was apparently upsetting my stomach more than i thought. I should have figured that one out earlier. Never cared much for alcohol. Only drink for possible health positive effects. In my case avoiding wine has been easy to do. I'd make for a terrible alcoholic.
Weighed myself this morning and came in at 168lbs. That isn't bad. I've only gained 2 to 3 lbs of late. With me not watching my diet, and eating as much as I want, the gain was small. Glad to see that.

I think I'll go ahead and test myself for the alpha gal condition. I was hoping to have the stomach working better before testing. A dietary test is better and more reliable than a blood test. But at this point I think I have enough data pointing to alpha gal that a blood test should be done. I'll check pricing today and if it isn't bad I'll move ahead on having that test done.

Still feel nice and warm on the fish diet. My skin looks good and healthy too. All to typically I'll feel cold and look cold wit bluish skin. that isn't the case at all on this diet. I look healthier and feeling warmer. As mentioned yesterday I turned down the heat for my water heater. I noticed the cooler temps when showering. It felt fine this morning. It is nice and warm outside at the moment. Starting tomorrow temps will become cooler. I might find myself turning the heat back up over the weekend. Will see. .

Continue to feel little pain from the hernia repair sight. I am still getting around slowly though. There is some pain when walking. Wound looks and good and healthy to me.
Did well today. Gut was its usual self. I'm not overly sick. There are times where I'm semi well. Weigh is up this evening. I weighed myself at 172lbs. Feeling kind of fat. Appearance though doesn't show me putting on weight. That's good. Maybe the fish diet is good for weight gain. I'll be finding out. I know chicken and eggs cause me to lose weight. Beef and cheese causes weight gain. I have times were I've been well to the gut eating beef but looked and felt miserable. That might have been the cheese. Auggg. I can endlessly go around with the posibilties.

I feel warm today and my knees are holding up great. Another 4 to 5 weeks of no leg weight lifting so I need the knees to keep feeling good.

Eyes are bluish. That's good to see. A positive sign. Finger nails are in good shape. No finger nail pitting noticed. Ate more spices today. I seem to be holding together. Tomorrow the weather begins to turn cooler. I can hardly wait. It should be fun to find out if I can handle the cold or not on this fish diet.

I ddin't look into te alpha gal blood testing. Reading more about the tes and how unreliable it is has me now rethinking that idea. The diet testing is the best way to know if I am alpha gal or not.