My journey to getting well

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Oh another negative about grass fed beef is that my hair color has turned lighter. It is kind of off. Eating fish caused my hair to turn darker in color, healthier looking. Beef does the opposite.
I can't deny it, I feel better since eating fish for lunchand avoiding beef. Some aches and pains have gone away. I'll forget this in the near future, but while it is fresh in my mind I should note.

So modify theory, I should broaden my allergy theory from not just soy but to all other legumes/beans. I know with grass fed meat soy beans are removd from the diet and instead alfalfa is fed to the cattle. Alfalfa is a legume similar to soy though.

Thinking about it, also in the past eating grass fed beef and grass fed cheese is what made my gut well but kept me from recovering. I also felt miserable with many ahces and pains on that diet, though I was pleased to not have diarreah. My thinking is I likely am not as allergic to alfalfa but it still irritates my body.

so this is the diet idea I'll stick with and see if I do well. I'll just have to eat wild caught fish. When I begin to crave other foods I'll have to explore breads, pastry, and stay away from meats.
I'm only two meals back in with eating the fish diet and I'm feeling much better. The grass fed beef does appear to be safe for my gut. Eating lots of grass fed beef and grass fed cheese is most likely the diet that made my gut well in the past and ended up causing me a lot of confusion. In the past I cuold get the gut well but I would ended upfeeling miserable and not healed.

So I'll avoid grass fed beef.

I think I have my diet figured out. I'm liely allergic to beans. If an animal has been fed a diet of beans the meat will make me sick. I feel it is a good theory. I can't say with certainty this is the answer, but I'll go with it

I' tired of thinking on this dietary subject all the time so I'll go with the soy/legume allergy theory. If it works out fantastic. If I begin to have truobles in the future I'll return to writing and figuring out something else to try and get well.

It will likely take me many month on the fish diet to get the gut working half way decent. I at least hope so.
Worth noting down, I communicate so much better on the fish diet. I had good talking practice this week and it surprised me at how easy to was to communicate. When I feel warm I talk well it appears.

Arthritis type pains are gone since avoiding grass fed beef. That happened in the past also. I didn't know what caused the pains for sure but now I know it was the grass fed beef.

Appeared healthier today and had OK energy for a change. It was nice as always when I have energy. Weight 171lbs.
I should note down - yesterday I ate a large amount of wheat. I made some bread sticks with olive oil. They were delicious. I was greatly worried that the wheat would made me sick. So far that has not been the case. I'm feeling good. No stomach cramping. I might be feeling colder as a reslt of eating the wheat, but hard to say with certainty. The weather has turned cold and temps are in teh housr are around 70. That is the coldest temps of the season so far. I'm feeling cold but not miserable. So as of this morning I'm going to say that while on the fish diet I'm not having truoble with eating wheat. Imagine any other diet and the wheat owuld make me sick. I'd be experiencng a lot of cramping on another diet.
Yes, what a wonderful morning. I'm not in pain. It is wonderful. Yesterday I did some light working out and this morning I feel just fine. If anything I'm feeling slightly more energetic. I love it. It is always magical when this happens. I'll record if this good feeling continues in the days ahead.

With any luck on this fish diet I'll be able to become more independent. Currently being sick I have to rely upon others for help with various tasks. Some people are OK with helping but all to often others are not. So it would be nice to be able to rely soling on myself and with that will be able to move forward in life. That would be so wonderful.

On this fish diet I'm feeling like my cats. The cats eat the same meal everyday and are happy about it. If I try to change this food I'm going to have unhappy kitties. I might even get bitten. I'm not real happy about only eating wild caught fish but the diet is working. I'm far from being entirley well but overall Id say improved health progress is being made.
I did well today. My energy levels were up. No pains were felt.

About my only complaint and it is a big complaint is that writing/typing is a real pain. Don't know why this is going on. It's one of those things and hope this thing goes away soon.
Feeling well this morning. My energy levels are up. Began avoiding honey this morning. Of late I've been eating honey cashews. I've noticed since doing that, that i appear less healthy. Don't know why that is. Honey is another animal product so maybe I have trouble eating most animal products. Then again honey is said to be a natural laxative and that is the last thing I need a natural laxative. So far I appear healther since avoiding honey but the day is young
I remain looking healthire since avoiding honey cashews. It is likely the honey that is the problem but possibly other ingredients are the issue. Regardless pleased.
Still doing well with my energy levels. I've been working out and my energy levels remain good. It appears I can handle a beating. It is great. so hope this continues.

Began eating blueberries this week. It might be a problem. This morning at least I've having to use the bathroom more than typical. That is likely due to the fiber found in blueberries. Think I'll take a break from the berries.

Still am writing poorly. It is rather annoying.
Exciting stuff. I had good energy levels yesterday once again. My stomach is doing slightly better too. I'm guessing the two go together, improved gut and better energy levels. This is after working out too.

Planning on working out hard for me this morning. I'll see how I feel tomorrow after doing so. Hope the good energy remains.
I worked out hard this morning. It was the hardest upper body workout I've had in awhile. And so far I don't feel pain. I'm also feeling energetic. Additionally it is cold today. Temps in the house are the coldest they have been for winter. The cold is not sucking the energy out of me.

This is big. There are two main health problems, the severe stomach issues and the overwhelming fatigue. Will see if I've figured out a diet to be rid of the fatigue.
It is a good morning. a cold morning but good. My energy levels are high. I'm not feeling sore and fatigued from yesterdays tough workout. It is so wonderful. I was thinking I'd wake up in a good amount of pain. I'm not out of the woods yet. It is the second day after working outt hat typically has me feeling awful and in pain.

So I'll stick with the fish diet. Hope it continues to do well. I'm liable to make small changes to my diet this week. Fingers crossed that doesn't cause me problems. as an example, I recently stopped eating honey cashews. I thought honey might be a problem. With the honest cashews is potato starch. I dont think potatoes are a problem but I should't discount that possibility. I'll have to stay vigilant.

It is 68lbs in the house. That is the coldest of the winter season. I'm not feeling cold though. I feel just fine in this chilly air.
Have to admit, I am appearing healthier this morning. This is since avoiding potatoes and nightshade family. My energy levels are up a good amuont too. It doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but I'll go with it. I'll avoid the nightshade family along with sticking with the fish diet. Good to appear healthy this morning. Forgot o add, writing is easier this morning.
I get to excited when I have very good energy, as I do this morning. i should just cool it THe last time this happened about 5 months ago I ended up losing the good energy after about a week. Not sure what happened.

I was just thinking, there is a connection betweeen the nightshade family and soy. GMO soybeans are modified with a member of the nightshade famiy. So if allergic to the nighshade family one is could be allergic to soybeans that have been genetically modified - which is most soy beans sold today.

Also was thinking about my eyes. The eyes went bad after I began to reguarlly eat french fries. I bought a air cooker and about the only food I used it for was making french fries. I tried avoiding nightshade to see if my eyes improved but it was just a short frial. I should go for at least a month. .
It has been a very good day. Energy levels have remained on the upper level for me. I appear healthier. I did eat a relatively new food today, some wheat rolls. I don't eat weather that much. And don't plan on eating it much in the future, but had a craving for some wheat rolls, olive oil and olives. It seems to have gone down well.

The whole thing confuses me about the possibility that potatoes, and other nightshaes are zapping my energy levels and causig other health issues. Maybe there is a soy connection. Maybe not. Possibly I have other allergies. I don't know. It is nice to feel normal for a change though. Hope I can keep myself energized for the week and beyond. If that happens I'll work on the other details as best I can.
I'm doing well this morning. I'm not as energetic as I was yesterday. That is not unexpected though. The 2nd day after working out is typically teh most exhausting day. I feel good though over all.

Have a new theory on why I caught COVID in July. It was around the time that I bought an air frier and was eating french fries all the time. If I turn out to be allergic to potatoes and the nightshade family then the COVID theory for me makes sense.

Hair is darker in color. That is a good sign. Glad of that.

Eye sight remains the same I believe. With a little luck avoiding nightshade family will have my eye sight return to normal in a few weeks.
My energy levels have not been as good today but I still have good energy levels. I workout average this morning on my legs and that should have me worn day regardless.

Doing well. Handling the cold weather decently. Muscle feel good. Writing is easy to do. I've done well with avoiding the nightshade family. Sticking with the fish diet is good to. At a later time I'll begin once again experimenting with diet.

It is a bit early to note down but stomach doing better also.
It feels like an awesome morning. I'm surging with energy. It feels so good. Everything feels light. It is easy to move around. The fatigue has lifted. So I'll be sticking with avoiding nightshade and following the fish diet.

I've avoided nightshade in the past and don't recall having improved energy levels. I can think of two items that have helped to change things. The first being that I'm eating nuts. Nuts are a decent source of nutrients. That undoubtably is helping me out with better energy levels. The other is that I'm avoiding cheese. With little doubt cheese zaps my energy levels. I'm not entirely sure why if allergy, or just that cheese and it's high calcium content steals my energy. Oh there is a third energy stealer, weight lifting to hard. Regardless I'll stick with my plan, and hope in 5 days time I'm still energized and feeling great. It is good to be alive. I can't always say that.
It was another good day with energy. I wasn't hyper energetic but I had enough energy where I likely could be on my feet for most of the day. Hard to say but I do feel that good. No nap needed today or maybe better said happened. Weight 172lbs. I'm likely170lbs. Seems when ever I workout hard I find myself weighing a pound of two more all of a sudden. So good day. Lots going on, in particular wth trying to get my car reported by a repuabe company.

I'll keep avoiding nightshade, and eating the fish diet.
I'm feeling good this morning. My legs rae sore but not overly sore. The second day after working out tends to be the worst for me. My upper body feels good. i can tell I'll be energetic with my upper body muscles.

Eyes seem to be the same. I haven;t noticed any improvement. Imagine that could takes months.

stomach OK.
Tired myself out with lunch, though I am recovering some now. I ate a bunch of wheat. I wasn't going to do that, but it was there and looked like a nice change from the diet. The wheat has me feeling worn out and run down. So hopfully I'll get back on pace by tomorrow. i'll want to begin adding new foods to the diet soon. Maybe I'll re examine grass fed beef to see if I can have good energy when eating it. that would be a nice change from eating fish all the time.
I'm feeling good this morning. My energy levels are high. Also have that nice looking skin appearance. I've commented on that in the past when I followed the fish diet. Appears that I need to follow the fish diet and avoid the nightshade family to make that happen.

Lots of confusion os what to do going into the future. Have ideas of course but the path isn't straight forward. I guess I'll try and get my wnergy levels higher then begin the process of testing new foods, seeing if the good energy levels remain or go away.
Had a tough upper body work out this morning. I feel just fine. I typically would be sore and tired to some extrent by now. That isn't the case. I feel I have good energy levels.

Have noticed something this week concern my waist pants size. I've gone from a size 32 to a size 31. This happens all to often. Its annoying. Going down in waist size is likely OK though. I'm guessing it means by gut is less swollen. My weight remains the same.
A bit on the tired side this morning but to be expected. I finished off the wheat rolls made earlier in the week. i'm now tired. I should be doing better by noon.

I was thinking 2021 was a mixeed strange year for health. I was very fortunate to discover the fish diet. The diet is doing a great job at keeping me from having a major flare. It has given me good confidence with traveling.

On the negative I was very sick in other ways last yera. I caught COVID, the first fly symptims U've had in12 years my eyes sudden became blurry when reading, I had a good amount of dental problems and I have my first operation a hernia surgery. I really do think it was my air fryer that caused all the negative health effects. With buying the air fryer all I used if for was to make french fries. I tradtionally don't eat that much potato but this year changed and I suspect it negatively effected my body.

Don't know why the fish diet is a gbig help but am greatful it is.
This is nice. it is exciting. I have hyper energy. I'm just full of energy, keep moving around, boucing my legs, moving my arms. I can get used to this feeling. It certainly beats the fatigued feeling that is for sure. I'll stick with what I'm doing and hope te great energy only gets better.
Looks like I've gone a week now with good energy. Yesterday was a great energy day. I had all kinds of energy and it was cold. The cold all to often takes away much of my energy. Not yesterday. I guess I could begin adding new foods to the diet but think I'll wait on doing that. I'll keep with my higher energy levels with the current diet. I'm not competely tires of the diet so I should be able to go longer.
It has been another good energy day. I worked out on my legs this moring too. That typically tires me out but not today.

A down side to working out is appearing less healthy. My hair is less oily. My skin is not as nice in appearance. In general I don't work out hard. For me it is a hard workout but for most others it would be very light. So imagine over time, having better energy, I'll look healthier after working out. With that said believe I'll take an extra day off for recovey. It would likely be a good move for me to do.

Today I wrote down the foods I'm eating that have given me good energy levels. Tomorrow I'm going to add two new foods to the diet, carrots and Sauerkraut. I've not eaten either tat much before but imagine they will be safe foods. Hope the good energy levels continue after eating those.
I shouldn't forget that honey is a natural laxative. Avoiding honey cashews might simply have giving me benefit by avoding the natural laxative effects of honey. THe honey cahews have potato starch but nightshade might not be the issue. Just to note down.
I feel good and energizeed this morning. It is wonderful. I hope this feeling becomes the norm. It is good and cold in the house too.

As writen yesterday I'll be picking up a few new foods this morning. Hope that goes well.

The next dietary trial wil be eating chicken I've decided. I'll avoid eggs. I've read a few times and a book I'm reading now brings it up again, that some believe egg cause allergy issues in most people. That is likley the case for me. I know eggs cause a rash, tongue sores and pitting in finger nailes. Chicken on the other hand I'm not as sure about. I know when I eat chicken I feel good. So possibly eating chicken is not a problem. I don't believe I've examoned this idea much in the past.

I was thinking of testing grass fed beef once again. I know that uotcome will not be good though. I'll feel miserable. I'll develp arthritis symptoms. My energy levels will drop. Grass fed beef does have some positive to, but overall it make me feel tarrible.

So I'll avoid eggs, and instead just eat chicken meat, starting next week or maybe the following week.
I've had good energy today but I'm more on the tired side. The tired feeling has all the hallmarks of working out to hard. So Ill but back on my workouts. I might even take a break from working out till the good energy returns.

Added the two new foods to my dit, carrots and saurkraut. I didn't eat much. Both are high in fiber and fiber can be a problem. I don;t believe the new foods tired me out thgouh.

Looking forward to the diet trail with chicken. I've always felt well when eating chicken and eggs, it's just the upset stomach that occurrs aftera month of eating it. Never really tried hard with eating just chicken though. at least nothing major with that idea comes to mind. Eating fish all the time is becoming normal but it would be nice to have another meat to eat.
h good I have better energy levels this morning. I'm not overly energetic but overall feeling less worn out. Fingers crossed the very good energy returns this afternoon. It is to warm up after this very cool spell and that will help.

Stomach doing OK though I still have a good amount of fear of a flare. That will take a long while to over come, if ever, that fear of being sick to the stomach. It will help of coure if my stomach improves further. .
The new foods I added to the diet, carrots and saurkraut are not working. I'm eating to much fiber and it is irritating my gut.

I suspect it is just to early for me to eat the fiber rich foods. I'll try again later this month.
I'm writing to much on this but it is good to have energy for a change. THink what I'll do is continue to eat a little sauerkraut and will add sweat potatoes back into the diet. I'll avoid carrots for now.

OK day with energy. It wasn't my best day but not bad either. I might do some working out in th morning. Will see.

I'm liable to give up on eating chicken. I'm now a bit afraid to do so. Maybe a long time from now I'll try that idea of eating only chicken and avoiding eggs.

I think my best best is the soy/bean theory that animals fed beans will cause stomach problems for me.
The morning is not starting out well. I feel all jittery. That is a well known feeling by me, caused by eating to much fiber typically. It is a feeling that means there is a higher chance of me being sick to my stomach today. So I'll continue to avoid carrots. I might also avoid sourkraut. I havn't eaten much of either but apparenly it was enough to irritate the gut. I don;t believe it to be an allergic reaction but I shouldn't dismiss that either.

So I'll take an easy today.

The good news is I appear healthier this morning. Taking 2 days off from exericing helped with that. My muscles feel good also. The fatigue is not there. Thought my energy levels are hurting this morning due ot the jittery feeling.
I've been worn out today. The fiber eaten the last couple of days did not sit well. But with that said I've not been sick to my stomach nor do my muscles hurt and ache. I'm just tired as eating fiber all to often does to me. I don't believe this to be a reaction I'm having. It just feels like fiber irritating the gut. Bit surprising. Thought I could handle it.
Oh good, I'm feeling better this morning. I can feel improved energy. OK so I need to continue to keep fiber intake low. ost likely my problem is fiber though it has dawned on my the rice dish that caused me to be dizzy has carrots in it. Maybe there is a connection. I doubt it but shouldn't ignore.
It's a good morning. I continuet to have good energy. I'm not reliably energetic but I'm slowly working my way in that directon wit this diet it seems.

One negative of late I've noticed is that my hair is more dry and brittle. i'm going to avoid the spter beats for awhile. I shuold anyway as it makes me gassy is taken for to long.

Work out yesterday with eeights I'm feeling fine from that. Once the weather turns warmer I'm looking forward to swimming once again. That is the tough work out on my muscles. It will be revealing on how well I'm going.

Stomach OK. nothing great but I do continue to now have any significant flares. It is something that bothers me psychologially though. I feel more confident on this diet, but it won't be till the stomach improves further that I'm going to be less fearful of traveling or being stuck in traffic. . .
What a wonderful day. I have quite good energy. I've been more energetic before but this current feeling has me near the top. I have some complaints, I always do, but overall it is a wonder energetic day.

Had another idea one that makes more sence about why my hair has been dried out. It is likely due to m eating grass fed beef 5 weeks ago. For a week I ate nothing but beef. That makes more sence. Myabe by the end of the month I'll be back to normal in the hair and skin department. It that happens that should put the final nail in the coffen for eating beef. I know eating grass fed beef gives me arthritis like pains. If it also makes me appear worse that is two strikes which in this case should be enough to be out.

at a bunch of wheat today. I'm feeling fater and bloated as a resut. it hasn't hurt my energy levels though. I'll work on the body fat later this year. It will likely be easier to get rid of if I maintain the fish diet. .
I end the day feeling tired and worn out. I'm blamin the wheat eaten and also that this is the seonc day since working out. I'm always the most fatigued on the second day.

Very good news though, I was welling using the bathroom today. I used the bathroom 3 times so not so great there, but always was pretty well. Thats a first in a long while. Hope I have many more days of being well to the gut.
I'm a little tired this morning and it is my fault. For breakfast i ate the last of the bread I had cooked up yesterday. It has me feeling a bit sluggist at the moment. Outside of that I'm doing well. It seems as long as I stay on this fish diet I do well. I do have a ways to go though. I'm far from recovered in any sense of the word.
Ugh, I need to find a new snack food. Eating wheat is not the best thing for me to do. The gut is fine. It's that it steals my energy. I'm feeling rather worn out after the wheat bread and olive oil. I need to find somthing else in the future to eat as a special snack. Rice doesn't seem to cause this issue. Maybe I'll look into that.
My morning is starting out good. I have good energy. I feel good all over. It is just a good morning. So this makes 2 weeks of having better enrgy levels than typical. I'll stick with avoiding beef, dairy and pork. Those appear to be the main energy stealers. I need to avoid eggs too. Eggs are a different trouble maker for me.

Yesterday was not that great, and that was due to eating a lot of wheat. I was basically experiencing brain fog and was tired all day though I wasn't fatigued. Best for me to stay away from wheat. I can eat a little but lots of wheat is not a good idea.

The two main ites of what I have remain, alpha gal or an allergy to beans and any animal fed beans.

If my good energy levels remain and my stomach is doing well I'll get back to testing turkey and chicken meat to see how I do. I seem to remember doing some testing of this idea but not going far with it. I have a sneaking feel i will be able to eat chicken and turkey with out to much trouble, though it will cuase me some minro troubles such as appearance not being as helathy as the fish diet.

I guess the main thing I need towach is energy levels. I wan to keep my energy levels elivated. .
Today has been an alright day. My energy levels have been good. I'm feeling fine. My muscles feel good. No brain fog. I found myself doing a good amount of reading. It was nice. I still feel nice and warm. It was 69f outside. Often in the past that would be on the cool side for me. Not today though. i found msyelf wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt and I felt fine.
I'm doing OK this morning. I had more energy 30 minutes ago. Now food is being digested and I'm feeling more on the tired side. at least that is my guess on what is going on. Appearance healthy. Hair is turning darker in color I believe. Glad to see that. I suspect i need to keep avoiding pork, eggs, beef and cheese.
Today wasn't my best day. I waas on the tired side. i'll blame that on the wheat eaten a few days ago. I've been sing the bathroom more often since eating all that wheat. I haven't been sick, just uisng the toilet twice as often. I believe that caught up with me today.

I have a good streak going with energy levels. Everyday isn't going to be great, so I'll just mark it down as one of those days.

I keep forgetting to write down something important concerning grass fed beef and coordination. When I last ate grass fed beef my nephew came to visit a week later. and during that visit I found myself uncoordinated. I'm not a bad tennis player when feeling well. But when I at the beef my coordination went away. This isn't the first time that this has happened after eating beef either.

Additinally I know well that pork will do the same. I eat pork and I lose my coordination.

So in a month I'll be seeing a nephew again. and I'll be asked to play sports. I will have avoided beef for 2 months by then. So will be a good test to see how my coodination is after eating fish for ahile, and possibly turkey and chicken. I might do a test of turkey and chicken late next wee, after my dental cleaning visit.
I'm feeling better this morning. I'm dressed warmer so that likelly helps. It is has turned cooler but isn't all that cold outside and in the house. So I'll stickw with the diet,have patience, and hope that avoiding pork, beef and eggs, will keep my stomach in good shape and energy levels higher. I am looking a bit chubby in the face and look forward to when I'm back at trying to lose weight. That should happen in another month.
It was a good energy day. I enjoyed it. I'm still not boiling over with energy just yet but I'm working in that direction I believe.

Temps were on the cool side and that never helps with energy levels. So once the warmer temps return I'll be enjoying greater energy. At least that is my theory.

Use the bathroom less. The wheat must finally be out of my body.
It is a good morning. my energy levels remain high. My muscles feel good. I'll probably do some working out this morning. WIsh the gut was doing better. It is cold in the house and outside but I feel warm eough. I'm comfortable.
Its a good day. I'm feeling nice and energetic. It is all relative of course. I can imagine a healthier person would be feeling more energy than I do but overall for me it's a wonderful day. Muscle feel good. Wish I appeared healthier than I do but imagine that will come. I'll keep avoiding pork, beef, and eggs.

Bought a few chicken items this morning while at the store. i don't know why. I'm not even sure if I'll ever test chicken again. I'd like chicken to work. It might, but then again it likely will not work out. I should just stick with the fish diet at least for a long while.
I noticed today that my hair color has returned. Good to see. Color seen is darker brown. While on the fish diet a few have commented on how my hair color has chaged from light brown hair to dark brown. When I ate beef over a month ago my hair went back to a lighter color brown. Now having avoided beef for over a month my hair is back to being darker brown. At least for today. I'll have to monitor in the coming days.
I'm feeling OK this morning but a little bit tired too for some reason. I'm going to blame the chilly morning weather for that. Imagine by this afternoon as if warms up I'll feel more energetic. Hair remains darker in color. Bathroom habits pretty much the same. Some times I have a better acting gut but that is almost alwys in the afternoon morning. Mornings tend to see te worst of the gut.
Today was pretty the same as previous days. Energy levels remain good.

i have noticed this week that I believe my swoell stomach has become less swollen. My parnts are loser. Viewing the stomach is appears somewhat smaller. So good sign I believe, though I can do without the lose pants. Thankfully it hasn't beomce a big issue. I was earing a 32 and now on te fish diet longer term I've gone down to a 31. I might keep dropping in size. I'd hate that.

I can tell I am eating to many nuts. It is very slightly irritating my gut. Hopefully that is a short term issue. I'll keep eating the nuts and hope I heal.Had some aches and pains in my legs. Fiber or an irritated gut can cause that. The leg pain isn't all that problematic though.
Dping the same as before pretty much. I wan tto say I'm in a folding pattern but that isn't true. I can feel more, more energy of late. So hope this conttinues. I'm doing pretty good eating fish all the time. Hope the continues to go well for me. I'll likely try eating chicken again. It would be best if I was healthier for that as I would be able to tell better if it is working or not.
Had a very nice complement while getting my hair cut. Jewel kept saying how good and healthy I looked. She was saying high bright and clear my eyes look. She thought I had blue eyes now too. I can't tell since my eye sight became worse on the fish diet. So thought that great. Others have said similar to me. There is little doubt I look healther on the fish diet, along with feeling better.

Had very good energy levels today. I didn't have the hyper energybut was pretty close to that.
Today has been a ixed day. Woke up feeling good and energetic. Then worked out relatively hard and now this afternoon I'm tired and fatigued. I thought I was past this. I was hoping I was past the overly fatigued feeling. I'm a bit concerned about it, but figure the chances are I'll back doing better by tomorrow. OUtside of that I'm dong OK.
Feeling better this morning. I ended up sleeping in by an hour or two. not like me but I was tired yesterday. with that said by yesterrday evening I was feeling mback to normal. So I guess my fatigue and tireness was only a half day event.

Appear healthy. Appears I need to lose weight too. hair still looks darker since avoiding beef and dairy.
I weighed myself this afternoon. It was disgusting. I weighted 178lbs. I'mup at least 10lbs. But not all is bad. I found I apparently remain thin around the waist. Some shorts that used to be to tight before I began trying to lose weight still fit just fine and were even a little lose. I recall too that my waist size dropped from 32 to 31. So maybe I'm putting on muscle with this fish diet. It reminds me of the information I read on the vikings. The author pointed out that the viking were much bigger than other people and bone analysis of vikings found they ate a lot of sea food. So it was though that Vikings were bigger than others due to eating lots of sea food.

On the negative side I'm a very poor communicating or late. Nothing new there. But I'm going to blame the nuts I'm eating for doing that. I have better energy and the muscles feel good on the fish diet. But it won't be till I have better energy that I begin to communicate better.

I still hvae a good amount of weight to lose. i might fasting next week. Drop the weight a few pounds. Maybe see if I can get back to 170lbs.
Doing alright this morning so far. I have little to compain about. Last night I didn't use the magnesium spray. Wanted to see if that does anything for me. I'm bee eating a lot of foods rich in magnesium. Te spray might be causing to much magnesium. Will see. Appear healthy this morning. Energy levels alright. This makes 4 weeks of above average energy levels. Look forward to having even more energy.
It's been a good energy day. I'm pleased about that. It's on the cool side and while I don't feel all that cold I'm wishing it was warmer. Rather slow day. I'm typically to tired and worn out to b board so as I joke it is good for me to be board. If I can some more energy and the weather turns warmer I'll have to get out and do some yard projects.

Gut could be better. It hasn't show much in the way of improvement. I might have to give up nuts and see if that helps. Maybe a trial I'll look into once the weather turns warmer.
Morning is starting out well enough. I have good energy. I can compalin about the cold. It is chilly this morning. I'm thinking of only eating one meal today. I'm not sure if I'll handle that well though due to the chilly weather. hair remains darker in appearance. Glad about that. Muscles feel good. I'm hanging in there with only eating fish. I'm not sure if I can eat chicken or not but the idea keeps crossing my mind. It would be best though if I become healther before testing out chicken and turkey. Joints feel good. No arthritis since kicking the beef out of the diet. .
I didn't make it with only eating one meal today. I had lucnh afterall. i'm tire and fatigued. It is the second day since working out and the second day of recovery hurts the worst. I was hungry. Outside of that though I'm doing well, appear healthy enough too. To me that is a good sign that I'm heading in the right direction with my diet. I'll keep avoidng beef, pork and eggs. Avoiding chicken also but undoutably at some point that will change.
I'm feeling pretty tired and beat up this morning. My main theory on that is I've had more energy than typical and as a result I want to us the energy. Now I'm worn out. I might be wrong about that. What I'm going to do differently this time is take a break from working out. I'm going to look to rest up and get more energy back. In the past i'd just try to push through the pain but thathasn't worked out well for me. The recovery takes longer than I suspect is my guess.

OUtside of that I'm doing OK. weather is a little warmer this morning and that feels good.

yesterday I only ate one mel and it made me feel good. I've noticed that in the past, on the fish diet I can fast and feel better for it. If I fast to many times though I'll begin to feel run down.

This is in contract to eating a bird diet. It came as a surprise to me that if i fast on a diet where i'm eating eggs, chicken, turkey i'll have a flare. I'll have lots of diarreha for 3 to 4 hours when I fast on that diet.

Course now I'm at some point going to see if I can eat chicken meat with out having problems. I might just have an allergy to eggs. with that said i have doubts. I'm, this morning, thinking chicken meat will cause me health issues too.
Hate to admit it but I'm tired today. Hopefully with more rest I'll go back to how I was recently with better energy. WIth that said I'm not doing badly. I'm still more energetic than a typical day.

Appearance looks good and healthy. Glad about that. Helps me to stick witht he fish diet.
Not a whole lot new to note down today.

On the positive my diarrhea has improved this week. It is hard to describe other than improvements seen. Hope that continues. I ave a long ways to go in that department though.

Looks like I have a result from my sea salt experiment this week. To my surprise eating more sea salt has caused my hair to turn darker. I though ti might do differently. The idea being that possibly it was the salt I added to beef that was giving me troubles. Seems that hasn't been the case.

energy decnet. I'm not overflowing with energy but I can't complain to much. I can do about anything I want. Well, being on my feet most of the day would be hard but overall I'm doing well with energy.
168lbs lqst night I finally switched out my two scales. I did that because when I was last at the doctors I was weighed. And I found out the scale that has me weighing less was the same as the scale the doctor was using. So I'm going with the doctor scale being right. My goal this sumer is to weigh around 160lbs so reaching that will be easier.

I'm going to do an experiment of avoiding all grains (rice, wheat, corn,) I did this idea not that long ago but didn't take many notices, did write any changes noticed. I'll do a better job this time. I know that rice when eaten in large quantities will make me sick. I've figured that to be due to the brown rice fiber. That theroy could be wrong. so I'll find out. Also too there is the Chinese rice dish I was eating over a month ago that I found made me dizzy. I blamed the soy in the rice mix. That could be wrong.

So far I'm off to a good start with avoiding rice. I feel more awake this morning and I didn't feel all that well. Typically after breakfast I'm tired out. That is now how I feel right now. I'm good and awake and I decent energy levels.
So far since avoiding rice I have been feeling more energetic, little doubt about that. So off to a good start with the avoid all grains test.
I'm feeling good this morning. My energy levels feel as if they have the potential to be very high later today. I don't feel tired. My diarrhea was improved. So, so far all if good with avoiding all grains, rice in particular.

For many years I used to avoid all grains. I did better eating that way but still had a lot of health issues. Eating grain free was not a cure for me. Now I know other foods are problematic fro me, such as pork, and eggs. Maybe those are the foods that held me back from recovering. Time will tell.

With eating beef and arthritis i might be wrong about that. When i was eating beef I was sometimes eating it with rice noodles. It could have been the rice noodles that caused my problem and not the grass fed beef.

Don't feel dizzy this morning. I'll keep avoiding rice. It is looking like rice is what caused the dizzy spells in the past. Then again it is very early in this trial experiment to make that conclusion.
This morning looking at my hair it appears once again darker in color. THis time too I don't see grey hairs, or very few gray hairs. Don't know how that works but good change to see.

THinking about it, live stock animals are few diets high in grains, corn in particular. I've been thinkng soy and soy fed fed to animals was a problem for me. It might be corn fed to animals that is the problem. I'll of course monitor and work on that later.
I've been feeling good and strong today. My energy levels are nice. Once thing I've been able to do is reading for a good while without falling asleep. I still get tired though after 30 minutes of reading and need to get up and walk around a bit.

It has been a good move on avoiding rice and other grains so far. I'll stick with the diet.
Doing OK this morning. Slept in over an hour. I worked out yesterday so I'm assuming that is the cause of that. Stomach doing better. Energy levels feel good. I might fast today and just eat one meal. I was around 167lbs ad would like to get down to 165lbs. That shouldn't be to difficul to do. Appearance healthy. I'll keep avoiding all grains rice in particular.
This is kind of exciting, some electrical shocks in my left foot have stoped. I'm not sure what that problem came about. Over the last few years though from time to time my left foot can experience a painful electrical type shock. It doesn't happen ever day but when it doeshappen it quickly gets my attention. Due to the shocks i've come to learn it best to not wiggle my left foot much. If I do move the foot around a bunch the shocks are liable to happen.

Well since I begn avoiding rice a day or two ago the shocked stopped. all day today I've been wiggling the left foot around and nothing bad has happened. Bit to early to declare vicotry on that, but I'll take the reprieve from the painful condition. More reasons for me to continue to avoid rice for now.

Doing well. Weighed myself a bit ago and was surprised to se i was 166lbs I should wake up 165lbs in the morning. It has occurred to me that losing weight might be easier avoiding rice and all grians.

In the near future I'm going to have some hamburger and tomato sauce. In the past blamed that for arthritis feelings. I might have been wong around that. It could have been rice noodles causing the arthritis. I'll experience after Thursday and find out.
165lbs. Doing OK this morning. I fasted yesterday. My energy levels are still high this morning. Diarrhea improved. ince avoiding all grains I'm having better bathroom habits. At least so far.
Doing OK today. Had a nice leg workout this morning. Energy levels are on the higher side.

One problem I'm finding with the new diet of avoiding grains is that I feel like I'll be sick to my stomach. Dont know why. that old fear though has come back. With that said the gut has been good. It isn't acting up. I'mmore well than before. But the feeling I'm getting of late is a feeling I've had in the past before being sick. Hope that doesn't happen. I've done very well on the fish diet. Don't know why avoiding rice would bring a sickness on, but I am in fear at the moment. Don't want to be sick and stuck in traffic this time of year.
Forgot to note down, still have not had the electric shock in the foot since avoiding grains. Ive been trying to cause that issue and nothing. I'm pleased about that.

And I've been communicating well on this diet. I've not had a bad day with talking yet. I'll keep avoiding rice, other grains, along with pork, eggs, and the other usual items.

TOmorrow or Thusday I'll be eating some grass fed beef in tomato sauce. I want to see if I experience the arthritis pains or not.
Slow day today. I'm fasting for the second time this week and I'm feeling more tired as a result. With that said overall doing OK. Weight is 164lbs at the moment. I might be 163lbs in the morning. I wouldn't mind getting down to 160lbs in the days ahear. Tomorrow I'm planning on eating beef. That will likely cause me to gain weight though. Hope the beef eating turns out well. I'll be looking closely to see if I develop the arthritis pains. This will determine if it is the rice noodles that hurt my joints or not.
164lbs. I'm doing alright this morning. Energy levels are flat. Stomach OK. Actually I shuold be concerning with the stomach. I'm liable to need to the use the bathroom urgently later. Will see. I'll be eating beef later to see if I develop arthritis. Fingers crossed I don't. Look a little ont he ruff side. That is due to working out often.
I am exhausted this eveing. I was on my feet for a few hours doing some work. I'm pretty well worn out. But I did have a very good bathroom day. That's a rareity. As a result I stuck with the fish diet. Think though tomorrow I'll eat beef and see if I have any arthritis issues.
bathroom habits ontinue to improve since avoiding rice and all other grains. That is wonderfu. Hope it results in improved energy levels soon. As mentioned earlier I've avoided all grians in the past, for a long period of time and i didn't become well. So there is something tlse that is a problem. It wouldn't surprise me if cheese is that trouble maker. I'll keep avoiding cheese. I'm going to test grass fed beef this afternoon. Hope I do well with it. Imagine I will.
I'm going to avoid the kelp/iodine supplement for awhile and see if that helps with some skin and hair dryness. In the past I noticed that kelp caused this issue.

Outside of that doing OK. I'm a bit frustrated with my phone systerm which stocped working. I could do without the stress.

Stomach doing well. Enegy levels OK.
Forgot to note down, ate beef today in tomato sauce. So far no arthritis in my joints. I'll of course check again tomorrow.
Oh good, I do appear healthier since avoiding the kelp iodine supplement this morning. I'll continue to avoid it.

Stomach continues to improve. Grearful for that.

No arthritis this morning. I'll keep eating the grass fed beef and tomato sauce. Hope the arthritis stays ago. I'm guessing this morning that it is the rice noodles that caused me health issues.
A bit tired this afternoon but doing OK. Think I'll eat low carb for a week and see if that helps to drop a few more pounds. In 14 days family is coming to visit. It would be nice to be down to 160lbs. I'm around 165lbs now. Figure with beef working out and not causing arthritis It will be easier on me to eat that way. Hope it doesn't hurt my energy levels.

So diet for now is to avoid all grains, and avoid animals fed corn. I'll just eat fish wild caught and grass fed beef.
Forgot to mention, I still have not had any electrical type shocks on my left foot since avoiding rice and all grains. Amazing.
Doing lousy this morning. I started eating low carb this morning and so far I'm feeling rather lousy. My energy levels are poor. I appear run down. So I'll give this a try for the day. If it doesn't workout I'll go back to fasting.

Weight was 165lbs this morning. I'd like to drop to 160lbs. Fasting helps me to lose weight. Getting to 165lbs is easy. Getting to 160lbs is more difficult. Losing weight and keeping it off with fasting doesn't work for me all that well. Maybe trying something new such as low carb will work better with fat lose. I hope so and hope it works fast.

No arthritis this morning. I am pleased about that.
I have survived my first day of eating low carb. I'm feeling more energetic this afternoon. Appearance improved some. Don't have any arthritis in my joints. Stomach doing well. I'm feeling hungry but since I'm eating less I'm guessing that is the cause of that. No weight loss seen so far. I'm 168lbs last I checked so maybe gained a bit of weight. Hope not. The morning is the important weight time. Stomach does appear flatter though so that is good.
I survived my first day eating low carb. Weight is 165lbs. I've purposely put on some shorts that are on the tight side. I'm not sure if I could wear these or not last week. What I'll do though is see if I can wear them comfortably one week from today. That will be the best judge to let me know if the diet is working for me or not. Fingers crossed it works.

No arthritis. I'm glad about that, and I'm eating a lot of grass fed beef. Stomach doing OK. It is pretty than before when I was eating rice. Feel hungry on this current diet. I am eating a lot less food so I guess to be expected. Energy levels are good.
The diet is going well. I'm down some in weight, around 164lbs and I had good energy. For a good portion of the day I was on my feet. That was exciting. Hope the stomach improves further. I'll keep avoiding all grains. This evening I'm earing some shorts that were to tight to wear the other day. They fit nicely now.
I'm going to avoid citrus and see how my energy levels go, whether they improve or not. I'll eat pineapple instead.
Wow I came in at 163lbs this morning. and I had eaten a snack before going to bed. I rarely do that. I probably would have woken up at 162lbs if I hadn't eaten the snack.

I'm going to change gears. I'm going to stop the low carb eating. It is a hard way for me to eat I'm finding. Instead I'm going to just avoid oranges - along with continuring to avoid rice,, eggs others grains, along with pork, and commercial meats.

When I began eating low carb a few days ago I stopped eating oranges. Instead i began eating pineapple. Oranges and citrus are foods known for causing me some health issues. In particular I talk poorly when I'm eating citrus. I've known about that for awhile.

So I'll watch my enrgy levels to see if they improve when avoiding oranges. So far I'm off to a good start. I'm a bit amazed that i'm not all that tired this morning as i worked out pretty hard on my legs yesterday. Typically I'd be feeling it by now, this morning is different though. at the moment I'm feeling nothing from my legs, no fatigue, no soreness.
I realy am feeling good today. I'm talking well and I feel strong. I've known for a time that oranges do make me slightly phelmy which can hurt my talking. I've tried before in the past to get the stomach well by avoiding citrus but never could get it to work. Maybe with the other foods that are trouble makers I'll get somewhere.

Ate lots of carbs today. I'm doing fine for now. I'm liable to go back to eating low carb. For the couple days I tried I dropped weight quickly, quickly for a weight area that has been tough for me to get past when fasting. For at least the next couple days though I'll get myself stronger I hope and take it from there.

Good day. I'll stick with this diet of avoiding grains, citrus, and the other regular items.
I am tired this morning. The lag exercises done the other day caught up withme. With that said I'm not feeling sore. My stomach is in good shape too. Weight was 164lbs. So 4lbs to go tilllatest goal of 160 or once I can wear those shorts. The shorts cna be worn now but are not very comfortable or look all that good. 4lbs lost should do the trick. I won't have good energy today. Tomorrow will likely be different.
I'm pretty worn down and fatigued today. I'm pretty certain this is due to the hard workout I had the other day on my legs. I just got carried away lifting to much.

there is good news though. I'm am talkingvery well. I'm frequently blamed fatigue for the poor talking in the past. I'm going to have to rethink that. I've known for some time now that organes/citrus ca be problematic with talking well. But didn't think oranges caused a problem that warranted avoiding the fruit. I'm now thinking I have been wrong about that. Talking poorly is a practical problem but also embarrassing. It's one of the major issues I'd like to see revolved, along with stomach problems and fatigue. Looks like i should consider avoiding oranges permanently. It is like pork. I know I'm not able to eat pork witout causing me a good amount of pain. eating oranges is less of a problem but certainly an issue. I'll continue to monitor this avoiding oranges. I might just be going through a good spell with speaking. But for now I'm noticing a big change in my talking abilities, even on a day such as this where I'm about as fatigued as I can be.
I'm doing much better this morning. The worst of the fatigue has passed. I'm still a bit worn out from the hard exercising done the other day but overall it should be a better day.

This morning breakfast was low carb. I'm going to make another effort to reah 160lbs and to lose ther belly fat.

I'm thinking of placing oranges and cirrus into the allergy category. I guess I have two categories. There are allergies and then there are problematic foods. Pork and pumpkins are allergies. they case me pain and suffering when eaten. Wheat, rice, and corn are problematic foods. I can some grains and not become sick but to much and i have problems.

Avoiding dairy/milk is more of a vanity issue. I appear healthier avoiding dairy. I guess too though dairy does make me feel less energetic so it can also go into the problematic category.

Weight this morning 164lbs.
Was sluggish today but had better energy today than yesterday. Still not major eletrial shocks in the left foot since avoiding grains and citrus foods. I had some minor electrial shocks but not enough to be a bother.

this afternoon my legs felt a little heavy. had me somewhat concerned. It goes with the poor energy I believe.

ate low carb today. I appear as if I lost weight, which I have. I'm 164lbs a the moment. I'll likely wake up at 163lbs Imagine I'll be up for eating the same way tomorrow. Would be nice to get to 162lbs.
Feelng upbeat and ready for the day. I'm not feeling fatigued anymore. I might even do some weight lifting as a result, though I'll take an easy and not stress myself this time.

Stomach remains improved since avoiding citrus. I'm pleased about that of course.

Weight 165lbs. I didn't lose weight. Bummer. I'll stick with the low carb though. I'd like to see the last of the belly fat gone.
Well not good. For this morning I've been flaring. I'm not in pain. I'm not all that bad off. But I am running to the bathroom often.

I know the cause. For the past week I've only eaten grass fed beef. This has been an experiement and hope that I'd be able to eat that to lose some weight/fat.

So I better get back into the fish diet. I'll start that tomorrow. I don't know why the fish diet works. It doesn't make me well but it has kept the flares away which gives me good confidence. that will be most important this month, with my sister and her family coming to visit and with traffic being at its worst this month. The roads are going to be crowded till April. I don't want to be stuck in traffic with a stomach flare.
The rest of the day went fine. Don't like being sick but this was a mild flare. It has been a rare thing to happen over the past few months though due to the fish diet. I'm not used to that kind of illness.

My eyes are looking brighter. For a long time I've written about bright blue eyes. I've known that avoiding dairy will cause my eyes to turn bluish but they never turned bright. Maybe I need to avoid citrus for that to happen.

Energy levels not so great. I'll likely get back to eating normal. I'l plan on losing weight once I can swim more. It is to cool to swim in the pool.