My journey to getting well

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Last night was a strange night. I woke up around 12 or 1 and was wide awake ready to start the day. It even had me thinking I'd grab a bite to eat. Instead I just had a glass of water. Went back to bed and woke up having slept in by 2 hours. I'm still on the tired side right now though I'm doing good overall.

Yesterdays illness from eating grass fed beef reminded me that similar happens when I've been on a chicken diet or diet of only eating chicken. So something happens when I stop eating fish. Don't know what, it's a mystery. Overall though i wasn't all that sick yesterday. Unpleasant but short lived. And now I'm back on the fish diet, and expect I'll be reliably well soon.

I have a couple theories on why fish helps me. One theory is that fish oil has an anti inflammatory effect on the gut making me more wel. I've tried eating liquid fish oil though and that did not help me. There might be a reason for that. The fish oil is always flavored with citrus. Having an allergy to pork gelatin keeps me from taking fish capsules. And now with my thinking that citrus is a likel allergy, liquid fish oil would be a problem also.
Feeling upbeat today. I am tired and fatigued a good amount but I remain communicating quite well. I love it. Family is coming to town one week from today and I have a good feling that I'll still be communicating well then. Being in crowds is not much fun for me due to the talk problems. Since avoiding citrus I'm doing much better in that area.

So hope this continues. Course all could change for the worse at time goes on. Hope not but will be monitoring of course.

Gut doing better today. I also picked out at lunch. Low carb eating is over for now.
Woke up to a surprise this morning. i weighed 162lbs and I hadn't even tried to lose weight. The fish diet seems to do that though. It not only is easier on the gut but also tends to lead to weight loss for me. Think I'll fast today and see if I can reach down to the goal weight of 160lbs on my favorite scale. The upstairs scale remains a bitter disappointment.. The all important belly fat appears to have shrunk also. That is the untimate goal, be rid of the stubborn belly fat.

Gut is doing well this morning. My energy levels are so so. Appearance healthy. I'm on the look out for the bright blue eyes. I might see them in a month or two I'm speculating as long as I avoid citrus. I've been well to the stomach overall in the past and of the few times that happened i always had the bright blue eyes. Hope those show up soon.
I was 162lbs again this morning. Glad to seee that. Think I try an experiment. I will try fasting for 23 hours today and see if I drop down to 160lbs. It might be that avoiding citrus is a key for helping me to lose weight. At the moment it is looking that way.

Gut is doing well. Energy levels are decent. Appearance OK. Oh, I added rice back into the diet. I'll monitor to see if anything changes as a result.
a bit tired and worn out this morning. To be expected since I fasted yesterday. No weight loss but I appear visually to have lost weight. I'm not to surprised about the lack of weight loss as here of late I've noticed on my two day low carb trials it was the second day that I lost weight, but not after the first day.

Gut continues to do better since avoiding citrus.

Tomorrow I'll likely start a two day low carb diet. I'll hate it but that should once and for all get rid of a decent portion of the belly fat that remains.
I'm doing ok this morning. My energy levels are so so. appearance could be better. But overall I'm doing alright. I guess a big improvement is being seen with diarrhea. That has changed for the better since avoiding citrus.

Today I had a regular meal. I decided I'm going to try eating low carb after my nephew and sister leave. I want to be in the best shape as possible when they come to visit. Low carb eating and fast does ware me out even more than I natural am. It is important that I have decent energy. I'm going to say my weight was 163lbs this morning though I was between 162 and 163lbs.
I'm a bit tried this morning. Yesterday I did workout some so that likely explains the fatigue. Overall though doing OK. Gut continues to improve. Avoiding citrus continues to look like a good move for me. Hope in a few months on this diet I'll have healed up further.
Something I've been keeping an eye on is my belly. After eating a meal my belly can swell up. For awhile I've not been able to tell if te swelling was simply me being fatter than wished or if my inflamed gut swells from the food eaten.

Well I might have an answer. Since avoiding citrus my belly has not been swelling nearly as much. It does still poof out some. But overall it is not nearly as big as it used to me. I've been able to even wear tighter shirts and not see a belly bulge after a meal.

So I'll keep monitoring this. I'm still not 100% certain about citrus getting rid of the belly swelling. It is interesting though and I'm plleased about it.

With this said I still have some fat to lose. I'm close to where I want to be but there remains some more fat to take off and be rid of. I'm hoping that maybe a week or low carb starvation will do the trick and get me back to my ideal weight.
165lbs. I'm tired and fatigued. That is easy to explain. today is the 2nd day since working out and the 2nd day nearly always has me feeling the worst. I'll be fine just a bit onn the sore and tired side.

I remain talking well. Love that. It has my personality changing some. When talking poorly I'm likely to avoid conversation. Now I don't mind it, typically, so long as I'm not overly tired and fatigued. Guy at the store the other day wanted to joke around with me and I was not having anything to do with it. to tired. I'm sure he didn't understand.

Stomach still continues to improve. It has improved greatly actually since before avoiding citrus. Of course hope the healing keeps getting better.

appearance healthy. Pleased about that. Still of course want to drop a few more fat pounds. I will soon.

excited that my nephews are coming to visit starting this weekend. Will be good to see sister too. Hope she is in a good mood. I should have OK energy for their visit. Keeping the nephews entertined is my main job on these things and I believe I'll be up for the task.
Stomach continues to do better. No doubts about that. and with that said I know very well it wouldn't take much for me to become sick. It is nice though that I'm doing better in that regard. Maybe in a month or two I'll be much better.

I have for the week been eating beef. I'll eat fish for one meal and grass fed beef for another. It is working out well so far.

Stomach remains flat. It isn't swollen as it can become.

Don't know my weight tis morning but it is likely up some as I had a snack last night. I also slept in this morning by an hour and 30 minutes. The snack lik3ly caused me to b sleepy The is not that happy after I eat food still.
Mixed day. I hurt less, feel less fatigued but I am tired. Wish I had better energy. Appearance healthythough. Good sign. Relatives come to town tonight. I'll be busy tomorrow I imagine. Hope I have the energy to keep up with everyone. Imagine I wil but will have to push myself at times. Stomach still remains flet, less bulgy. I love that. I'm guessing that most likely means less gut inflmmation. Bathroom habits remain excellent also.
Energy levels better this moring though with that said I remain tired. It is likey the grass fed beef mainly causing this I'm guessing it is harder to digest. But I'll do what I have to do to push forward. Imagine it will be a good day. I'll likely be on my feet for a good portion of the day being with family guests. Hope i make it but if not there is the couch to pass outon.

Stomach doing OK. Appearance healthy. Can't think of much else to complain about. Real pleased about the improved gut.
Some notable mentions worth noting down. I was well to my gut Ya!! Of course a very good sign for my health.

Also other noticed that my eye color is chaning. I have blue eyes and they are turning brighter.

On the bad side of things I'm very very tired and fatigued today. That has been the trend unfortunately. I'm guessing this tirdness and fatigue is going to be here for some time. I suspcet what is going on is that as i get better to the gut, the gut does not like being used and touched. It is inflamed and sore. It prefers diarrhea. Being somewhat well irritates it and that in turn wares me out. Eating to much fiber will cause a similar feeling. So I'll just have to do what I can to fight throught it and be genal with the gut.

went for a short bike ride today. The wind was blowing at a good pace so when ridiing against the wind found myself naturally having to pump the piddleess hard and with that use stomach musles. The gut did not like that and I'm really tired as a result. So using my e-bike in the near future is most important at this time.
I'm going to go back on the fish diet and see if it helps with my energy issue. I doubt it will but I'll take a look at see. The fish diet certainly helps some of the gut health. I have little doubt about that.

Use the bathroom more today and it helped with my energy levels. It does seem the less material that is in my colon the better I feel. I don't think that is an allergy issue. I believe it to be an inflatioin problem that will take a long time to heal. But I could be wrong.
I did well today. hard to say if the fish diet gave me greater energy but I was feeling energic this afternoon. Later in the day i tired myself out though. Gut feel good. I'll stick with the fish diet likely this week. Oh, nearly forgot, while eating grass fed beef my teeth on the left side began to hurt. I'mguessing that was cause simply by beef being harder to chew, but who knows, maybe something else was going on. As always will monitor. The teeth feel better this afternoon after only eating fish.
The morning i started out mixed. In some areas I'm feeling awful. In other areas though I'm noticing improvement. Some of the awfulness I'm guessing comes from eating to much dark chocolate. I know from the past that i can't over do it with eating choclate it will have me feeling poorly. So I'll cut back on that.

The other bad issue is likely due to eating beef. I wondered the other day if the worn down tire feeling I was having was due to the gut being used more or if it was an allergy to beef. I'm guessing this morning allergy. Beef is weird I suppose. It can lkely help improve the gut but at the same time make me feel miserable and ill.

trying to interpret what is going on is a nearly improssible task but this morning that is what I'm leaning toward, an allergy to beef or something fed to cattle such as beans. I'll stick with the fish diet. Imagine that will have me feeling better in a day or two.

Oh, another problem beef auses me is a great amount of yawning. That is a problem I'm having now too. Rather annoying.

I'll check on citrus at another time. It might not be an issue afterall. My gut being better might be due to beef and not avoiding citrus, though beef makes me feel miserable. Beef is high in iron and iron is constipating.
I'm feeling much better now this aftrnoon. Glad that a short feeling of sickness.

Today I'm thinking as much as I want grass fed beef to work for me, it isn't. I have some positives with grass fed beef. But I also have some negatives that make me feel miserable. It is one of those things that I don't have a clear answer to but the trand does point to me being healthier when I avoid beef.

Last time I looked into rice and grains to see how much of a problem they are for me. I didn't explore that idea to far. I better do more work in this area. In the days ahead I'll begin to add more rice to my diet. I know if the past eating to much rice will make me sick. I've not tried this idea though while eating only fish. I won't try this idea tillthe gut is doing even better. Maybe sometime in April I'll double up on eating rice and see what happens. I could do similar with eating corn too.
DId OK today. Bit tired but nothing out of the normal. Morning was lousy as written earier but in the end not to lousy. Probably more frightened than anything. Eating beef has me on edge.

I'm going to continue to avoid citrus. Might as well. I noticed some positives from it, or at least thought I noticed positives. Changes did happen but why they happened is not entirely certain. So I'll stick avoiding oranges and other citrus. I've been eating pineapple and grapes for fruit instead.
Doing alright this morning. I'm avoiding citrus, beef, pork, and the other usual items. My energy levels this morning are good. Apperance healthy enough. wWeight 164lbs. That is something, since avoiding citrus keeping my weight steady has been easier. I'm right at 164lbs pretty consistently. Bathroom performance remains improved. I'm not well but much better than before when I was eating citrus.
Here is another change I've noticed since avoiding beef a few days ago. I was complaining then that a tooth was aching. I iigued the ache was due to either beef being more chevy and that hurt my tooth. Or it was similar to what I noticed with the gut, beef being hard on the gut and my muscles.

Don't know the answer for certain but I'm learning toward beef being an allergen resulting in painfulness. Will see. Hope I continue to do well on the fish diet. My energy levels are nice and high this morning. I'm pleased with that.
Doing well this mornnig. The stomach remains less inflamed, less puffed out and more flat instead. Bathroom haibts are greatly improvedsince I began avoiding citrus. Energy levels have been above normal. I'll keep avoiding citrus, and for now remain on the fish diet.
Once again I've had above average energy levels. I'm also remaning decently well to the stomach. Like the trend and hope it keeps getting better.
Oh good, this morning I with bathroom habits returned to my usual selfwhen on the fish diet. Course I'll want to repeat a few times to see if this is a return to a normal or a one time type event.

i keep going round and round in my mind, am I able to eat beef. there is some indications that I am able to do so. It helps if I also eat cheese with beef. Doing that can make my gut entirely well. But on the down side I'll feel miserable and have a host of health issues, such as dental problems. I don't know.

I hate to admit but highly suspect that beef is like pork for me, but more suble with symptoms. Beef is something I should avoid, at least that is my main thinking. The other part of me though really wants to be able to eat beef. Eating fish alll the time gets cold. The reality though is that I don't see how I can eat beef. It is a problem food for me. So I'll keep waging this battle in my mind for some time. I shoud just give up and stick with wild aught fish. It is safe. I am disappointed that I haven't bcome more healthy on the fish diet but at least I haven't gotten worse when on the fish diet.

Oh early in the week when I had my scare, I blamed chocolate for causing me to become dizzy. I've been eating lots of chocolate to see if I an repeat that effect. No success. Most likely the dizziness was caused by eating beef.

Tooth still hurts just a touch but is much better since avoiding beef. Hope it continues to improve.

Weight 164lbs.
Well, lets see. I'm doing well today. Energy levels are up. I'm not looking so great but not all that surprisiing. Still thinking I need to give up on grass fed beef. It isn't entirely straight forward like pork, but beef doesn't appear to agree with me. I'll stick with the fish diet from now on. No point in fighting it. It is what is it.

Don't know why that Chinese dish made me so dizzy months ago. It is likely the soy sause in it. Might be the rice though. I've ordered some rice caakes. I'll at some point begin eating a lot of rice cakes and see what happens.

Don't entirely know why I did better with avoiding citrus. I'll keep avoiding it. I don't mind. I've replaced citrus with pineapple and I like fresh pinapple more anyway.

Once again think I'll stop wriiting so much. THink I have some answers once again. It is best that I don't think to much about my diet. I should just do what I've learned.
Should note I have very good energy levels this morning. I'm a little over 2 and a half weeks since avoiding citrus. This whole week I've had good energy levels. THIS Morning is the best energy morning yet. So avoiding citrus has been a good move. I'll continue to avoid citrus along with everything else.

It of couse would be ideal if all I have is a citrus allergy and other items later become easier to digest. It could happen.
As I wrote earlier I shouldn't think to much on my diet anymore. It isn't cystal clear but it does seem clear that I'm not able to eat beef or dairy products without it causing me problems. My health problems don't start right away but they show up within a week.

The last of the problems I had with beef has gone away today. My left eye was slghtly shut after my last round of eating beef. This has happened before with beef. Glad it is gone.

Sticking with the fish diet will not be entirely easy. I'll dream of reasons why I should be able to eat beef, or chicken. Hopefully I'll have enough memory of the health issues created so that I stay away.

A problem with the fish diet is that while I do better, I don't heal up. My gut is better but not healed. My energy levels are better but not great. I've read that for some it can take years to recover. Maybe that is what it will take for me, years to see significant improvement.
It does appear that my diarrhea has return to more normal conditions on the fish diet. It took a week for that to happen.

Beef has caused me a considerable amount of confusion. In some respects I do better with the gut when I eat beef. On the other made beef can make my stomach condition worse, much worse at times, and more painful. I wish it was more like pork, easier to tell if it is a problem food or not. Well, beef is a problem. I shouldn't have doubts about that.
I need to keep on top of the citrus avoidance trial. I keep having good energy days since avoiding citrus. I'm ruffly at 3 weeks of avoiding citrus and about half these days I've had above average energy levels.

I can remember last year whole on the fish diet having a few good energy days but not many. That was a constant stuggle for me, having good energy levels. So I'll keep recording my energy levels o the citrus avoidtance trial. Hope the energetic days continue. Also I'm exercising hard. I've been averaging over 10 iles a day in walking and light jogging. That is typically enough to have me feeling worn down. That has not been the case though here of late.
I'm more tired today. All the exercising is catching up to me. So I guess the citrus idea verdict is still out.
Wanted to remind myself that while I've quite tired and fatigued today, my diarrhea remains improved considerably since avoiding citrus. I'm looking forward to see how the avoid citrus diet is going a month from now.
This morning is started out with a mixed bag. I'm very tired this morning. It didn't feel like I didn't want to get out of bed which is not typical for me. so I'll be taking the day off from exercising.

The good news, I continue to have a greatly improved stomach. Diarrhea is not that far from being gone I suspect.

As a result of this lack of diarrhea Im not feeling nearly as hungry as I typically do. This morning for breakfast I found myself force feeding. I've been doing this for about a week now. Lunch in particlar can be tough to eat. Think what I'll do is for lunch I'll only eat if I'm feeling hungry. A common sense solution. I've been wanting to lose weight. With this diet change of avoiding citrus and beef diet loss might just come about with little effort and me feeling better. That would be a nice change.
As I thought would happen, I've been quite tired and fatigued today. It's been a nic day to rest up and relax. Overall though doing OK. Appearance healthy. Gut doing good. I still have a tooth that is ever so slightly hurting but it hurts less since the diet change. Might have to go in and have it checked out. I suspect that dental issues will become less often with the gut working better. Didn't eat lunch. I'm feeling more hungry now but still my hunger levels are lower since the gut is behaving better.
Doing OK this morning. Gut typical. Tooth dosn't hurt. It does seem avoiding beef helps with gettign rid of my tooth pain.

Thinking about things- I began this latest diet of avoding beef, pork, dairy, and citrus too though privately I have doubts about citrus due to feeling dizzy. I've long suspected that eating beef can cause me to become dizzy. I know with little doubt that beef gelatin will make me feel dizzy for 3 days. Beef likely does the same, but is less of an issue.

I have been thinking about Jane Plant, the professor diagnosed with fatal cancer. She began avoiding beef, pork, and dairy products and her cancer went away. She likely did have cancer and her diet solution likely worked as she fell into the catagory of her cancer being caused by an autoimmune condition. That is my guess.

I've read of a couple other people on the same diet as I seing various auto immune conditions going away.

Having health problems from beef and dairy is likely fairly common yet not recognized by most health authorities.

Gosh, I have a whole bunch of other items running in my mind but think I'llend here instead of writing a book.

remain tired this morning but I'm more energetic than yesterday. Hunger remains lower. Weight was 163lbs. .
Why did I saw the citrus diet avoidance wasn't working! Or something along those lines. this is why I need to stop writing and just do the diet. I'm doing decently well, though quite tired the last coupe of days. Cirus might work, things are going in the write direction. So i don't want to thinkg myself out of something good, or possibly good. I suspect a dairy on the diet can help me at times, but right now it is likely more likely to hurt me so I better stop writing for now.
Want to note down that I'm also unintentionally avoiding garlic, onions and other spices. I'm not sure how long I've been avoiding them but likely have for at least a month or longer.

So diet going well eough. I'm avoiding a lot, an alpha gal diet, avoiding citrus, and avoiding garlic and other spices.

I hope to stick with the diet fro the rest of the year, so long as i continue to do well of course.
Forgot to also mention I'm avoding all bird meats and eggs. Don't know how I've been doing that. Know for sure that eggs cause finger nail pitting and tongue markings or sores. I'm not sure what is on the tongue after eating eggs, but figure it is not good.

My stomach issues might be all due to bird meats and eggs, I just need to avoid them long enough. Hard to say or course but I'll stick with the current diet, which I'm enjoying well enough.
Writing because I found a food that adds gelatin to it. A Chinese chicken dish that I would eat when avoiding beef and pork I've found has gelatin added to it. So that is big and has me thinking in the future I'll want to retest eating chicken and turkey. Chicken and turkey certainly are strange. I feel good eating them. I might develop a rash eating them which is never good but nothing serious. So anyway something for me to consider.

I'm trying to lose weight this week. I'm back to eating low carb. It is not easy but does take off the weight and hopefully fat. I'm so close to my weight loss goals. If I'm lucky a week or eating low carb will get me where I want to be.

In the past a likely deterent to losing weight has been testing beef ad dairy. With no doubt eating beef and dairy products quickly puts on weight for me. So now that I'mavoiding and likely avoiding beef for the remainder of my life, I might be able to lose weight and keep it off.

It is going to be a tough week on this low carb starvation diet. I'll push through but I'll be hating it.
This morning I'm feeling really good. This is not typical after a day of starvation to lose weight. I guess the main item that is different this time is that I'm avoiding citrus. that is really the only class of food I'm staying away from compared to the past when I was dieting. So my original writing that I felt citrus belonged in my allergy category is true.

I don't know how long I'll stick with dieting. It isn't much fun but if I can do so for a longer period of time and not feel awful for doing so, I'll go longer term with weight loss dieting.
Losing weigth is tough on a low carb starvation diet. At least it is proving so with me. I'm worn out on day two. Might have to try the diet later. With that seeing good results quickly. Imagine the 4lbs lost will not keep.

Tooth had a check up today and I need a root canal. I've read of people with similar stomach conditions as mind having bad teeth. I hate it. I'll have that work done in 3 weeks. Hope the tooth pain does not flare up till then.

Fingers crossed that my teeth improve after avoiding citrus.
I'm back to eating more normal and I'm feeling good this morning. I woke upactually feeling more energetic than I thought I would be. I could have continued to the low carb starvation diet I suspect but I'll stop here and see what came of the two day diet. Last time I did this I lost a pound and kept hte pound off. Will see if the same happens this time around.

I'm excited about being ill this morning to my stomach. Odd to say but true. the sickness might help explain a mystery. There is a mystery in my mind on why do I become sick to my stomach after being on a chicken/turkey diet for one to two months. It is so strange that it takes such a long period of ime for me to develop problems. The sickness to is unpleasant and troubling. I can be in a good amount of pain, along with running to the bathroom 3 to 4 times an hour. I'll do this for about 3 to 4 hours. Additionally the illness on the chicken diet comes after fasting. If I fast for 23 hours after a few days of doing this I become sick to my stomach when following the chicken, turkey diet.

So very odd. I've not read anything about such a situation.

this morning I was slightly sick to my stomch. It was nothing major, nothing like the chicken diet sickness but troubliing considering that the fish diet has been sickness free. I may not be well on the fish diet but I'm not having bad flares either. Well, this low carb diet is basically a fasting. I'm eating very little food. Yesterday afternoon I was concerned as I had all the feelings that I was going to be sick to my stomach, possibly similar tot he chicken diet. Thankfully I didn't become ill while at the dentist office,

So to wrap up, there remains a good chance that I have the condition Alpha gal. This is where a person is not able to eat beef and pork along with dairy. when I've eating chicken I've felt just fine. I've felt good and strong on a chicken diet. It might be that fasting though has a laxative effect.

Hard to say with certain but I'll plan on another chicken/turkey diet trial some times in the future.

Now that I'm avoiding beef and pork, likely for good, I'll likley lose weight also.
My somewhat sore tooth continues to not hurt most of the time since avoiding beef. the tooth pain continues to become less and less since avoiding beef. Glad about that.
My tooth remains in good shape since avoiding beef. I thought this would happen, avoid beef and my teeth would get better. My thought though aare all to often wrong in the past, so nice to have success with this one. Beelive I'll be going ahead with the root canal though. The tooth has problems and it would be for the best to take care of it. I'm afraid to chew on that sie of the mouth at the moment.

so the dream of figuring out a way to eat beef is over. Well, I'm sure I'll still have thoughts later on that I can eat grass fed beef but after all the testing done it is hard to image it working.

So that leaves chicken and turkey. At a later time I'll have to try and see if I can make eating chicken and turkey work. I suspect they will eventually but I need to get the gut working better. On the fish diet that is going to take a lot oftime I suspect.

Weight came in good this morning. I'm still down a pound to 163lbs. Hope it sticks. This might be a way forme to lose the last bit of belly fat, two days a week or low carb starvation. I'm to weak to last for a long time on the diet I suspect, but a slower approach might get the job done for me.

Well think I'll return to less writing and just do it.
There is a part of me that wants to stop writing. But another part wants me to note down possible helpful bit of information to solve this dietary issue, mainly. So maybe I'll write more. It keeps me thinking I'll get this thing solved.

Was happy that I was able to to fit into some shorts today. As noted a few weeks back I have some shorts that I want to be able to fit into. And after my very short two days of low carb eating the short now fit. at least for today. It has me thinking I'll do a two day on and two day off diet. I figure I'll be able to handle that.

Most importantly I worked out hard, for me, it is all relative, and while I'm a bit tired this afternoon I'm doing decently well. I like it. Need moreof this. It is a very good sign to be able to take some beating and recover quickly.

With diet as usual my mind is going this way and that. I can only say with certainly that eating the fish diet keeps me decently well. At least the big painful flares stay away. Why that it is a mystery. Guess remain I have alpha gal, or one of the wild cards is the cause of the goodness, which includes avoiding citrus, avoiding garlic, onions, other spices, and avoiding chicken and eggs. It's a bit much but one can hope ever time I'll be able to narrow the wild card list down.
Something I forgot to write down and something I keep forgetting. When I eat beef I become weak. I'm barely able to do 10 pushups. Today after avoiding beef for some time now, a month or so, I was good an strong. I did 30 pushups easily and they were the tough kind. I've known this for some time now, the weakness beef causes me but keep forgetting. I'll have to make it a point to keep reminding myself, beef makes me weak for some reason.
I'm feeling pretty good this morning, considering I worked out yesterday. For me it was a hard workout too.

Ive been down this road before though. I know what I have done in such cases. I begin to workout harder and next thing I know I'm overly fatigued and wornout along with being frustrated. So I'll make a point of not over doing it. I'll see if I can achieve some high energy levels this month.
Doing well this morning. My energy levels are good. Appearance healthy. I'm pleased. gut is also hanging in their well. Yesterday I ended up buying some chicken foods. They were on sale. I likely will not eat them for some time. I want to get the gut better and even more energy before doing that. Eyes are bluish in color.
Woke up this morning with a mild upset stomach. No upset stomach is pleasant to deal with. there is pain. there is some fear of the pain growing worse. Overall though the upset stomach has been mild and imagine the worst is over for the day. At least I hope so.

Of late I've been considering that I likely can eat chicken and turkey. There is the problem though in that eating chicken has seen me experience some very painful long lasting upset stomachs. I was thinking if I had been eating chicken yesterday this mornings mild upset stomach would be a greater more painful problem dealing with.

I'm going with the theory that there is something in the fish I'm eating that calms my stomach down and keeps the big flares away - knock on wood. I don't know what it is about the fish diet that helps, it just does.

Regardless I'm not planning on testing chicken and turkey for some time. i've become more excepting of the fish I've eating. i appricicate the greater energy I'm sometimes having, less fatigue, and healthier appearance.
I'm tired today, as to be expected but I'm going to say it is a good day. It is all relative. In the recent past being ill in the morning as I was would all to often mean being down and out basically for a few days. today I'm not out, just down. It would be awsome if I'm back with good strength tomorrow. I think it might happen.

I was thinkkng of dieting tomorrow but I better pass on that. I'll maybe look at Wednesday or thursday for that. Last time I dieted I didn't lose weight but have found my stomach is flatter and I'm able to wear shorts that previously were to tight. So the short but intense dieting, for me, works.
Oh, lets see I slept for 10 hours last night. that isn't like me. So the gut remains sore and I'm tired for it. But overall all is good. the gut is better. My energy levels are OK, not great, but alright, and the gut is feeling tolerable. I was hoping to be in better shape today but is OK if I have another day of taking an easy. Helped day with light house work yesterday, and it might be another day of that.

Tooth still feels alright. Every so often it lets me know it is sore. appearance is good and somewhat healthy. and fingers crossed that someday chicken will be safe to eat. Weight 164lbs.
Doing alright this morning. I'm thinking that I've made some right decisions here of late.

For the bad news the stomach remains unsettled a little bit. I'm having some mild cramping this morning. It isn't bad and can be lived with, but always unpleasant.

The good news, my idea to not exercise or do physical work to much is working. My energy levels are up. A big problem that I frequently over look is fatiguing myself. When some energy shows up I want to use it naturally. And I have a bad tendency to ware myself out which is easy to do. The problem is that it takes longer to recover from fatigue than I typically think. In my mind i think as if I was younger, that I can recover in a day or two. In reality it can take up to a week to recover from to much exercise or to much work.

So if I can get through this period, build more energy grow more strong, it will help me greatly as I'll be less frustrated. when I'm frustrated I tend to go off my diet idea and look at new ideas, which doesn't always workout well for me.
I really need to stop making energy level predictions. I'm always wrong! I'm so tired out today. it is awful.

So to be less optimistic I'm going to predict tomorrow I'm going to be in pain, lots of pain, not Mr T level pain but a good amount of it and fatigue thrown in for the fun of it. The second day is always the worst day.

Hope I'm wrong as I usual am with these energy level predictions!.

Look healthy so that is a positive.
So far doing well this morning. Energy levels feel good. Appearance healthy.

Yesterday I gave away the last of the beef I had in the house. It wasn't much. Figured though best to have it out of the house away from tempting me .So for food I'm eating fish and do have some chicken if I want to try and eat that, which right now I do not.
I'm tired and fatigued today. I was right about that happening. The pain level isn't that bad. Tomorrow I'm probablygoing to diet. I haven't done that this week and I want to lose that last bit of weight so I'll give it another go. Two days of starving isn't enough. I'll have to put in a few days to drop the last 5lbs of weight It appears.
The day is starting out well energy levels good. It has turned cooler. If the house becomes much cooler I'm liable to have some problems with energy levels as the cold tends to zap my energy. Eating low carb. I'm going to see if I can get down to 160lbs this time. The lowest I've gone is 162lbs and then I rebound up 2 to 3 lbs once off the diet.
A couple nice things about avoiding dairy, pork and beef are, I'm able to exercise much more. It is easy for me to do pushups and other exercises. Another item I notice is that i appear symmetrical. Hard to describe that one well. And my muscle grow bigger. I'm not looking for big muscles but my muscles appear more normal I suppose. I've read that people with celic can have poor muscle tone. I suspect something similar is going on when I avoid beef, pork, and dairy.
I was slightly ill this morning. It was likely caused by the coconut oil I took yesterday. MCTS are well known for causing that issue. So this has turned out to be the one day diet! Not very impressive. But with that said, I'm pretty close to where I want to be with weight and appearance. This morning I weighed in at 162lbs. And appearance has much of the fat around the neck and stomach gone. It was will be short lived I imagine but I suspectavoiding beef, pork and dairy helps me to lose weight. Tomorrow I might fast for 23 hours and see if that does anything. Fasting for 23 hours and low carbing is tough stuff. It will likely be easier to fast eating normal and I might get the same results. I don't believe my weight gain has been caused by eating to many sweets.
162lbs this morning. I'm going to do one of the old fashion fastings today, 23 hours. I've been doing low carb starvation and that seems to work some but is tough for me to handle. The weather has turned cool and a 23hour fast will likely work easier for me on a cool day like today.

Had a slight upset stomach yesterday later afternoon. Nothing terrible but an upset stomach non the less.

Energy levels feel good. Muscles feel fine. I'll likely do some easy leg exercises this morning.
Tired and worn out today. I didn't make it with the fast. I was to worn out and concerned tat I was hurting myhealth so I ate a late lunch. It helped some with improving my energy levels. I'll try later with the weight loss. I'm very close to reaching my goals so once I'm more energetic losing this last bit shouldn't be to difficult. For today though imagine I'll sleep well tonight.
Mild pset stomach this morning. It is entirley my fault. I ate a bunch of greasy food and while I knew I'd likely regret it later, it tasted good. It is next week that I'll be busy with work to be done. So starting today I'll want to be more careful with what I eat in hopes of having a more calm stomach. Energy levels so far are decent. Nothing great with energy but much better than yesterday where I was down and out. These mild upset stomachs give me hope that I'll be able to eat chicken and turkey later on. Hope my stomach heals up in a month or two so I can do that food experiment. I'm a iittle over a month since I last ate any beef or dairy.
Another exhausted worn out day. two days in a row of this is aweful. So I'm watching the diet, and making it a point to keep the exercise levels down. I need my energy toreturn. Imagine I'll be better by tomorrow. I hope so at least.
So far the morning is beginning OK. Energy levels feel Ok. Stomach is OK too. Course it won't be for another hour or so till I learn if I'll be more energetic today or not. I'll be taking an easy regardless. Muscle feel alright. If I wanted to do 20 pushups I could do so without much trouble. I'd only later suffer from tomuch fatigue and being tired.
Still feeling lousy today but a little less lousy than the day before. I just need to have patience and with a little luck I'll be back in better shape soon. Gut is doing better which always helps. A bit on the hungry side today. Ive been snacking which isn't typical for me.
Doing OK this morning. I guess I'm doing similar to yesterday but possibly a little better. I won't know till later in the day if my energy levels are better or not. I'm always tired in the morning after breakfast it seems. OUtside of that the gut is doing better. I do have fears that the gut is in a delicate positive. I'm not had a major flare while on the fish diet. Hope that doesn't change but from the feel of thiings it wouldn't come as a shock if I shold have a bad spell. The gut is mildly irritated and that is never good.
I look healthier today and feel slightly better this afternoon with my energy levels improved. This comes after I madea dietary change. A week or two ago I began eating honey cashews. Today I stopped eating the honey cashews over concerns that maybe it was the honey causing me health issues. Hard to say if it worked of not, but honey does have some concerns with it. Some write that honey can be a mild laxative. Honey is also made from the polin of orange flowers sometimes and I'm avoiding citrus. Overall I should have not eaten honey cahews and instead just stuck to plain cashew nuts. I'll do that going forward.
This has ben a lousy week, having little energy. With a little luck that will change today and I'll get back on track and feel more energetic. I should have a better idea of how things are by mid morning. Weight hanging in there around 164lbs. Still want to lose those 4 pounds but need more energy to do that. Gut ok, could be better, but certainly historicaly doing well. .
I was thinking another food good for me to avoid as it can have a laxative effect also is chocolate. i've been eating more chocolate than typical. Maybe this is my problem. I'll cut out the coco and see what happens.
I believe I have the answer with chocolate. I avoided it and have felt better. Course more time avoiding is needed to be certain. I'll add honey cashews back into the diet tomorrow and see what happens.
I am doing better this morning. my muscles feel OK. Energy levels so far feel improved. I'll keep avoiding chocolate and see if I continue to do better. I suspect I will. My thinking is that chocolate is most likely not an allergy. I've read about some of the negative substances in chocolate causing health issues. My suspicion is that eating chocolate to frequently causes most people problems. It is something that shouldn't be eaten every day. At least that is my guess from what I've read. I'll stay away from the stuff myself.
Awesomness I have pretty good energy today since avoiding chocolate. Time of course is the final decider of these things but for now I'm feeling good and upbeat over having more energy.

If chocolate isan allergy and it zaps my energy i might finally have found the food causing me energy issues. Well, there is something else causing energy problems but having found chocolate finding the other food(s) will become easier, at least in theory. So it is a good day, a good easter Friday.
Course the big thing for me today is to see if I have the good energy once again. I should know by later this morning. Gut OK. Could be better with the gut but certainly could be worse. Weight handing in there at 164lbs.
Today I'm not feeling as energetic. Yesterday I did some light leg lifting and it seems that has worn me out. It's a good day but not as good as yesterdays energetic day. I'm doing in the right direction I feel. It will just take time. Chocolate is likely a problem food but something I can eat from time to time. It isn't a food for me to eat daily. appearance healthy.
I messed up yesterday. I had a snack of nuts and that snack has mildly upset my stomach. now I'm feeling fine but I am tired out. So I'll cut back on the nuts today and maybe by tomorrow I'll be doing better.
There is little duobt that after avoiding beef my muscles are stronger and feel good. I did some very light lifting today. I'll feel tired for it tomorrow but the ease of exercise is easy for me to tell. I do 5 pushups when eating beef and I'm tired out and strain to do the 5. When avoiding beef and dairy pushups and other exercise are so easy.

I have been tired today. Little surprise about that. Hopefully with time, maybe 4 more months or so I'll have some reliable energy.
I did well today. Made a long trip across town without issues. It remains nerve racking making such a trip, in heavy traffic, but the gut remains good on the fish diet. I didn't sleep all that well last night but overall my energy levels have been good. On the bad news front did see that it appears the salmon in olive oil I've been eating is not going to be carried by amazon. Not quite surewhat is going on. Time will tell I suppose. I ended up ordering some low mercury tuna this morning. I'll see how that tastes.

I've not been able to get chicken and turkey to workout, sort of. It's unresolved I feel though I have had poor outcomes the last few times I've tested chicken out. Anyway it would be nice to get chicken and turkey to work. I'm probably not going to test that idea again though till Nov. due to hurricane season being close. Can't afford to have a big flare up with hurricanes in the area. So if my fish food isn't carried I'll be on the hunt for new ones to eat.

That remains me, most fish sold comes with soy. What I'm eating is soy free. If I try some of the other soy packed fish products and it makes me ill I have further confirmation of that theory.
Doing OK this afternoon. Energy levels are good. I'm encouraged by that. Tooth hurts a little. Kind of a positive sign somewhat as I've waited 3 weeks to have the tooth worked on, fearful it would become painful before the doctor could see me, and my timing might workout great.

I was thining that while I ate beefand dairy products, the previous 10 years while I did that regularly, i;ve had a great amount of dental issues. My teeth have fallen apart. I've not been strict with the fish diet, often falling back to testing beef. And now after a somewhat recent test of eating beef, I have another dental issue.

I of course can not say with certainty that beef and dairy have caused my teeth to deteriorate but the chance is there. Beef and dairy are likely out of my diet for good. In theory I should gradually see and imporvement in dental health. .
Doing well this morning. Weight came in at 163lbs which has been consistently seen. So the short low carb starvation has been working. Next week I'll plan on doing a few days of that weight loss diet, see if I can reach 162lbs. gut doing well. Appearance healthy. I don't get many zits but i have a slight one on my nose! It is hard to see, but I can feel it more than anything. Hope it is gone by tomorrow. I'll stick with the fish diet. The next low mercury tuna arrived yesterday. I'll plan on eating that on Friday. Figure it likely safe but no reason to take a chance with my dental appointment tomorrow.
Was a little gassy today. Not sure why but I;ll take an easy with eating nuts. Need to have the gut working well tomorrow with the afternoon dental appointment. Energy levels were good till later this afternoon. I was up and about most of the day so i should be tired. The nose thing annoys me. I'm guessing it has been caused bythe honey glazed cashews I bought on sale. I'll take them out of the diet and see if that issue goes away.
The morning has started out poorly. The gut was slightly sick. Today I'm to see the dentist and being sick to the stomach needs to be avoided. After breakfast though I'm feeling OK. I'm avoiding honey and that might help. Avoiding honey does seem to have helped with the zit or what ever it is on the nose. I can move my nose around without pain. Touching my nose still causes some pain though. Dental appointment at 12:15 so hoping I'm doing well at that time.
Today was a good day. The dentist said I didn't need a root canal. I'm just to monitor the tooth. The doctor has a sense of humor, monitor for a root canal.

And weighing myself this evening I weigh 161lbs. I'm not even trying to lose weight but on the fish diet I seem to be shedding the pounds. Put on the shorts that were to tight to fit and now they fit nicely.

I'll stick with the fish diet. It seems to work well and helps with weight loss I suspect. This is probaby the longest I've been on the fish diet. .
161lbs this morning. I'm feeling good. Appearance is healthy. Skin looks nice and healthy on the fish diet. Think Ill go swimming this morning. I should have the energy for it. I'll be complaining later about being tired out by the swim but I'll enjoy the water.
Seems Imodium is working. Yesterday for the car trip across town to see the dentist I took the precaution of taking some Imodium. Typically imodium doesn't help me much. Today though I didn't need to use the bathroom. The imodium is working. Good sign I'm guessing. My theory is that it means I have the allery foods out of my diet. Imodium can now work fpr me as a result.
Forgot to note earlier, I've been eating citrus for a few days. Avoiding citrus didn't seem to make a diffrerence and now that I'm eating oranges again I haven't noticed a down side.

Think I'll do a 2 day low carb fast starting tomorrow. I hate these, but do want to lose this last bit of fat.

My energy levels are better than I thought they would be today. yesterday I swam for around 45 minutes. That often has me tired and figured for a few days later. Tomorrow though I'm liable to see worn out. i did some leg lifts today.
Wow I'm alive this morning. That is good. I went to bed feeling for sure I'd wake up very tired and fatigued from the swimming done two days ago and from the leg lifting done yesterday. so far this morning I'm doing fine. I'm not overly energetic but I'm also not a zombie.

Gut is doing well. Weight I believe was 163lbs. I wrote yesterday is doing some more dieting to lose the last bit of fat but since I'm not overly fatigued this morning I think I'll stick with eating reguarly for now.
I'm still alive. I'm quite excited about. But with this said I'm not overly energetic. The working out has worn me out some, just not as worn out as typically happens. Could be a very positive development. The two major health issues, stomach problems and fighting fatigue, might become one major health problem.
Still feeling good, or better than expected. Well, maybe I'll do my diet thing starting tomorrow. Hate the diet but want to lose the fat and this is the way to do it. I'm thinking I might be more energetic this time on the starvation diet.
Still had the wonderful good energy waking up this morning. It had me eating regularly once again. I dread the diet idea though I want to drop the last few remaning pounds. I'll get to it later. I;ve always theorized that I'd begin to feel better eventually on the fish diet, with energy levels. Hope that is finally coming true. Looking forward to a good energetic week.

The other theroy that I should be able to eat chicken, when I do move on to test chicken Ill be sure to add fish oil to my diet. Fish oil might be helping the gut.
Hey, I'm pretty beat up and yet I'm feeling fine. My energy levels are good this evening. I love it. Hope this keeps up. I'm tempted to do my diet idea. It likely would be easier for me to handle having more energy.
Busy morning. Did lots of exercising too. I probably am fasting for 23 hours today. Typically I would have eaten lunch by now but haven't had a chance so I'll fast. Energy levels at the moment are not that great but that is due to swimming for close to an hour early this morning. I'll be tired tomorrow. Weight at the moment is 164lbs. I'll probaby be back around 162lbs when I wake up.
Doing well and hanging in there though I didn't eat lunch today. Did a lot of exercising, much more than usual. Hope I lost a little bit of fat as a result. Nice to have some energy too on a fasting day. Well, the first day of fasting if typically OK. It is later days that can have me dragging considerably.
it is exciting for me. after fasting and working out hard yesterday I have good eneryg so far this morning. Typically I'm worn out as can be after such a day. Weight 161lbs. I'llstick with the fish diet.
This is exciting. I'm having good energy and I've decided to only eat one meal today. This will make 2 days in a row where I fast for 23 hours. The fat should be coming off.

I've brought down the broken scale. It has me at 171lbs at the moment. Wouldn't surprise me if I drop to 169lbson it by tomorrow morning.
After two days of only eating one meal a day, I'm feeling more worn down this evening. Overall though I'm doing remarkably.

Having energy should help determine what is a problem food and what isn't in the future. I'm still avoiding spices, such as garlic. It will be nice in the future to test that and see if my energy levels remain high or not. Imagine spices are fine for me but it does need to be tested.

Course the main concern is beef, pork and chicken. Chicken might turn out to be alright. I'll have to do more testing with it at a later time.
I'm tired this morning. To be expected though since I've only eaten 1 meal a day for the last couple of days. Weight though was 169lbs on the broken scale. Anything on the 160range on that scale is a positive I feel. I thinkthe lowest I've been is 164lbs with the broken scale. On the traditional school I came in at 160lbs. I'd like to think that is right but doubt I weigh 160lbswith my appearance.

The big thing that runs in my mind is will I be able to eat chicken without issue in the future. Lots of confusion here. One of the biggest confusions concerns eating chicken and fasting. If I am on a chicken diet I've learned that 23 hour fasting will cause me to have a flare. the flare can be prett significant too. It is quite a suprising result. I'v always though the less I eat the better the gut. The chicken diet hasshown that is wrong. There is a lot going for being able to eat chicken, namely I feel good and can have very good energy on a chicken diet. But something, what ever, is an issue when I fast.

Hard to say what is going on. Lots more tssting in my future. For now I;'m doing fine on the fish diet. I don't seem to have significant stomach isues with fasting while on the fish diet.
Mixed day today. I'm worn out, quite tired/fatigued. But I'm appearing healthy and I can do what ever I want I just have to push through the fatigue. That isn't something I'm always able to do.

Will see how I'm doing in the morning. If my energy returns I might fast again in hopes of dropping the weight. Goal this year is fat loss, instead of weight. Some belly fat is hanging on and I'll look to visually see that go away.
Still tired but I'm doing better. Imagine the worst is over. I'm feeling upbeat with the direction I'm going. Imagine a month from now, my birthday, I'll be in good shape due to the diet. Adding low mercury tuna to the diet is turning out to be good. It gives me a nice break from salmon.
Doing better this morning. Still run down some but I'm better than everyday. Gut good. A bit gassy for some reason but suspect the worst of that is over. Appearance healthy. Skin looks good and healthy. Weight 170lbs I'll likely end up fasting today. it is going to be a busy day as I'm to drive across town to pick up my repaired car and have a 1:00 hair cut. I can always fit a lunch in but probalby will be easier tojust fast 23 hours.
As expected tired and worn out today after another 23 hour fast. I'll likely return to normal eating over the weekend. Weight is 169lbs at the moment. I might be at 168lbs. I want to drop to 165lbs on the broken scale. That is the lowest I was able to go last summer oon that scale. If I can budge below that I've likely lost fat which is what I want to happen. Busy day but I handled it well.
168lbs this morning. I'm feeling pretty run down after another day of fasting. I better eat regularly this weekend and get my strength back up. Gut doing well so far. Appearance healthy. Skin looks good. I'm enjoying the fish diet for a change since adding the low mercury tuna to the diet.
Slow day I am tired out too fro the frequent fasting. I'll eat two meals tomorrow and imagine that will get me feeling better once again. Did workout today. It was a light workout but was easy to do. I love that about the fish diet, my muscles feel good most of the time. Dental appointment on Monday. A teeth cleaning. I'll keep the nut eating down tomorrow.