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Very tired and exhausted today. Maybe it isn't the exercising that is tiring me out. I've pulled back from workout but it isn't helping all that much with energy levels. Maybe my problem has to do with the gut working better. The pain reminds me of when I eat fiber. The fiber eaten will wear me out. Regardless I have some good things going for me with avoiding citus. I haven't done a long term avoidance in a long while with citrus and I'm only around 3 weeks on this latest trial so I'll contnue with it. This lack of energy isn't miserable though.
I'm still the same old same old, dealing with fatigue. It sucks.

I'm liable to not eat lunch today. Got around late, and looking to drop just a bit more weight so will give it a try. I don't think it will hurt my energy levels mcuh, one day. I'm actually more likely to have more energy as a result of one day of fasting.
As expected I'm doing better today after I didn't eat lunch. I'm guessing it is due to the gut doing better and the gut being inflamed doesn't want to be used. Hope this fatigued feeling doesn't last to much longer. Had a nice swim this morning. Feeling good from that. Weigh 170lbs. I'll be 168 to 169lbs in the morning. Remarkable considering I haven't been working to lose weight of late. I'm keeping the weight off with the fish diet, avoiding citrus and pork. I like that.
169lbs. Doing well this morning. Energy levels are good. I haven't really written much on it due to the fatigue I've been having but my gut really has improved over the last 3 weeks since avoiding citrus. It is a big difference. I can still lousy to the stomach at times, with the usual cramping and diarrhea but compared to when I was eating citrus, there has been great improvement over the last 3 weeks. Fingers crossed I didn't jinx myself as I have a dental appointment today.
Ugh, I'm wiped out after a 3 hour dental appointment. It was to be easy work! Oh well it happens and very glad that is done. As usual doctors and dentists stress me out, and 3 hours of stress was a workout. I'm ready for a long nap or bed. Well, not bed yet but my mind is thinking on it already. Gut doing well. Stomach held up OK today.
Woke upweighing 167lbs. Didn't expect that. Losing weight though on the avoid citru snd pork diet does seem easier to me though. Visually I can tell I've dropped some pounds also. I'm only a few pounds away from my weight loss goal for the year of 165lbs so i might do some more 23 hour fasting days. Will see. Yesterdays dentist visit stressed me out. Most likel the stress came from sitting upright for a long period of time and my gut doesn't seem to like it when Isit that way. It is the same when driving long distance.
This morning feels similar to how I've felt for some time now. Energy levels are low. I'm feeling fatigued. But not all is bad. The gut is behaving better than before. There are positives to pointing citrus and pork. I'll stick with that and hope in time I heal up and feel better. Weight 169lbs.
Pretty worn down and tired today, the same old same old. I am fasting today too, eating only one meal. I'll be stopping that after today since there is a troubling new tropical storm in the Atlantic I want to be strong if that should happen to come this way. I'm pretty sure part of the reason for my fatigue is due to eating to many nuts. That can irriate my gut and tire me out. I might cut back on the amount of nuts eaten but will see. I'm tired to measured eating of foods. I just keep hoping the worst passes soon. It wouldn't come as a surprise if it did. I have a good feeling that citrus is my main answer for stomach problems. .
167lbs. Good to see my weight down and good to see it appears I've lost weight. ourse loosing weight for a short period of time is easy to do. The trick is to keep it off, or reset you weight. I've reset my weight lower twicenow. I'm not entirely sure what I did but have an idea.

I'm eating chicken pretty regularly of late. I figure if a hurricane comes this way I'll quickly revert back to my fish diet. I'm now afraid to eat beef and dairy products such as cheese. Both make me feel terrible, and gives me dry skin. Chicken doesn't do that. The big down side to chicken though is that it has resulted in upset stomachs. I have some ideas on why that happened but that has been a mystery. In mayway the alpha gal diet is a good fit for me but I haven't been able to get it to work. Maybe by eating sea food half the time I'll be able to pull it off.

I'm still avoiding citrus. That is easy for me to do. I'm not entirely sure at this point if citrus is a problem or not but for now I'll remain citrus free. .
I'm going to do an experiment. I'm gong to add oranges back into the diet and see how my energy levels go.

this lack of energy is doing me in. I'm not functioning well and being worn down all te time is taking a toll.

My thinking is that pineapple is to high in fiber and is irritating my gut.

In the past too while i have not been writing about it, noticed once and for all, that beef causes dental issues. At least that is settled in my mind for now. And having a problem with pork and not liking dairy since it dries out my skin, I'm once again following the alpha gal diet. I'm afraid to eat beef and dairy to as I know it will quickly put weight on me. So I'll give it a try and see what happens.
I've changed my mind about eating citrus. I forget that since avoiding citrus my gut has improved a good amount. It is likely thta this improvement is whyI'm fatigued. There is also my hair turning more brown. The grey color hairs having gone away. I'm thinking that is due to be absorbing nutrients better. And I haven't done a long term avoidance of citrus.

So I'm frustrated about the fatigue. But I should look at other possible answers for what could be causing that. I'll stick with avoiding citrus.
Nice, I wasn't overwhelmed with fatigue today. Nice to get a break from that from time to time.

Not much to report. Gut doing well. Appear decently healthy. Skin looks good. I'll stick with avoiding citrus, pork, and basically the alpha gas diet.
Doing ok this morning. Fatigue is a problem but not a terrible problem so far. I'm planning on fasting for 23 hours today. I'm so close to reaching my weight loss goal figured I'll give it a push this week see if I can reach that goal. Gut doing well. Skin looks good and healthy.
Yesterday was a half way decent energy day. This morning I starting out well also. I'm not all that energized but doing better than i was a few days earlier. Didn't go on the diet as planned yesterday. A tropical storm showed up and was shown to be heading this way. Thought I would hold off till more information was known about the storm beforing dieting. Looking at the storm information though it doesn't appear that it will hold together for long. Wind shear is likely to take a toll on it.
As I felt would happen I'm wiped out this afternoon. I swam for 40 minutes in the morning and now I'm fasting for 23 hours. Tough stuff. All things considered though I'm doing well. Imagine if I got back into doing push ups or lite weight lifting I'd be a zombie. I'm so close to where I want to be weight wise. Visually I'm nearly where I want to be. Weight is 169lbs. I seem to have reset my weight to that. Since avoiding citrus a month ago it does seems slightly easier to drop a pound or two and keep it off. I was planning on fasting for 3 days this week but at this junction I'd be luck to do two days. I'm not well enough to fast to often and swim I'm afraid.

Gut doing well. Skin looks worn down. I have that stunned feeling mentally. Everything is in slow motion.
Doing well this morning. It is a pleasant surprise. Figured I'd wake up tired and sore, the same as when I went to bed. Instead I feel good. I'm still not feeling overly energetic but the energy levels at the moment are livable.

Weight 167lbs. Appearance is where I want to be. I could lose a little weight but if I didn't I'd be happy at how things look now. With weight loss the big thing will be keeping the weight off, or resetting my weight from 169lbs to 167lbs and lower. I'm not sure how I'll do that but suspect that spending more time outdoors will help me with that. In the past two groups that had their followers spend more time outdoors reported the followers having weight loss. I'll be spending more time on my back porch and will see that helps me. It probably will.
That didn't late long. i'm worn out now after eating breakfast. I'm feeling sore all over too. Imagine it to be a slow day. Will eat a nice lunch and hope that helps some. Trying to lose weight for me is a trial.
Today makes the second day where I'm not really able to function. I'm not fatigued. I better stop with the dieting for now and try to reach more goal another week. There is a part of me that wants to push through the pain, put in another few days of fasting and likely reach my goal. But when I'm not able to function I better stop before I hurt myself with to much stress.
So far I'm doing and feeling better this morning. I'll get back to eating 2 meals a day. And not exercising overly hard. Gut is doing well. Forgot to weigh myself. Skin looks alright.
Doing better today though I still have some of that stunned dusk feeling going on. I've often wondered if that problem would do away if i fasted for a long while. Maybe my body needs to adjust similar to low carb or keto diet. or if I would just get worse. I'm guessing get worse, but hard to say with certainty and I'm not willing to find out. Not being able to function well is the pits.

Running in my blank mind the last few days is the debate over alpha gas diet or citrus allergy. With alpha gal I've eaten 3 times this way and each time failed as i developed a bad flare. I'm still not entirely sure though if I don't have alpha gal. I can think of other reasons that caused the flare. Citrus avoidance has one big thing for it, avoiding citrus changed my hair color. I used to have grey hairs. Now my hair is dark brown, no noticeable gray hairs. I guess the other thing is that I've not tried avoiding citrus for a long period of time.

So will see. Glad today is better but I still have another day or two to go before I'm working better.
Doing better this morning.

Forgot to list a big positive for the avoid citrus, my guthas improved. I'd be more enthusiastic about this if I had better energy levels. I'm also not entirely confident that the diet is good enough to keep me well. But with little doubt the gut is better after avoiding citrus.

With the lousy energy levels, the very same fatigue feeling happens after I take impdium. THe imodium improves the gut but I;ll be drained of energy. .

So my theory is that the gut does not like to be used at this time. Maybe later on, I'll heal up to the point that I'll do better and have greaer energy lvels.

My back hurts thismorning. I suspect that i slept on it wrong. It seems to happen once or twice a year.
Forgot to note down, two days ago I stopped taking or spraying on a magnesium supplement. That came about after reading a doctor complain about mineral supplements and eventually just deciding to take sea salt unrefined.

I don't belleve the supplement was causing me troubles, but something for me to consider. I'm so far doing pretty darn well today, minus the sore back. The improvement might be due to avoiding the magnesium suppliement.

WOuldn't be the first time that a supllement caused me a lot of health trouble, zapping my energy levels.
Today turned out to be a really good day. Energy levels were up. I felt decently good. The one problem is my back hurt. It didn't hurt dadly though so I could so activites, just slowly. Hopefully by tomorrow I'll be hurting less with my back.

Really glad i remembered that I stopped the magnesium supplement. That very well could be the cause of my fatigue of late. I'll be finding out in the days ahead. I believe I looked healthier today. Liked that. Good sign.
Life is good. I have decent energy this morning! It is so wonderful. I'm guessing it has been caused by vaoiding tht magnesium supplement I was taking. It must have been zapping my energy levels. Course more time is needed to be sure but for now I'm liking how I'm feeling - minor the sore back. The back still hurts. I'll blend right in with others here in Florida thogh with the elderly shuffle walk. I forget how long it takes to be rid of a sore back when I sleep on it wrong but i'm guessing a week. It isn't that bad where I have to avoid doing things. I justneed to move slowly.

I'm still liking the avoid citrus diet. With little doubt the gut is doing better on this aviodance diet, along with avoiding pork. one month down, 3 more to go with that diet then evaluate. I like that I'm eating chicken regularly and up to this point havn't had a flare. At this time I'm guessing that is due to avoiding citrus. Back when I would do an all chicken and turkey alpha gal diet, I'd also eat oranges frequently.

So wonderful way to wake up. It should be a good day.
As of this afternoon it appears my theory on the supplement causing me energy problems was wrong. Today I ate less food and the tiredness returned. It isn't brutally bad but unpleasant. So the old theory that my gut doesn't like being used, similar to when I take immodium remains. I won't be fasting anything soon so i should be able to get by for another few months on the avoid citrus and pork diet. Along with continuing the alpha gal diet. That is another thing, I am eating chicken and turkey reguarly. I should avoid those two and just eat fish and see how my energy levels go. I probalby don't try that one right away though.
Worth noting down, I ate that spaghetti meal but instead of using beef I used chicken as the meat sauce. Before when I used beef I experienced muscle problems. The muscles would hurt and cramp up. With eating chicken I had no problems. My legs and arm muscles feel just fine. Alpha Gal makes the most sense to me, but I'll keep avoiding citrus too.
I'm a little bit sore to my stomch and it is entirely my fault. I had the bright idea of making some sausage dinner sncks. Seemed like a good idea t the time, but I typically don't eat dinner let alone a fatty dinner and the gut is not happy. With that said I'm not in a horrible condition this morning, just should be more careful today. there is one thing about avoiding oranges, I'm now more hungry. Another mystery with that one. Should be a good day I imagine though. Just will take a bit to get going.
Well lets see, I'm going to come back to an older idea. Of late I'm having trouble with energy levels. And last night I have haing that energy level issue once again. there is a clear likely answer to this issue. My problems began after I began eating spicy chicken and turkey products. So it would be a good idea for me to avoid all spices/nightshade, and bird items. That is what I'll do and see if the energy problem goes away.. I've been wondering why the fish diet worked. Whilte not well and recovered on the fish diet I was rarely sick to my stomach and my energy levels could be good so long as I didn't over exercise. I'll see if that returns by going back on the fish in olive oil diet.
It is worth notning down, I am feeling much better this afternoon since avoiding spices, ngithshade and chicken. My energy levels are way up. I'm not feeling so weak. It is of course far to early to decide if this is the right path. I'm liking how things are going though.

I know it owuldbe easy for me to tire myself out with doing pushups or over exercising. So I'll have to keep that in mind. I should take a break for a week at least from weight lifting types of exercise since those wear me out so easy. But overall off to a great start.
Today has been a really good day. No major fatigue experienced. my energy levels were good. My muscles felt good. It is to early to tell as always after just one day but avoiding chicken, spices and nighshade has done me good today. I've always complaining that I'll forget this, feeling better, but I won't forget this last. I had some bad fatigued days. I will remember that. So I'll continue to avoid chicken, spices, nighshade along with the other usual stuff. I'll keep eating pineapple in place of oranges. No problem therer. i like pineapple.
Alright so I'm back on the avoid spices and nightshade diet, one of my most dreaded diets. I'll need to be more positive aout it. Think I'll add grass fed beef to the diet and just season with salt. That tends to taste well. I'll avoid chicken for the time being in case it is the problem. Feeling alright this morning. A bit slow getting around but I was up later than typical watching the fireworks.
OK day, but nothing great. As usual I'm dragging, low energy. I'm going to avoid olives out of curiosity. I haven't done an olive avoidance in sometimes, nor have I done an olive avoidance often. I'll do that along with everything else starting tomorrow. .
I'm doing well this morning. I have abover average energy. My eye sight seems improved also. That has been the main complaint about the fish diet. I eat fish in olice oil and while mygut has done very well, my eye sight has deteriorated to the point that I need reading glasses. At the moment I'm not so sure that I need reading glasses. I wast to say stranger things have happened but that isn't true. So off to a good start with avoiding olives and olive oil but of course much to eary to tell issomething good iis going on or wishful thinking. A few days should give me an answer.
Up to this point it has been a realy good day. Energy levels are up. Naturally I want to believe the last change I made is the cause of the nice energy. In this case the last change was to avoid olives and olive oil. Much to eary to know if that is the case or not. Fingers crossed that I feel energized tomorrow. I did some light leg weight lifting this afternoon. there is a decent chance that will have me feeling tired out. Will see.
Wow, excellent, I'm feeling pretty darn good this morning. My energy levels are up. I don't hurt. Nearly all is good. It is wonderful. I was expecting to wake up sore as can be and tired out. This is due to doing some weight lifting on my legs. The tires me out more than anything. Well, still have a ways to go with the dietary stuff. No point is becoming overly excited yet. It is looking good though for olive oil and olives as being a problem. Thinking about it this morning my good health might simply come down to which non stick spray I bought last, the ollveoil one or the canola spray.
Heck with waiting. i took a chance and added the turkey sausage I've been eating back into my diet. I'll of course see if my energy levels remain improved or not. I'll plan on being slow to add new foods though.
Very wondderful day. Energy levels have remained elevated despite this being the second day since leg exercises and 45 minutes of swimming this morning. It is remarkable. Eye sight seems improved. I still need the reading glasses and might always need them but it is possible now for me to see and dothings I couldn't such as type this note down.

I'll continue to stay away from olices, olive oil and por. I'll be eating itrus soon. Wanted to begin to take fish oil and the only fish oil comes in citrus flavored. I'll likely eat an orange tomorrow also. The big thing is energy levels. If I can keep them elevated I'll be happier.
I feel so good this evening. It is heavenly. As always it isn't often that I feel good, no big aches to report, having decent energy levels. I love it.

Would be nice if olives turn out to be a trouble maker. It's one of those things that would be easy to overlook. I am htinking though that if it turns out that olive is an anergy zapper, that there is another food that is s trouble maker. I'll have to be on my guard. I am planning to open the diet up tomorrow further so I'll have to be prepared in case the new foods don't work out well for me. Will be interesting to see if my spelling chalene slowly goes away. It happens a long while in the past when I mysteriously got well to the stomach. Would be wonderful if that happens. My father has a similar issue with spelling to would be nice to have a cure for that too.
I'm a mixed bag this morning. I'm feeling beat up this morning, which I should I've been active the last few days. I do feel good though. My muscles have that good energy feeling to them. so it will be another wait and see day.

Ate an orange with breakfast today. Don't imagine it will be a problem.
It has been another good day. My energy levels have been up. I have little fatigue and muscle issues. I'm not overly energetic but I'm much improved from before. I'm also feeling strong. So keep on avoiding olives and pork. Those are the two main foods I'm avoiding.
Doing well this morning. My energy levels feel good. I'm not overly energetic but my muscles feel decent and pain free. I'm still thinking that there is something good for me with avoiding olives. Hope I gain more energy in the days ahead. I pretty much opened my diet wide open, eating anything outside of pork and olives. Hope that works out OK.
Awesome - I had a hard workout this morning and I felt strong. My muscles felt good and healthy. I'm still not overly energetic but energy levels are good and feeling strong is wonderful. I'll keep avoiding olives.
It is quite exciting how strong I am doing. The muscles feel great. i even did 30 of the tough pushups and haven't had an issue from that. I'll likely be singing a different tomorrow but for now I'm doing great. Energy could be better but overall things are on the up swing.
Good news,bad news. The good being that i still feel good. I am beginning to feel a little sore after the days hard workout. With little douct I'll be waking up in some pain.. With some luck I won't be fatigued though.

On the down side I weigh 176lbs. That's the first time I've weighed myself since avoiding olive oil and olives. So the diet change has caused one of those crazy out of no where weigh gains. Once that levels off I'll hvae my work cut out for me to lose the newly gained pounds.
I'm doing remarkably well this morning considering the hard workout yesterday. My muscles do not feel sore. I'm not feeling fatigued and tired. if anything I have good energy. All very exciting. I did sleep in by 2 hours so I know my body was effected by the hard workout.

Weight 172lbs. Seems I didn't gain a lot of weight afterall. I'm only up 2 pounds and that could be caused by eating 3 meals a day which I've done a couple times of late.

Well, let the good times continue. I'll stick with avoiding olives, and pork.
Still alive and kicking. I ate some cheese today, a rarity but I get such a craving once every other months is seems. Forgot that cheese will tire me out and it did just that. But it hasn't done me in. I'm doing remarkably well. Worked hard today cleaning carpets. Muscles do not hurt. I'm not fatigued. So I'll stick with avoiding olives and pork.
Very exciting. I'm stil energized. i better keep writing lots of notes down. There is a decent chance I finally have my answer with olives and pork. Time will tell, and it will take lots of time but I have two main problems, stomach issues and fatigue. Appears the fatigue issue now has an answer. The stomach issue will take lots of time to heal. At least that is my guess.
I'm feeling wonderful again this morning. I arm muscles do hurt a little bit but nothing terible. I'm not fatigued. If anything I have good energy levels. It is so wonderful to have energy.

I'll probably workout on my legs this morning That typically wears me out the most of the exercises done. I suspect this time will be different.

Didn't weigh myself this morning but was thinking maybe later this week I'll try some fasting weight loss and see if I handle it better.
I worked out hard on my legs this morning lifting weights. I also swam for about 30 minutes. I'm a little worn down this later afternoon. Nothing terrible. I'm not feeling fatigued and in pain, but I have worn myself out. Will be interesting to see how I feel in the morning. Fingers crossed I'm feeling more energetic. Outside of that not much more to note down.
I'm feeling wonderful this morning so far. My energy levels are good. My muscles feel great. I'm not sore. I'm not fatigued. It is about as good as it gets after yesterdays hard workout.

On the negative my gut has a ways to go. It could improve greatly. My weight was 173lbs. I'm eating grass fed beef and as often happens when I do my weight begins to slide upward.

Think today I'll start fasting. Maybe I'll once and for all lose the last remaining bit of fat. I'd need to fast for a few weeks for that to happen I believe. I might be able to handle that now that I have improved energy levels.
It is quite exciting. I've worked out hard and I've fasted today yet I'm still lalive. I am worn down but my energy levels are decent and I'm not in pain. All seems good as far as i can tell. If I can fast again tomorrow I will. I'm not sure my body will allow that though. Time will tell. Weight was 172lbs last I checked. I'm liable to be 171lbs by now. WOuldn't be surprised to wake at 170lbs. Goal is to get to 165lbs and hold it there. Resettling my weight will not be easy I suspect. Not sure how I'll do it but will give some ideas a try.
All things considered I'm doing remarkably well this morning. I have enregy. it isn't a lot of energy but it is more energy than i typically could have expected. Weight 170lbs. I'll likely fast again today. I'll keep avoiding olives, and pork. I think there is an excellent chance that I have my answer with those two foods causing me stomach and fatigue troubles. Appearance healhty. My skin looks very healthy. Glad to see that. I'm talking better than before since I have more energy. That is something that I hope improves more soon.
I am tired today. I want to put a positive spin on it. But nope this is fatigue and I'm worn out. It feels like exercise fatigue which it undoubtably is. Not earing yesterday played a rolls too. So I'll still try to lose the weight but I'm stopping the hard workouts and sticking with light aeropbics for the time being. If I findmyself frustrated and want to feel more energetic I'm not goint to push betters. I'll go back to eating 2 meals and not workout out.
Good news, I have little doubt that olive oil and olives are an allergy food for me. Avoiding them has improved my health.

On the down side I'm tired and worn out this morning. My muscles hurt. I'm sore and low in energy. All the exercising played a part in that as did the one day of fasting.

Think though I'll fast again today. I'll see how this goes. If I become to worn out I'll stop, recoup and try losing the weight another day.

Ate tuna today. I'm pretty certain that olives are my issue, but figured I better test tuna also. There is always the possibility that I have issues withsea food though I believe this highly unlikely.
I'd doing OK today. I am hurting. With that said under more typical pre olive avoidance I'd be in a daze, having a difficult time functioning. Today though I have energy. So good day all things considering. I'm fasting today which is always tough.
I'm doing alright this morning. Better than I thought I would be. I felt better waking up. Eating breakfast has me a little worn down and feeling weak. That should pass.

Well I'm a little shy on calling olives and olive oil and allergy. More time is needed to confirm. For now though it certainly is looking like olives are an allegy. It isn't a strong allergy though. Pork is a strong allergy one that is easy to tell as my gums and face swell up within 24hours of eating pork. Melons such as watermelon, pumpkin are classic allergies, having me throw up and having an upset stomach within a hour of eating. Olives on the other had would be a weak allergy. It isn't one that is easy to detect.

Weight this morning 169lbs. Yesterdays fasting went well enough. I'm hoping I feel less unsteady as the day progresses.
I'm feeling run down. I'm feeling less run down than typical when I do these 23 hour fasts but I'm not doing all that great. So I promised myself that if I had problems, was to weak, I'd not press the issue. That is what I'll do, go back to my usual 2 meals a day. I'll try again in the fall to lose weight. the heart of hurricane season is Aug and Sept. i better be in decent shape for those months in case a storm comes this way and I need to leave town.

Outside of that the gut is doing well. Been eating tuna the last couple of days and it doesn't seem to be causing me troubles. I'llkeep testing tuna but it does seem pretty certain that it was the olive oil that gave me problems with my energy levels.
Slow going morning. I'm fatigued. I'm tired. Fasting always wears me down, still. It is good that I'm going back to 2 meals a day. I should be more active in a day or two. I've noticed since avoiding olive I'm not sleeping as well. Went to bed early last night and while I was tired and fatigued found myself unable to sleep. It has been like that for a number of days now. Rather annoying. Eventually fell asleep and slept well. Stomach doing well. It has the feel that if I took some imodium or ate some cheese that I'd be entirely well to the gut. I might hae to try the Imodium idea in the near future.
Kind of chuckling about this but I'm in awe at how nice and soft my hair feels. While a bit on the vain side I'm thinking more along the lines of being healthier. I didn't exercise hard and ate more and I'm looking healthier with nice soft hair to the touch. Hmmmm. Despite the hair I remain rather pooped out. workout hard and not eating much is for the birds. I want to lose the weight but that isn't workout well for me at this time. I'll try again in a few months as I wrote yesterday and hopfully I'll be back on my feet by tomorrow. Love the hair though.
I'm going to try a new experiment. I'll keep avoiding olives. I'm also going to avoid beef. Instead I'll eat an alpha gal diet again or only eating chicken, turkey, and fish.

I had a lot of luck eating just packets of fish in olive oil, with my gut. I never had good energy though. I never recovered. Maybe eating chicken will help in this area with energy levels. I've tried an alpha gal diet 3 times and each time failed. There is the 4th time i tried the diet with only fish and it was sort of a success. I've tough that fish helps me as the fatty acids have an anti inflmatory effect. Anyway I'll give it a go and see what happens.
Writing some more about the dietary change going back to an alpha gal diet. I keep thinking that the alpha gal diet failed in the past. In some regards this is true. In other aspects though it is not true. The only time the alpha gal diet failed is when I would fast. I'd fast and in the evening I'd find myself feel cool and then the stomach issues would start. When I didn't fast, and remained feeling warm, I'd not have stomach issues. So that is what I'll do. I'll make it a point to not fast I might even begin to have a small snack in the evening instead of skipping dinner all together.

The olive idea I'm feeling isn't repeating the good strength I had there for awhile when i avoided it. Something happened but what ever it was isn't repeating. I'll add olive oil back into the diet and see what happens.

So the diet is avoid pork, beef and dairy products, the alpha gal diet.

In the near future I'll going to stop writing my health diary here and instead go to a private blog in my attempt to figure this stomach issue out. I feel I'm close to an answer. Fingers crossed that turns out to be the case. I have the fish diet, fish in olive oil. It isn't perfect but it does keep the stomach is good shape for some reason. Expanding on that success should be possible. It will just take the right combination.
I'm back onto the alpha gal diet, my favorite diet. It has a lot going for it. I feel much better and my eyes begin to turn blue. The big down side though is that i can have the scary types of flares on thediet. I suspect though that if I don't fast, or fast for 23 hours, I'll be able to avoid the flares. I've also had many times were I ate up to 4 months of avoiding beef, pork and dairy products and not had stomach issues, when i ate 2 to 3meals a day.

I don't have a clue why fasting while on an alphagal diet can cause me a frightening flare. I have a few theories running in my mind of it, but I've not read anything on this happening.
I'm off to a decent start with the latest try at the alpha gal diet. I have good energy levels. I'm communicating well. I'm feeling strong. I'll keep with the diet, avoiding beef, pork and dairy products. I'm eating chicken this time along with fish and I suspect that will make a good difference for me.
One of the things I've noticed about the alpha gal diet, or better said when I'm off the alpha gal diet is that I stink. I ate beef for a short while and now i smell. Haven't read anything about beef, or dairy causing this but it is certainly true of me. Imagine in a few days I'll be back to smelling much less.

Doing OK. weight at the moment is 174lbs of 175lbs. Beef as always quickly puts weight on me. I'll be writing less here in the future. Time to just do it.
I'm planning on writing less and likely writing my notes elsewhere. More private I suppose. I'm on the alpha gal diet. i stopped smelling, thank god. After eating beef or cheese I really can create some rank BO to the point that I don't even want to be around myself.

As strange as it is, I've had a hard time completely removing beef from the diet. I know that chicken can give me problems so I keepthinking I'll have beef as my back up, trial food. That and I keep forgetting that beef and cheese cause me health issues.

What dawned on me is that now I have fish. I can eat fish without issue. Now I have my second food. I can eat chicken and turkey and if it causes me problems for some mysterious reason I'll just begin to eat fish.

As usual with eating beef or dairy products my muscles shrivel up and grow smaller. I also look less even. I write down as ohters would comment that my cloths were to big, not fitting in the latest episode of me eating beef. Going on the alpha gal diet will have my cloths fitting better. Don't imagine I'll get comments that my cloths don't fit on it.

Also I'm communicting better on the alpha gal diet. I can tire myself out to the point that I'm a little spacey while on the diet, but when I avoid that I'll communicating quite well.
Awwww..... found I made a big mistake today. I atea Chinese chicken meal and afterwards I had that look as if I'd eaten some beef. When I eat beef my skin turns darker in colro. Sure enough looking at the ingredients list I found gelatin was added. those sneaky Chinese bast@ards! Well the Chinese people are good people in general but the government sucks. So off to a rocky start with my latest alpha gal diet try. .
I'm tired today but it is an exciting day. I should be tired today. I worked out, I swam, my gut was mildly upset, it had all the hallmarks of being set upto be tired and fatigued. Instead I'm functioning well enough. I have some energy.

My hope with adding chicken and turkey to my diet is that i'd findmyself with more energy. I was thinking the packaged fish I've been eating might not be as nutrient rich as chicken might be. And so far that theory is panning out.

I'll lkely stop writing here soon. Over the weekend I'm planning to figure out how to set up a blog. Others do it, figure I might as well, now that I'm writing half way decently.
woooo, weighing myself I found I was at 179lbs. th'at after eating lunch and themost I'l weigh for the day. So up at least 9lbs from my more typical low of 170lbs. I've adding grape juice and pineapple juice to the diet. Can imagine that is putting on some weight.

The good news though is that I'm feeling good and looking decently healthy. So I'm not overly concerned with the weigh gain. I'll continue to the alpha gal diet since I'm feeling good, and tackle the weight gain another day.
What a wonderful day. I was and am feeling quite well. I'm doing something right on this latest alpha gal diet trial. I;m taking several supplements this time and also eating not only fish but also chicken. So yesterday was not perfect. i did ware myself out good but overall clear signs wereshown that i'm doing something right with the latest alpha gal diet and supplements. Now I just need to continue doing well.

Weight was 174lbs which isn't bad. I want to at least get it back to 170lbs so i might do some fasting to make that happen.
It was another really good day. Energy levels were up. The gut was in decent shape. I'm fearful that I'll end up sick as I have been in the past on this diet but I'm taking an easy, not stressing the stomach, not doing many muscle exercises I'm hoping that makes a difference. I'm heading in the right direction it seems. Love the diet. I should be able to stick to it without issue. Looking to lose weight as always. That is what got me into trouble in the past, fasting. So not sure if I'll do that or not, in particular with the heart of the hurricane season right aruond the corner.
I'm still continuing to show some strength. good to see and gives me good hope. With that said I slept in by around 2 hours. I have been exercising to much I suspect. I was also slightly unsteady this morning after waking up. that seems to have gone away though. So the alpha gal diet, with fish still seems to be doing me well.
As usual I've certainly worn myself out, but I'm not doing horribly. I can operate and function to a degree. the alpha gal diet is good. I'm going to take as many precautions as I can in hopes of avoiding future stomach flares. While tired I am feeling strong. I'm glad about that.
I'm doing well and I keep thinking this has to be it. The alpha gal diet is the answer. this is how I want to feel. well, I want more energy and want to be far less sick to the stomach but this has to be it. Pork and beef make me feel terrible to not so great with beef. So naturally i'm wondering what went wrong in past trials on this diet. It has me racking my brain.

Nice though that I'm slightly able to do more. hope that continues. Bought a red light today. it's to help with weight loss and help with internal healing. Both would be lovely.
I'm going to make another dietary switch I'm going to go back onto the fish diet. Adding chicken to my diet does have me feeling well but I'm swelling up quickly. This morning I was up to 176lbs. That swelling scares me. To me it has me afraid that my gut is being irritated and is retaining water. Don't know for certain what is going on but I do know from history that I can have some bad flares when eating chicken.

I'm so very lucky in discoving the fish diet last year. The diet is not perfect. It still has many problems. On the positive side though I have not experienced a major flare while on the fish diet. Since adding tuna to the diet I find it a decently pleasant die to follow. Salmon is tolerable to eat but does get off. Tuna on the other hand is delicious. So that is what I'll do. I'll also once again go back to trying not to write about my diet. Some writing is good but thinking to much on this can be problematic.My hope is that over time I heal, get my energy and then can begin to add new foods to the diet.
This is remarkable. I only made one change to my diet. I removed chicken and with that spices from my diet. I replaced that with tuna in olive oil. Asa result I'm down to 175lbs this afternoon. This morning I was at 176lbs so to lose that amount of weigh is surprising. I suspect I'll weigh 173lbs or maybe 174lbs when I wake up tomorrow.

So what it is , chicken or spices, was bloating me.

I'm on the fish diet and I've written out a limited diet. The only controversial foods are potatoes and wheat. I hope potatoes are safe for me. Don't know but hoping they are. Wheat is a problem food but it might be more of a mild cramping issue food. Will see.

Famous last words but the plan is to go a minimum of 5 months on the diet, or till Jan 1. Then I'll assess how things are going.
I'm am not planning to write as much but good news this morning. I'm appearing much healthier on the diet. That is something I've struggled with and have hoped to have discovered as answer to as appearance of health is something I can latch onto. If I can appear healthy most of the time with this diet I'll be able to stick with the diet long term. That is what is needed I'm guessing a diet I can remain on for a year or longer for the gut to heal

In the end I did kick out potatoes/nightshade from the diet. I have kept wheat in the diet. Wheat does cause me some problems but I'm hoping not enough problems to keep upset the stomach.
I'm doing well, quite well on the current diet. My energy levels are higher. My muscles feel good. My gums feel quite well. Before this diet after eating my teeth and gums could feel sore for a few hours afterwards. On this alpha gal, fish diet, avoid nightshade and spices diet I can eat without gum pain. I'm feeling strong. So quite exciting. Course of big importance is time. I need to test the diet for a month or two at least I'm guessing to see if all the positive health effects continue. For now though I'm heading in a positive direction. Weight 175lbs. Not bad for all the food I've been eating.
have been thinking about this all day so thought i better note down. A year ago when I discovered the fish diet and how helpful it can be to my gut, I was eating a lot of french fries.

Now I'm avoiding potatoes, GMO soy, and other nightshade family members. That is the only big difference I can think of between this years fish diet and last years fish diet. If i continue to do well, with energy, appearing healthy, feeling stronger, etc, then avoiding nighshade is most likely my answer.
Wow, for a second evening in a row I have a lot of energy. I keep moving around. I'm bouncing my legs around when I read or watch TV. I hope the high energy levels continue.
I have good energy again this evening. My energy levels are not as high as yesterdays evening's energy but they are plenty higher than normal. I'm bouncing my legs around. I'm wiggling my arms from time to time. Lets see how many days I can go with this good energy.

During the day I'm not as energetic but still have energy levels above average.

Gut doing very well also. I'm feeling strong. Glad for that. Appearance good and healthy this evening. During the day I wasn't as healthy in appearance I thought.

I'll keep with avoiding nightshade, spices, pork, and stick with the fish diet.
I read something very interesting last night. One of the bigger mysteries to me is in the past I could get mygut well but was not able to recover. I'd be well to the guy but had low energy levels and in general felt miserable. I didn't know why I was making myself well with a particular diet change but if I avoided a bunch of foods, and ate a lot of cheese the D went away.

Last night reading a book on alternative cancer treatments, a doctor mentioned how he treated cancer patients with diet and emzymes. He said the diet for each patient was different. Some were places onto a vegan diet while others onto an Atkins diet. One of the criterias for which diet wsa choose for a patient depended upon how a patient handled calcium rich foods. Some patients did very well eating calcium rich foods, having lots of energy. Other patients did very poorly feeling sluggish eating calcium rich foods or calcium tablets. A similar pattern was seen with magnesium. Some did well eating magnesium rich foods while others had the opposite reaction.

I was thinking that describes me. Calcium rich foods tire me out and make me feel miserable. Magnesium on the other hand makes me feel energetic.

Course this is the first time I've read someone bringing this up and makes me wonder, as something else could be causing the calcium magnesium issues. Regarddless I'll stick with my diet, it is giving me energy, and I'll stay clear of high calcium rich foods and instead remain eating magnesium rich foods.

'm beating myself up more than typical with swimming and light weight lifting. I'm feeling good though. I can tell from appearance that it is stressing my body some though.

This morning I have good energy levels. I'm happy about that. It is a good way to start out the week. I'm feeling strong.
I still have good energy. It isn't as good as it was earlier in the day but I'm still having lots of energy. With that said, I can tell all the exercising being done is waring on me. It's not all that tired, but do feel fatigue from swimming. My appearance is somewhat ruff.

I'm going to kick out oranges from the diet once again simply because my hair turns blondish to also have some gray hairs. For what ever reason when I avoid oranges my hair turns dark. the gray hairs go away. Odd. Don't know what is up there.
I'm going to go back to avoiding wheat. It isn't doing me any good as far as I can tell eating it. Wheat gives me slight crampings. I'll just have some wheat every so often.
Doing OK today. Glad I'm avoiding wheat once again. Good move on my part. Energy levels are good.

I'm not happy though that I'm avoiding potatoes. Think I better add them back into the diet. I'll monitor my energy levels, see if that makes a difference.

Something I forgot is that for the last year I've spent time dieting. and Dieting zaps my energy levels. Now on this diet I'm not dieting (though I have a desire to lose weight) and I'm not overly aggressive with exercise. That is probably why I have good energy. The alpha gal diet is doing me good (avoiding beef, pork and dairy) I have to be caresul to not limit my diet to much. When I do that I can create a diet that I dislike to much and end up stopping it. So I'll add potatoes back into it and see how my energy levels go. .

Glad I'm back on the fish diet, just for the fear factor. it is hurricane season and I've had a few bad flares for some reason while eating chicken, though overall I felt fine. So far no major flares on the fish diet.
It seems as the day progresses I have more energy. I love it. Kind of nice that I remembered such a simple thing, I'm not trying to diet and lose weight. That is likely why the diet is working, diet change and not starving myself equals good energy. Next hope the gut begins to work well. that will take time but if I have energy Ill be happy. A strange new situation has been created also. I find myself bored. I'm typically to tired to be bored.
I ate a lot of potatoes today and so far I stillhave lots of energy. Yaa!! A few more days of testing should give me a good answer. I'm being sure to not diet as dieting tires me out. I'm also not over exercising. Exercise amounts are to be lite.
Good decent energetic day. Glad for that. Glad I had energy after eating a lots of potatoes.

Avoided citrus and as happened in the past my hairs gray strands have gone away.

Avoided wheat also and glad I did. The gut is feeling better.

The citrus and hair color change does bother me. Don't know what to make of it, whether it is an allergy type situation of something else is going on. Just finished a long trial of avoiding cirus and didn't notice any significant health improvements. hard to say what is going on withthat, but Ill stick with it. Pineapple tastes better anyway.
not sleeping terribly well this evening so I'm laying in bed with an idea in my mind.

The new found energyI have came out of no where more or less. I just happened to test for energy and to mysurprise I had some. Wel, the last item I did was to avoid citrus. I ended up adding citrus back into the diet a week ago or so but haven't been agressive with eating it. So I'm going to go back and avoid citrus. I'll notice my hair color improve and more importantly I'll pay attention to my energy levels. Am I able to do more, have more energy. I bet that is the answer, avoid citrus. Course I'll avoid pork too and stay away from dairy/cheese for now.
I'm going to say 173lbs though I'm right at the border between 174 and 173.

Doing well and feeling upbeat about the citrus aviodance idea being behind my increased energy levels. I'll stick with the fish diet and avoiding citrus. I could probably eat chicken but being the height of the hurricane season I'll play it safe.
I took some Imodium today. I'm drivng out to the airport tomorrow and am looking to helpthe gut a little. And as usually happens when I take Imodium, I'm feeling a little tired. I suppose if I have trouble sleeping in the future, taking some Immodium is a possible solution. OUtside of that doing well. hair color has changed nicely since avoiding oranges/citrus. Blonde and grey hairs are gone. Only have dark brown hair now.
I'm tired this morning. It is goingto be a long day. I'm guessing the tiredness comes from the Imodium taken yesterday to help prepare me forthe drive to the airport. With a little luck I'll be doing better tomorrow Appearance healthy. Hair color is dark brown. I'll keep aviding citrus, pork and the rest.
I'm going to avoid potatoes and nightshade once again. I was sick to my stomach this morning. Nothing terrible but was sick. i also have lousy energy levels.

So I'll go back to avoiding nightshade and see what happens. Will I get more energy.
Off to a good start with avoiding nightshade and soy this morning. My energy levels feel good. So fingers crossed that the good energy remains for the next week. Avoiding nightshade and soy is one of my least favorite diets but if I can get more energy for doing so, it will quickly become my favorite diet. The energy I feel is not high level but it certainly is more than normal. That has been the part I have missed I suspect ovr the years of testing not noticing well enough. .
good and bad news. the bad news is i' tired but likely tired from not sleep much. I'm house sittigng a couple cats for the next week. The two of them welcomed me with open paws and decided I should stay the night up with them. That's their normal greeting. They will let me sleep tonight.

Good news, since avoiding nightshade and soy since soy is genetically modified with a nightshade member my muscle feel good, and i'm not fatigued. I'm off to a promising start. Todays soy bean is not only a bean but is similar to potatoes due to genetic modifications.

I'm still avoiding citrus soI shouldn't discount that entirely.

Feeling fat, ate a bunch of cheese last night. My once a month cheese fest I suppose. I should get back to normal weight in a few days i imagine.
So nice to read so much good news and good days when catching up on your thread. Hopefully many more better days and fewer tired ones 😊 I was interested to read about you noticing a BO smell sometimes as I get that too occasionally and so embarrassing and haven’t found a way to deal with it at all- but literally can shower when I get up, use deodorant and by 10am I smell like I haven’t washed in a week it’s awful. And so unpredictable when it might happen. I’m grateful for the days I can work from home online! If you get any insight into it please share if you are happy to. I spoke to a normal doctor who laughed and a naturopath who speculated maybe body trying to expel toxins but didn’t have any suggestions
Hello Delta. Good to hear from you again. Oh I know, you have the dreaded small too. My condolences. My BO sometimes in the summer time can be so awful! I don't even want to sit with myself sometimes.

It seems that only eating grass fed beef causes the BO issue for me. Why that is i don't understand but grass fed beef makes me stink bad. Commercial beef might cause similar BO issues but don't know as in general I'm afraid to eat commercial beef. I've had some very bad stomach experiences eating commercial beef.

Eating fish, chicken and turkey does not result in me smelling. At least I haven't noticed any odors and no one have make comments or moved away from me when eating wild caught fish. I'm probably not the sweetest smelling IBD suffer on the fish diet but I can mingle with people without getting looks when I'm on it.
Last night I was doing some thinking about my IBD condition and diet. Always a dangerous activity for me to do, think to much about the condition as It can take me all kinds of wild directions.

Last night I was thinking I have my answer. I've solved my stomach issue. I just need to accept what I've discovered and work to recover which is not easy for me to do as my mind wants to reject some of the facts.

So the facts I've learned over the years are:

I'm allergic to pork No doubts there. I eat pork and my face and gums painfully swell up.

Chicken and turkey will make me sick to my stomach though I'll feel better on a diet of chicken and turkey. That is the strange part feeling better on a bird diet. It is what makes it hard for me to accept. Yet if I stick with a bird diet within a month or two I'll begin to experience bad stomach flares.

Eating eggs appears to be similar to eating chicken with the added change in that I begin to develop tongue sores.

I've had some of my worst most painful stomach flares after eating commercial beef. I'm afraid to eat commercial beef for good reasons.

On the other hand grass fed beef and grass fed cheese can make my stomach well. For many years I followed a diet of grass fed beef and grass fed cheese and my stomach always did well. The frustrating part was feeling lousy on the diet. I was fell on the diet but felt lousy as a result. Possibly eating cheese caused the lousy part.

The wild caught fish diet is new, but it has me feeling the best of all the diets I've tried. I haven't recovered on the fish diet but I don't feel lousy on it.

So thinking about it last night, it looks like I have my answer though I don't want to accept it. I want to reject the facts. What is making me sick is something being fed and/or injected into animals. The commercial beef in particular gives me that answer. Commercial beef make me sick but grass fed beef does not.

It makes the most sense in my mind at least. Possible I'm allergic to antibiotics fed to commercially raised animals. So many commercially raised animals are also fed diets high in corn and soy beans. Possibly I'm allergic to soy or corn and that allergy is showing up in the commercial meets eaten.

So I'll see. I need to make it a point to avoid commercial raised chicken and turkey. I might get back into eating grass fed beef once summer is over and I stop sweating and stinking so bad.

Recovery is probably my big issue at this point. I need to figure out how to recover. The most likely answer there is vitamins and minerals. I'm likely deficient in both after all the D I've had over the years.

Anyway my thought in the morning. This is the main focus I should make going forward.
Something that I need to remind myself about facts is that foods are not eaten in isolation. I don't eat beef alone. It has typically been with some tomato spicy sauce. The same with chicken, chicken is eaten with spices.

So I'll keep aboiding spices, nightshade and citrus.

I'm doing decently well this morning. The house is cooler than typical and that has seemingly zapped some of my energy levels but haven't been zapped to bad.
I've been thinking to much about my diet the last couple of days. I'm happy in some regards to it, but it is a overly restrictive diet and naturally that has me dreaming of new ideas new foods.

I noted this earlier and it remains true today. Since avoiding garlic and spices my teeth stopped hurting. I forgot about that. Typically I'd eat a meal and be in some pian for a few hours later due to sore teeth. All that soreness has gone away since avoiding garlic and spices. It does make the diet worth it as that dental pain was uncomfortable.
Hey I was entirely well using the bathroom this morning. It's a miracle. Undoubtably this is due to all the cheese I ate the other day and the diet I'm following of avioding nightshade and soy since soy has been genetically modified with potatoes, and spices, along with citrus. So I'm doing something right. I'm avoiding cheese as I believe it to tire me out. So with the passage of time I'm aiming to become well to the gut without eating cheese.