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to my surprise I have a slight tongue sore or tongue marking. I'm not sure what these things are, but from time to time they pop up. I suspect that eggs can cause them. Less certain is chicken. I know I've gone on diets were I ate lots of chicken and didn't see these markings. Regardless strange. I avoid all grains and as a result feel tired and see tongue markings. i still look healthy though which has me thinking I'm absorbing nutrients well.

I'll keep with opening my diet some, eating chicken, and spices. If the tongue markings continue I'll go back on the fish diet and see what happens.
I think I know were the tongue sores are coming from. Forgot that I recently add some new nuts of my diet, pecans and macadamia nuts. I'm going to guess they are slightly irritating the gut. That will result in poor energy levels and tongue sores. I'll remove both from the diet and see.
Looks like I have a test result. As written before at times I can experience big flaky dandruff. I sore of figured out the sweet potato corn chips brought this on in the past. At least it seemed that say though I haven't been entirely conclusive with that. then the dandruff returned when I began eating a good amount of rice.

Now that i'm eating grain free the dandruff has gone away.

I'll continue to monitor but believe with a decent reliability I have a result, eating no grains has the dandruff going away.
This evening my good energy levels have returned. Maybe it was the nuts being avoided. hard to say. Regardless glad I can eat grain free and have some energy.
this is awesome. I have some good strength this morning. It reminds me a little bit ofwhat i experienced in Nov. My muscles feel good. Did some pushups and they were easy to do. It would be wonderful if I figured out why I was doing so well in nov. Makes some sense too. It would be easy for me to not have eaten grains during that time. And then later it went away around the same time I began eating sweet potato corn chips. Course one morning of feeling strong doesn't prove anything but I can hope.

Energy levels are good. Back still a little sore but nothing terrible.
I have an upset stomach today. It is not a big problem but naturally concerned it could become worse. I'll take an easy today. I'll also be returning to the fish diet tomorrow to see if I can quickly straighten things out. Tongue sore still there.
it is a little early to note this down but being a slow day I will do so.

Since avoiding all grains, along with beef, dairy and pork, I feel warm. Today is a good test of that as a cold front passed through the area yesterday. Today it isn't all that warm outside, nor inside the house, yet I feel warm. It has me thinking my thyroid is working better. Hard to say or course what is going on, but could be big. If this continues, and the cold doesn't bother me a much that is a big change.
This is awesome, this evening I have that rare super high energy levels. This is more and more like what happened in Nov. Well, one evening isn't a result but hoping this continues.
Doing ok this morning. Energy levels are fine. Strength is ok. It is chilly in the house this morning which is playing a roll in being less energetic I'm guessing. I'm going back on the fish diet for a short while till my stomach improves and that tongue sore is gone. With the high energy levels I had last night I'm guessing though the spicy chicken dishes I was eating are likely safe to eat. The likely cause of the stomach was the new nuts I began eating.. Those are now out of my diet.

Exciting time though. I might have finally figured out why I was doing so well in Nov. I was not knowingly avoiding all grains, pork, beef and dairy products. I wouldn't be surprised if beef and dairy products are safe but energy zappers, dairy/cheese in particular. Cheese does tire me out.
I certainly do feel warmer today. It is 75F in the house and I'm in a tee shirt. Typcally I'd be bundled up. So this is nice. Still have good energy. When I get that high energy typically it is around 5 or so. I don't know if I'll be bouncing off the walls wth energy as last night, but the possibility is there.

Ended up eating a chicken spicy meal for lunch. The gut is good. The tongue markings appear to be healing, going away.

So might have an answer with low energy, avoid all grains, and avoid red meat along with cheese. That would be a huge improvement for me.
Mixed bag this morning. Strength is not all that good. Energy levels though are a little above average. Tongue marking is healing I believe. Weight was 177lbs I believe. Avoiding grains isn't bringing about weight loss on its own for me. Stomach is improved. The nuts likely were the cause of the upset stomach. Left foot isn't hurting. i'm excited about the extra energy in the evenings I'vd had for two days. Hope that continues. It feels so good to have good energy like that.
I've done well today. Don't have that really good energy this evening though. That is likely due to me being on my feet longer than normal. I've noticed when I rest my head anymore i find myself with a slight head ache. So more energy but less ability to rest. So some changes have happened since avoiding all grains, red meat and dairy. I'm not sure this is the answer, but I'll stick with the diet for awhile and see what comes of it. Tongue markings look better I believe.
I should correct myself, looks like I should permanently avoid grains. I've known for sometimes that eating 3 rice cakes will make me sick to my stomach. My assumption has been that I've been eating to much fiber. Now I'm learning toward rice/grains being a stomach allergy type problem. Rice can give me brain fog it appears. Rice is another energy zapper. Rice and corn give me dandruff, big flaky dandruff. Eating wheat will cause my stomach to pulse and typically make me feel lousy. So I'm not entirely conclusive with this, but have good proof this is what happens when I eat grain.

Course the big probllem is I avoided grains for around 10 years. And I didn't solve my health problems when doing so. I did see times where my gut was entirely well, but I never had good energy levels. So that is what I'll need to figure out. Maybe cheese was the problem. Maybe pork was the issue. Or maybe red meat was giving me troubles

Oh, rice probably was the cause of me getting dizzy from the chinese rice dish.

I'm probably going to fast tomorrow. I'll make another run at trying to lose the fat. I'm close to 178lbs right now. I'll likely be 177lbs in the morning. Goal remains 170lbs or lower.
Lets see, ok strength this morning. Energy levels OK maybe leaning toward the lousy side of things. Doing alright overall though and imagine it will be an alright day. I'll fast this afternoon. Will be interesting to see how things go. barely 177lbs this morning. i'll likely be 176 to 175 tomorrow morning if I fast. Didn't look at my tongue this morning but imagine it has healed up further.
This evenign I'm feeling as I typically do after fasting, cold and a little worn down. I'm alright though. I guess the big things for me is will there be a difference with weight loss since I'm eating grain free. I doubt it, but have read some that believe different. Time will tell.
165lbs this morning on the favorite scale. the favorite scale is likely more accurate. It came in closer to the weight reported at a doctors office and I'm guessing the doctors scale is calibrated from time to time. Then again who knows. Regardless I have around 5lbs to lose till I lose the fat that I'm looking to be rid of. Tough 5lbs to lose and keep off.

Doing ok this morning. Strength ok. Energy levels maybe a little above average. tongue marking is healing nicely. It isn't entire gone but close. I'll keep avoiding all grains and red meats along with cheese.
I don't know what it is bout fasting, eating chicke and developing an upset stomach but the two do go together. Have an upset gut today. Nothing terrible but a rare thing since I discovered the fish diet. So I'll return to the fish diet. Imagine I'll have the gut in better shape in 4 to 5 days. And I'll continue fasting, avoiding grains mainly.
I have been assuming that it was the nuts I ate that caused the tongue markings, sores, what ever they are. That could be wrong though. it might be the chicken eaten. I think what I'll do is avoid chicken, spices and nightshade once again and see how I do. I'll also add those nuts back into my diet and see what happens.
Not much of a fun day with an upset stomach. So back to avoiding spices, nightshade and chicken. Grains back into the diet just like that from te forever avoid list. I never do well with eating chicken though time after time I find reasons why I should be able to eat it. Think next time I'll find reasons to eat grass fed beef.
This morning Im doing better. The tongue sores or markings are entirely gone. That's interesting. i ate dinner last night having fish and then breakst being the fish diet. And the sores entirely go away. I've often thought that eggs can cause the tongue markings. I have to guess that chicken meat can also.

This morning I'm grateful once again for the fish diet. It is a safe diet for me to return to after experimenting.

I'm also thankful for the month of Nov. where I proved that I can get myself well, to where I want to be, with the fish diet. I ended up losing that being well, and it was either a diet change or to much exercise making me tired, but it gives me good hope that I'll eventually figure this thing out. It just takes a lot of time. Healing takes months.
Doing better today as expected. The gut is not entirely better to my normal but it isn't bad.

So i failed to get far with eating spicy chicken. I know why I choose chicken to eat when I look to add new foods, I'm afraid of beef. I've had some serious stomach flares after eating spicy beef before. Chicken has always been a problem but not serious enough of a problem to cause me great pains.

Think what I'll do, and I'll note here, and on my kitchen grocery note pad, when i get the feeling of trying something new to eat i'll buy a spicy fish meal. Fish looks to be safe for me to eat. I don't know if it is spices or the chicken that are my problems. So if i buy spicy fish dishes I'll have an answer. So that is what I'll try in the future.

Noticed the pulled muscle in my back that kept hanging on has gone away today. I'm assuming it is due to the removing the spicy chicken dish from my menu.

I'm going to stop eating maple candy. This is being done is hopes of helping me to lose weight. It occurred to me that since the fish diet help my gut well I have less need for snack foods. so I'll eat lower carb. Imagine that will help me with getting rid of the belly.
I'm a little more tired and beat up this morning than expected. That is likely due to being sick the other day. I'm healing I'd guess and healing is a tiring experience.

Tongue looks great. I've been eating those nuts that I suspect might have brought about the tongue markings for two days and during that time my tongue heals up. So it is looking like it is chicken that cases the tongue markings. I don't believe spices or nightshade cause the markings/sores.

On an upbeat note I'm at 166lbs this morning, close to 165lbs. Eating lower carb might have brought that about. I'd expect to weight 177 to 178lbs instead of 176 and close to 175. This might be wy I'm tired also.
Good news, I am looking good and healthy.

Bad news, have some muscle issues, a sore back, a right foot that hurts a little. typical stuff when recovering from a flare.

In my memory before I jumped into avoiding all grains, I was avoiding all nightshade family foods. that idea seems sensible at the moment. So when I look to expand mydiet my thinking now is to eat some plain beef. WHo knows when that will happen but it's on my mind already. When I avoid nightshade I do appear healthier I believe. The only nightshade that throws me for a loop though is potatoes. As plain as potato starch is though it might have little of the allergin, alkoloids that give me trouble.
Feeling similar this morning to yesterday morning. I guess one difference, the back pain I experienced yesterday doesn't appear to be there. Tongue sore is nearly gone. Weight 177lbs. I was hoping I'd drop in weight afteravoiding all candy. Just two days though isa bit early to notice much difference. Strength is poor. Energy levels are OK.
Still a little sore. My back didn't hurt by my legs did this time. It is typical I believe on these things. Doing well in general though being back on the fish diet. I always say I'm going to write less but I'll say that now, i'll write less. I have a plan for the future that I should be able to stick with. When I decide to add a new meat to the diet it will be either wild fish or plain grass fed beef. They sell some wild caught fish sticks at the store that have no spices, just breaded. And I have some grass fed beef in the freezer. So energy levels not that great. Strength not that great.
Slept in by 2 hours. I'm finally feeling half way decent this morning. I'm not all that energetic. I am feeling ok with strength though. There are fewer aches and pains. So I'm going in the right direction I believe. I'll be avoiding chicken, turkey, spices and nightshade family. .
Didn't sleep all that well last night but I'm feeling decent this morning. Energy levels are OK. Strength is better. I'm feeling relatively good.

I'll be writing less often as I think need to stop over thinking things. I'll just plan on nightshade family members plus soy being my stomach/ muscle issue. Till proven other wise I'll stick with this diet. I'll have bad days ahead and that will naturally cause me concern but hopefully this is it.

Weight 178lbs.
Lots of stomach problems the last couple of days. It is the good stomach problemthough if such a thing can be. I'm feeling well but at times find myself using the bathroom often, a small flare.

Think I've finally scared myself from eating chicken, eggs, turkey. The stomach pain while not intense is troubling. And the tongue sores/markings were not good to see. So along with avoiding nigthshade family, I'll keep away from chicken,turkey and eggs.

I'm looking decently healthy, energy levels are good, strength is good. The only problem is an upset stomach. Found myself getting sick driving over the bridge this afternoon. That is always frightening.

Back to chicken, imagine if that turns out to be the trouble maker, since pork is a known problem, I'm guessing it is something fed to animals that is my problem. Grass fed beef is likely OK and I have known safe times when I've eaten it.

Weight at the moment is 177lbs.
i've somewhat joked about this in the past. It isn't all that funny as this predictable event can bring me a lot of pain, but it is odd. It is scary when I avoid all bird meats, chicken, turkey, even eggs. When I do that I'll be sick, with the worst day being the 7th day. It happens every time. Well, I haven't noted down for certain that it happens every time but it happens every single time. So after being sick all afternoon yesterday, I should begin to do better going forward. this next week could see me slightly ill but improving.

I wouldn't be surprised if beef will be alright to eat by the end of next week.
I'm feeling really well today. I'm upbeat. My energy levels are decent. the only negative is that I'm fasting today and that does have me running at a lower levels. I guess air head is a good description. I'm a bit out of it I'm afraid.

Avoiding most carbs is helping with weight loss. I was down to 174lbs the other day, 175lbs this morning. Figure there is a good chance i'll be at 173lbs by tomorrow morning if I am able to continue the 23 hour fast. If I keep this up I might possibly be able to reach my goal of 170lbs. Looking healthy this morning.

I have decided my next diet trial will be eating spicy grass fed beef. I don't know when I'll do that but I've bought the foods I'll eat. If lucky my food allergy is chicken, eggs, and turkey. there is a good chance this is the case. What has confused things so much is that it takes a week or two or even longer of eating chicken or turkey reguarly for me to become ill. Then on the other side, when I avoid all bird meat and eggs I am sick for a week or two, more sick than typical. It is quite confusing.
This sucks...maybe. I fasted yesterday and I gained weight. I was up 2lbs this morning. I'm guessing to guess I used the bathroom less. So maybe it is good in a way. Regardless I need to get back to eating my typical 2 meals a day. I'm rather out of after faster3 days out of the last 6. I'll keep avoiding candy. I seem to be doing well enough. When I'm sick it helps me to have sugary snacks. When doing better though as now, on the fish diet, I do alright without treats.
Not my best of days. Rather stunned, out of it, day. The fasting while it can help does make me feel spacy when done to long. That might change eventually but for now I better hold back from fasting to much. Today I'm snacking away, helping to revive myself. Overall do OK though. I'm recovering and should be better by tomorrow Im imagine.

I have a feeling I'll likely begin that spicy grass fed beef trial soon.
Feeling better this morning. My energy levels are up. I'm feeling decently strong. When I woke it reminded me a little of how good I felt in Nov. So I'm on the right track. After two weeks of feeling lousy I have a good morning going so far. After eating breakfast weight was 179lbs. I thought that good to see as i expected to weigh more after eating snacks yesterday evening, wheat snacks in particular which will bloat me. Figure what i'll do in the future is continue with fasting days but instead of fasting every other day I'll fast every third day.
I think something new has been learned about the fish diet. I gain weight on the fish diet. It reminds me ofeating grass fed beef. I've long complained that eating beef, grass fed beef, causes me to gain weight. Now, it seems clear that the fish diet does the same. I don't want to gain weight but it is probably for the best. I typically lookhealth and feel good on the fish diet. I even had the month of Nov. were I was following the fish diet and essentially became well.

This morning i'm not doing all that well. I slept terribly. And my weight was 177lbs this morning. I keep gaining weight though I'm eating less, and eating little sugar. My weight should level off eventually though and once that happens I can begin again with losing weight.

My waist is definately expanding. I can tell with wearing my shorts.

So Ill keep avoiding bird meat and eggs along with pork. I'll follow the fish diet. Later on I'll add grass fed beef to the diet and see what happens.
I'm going to take macadamia nuts out of the diet. They seem to tire me out some, and I have a small tongue sore after I began eating them. I look less healthy also when I eat macadamia nuts. I'll take them out of my diet today and see how things go.
I think it is safe to say I've found another problematic food. Macadamia nuts cause muscle issues and tongue sores. Today my back mucles hurt a good amount, as do my ankles and legs. I'm feeling better now this afternoon though thankfully. Hopefully by tomorrow most of the pain will be gone.

So naturally this throws into doubt somewhat my last trial of avoiding all grains and eating chicken and spices. It throws it somewhat into doubt. I guess I'll go back to avioiding grains tomorrow. I'll stick with the fish diet for now though. The only nuts that seem to be safe as cashews.
I'm less sore this morning. The back doesn't ache as it did. My right leg doesn't hurt. I can walk better. This is a welcome relief. I can still feel some pain but imagine it will be most gone by tomorrow.

I wouldn't have known that macadamia nuts were a problem if i hadn't eaten a lot of them. I've suspected in the past that macadamias can give me some health issues. It wasn't till I ate a lot of them here of late though that I'm now sure they are a problem. Must be an intolerance.

To my shock this morning I weighed myself after eating breakfast. This is the first time I've weighed myself in a few days. I weighed 179lbs after breakfast. I couldn't believe it. Under normal weighing recordings I weight before eating. Eating a meal typically adds 3lbs. So I likely would have weighed 176lbs. I did not expect that. I thought for sure I'd weigh much more, possibly up into the middle 180 range. I was thinking in my miind 183lbs. So it appears avoiding macadamia nuts caused me to lose some weight. I'll get back to my normal eating patterns today, just two meals and no snacks. I should be able to do that.
Well this is painfully interesting. This morning I had almost no back pain. I ate lunch and the back pain returned. So has me thinking that possibly the sweet potatoes recently began eating might be the cause of the back pain. I'll of course experiment, avoid sweet potatoes and see what happens. Later on I can test sweet potatoes and macadamia nuts and see what happens.
The back pain is already gone, it appears. i don't wnat to jinx myself but I don't feel the back pain nor leg pain either. So maybe it has been the macadamia nuts after all. Will see. yesterday the back pain stayed with me all day, going to bed. So to have it go away quickly I imagine is a good sign.
I feeling upbeat this morning due to me thinking I have a better theory this morning on what is going wrong with my back. the theory goes, it is sweet potatoes that are causing my back and muscle problems. Sweet potatoes are known for causing muscles issues. I would not recognize the muscle pains if it wasn't for my back hurting. The location of the back pain is the same spot where I pulled a muscle around 2 weeks ago lifting a bike into my car. The sweet potatoes I'm guessing are making that back muscle pull worse. Eating sweat potatoes might also explain why I lost the very good feeling I had going on Nov. In Nov. I began eating sweat poatoe corn chips. And while I didn't entirely lose my energy and strength it did decease and I've had trouble figuring out why that happened.

So I'll be sure to avoid sweat potatoes today. If the back pain does not return after lunch, I'll add macadamia nuts back into the diet and see what happens.
I ate lunch an hour ago and so far no back pains. As far as i know I ate the same foods as the previous few days, minus the sweet potato. So at the moment it is looking good that the cause of my back pains and some muscles pains has been caused by the sweet potato.
This is wonderful. I have much better energy levels this afternoon. I'll keep on avoiding sweet potatoes and brown sugar also. Forgot that I would place brown sugar into the potato.
There is another possible answer for the muscle and back problems. I began drinking some carrot juice not long ago. It might be that carrots are a problem. Carrots are related to parsley. I'll stop drinking carrot juice for a bit.

I have a tongue sore. I keep thinking I'm getting rid of it, but it is hanging around. I'll see if it goes away after avvoiding sweet potatoes, macadamia nuts and carrots.

I've always wondered what made me dizzy when eating that PF Chang rice dish. It did have carrots in it. Maybe, who knows.

forgot to note, I've been drinking some carrot juice with lunch. Today I did not drink any carrot juice.
I'm off to a good start this morning. Energy levels are decent. Strength is good. I ate macadamia nuts this morning with breakfast. I'll do this for a few days and see if any big pains show up. So far all is good this morning.

The possible carrot family allergy does make some sense. Parley would be in nearly all foods I've been concerned about. Carrots were in that chinese rice dish that made me ill.
I'm pretty tired and fatigued today. The main reason why I'm guessing is due to me doing some pushups. Sometimes I do fine doing pushups and other times they tired me out. So not a very good day with that respect.

I've been eating macadamia nuts and haven't noticed any significant pains, in the back or elsewhere. For now macadamia nuts seems safe, but it will take a few days of testing to be sure.
The day has remained lousy. I'm exhausted, bad old days returned. Am happy though that no muscle or back pains have shown up. Would be nice if the answer was carrots and parsley. I've never tested those two I believe. Tongue sore remains. Will be a positive sign once it goes away obviously.
I have a result this morning with the macadamia nuts, sweet potato, carrots testing. When waking up my back hurt. I convinced myself to still try another day of eating macadamia nuts. I had some with breakfast. and now my back hurts worse. So in all likely hood I have a result, eating macadamia nuts can cause me some muscle pains. I;m taking macadamia nuts out of my diet. If they are the cause of the muscle/back pains, I should be doing better by later this afternoon.

On the positive I do have better energy this morning compared to yesterday. I was exhausted yesterday.

Tongue sore remains. I'm not a good judge on whether it is healing or not. Hopefully it goes away soon.

I'll keep avioding carrot juice and sweet potatoes for now. I'll test them once the back pain goes away.
Just to add while I'm thinking about it, the tongue markings/sores are likely caused by the chicken I was eating 10 days ago. It likely just takes a long time, longer than I expected to heal.

The macadamia nut muscles and back issue is likely minor. I'll just stay away from them and expect I'll be doing better by the afternoon.
I once again have good energy this later afternoon. This is exciting. Hope more good days await me.

I shouldn't down play this possibly being big. there remains a good chance that it is carrots and parsley that are my problem.
Back still hurts come and I'm feeling fatigued and tired this morning. Yet it isn't a horrible morning. With a little luck Ill have more energy as the day progresses and the back will losen up. I do have another theory of what is going on having to do with carrots. If by chance carrots and parsley are my problem, upsetting the gut and causing tongue markings/sores, I might be healing up since avoiding carrot juice. And healing takes energy, sapping my energy levels. Tongue is looking much better this morning. No doubt about that. So the hope is I'm allergic to carrots and parsley. If it is one of the other foods, macadamia nuts or sweet potatoes and brown sugar, I'll be covered as i'm avoiding those also.
Another fatigue tiring day. I'll likely have more energy this evening. That is typical for me, but for now, i'm dragging. Tongue looks better. I've had a long time theory that what ever causes those tongue marketings also causes my stomach problems along with fatigue. it is a good theory. And I've long thought that eggs and maybe chicken meat caused the tongue markings. That has never worked out though. Today I'm hoping that carrots and parley are the cause for the markings/sores on the tongue.

Since avoiding carrot juice the markings do appear to be healing. Course don't know for certain if that is the cause but i can hope.
Good news this morning, the tongue sore/markings are nearly gone. i'm healing. In another day I'm guessing I'll be nearly healed completely.

I think it a reasonable theory that what ever causes the tongue sores causes my stomach issues. Leading suspects this time sare:

carrots/parsley - new food to test. I've never eaten carrots much. the fiber content has kept me away from carrots. Fingres crossed it is carrots and parsely

Eggs, chicken. I haven't eaten eggs in over a year. Chicken I test from time to time. If it is chicken it isn't consistent and it taks much longer to heal than I suspected. It has been about 2 weeks since I last ate chicken.

Then there is sweet potatoes and macadamia nuts. Both have a chance of being the cause but I think them less likely just due to me eating them often in the past and not noticing anything.

I'm tired and fatigued this morning. I feel weak. My energy levels are lousy. I'm looking healthier which is good though. Ever since avoiding carrot juice I've been appearing healthier.
Another tiring down. My energy levels have been lousy for most of the day though now later this afternoon I'm doing a bit better. Right hip hurts. Don't know why. Not a big issue as it doesn't hurt enough to cause me to stop exercising. I ate some wheat yesterday so maybe that is the cause. On the positive do look a little healthier I believe. Tongue continues to look improved. I'm healing I suspect. i'll keep avoiding carrots, parley, sweet potatoes and macadamia nuts. I imagine I'll start testing again as soon as the tongue marking goes way, in a day or two I'm guessing.
Tongue sore is gone. No time to waste then, I've added macadamia nuts to my diet this morning. I'll begin eating sweat poatoes with brown sugar during lunch. I'll see if any tongue markings appear or not in the coming days.

Energy levels this morning are OK. Strength is alright. So far the morning is starting out better. Weight was 178;lbs this morning. I was expecting to weigh more so this is good. I've been eating more food then typical due to poor energy levels. I'll see if I can get away from snacking starting today.
This week I've been tired and fatigued and today was no different. Tongue looks great now though. I'm looking healthier too, though looks like I have some more healing to do in that area. So far doing well after eating macadamia nuts and a sweet potato with lunch.
Its another one of those mornings. I'm so tired thsi morning, feeling fatigued, feeling lousy, the same old I've delt with for many years. But on the positive and it is a big positive my tongue is entirely healed. No tongue markings, sores, what ever they are. So I'm healing is my guess and healing takes lots of energy. Strength isn't bad it is just my energy levels are awful. I'll stick wit hte diet, avoid carrots, parsley, pork, etc. Macadamia nuts and sweet potatoes probably are ok but I'll keep eating and testing them.
Doing better today, have more energy. Glad about that and hope this stays. Still below good energy levels. Tongue still looks good. No tonue sores, markings.
I've finally done it. I've scared my self to the point that i do not believe I could easily eat chicken, eggs or turkey again. that is always the problem for me. i constantly find reasons why chicken is safe for me to eat and try. I eat it, do wel for a few weeks to a month and then the scary diarrhea begins. It is the same thing ever time. It is easy to see why I get confused. the reaction is not quick. It takes a month or more for chicken to become a problem food.

So chicken, eggs and turkey have become another pork. I'm scared to eat pork and for good reason, it makes me itch all over, my gums swell up and my left side of my face swells up also. The itching and swelling lasts a week or longer.

I'm not entirely sure if grass fed beef is a problem or not. I have some good clues that it is a problem. The issue is not for certain though.

So I'll likely add carrot juice back into the diet soon. I'll see how i do. Imagine it will go well.

I'm likely stuck with the fish diet going forward, which is fine. I'll want to expand on it in coming weeks.

I might have the medial condition called alpha gal. the official definition of alpha gal is to have an allergy to beef and pork. the condition does appear to be more complicatied than that though. Some write that chicken and eggs are a problem also. there is also confusion about whether grass fed beef is a problem or not.
I drank carrot juice with lunch and also ate a spicy mustard pretzel, gluten free. It was really good tasting. I'll see how i do.

Think also I'll begin fasting to lose weight starting tomorrow. It dawned on me that the only time I've been able to lose weight was when I was following the fish diet. It makes sense. It seemed like any other diet I try ends up not working, and during recovery have to pig out to help with the poor energy levels.

Today I'm feeling better, have some greatly energy and strength is quite good. Weight this morning was 178lbs,.

I'm now pretty afraid of eating chicken, pork, turkey, eggs, and even grass fed beef. I've tried them so many times that I don't seem to be able to find a workable diet while eating them. I should stick with the fish diet going forward.
My tongue is looking good. No markings. sores what ever those things are. energy levels feel pretty good. Strength is only ok. I might have worked out to hard yesterday. Been eating lots of macadamia nuts. Have been eating sweat poatoes with brown sugar. And ate lots of spices.

I'm feeling pretty good about avoiding all meats with the exception of fish. I've tested different meats many times and never have been able to get them to work with my gut. There is a lot of confusion with chicken, eggs and turkey due to the very long reaction times. I pretty scared now though of eating bird meats. I know eventually they will make me very sick to my stomach. Beef I know will tired me out, make me weak. It also might upset my stomach. Pork is the easiest meat to know causes me a problem as I begin itching like crazy soon after eating and a day or two later my gums swell up and bleed and my face hurts.

Today I'm planning on fasting for 23 hours. I'llonly fast twice a week at most. I weighed 178lbs this morning. Goal is 170lbs or lower.
Looks like I started fasting and trying to lose weight a little bit to early. I'm quite worn out and tired today as a result. Typically a one day fast isn't that bad, even can make me feel good. Not today. I'll plan on fasting for the rest of the day but I'll be more careful this week.
Oh good, I'm feeling better this morning. Yesterdays tirdness was likely caused by my sickness flare of late, and fasting yesterday but also due to exercising. I forget, exercise can tire me out, cause fatigue, when i've been sick recently. Hopefully I'll return to when I can workout without much issue soon.

No tongue sores. I'm eating barbecue potato chips and all the spices on that. I don't seem to have a problem with that. I've also kept eating macadamia nuts.

Weight 178 to 177lbs. i was right on the border between the two.
I had an upset stomach this afternoon. Always unpleasant but as far as upset stomach go it wasn't all that bad. And this evening I had decent energy levels. I'm resigned to the fish diet. It should make me better over time. Imagine such flares will soon be a thing of the past. At leas thtat seems to be the case. I am testing spices more than normal. Hope that tests out well. If all goes well I'll plan on stopping writing here. I tried hard to make some other meats work but never could and I'm now scared to eat other meats. Fish it is.
Rather tired this and to be expected after yesterdays mini flare. Overall I'm feeling upbeat expecting better days soon on the fish diet. My skin is beginning to get that nice healthy look it can get when I'm on the fish diet. That's a positive sign. I'll likely taek an easy today. Doubt I'll do to much exercising. A day or recovery will do me good. Weight this morning 177lbs. On short mini flares I tend to gain weight which has always come as a surprise to me. Figure my body must go into water conservation mode. This time though I didn't gain weight.
I am tired and worn out today. The causes for that are the typical I suspect It has also become cooler. A cold front passed over the area and the cold also zaps some of my energy. Gut remains slightly upset but nothign major. Tongue looks good. macadamia nuts and spices look good, at least not as a cause for the tongue markings. Skin looks healthy. My hair isn't looking so healthy but I'm expecting that to change over the next week. Once the gut settles down I'm guessing my hair will look healthier.
I thinjk I'm doing ok this morning. Energy levels are not all that good but they not bad either. Gut is OK. Strength is OK. It is an ok morning and hoping for an ok day. I was thinking of fasting today but since I'm not all that energetic I'll likely not fast. Being chilly this morning has me thinking of nost limiting my food. Tomorrow is to be warmer so I might try fasting then. Appearance healthy. Hair looked good when I woke up. When I use the bathroom less my skin and hair tend to appeare healthier so a healthier gut means a healthier appearance. That is about it for this morning.
Not the best of days for me, but then again I've had far worse. Energy levels are OK, and I'm talking ok, but writing and stuff isn't so good due to poor energy levels. I'm on the right track though with the diet it seems. Another week, if I have an improved gut, will do me good. I ended up fasting due. Had a 12:30 hair cut and just decided it would be easier to fast today. I'm doing better fasting than I thought I would.
I might be turning the corner from the latest stomach issue. I'm feeling pretty decent today. It's nice. My energy levels have me energetic enough to easily do tasks. I'm far from being fully functional but I'm heading in the right direction. I'm feeling strong, also looking stronger. There is something about the fish diet that has me filling out more. I've known for awhile that eating dairy products such as cheese causes my muscles to waste away some. I suspect though that chicken, turkey and beef does the same.

Think tomorrow if I wake up feeling good I'll have a hard workout in the morning.
I've tired myself out now this evening. It was good to have some decent energy for a change. It takes to long to recoup from one of these stomach flares. I might try fasting again tomorrow. The weather is to be warm so that should help to make that easier.
Woke up late by an hour. I'm feeling rather worn out. It feels like exercise fatigue. So no hard workout for me today. I'll take an easy with exercise for another week and then try them to do more. Appearance is healthy. Tongue looks good and healthy. Macadamia nuts, carrot juice, and spices from barbecue chips are not caysing those tongue sores. It undoubtably was the chicken eaten that cause the tongue sores.

Weight was 179lbs after breakfast. So that is good. Low weight was likely 176lbs then. I might fast again today. Will see. I don't want to over do it with fasting. .
It has now been 3 weeks since I last ate chicken, I believe. And it has only been in the last few days that I've been using the bath room less frequently. That's a positive sign. From past experience I know my fatigue should be lifting soon. The less I use the bathroom and more energy I get.

That fatigue is why I can be so unreliable. It has nearly been a month since I last ate some food that upset my stomach and I'm just now getting some energy where I can easily do projects. As an example I have some house trim painting to do. there are 7 sections to pain. Each section wil take an hour to paint one coast and I want to put down 2 coats. Not that tough of work, but due to the fatigue of late I haven't wanted to do the painting. So it will be wonderful to have a diet that makes me reliable. I believe the fish diet can do that.

Today Im planning on fast for 23 hours. I'll see if I can drop my weight down to 175lbs this time. I think there is a good chance of that.
Something is in the air. I've been sneezing quite a bit the last two days.

So week 4 is here since avoiding chicken, turkey, and continueing to avoid eggs. I feel decent this morning. Strength is alright. Energy levels are 5 on a scale of 1 to 10, which is good for me.

Decided to avoid all grains this morning. My thinking on why I'll try this for a little bit is grains do hurt my gut. When eating wheat my gut will ache often times. When I eat rice I have to be careful to not eat more than 2 rice cakes worth or I'll have an upset stomach, and eating corn gives me bad dandruff. Something about eating corn that doesn't do well with my hair. Also was thinking of the rice dish I ate in the past that would make me dizzy. Don't know why but possibly it was the rice. lastly animals are fed diets of corn often times and possibly the corn is showing up in the meat.

I have my doubts that this is my problem, grains, and grains fed to live stock, but I'll try the idea once again and see what happens. Maybe it will also help me to lose some weight.
I do feel better this morning. My gut isn't hurting as it has been.

Another change I made was to avoid those barbecue spicy potato chips. Maybe spices are a problem. It is a nearly impossible task to figure out, but I'll keep trying.

I have noticed the last couple of days that the skin around my fingers nails is pulling away from the nail. It is small, not happening in a large way, but the skin is dry and pulling back. I have a good lead that garlic and onions will do that.

I've noticed also that since eating the spicy barbecue chips I've become mildly dizzy. That isn't anything new and I typically blame that on to much diarrhea.

So what I'll try doing, starting today is avoid garlic and onions, see if the skin aroujd my finger nails improves, see if the very mild dizziness goes away and see if my gut continues to feel better. So I'll be eating grains. I'll also eat plain potato chips. I'll see how this goes.
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As usual in this impossible to figure out situation I'm back to avoiding spices. I am doing better today since avoiding garlic and onions. I know what ever it is that works, will take about half a year of avoiding before I see my gut doing significantly better. So I'm doing better today and likely will do better as best as I can judge for the next few days. Then I'll forget how I felt, and I'll have some bad days for some reason that then causes me to question what I'm doing. It can be to frustration.

Think I better go on a spice avoidance diet for a year, regardless of bad days in the future. I'll allow the nightshade family, potatotes, unless I begin having trouble with potatoes and other nightshade members. So that is what ai'll do. I'll open my diet up and not make it overly restrictive. Avoiding spices is bad enough. Adding to that drives me crazy. Maybe I'll get lucky this time.
I'll be noting down less as I'm just going in circles anymore. I have discovered a good amount about my condition the last few years writing this personal journal down. Now I just need to pick some foods to avoid for a long time, half a year and longer,, avoid them, and hope I get lucky.

I'm off to a good start with avoidng spices, garlic and onions in particular. A hip problem went away. I thought it was just to much exercise causing that, but looks like I was wrong. The arthritis symptoms cleared up after avoiding spices. Muscles feel good. I'm communicating better. Overall good beginning to a long avoidance with garlic/onions and spices. I can avoid other foods on the diet of course. I'll have bad days ahead, but I need to remain avoid spices and the main avoidance in this trial. Any other foods are fair game to eat. I had some eggs today as an example. I'll just stay away from the other regulars such as pork, watermelon, and other melons, pistachio nuts. I'll keep away from cheese as I know that tires me out though I doubt it an allergy. Wheat is not likely a big problem, but it can mildly upset my stomach. Processed meats are worrysome as I suspect sometimes not all ingredients are listed such as broth.
Feeling quite well this morning. Muscle feel strong. Energy levels are good. And this comes after fasting. It is wonderful. Hair looks nice and healthy. Skin looks good. So off to a good start with aviding garlic, onions, spices. I am eating nightshade, potatoes in particular. They are not part of the spice avoidance. It was years ago but always remember when driviig from Florida to Illinois becomning quite sick to my stomach after reaching Illinois. I was eating beef with garlic salt on it for the car trip. I dropped the garlic and my gut did better as did my energy levels. It is one of those things that sticks in my mind. Course in the coming weeks and months I'll have bad days, and will be trying to figure out what is going wrong. I'll stick with the garlic avoidance though.
I was thinking of starting a new thread in the success section on the sight. Yesterday with the note that I can sit with comfort, it occurred to me at the very least I now have a safe successful travel diet. That is huge.

I say that, and joke to myself that I haven't traveled on this diet. It hasn't been real world tested! The way the gut feels though the last few days, sitting without discomfort and pain, I have good certainty that I have a travel diet. This is a first.

Where to go from here:

There are so many places to go from here, but I believe of importance I need to have a less sensitive stomach. That would go far in relieving doubts. With the gut being less inflamed on this diet, being able to sit in comfort, I expect that the gut will be less sensitive and reliable soon.

I also want to see the "healthy" look for the whole day. There is a health appearance to being well. I know this from the few times I've been well in the past. So far that look is now showing up in the evenings. Soon I expect it will be show all day. It helps prove to me that I'm absorbing nutrients better.

Soon I need to stop taking the little bit of medication that helps the gut. The medicine and I should add cheese I eat I believe help a little. It would be good to stop taking and eating cheese all together as a test. I'll start that tomorrow or Thursday depending on how I'm feeling.

New food to add in the near future: wild caught fish/ sea foods. I'm guessing that what makes me ill is soy meal fed to commercially raised animals. The soy is showing up in the animal product. It might be something entirely different but soy is a common allergen. Synthetic vitamins are another possibility.
What did you use to heal? Did you find full success?
What did you use to heal? Did you find full success?

I'm guessing I was writing about the fish diet with that quote. It hasn't been a complete success but I rarely get sick on it and that is a big positive for travel. Though as I've found the diet isn't full proof.

Another diet that I did was grass fed beef and eating lots of cheese. That is what I started with. The diet would make me well to the gut but I didn't heal, or maybe another way to put it I still had lots of troubles such as poor energy, fatigue issues along with many dental problems.

I'm happy now that many days on the fish diet I have good energy levels. Fatigue isn't the problem that it used to be.
Have a small tongue sore this evening. that might be caused by the gluten free crackers I bought that have eggs in them. I'm not terribly worried about it, but if it grows worse I'll kick out the eggs from the diet. I'm tired this evening but to be expected since I fasted yesterday and have exercised hard for two days. Happy about avoiding all spices/garlic and onions in particular. Have a year at least of avoiding spices.
I'm feeling pretty tired and worn out. On the positive though I'm appearing healthy. I think the fatigue I'm having comes from exercising to much. I'll take an easy and not workout even a small amount today. Tongue sore remains but hasn't grown in size. I'll just monitor. If it becomes worse I'll stop eating the gluten free crackers that have eggs in them.

Forgot to note down, I have it stuck in my mind now at how I struggled to communicate while eating spices/garlic. Now on the new avoid spice diet and potatoes are safe I'm communicating well. I'm going to add paprika to the diet.
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Weight 178lbs. My weight is sticking right at 178lbs and has been for awhile. I can easily get it to 175lbs, then run into health issues. finding myself jump back to 178lbs. If I can keep the health issues to a minimum I should be able to get back to 170lbs eventually this year.

I'm going to say the tongue looks better this morning. I'll keep monitoring. Energy levels are better. i'm talking better still since I avoided garlic/spices. I still hold some lingering doubts about nightshade family so plan on buying some paprika powder this morning and incorporating it into my diet and seeing how that goes. Gut is OK. I'm not feeling all that strong. I might swim today, first swim of the season. If I do swim I'll be exhausted the next day I imagine. Swimming really works the muscles.
I'm doing quite well today. Energy levels are up. Strength decent. I did end up swimming today for 45 minutes. I'm dong well now. I'm expecting to be in pain when I wake up. Overall though I'm pleased. Think I'll do some spice testing tomorrow. I'll add paprika to the diet, as mentioned earlier. I'll just put some power into an empty campsule and see how my muscles do, how I talk, the usual testing. So things are good today. oh think I'll go pretty much grain free starting tomorrow. Wanting to get back to losing weight. If avoiding garlic and spices is my answer, I should be able to finally succeed or at least i shouldn't have these ups and down.
As of this morning eggs, and those crackers gluten free are out of my diet. The tongue sore is slightly worse this morning. I was hoping to once again make eating eggs work but it never does. I wasn't intending to eat eggs. I just bought some gluten free soda crackers not realizing they had egg in them. So thought I'll try to make the crackers work.

I looks liek I have a new food added to the permanent avoidance list. I have on that list pork which is painful to eat, melons which is a classic allergy reaction, and now eggs and bird meat. If I should accidentally buy a food with egg in it in the future, I need to not eat it.

I'll still avoid garlic/onions for a long term trial of 6 months at the minimum, year avoidance preferably.

As expected I'm fatigued and worn down thsi morning due to the swimming. I'll take as easy today and not over do it, letiting my muscles to recover.
There is something else I forgot to note down but it is important. And I've known about it for a long time. When I eat chicken, eggs or turkey I tend to sleep very poorly. The last few nights are good examples of that. It would take me a good while to fall asleep, Last night I was up to midnight tossing and turning. Imagine now that egg if out of my diet I'll return to sleeping much better.
Not my best of days, but it looks like I'll take it. A lack of sleep last night, swimming yesterday, and tongue sores I'm guessing have me feeling pretty good and exhausted. the fatigue does seem to be listing some. I'll keep on avoiding pork, bird meats and eggs, along with continuing the avoidance of spices.
I feel so much better this morning. I slept well last night. I forget, eating chicken, egg,s or turkey really does make me lose sleep. I'll be up all night after eating chicken.

Woke up early also this morning. I'll undoubtably end up taking a nap. tongue sore is there but expect it to be gone by the end of the week.

I might end up not testing garlic for a year. Instead I'll likely end up doing direct testing and seeing how I react. that is something for me to consider in the future.
Tongue looks much healthier this evening. I wouldn't be all that surprised if I woke up in the morning and the sore was pretty much gone. Avoiding eggs, chicken and turkey is important.

I'm having second thoughts about the long spice avoidance. It might be to much punishment and not necessary. I'll at some point look to do a spice testing trial. I wouldn't be surprised if it went well. I probably over reacted to the barbecue potato chips being eaten. They might have mildly upset my gut and caused some fatigue but nothing major.
Ok, lets see, so far the morning I starting out well. Tongue looks good though the tongue sore is still there. It is healing though. Imagine another day or two and it will be gone.

Energy levels OK.

Strength poor

I've put on some fat. This morning I'm wearing some shorts and fit better not that long ago. Now they still fit but are tight. That is the hard thing for me to judge as Im also working out which puts on muscle weight. So by my shorts I can say I've gained some fat. Weight this morning was 179 to 178. So I'm largely holding steady.

Was reading last night about a famous french scientists of 100 years ago. He was big into sea salt for health, so I added sea salt back into my diet.

I'll take potatoes out of my diet, more about losing weight than anything else.
I believe I can note down a new observation. when I avoid chicken, eggs and turkey, I become tired and fatigued. I've long known that avoiding bird meats can upset my stomach. the very worst stomach attacked happened a week or two after avoiding bird meats. Now though I'm notcing that I also become worn out and fatigued. I figure the tiredness comes from healing which takes energy.
This is likely not all that helpful but I'll note down anyway. I do appear healthier when I avoid potatoes and nightshade. Little doubt about that. Tough to avoid nightshade and spices but I better stick with the 6 months avoidance afterall. There is a possibility that it is the cause of the tongure markings too.

These little notes this have never been all that helpful in the past. Figure though if I ever stumble upon a good stretch I can look back at the note(s) and find it beneficial. But I notonly look healthier my joints feel better also. As with the eating tomato paste a month or two ago, after avoiding that my joints and muscles felt better. So lots of foods to avoid, pork, bird meats, spices/nightshade family. It is to much but if I don't add anymore to the list I should be able to go long term.
178lbs. Yesterday I was speculatijng that the tongue sore could have been caused by something else other than eggs. I don't know what I was thinking. It was caused by the eggs eaten. I alwasys try to find ways to make eggs, and chicken safe to eat. They never have been though. I've tested and tested many times with only negative results.

So tongue sore is pretty much gone this morning. Glad about that. With nightshade avoiding it does have me looking healthier, but I have my doubts it is an allergy. Avoiding wheat does similar in that eating wheat has me looking less healthy.
It has been a good day. my energy levels are improved. I'm feeling good overall. Wish I was a few pound lighter as always but need a good string of good healthy gut days for that to happen. Fingers crossed I'm on a good path now with my diet.
The day began a little ruff but I'm doing better this afternoon. Ended up throwing away the few chicken and egg foods I still had remaining. Wanted them out of the house. Figure I wont be going back to testing eggs or chicken again. I always get sick when I eat those foods. It just takes time to become ill but it consistently happens. Tomorrow will hopefully be an even better day, and imagine it will.
I slept very well last night and slept in by around 2 hours. And I'm still tired this morning. Doing better this morning than last morning. Enegy levels and strength could be better but overall they are not bad. I'll continue to stay away from all things bird, pork, and keep testing spices and nightshade. Look decently healthy. Weight the same at 178lbs.
there is something about avoiding bird meats and eggs that in the beginning is bad news. I either experience some of the worst upset stomach attacks or I'm worn out. So far the stomach remains in decent shape. Fatigue levels though are high. It is unpleasant. There is little wonder why I've dreaded avoiding chicken and eggs.

But with time I expect things will get better. I just need to have patiences.

Ate a snack this afternoon and I'll likely regret it later. If the fatigue lifts some next week I'll once again return to dropping the weight. I only have 5 to 10lbs to drop, easy peezy.
I'm the same as yesterday morning, tired, fatigued, feel rather lousy. As the day goes on I'll likely feel better. Mornings tend to be the rufest. tongue looks good. it is pretty much healed up since I mistakenly bought those soda crackers with egg in them. Didn't weigh myself. Appearance health enough. Strength lousy. Energy levels lousy.
Hooped onto the scale and to my surprise saw I was at 179lbs this evening. Wasn't expecting that. That would be nice if i found the diet that works by having the diet bring about weight loss. On the down side I'm quite tired and fatigued today. It wasn't an awful day but not all that enjoyable either. Looking forward to less fatigue.
I believe I'm feeling a little better this morning. Fatigue is there but it isn't as intense. Strength is alright. Weight 178lbs. Was hoping for 177lbs but it didn't happen. Tongue looks good. The markings are gone pretty much though a slight notice of them remains. I have to look carefully to see it. So the tongue is healing.