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For what ever reason i have it all figured out. It is garlic and onions that causes tongue sores and stomach issues. I might have to give garlic a trial and see what happens after my tongue is better healed.
168lbs. Not surprised that I didn't reach 167lbs considering I took a few days off from fasting.

Tongue looks good. the sore remains there but it is healing it looks like. Another day or two will be telling.

Don't think i'll do a direct test of garlic. What I'll likely due to make it a fast food on the list of avoidance. I'll first eat nightshade family. In the past iate nightshade and didn't seem to have truobles. With garlic I've never had a time where I did well eating garlic, at least none that I can think of.

Strength is decent this morning. Energy levels are poor.
Real results can be seen with weight loss. This afternoon I put on a pair of shorts that I havn't been able to wear for about a year now. The last time I was successful at losing weight I was able to wear the shorts. I dropped to 166;bs I believe at my lowest. Now I can wear the shorts though they are tight. A few more pounds lost and I should be able to wear them comfortably. So good to see.

Doing so so today. Energy levels are not great. Strength is good though.
The morning is starting out well. I'm feeling good. Energy levels are up. Strength is decent. About the only upsetting item is I weigh 170lbs. I was close to 169lbs but not close enough. My goal for the day is to fast and reach 167lbs. That isn't likely. Maybe I can be a sweaty mess this afternoon, do a bunch of work outdoors inn the hot weather. Outside of that unlikely scenario I'll likely come in at the previous low os 168lbs tomorrow morning. Tongue sore is looking much better. The sore has turned colors from red to pink, matching the rest of the tongue. It is looking good that I have the offending food out of the diet, with spices and possibly nightshade. Kind of odd that at this time the tongue sores have made a come back. I've had these in the past but they have not been a common item in present times. The best I can think of is that the fasting I'm doing is playing a roll with the sores formation. Possibly eating less, having less nutrients is causing the sores to form at this time. Not good obviously, but good from the stand point that if i figure uot the cause of the tongue sores I've undoubtably figured out what causes the stomach and fatigue problems. Imagine today will be a good day, which is always something to treasure.
I'm not to far away from 168lbs this evening. If I make it to 168lbs I'll be 167 after a nights sleep. Typically I lose a pound sleeping. So that is good. I've exercised hard today, more so than typical and i'm feeling run down as a result. ooking rather beat up also.. Not sure if i'll want to continue with the fasting from here or late. Will see. a week of eating well, 2 meals a day, should have me feeling and looking healthier. I might take that route next week. Wore those often to small of shorts all day today. They fit fine and comfortable. Tongue looks good. I can still see the markings but it is healing. Hope this is the answer, spices and nightshade family. If so I should have my stomach condition firgured out. At least that is the theory. Stomach is doing well.
Feeling beat up this morning but doing OK overall. It should be a decent day. Woke up at 168lbs. Stomach doing well. Strength ok. energy levels on the poor side. Tongue looks good. I can still see the markings of the sore but by and large it is nearly gone. Fingers crossed the cause is spices, or possibly a member of the nigthshade family. Can't think of anything else to report at the moment. Just naturally having a debate with myself on whetr spices or nightshade are the answer I'm looking for. I guess I'm leaning toward garlic and onions but could just as easily be potatoes, tomatoes, peppers.
As a quick experiment I'm going to avoid all grains once again. I just noticed that losing weight was easier avoiding all grains. I'm also a little concerned that my tongue isn't healing as well as hoped when I stopped eating grains. I'm probably fine eating rice as I have been for the past week or two but I'll find out and see if it makes a difference. I'll continue to avoid all spices and the nightshade family.
I'm feeling quite good this morning. In my mind there is little duobt that I feel better when I avoid rice and grains. Grains make me feel cold even on hot days. Yesterday I ate 3 meals. Yet despite eating so much I weighed 170lbs this morning. Avoding grains does help with weight loss it seems. I'll fast today and imagine it will be easier to do and I'll lose weight fairly easily. Last time when I avoided grains the tongue looked great till I discovered a pretty small tongue sore. I added riice back intot he diet and the sore grew to about 1/3 the size of my tongue. This time I'm planning to find out if avoiding rice will keep any tongue sores from growing in size. Energy levels feel good. Strength was good also. Tongue looks more healed this morning. i don't believe grains are a primary problem for my gut and health. My thinking this morning is that a spice or member of the nightshade family is the bigger problem.
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I already weigh 169lbs this afternoon. avoiding all grains, along with exercising does seem to bring about weight loss for me. Avoiding cheese likely helps too.

I'm going to stop avoiding all spices and nightshade. I'm going to see how my tongue does with eating those too once again. I might have jumped the gun on the tongue sore cause. the sore that formed when avoiding grains was small, and only grew after I added rice back into the diet.

I'm feeling better today also. there are fewer aches and pains, I have more energy. I'm fasting today and am not struggling at it. I feel just fine.
I feel rather lousy this morning. Yesterdays fasting was hard on me yesterday and this morning. I'll stop fasting so often. I need to get stronger at this point. Weight was nearly 168lbs this morning. I can round down and say I was at 168lbs.

I've had second thoughts about adding spices and nightshade to the diet. I remember my old complaint. I'd complain that i always defaulted to finding ways for me to eat spicy chicken products and it never worked out for me. so I'll continue with the spice avoidance diet. I'm experimentaling with eating lots of eggs of late. That is good enough. And I'm fine with the current roatio of foods being eaten. I'm going to add rice back into the diet. feel a little better when I avoid rice but not enough to continue avoiding.

Hopefully as the day goes on I'll regain my strength. Imagine I will. Tongue continues to look better.
Today the tongue sore was bothering me. It is still there, not going away as quickly as hoped. So I'll return to eating normally and see if that makes a difference in healing. Imagine it will. I'll avoid spices and nightshade family. Im reguarly eating eggs. I'm also eating grass fed beef. Both are decent candidates for causing the sore, beef in particular, but for now I'll keep them in the diet. About a 1/3 of the tongue has the markings, sore, what ever it is. It is easy to see.

Outside of that did well this afternoon. The morning wasn't so great but it wasn't terrible either.
I think I have a good idea for getting rid of the tongue sore/marking. The idea is to return to the alpha gal/fish diet. I will avoid beef once again. For a long time now I have not eaten beef. It has only bee once I added beef back into my diet that I started seeing the tongue sores. It shouldn't take 2 weeks for the tongue markings to heal up and go away, even with me fasting. It should only take a few das. That is my thinking. So this could be a break through. I hope so. I'll avoid beef, pork and dairy products, the alpha gal diet and see what happens.

I'll also stay away from chicken and turkey. I still remain confused about those two. I feel better when I eat them, yet after a month or two of eating I develop a non painful stomach issue. Sometimes. I can rmemeber times were I went 4 months of eating chicken and turkey yet never having stomach issues. So if this latest alpha gas, fish diet works out, maybe after the hurricane season I'll add chicken back to the diet and see what happens. If it comes to that of course.

Tongue looks better, I think but the markings are still clear to see. Energy levels poor. Strenght ok.
Was thinking more on the fish diet and the tongue sore. If the tongue sore goes away after avoiding beef and I'm also now avoiding eggs, I guess I have my answer aftre all this time. the tongue sores undoubtably go along with the stomach issues I have. The two are connected. I've tested eggs and chicken plenty of times and it never worked out well. I was eating eggs recently for the first time in a long while and was pretty uncomfortable about it. I know too that eating eggs and chicken makes me look unhealthy. Beef I've long suspected as being a problem. The only item I still have questions about is spices and nightshade. So if the tongue sore disappears quickly on this fish diet, then I likely have my answer. All that is left for me to do is test out spices. I can do that. I have a bunch of empty cellulose capsules. i'll start filling them up with different spices and test them out. If I get a reaction then I will have a better idea if they are a problem or not.

I'm feeling less sore this morning. I'm moving around without aches and pains. I thought the pains were caused by exercising to much,but I was likely wrong. It was liekly caused by the beef and maybe eggs being eaten.
I'm up in the air on whether it is alpha gal or whether it is spices. I ordered some spicy salmon today but had second thought on it. Looks like the order is coming after i tried to cancel so guess I can always put it in storage and try eating it at a later time. Tongue looks the same. It is healing I believe but taking it's sweet time. That maybe be due to the fasting I've been doing. The typical plain salmon in olive oil is not in stock as it usually is. I'll have to find another fish to eat I suppose. Or I can continue to eat plain hamburger with salt and eggs. That of course if the tongue sore goes away soon.
170lbs. Would be nicer to be 165lbs. Maybe in a week or two, once i'm stronger I'll take another go at that.

Tongue looks healthier I believe. The markings of the sore remain but are healing as they have been healin for the week.

Now comes the tough part, interpreting what is going on. I've avoided spices, nightshade, beef and eggs. Something within that group seems to be helping with healing the tongue sore.

I've decided I'll take the path I'm more happy about, I'll avoided spices, garlic and onions in particular along with black pepper. I'll add nightshade to the diet and i'll be sure to eat nightshade family members often to test and see what happens. i'll continue to avoid beef and eggs for now. If I continue to do better I'll add them back into the diet at a later time.
I'm having second thought about the idea of avoiding spices. I avoided spices for 2 weeks I believe and yet the tongue sore didn't go away. Now I avoid beef and eggs and the tongue sore really is looking much better. I am eating more food now so possibly that makes a difference with healing time. But I doubt it. I did have a slight ear ache. I didn't note that down but noticed it while eating beef. It reminded me of when I eat pork and all the problems that causes.

Regardless I'll stay away from spices. On this fish diet it is easy to do. Today arrived the lemon dill salmon. maybe in a week or two, i'll start eating it and see what happens.
171lbs. Bit of a shocker there as I ate a lot of food yesterday. I was hungry.

I might have a result. As mentioned I decided to add nightshade to my diet. And yesterday was a lousy day. I had poor energy, I talked poorly and I looked ill.

So this morning I made it a point to avoid all nightshade, potatoes, peppers, paprika, tomatoes, soy, and so far I look and feel better. One morning of course doesn't make a result but it is going in the right direction. Nightshade is back out of the diet. If I remain doing well avoiding nightshade I'll later on add beef and eggs to the diet once again.

Tongue looks better but the sore is still there. Maybe with me eating more and now avoiding nightshade it will go away soon.
I'm doing really well this morning. I'm talking well. I have good energy. It is easy for me to remember how poorly I was talking yesterday. I thought possibly that problem was caused by exervising to hard, so today I've been exercising hard this morning. It is all relative. But so far I'm doing just fine. I love it. I'll keep staying away from the nightshade family.
It was a pretty good day. I liked it and felt upbeat. The thing I'll be latching to is being able to talk well. It is embarrassing when I have trouble talking. When well to the gut in the past I noticed I can talk well, no issues at all. It's as good as any idea to try. I'll keep avoiding the nightshade family, along with the others for now. I'll add eggs and beef later on. .
171lbs. My tongue looks fantastic this morning. There is a little mark remaining but by and large the tongue is healed. That is a result I can not ignore. For 2 weeks the tongue sore hung around. Then I begin avoiding beef and eggs. 3 days later the tongue sore is healed up and pretty much gone.

All I can think of it, one thaken heaven for the fish diet and two egg or beef likely give me an allergic reaction.

I'll continue to stay away from the nightshade family. I don't know what is going on there but for now best that I not eat. I've had several instances where I felt nightshade was causing me health issues. The same can be said of spices too.

thinking about it, if I can stay on the fish diet for 2 months imagine I'll return to how I was in November, where I was essentually well though still having a mild stomach issues still.
I'm talking well once again today. So maybe nightshade is responsible for the times were I struggle to talk. I worked out weight lifting yesterday and this morning. that has me feeling fatigued yet I'm doing well with communicating. I've always been a bit shy but can have a split personality in that at times I'm able to chat away without issue. It is a major problem. Maybe I figured out the cause of that issue. time of course will tell. I look healthy today also and my energy is good though my muscles are fatigued some.
171lbs, I was nearly 170lbs. Feeling beat up and fatigued. It is to be expected. I've dnne weight baring exercises the past two days. I'm doing ok though. I'm not so tired that I couldn't do some exercises today if I wished. Looking healthy. Tongue is good. It sitll have some smallish tongue markingsand will monitor if they grow in size. I'm guessing this is the same diet I was following 7 months ago in Nov where I was able to exercise each day, looked healthy and had decent energy levels. That is my goal. I'm sure ohter diet changes could have happened but I keep thinking back in Nov. when I added chicken nuggets to my diet I began to feel worse. So I'll stay away from the nightshade family, spices and chicken.
I still remain talking well since avoiding the nightshade family. Kind of nice. Would be nice if I have a solution with that one. I was a little fatigued and tired this morning but don't have those feelings this afternoon.
Doing well this morning. Energy levels are ok. gut feels airight. I might fast today afterall. Figure I just have 5 pounds of weight loss to go. I might be able to pull that off in a week or two. Will see. If I find myself feeling run down I'll go back to eating two meals. Didn't look at my tongue this morning but it feels good. I just looked and the tongue looks good. The two smallish sores remain. This will be a good test. I have theorized that fasting slows down tongue healing. i'll find out this week if that theory is true. If that does not turn out to be the case then I need to be concerned with eggs and beef. No ear ache. The ear ache was never bad, but from time to time I'd have a quick shock of pain from it. I'm guessing the beef caused that.
Certainly worth mentioning, for two days now i've been pretty much entirely well to my stomach. I'm guessing there are two reasons for this, one the diet I'm following helps and two I'm fasting and with less water and food being consumed the gut handles it well. So a positive development that I hope continues.

I'm on a long fast today, 23 hours, it isn't much fun, but I'm handing in there. Appearance this evening is good and healthy. It is the weight loss appearance I'm aiming for. A few more pounds lost and imagine I'll be were I want to be with appearance whether I eat one or two meals a day.

Weight is nearlu 169lbs at the moment. I'm pleasantly surprised at that. There is a chance I'll weigh 168lbs in the morning, my previous low on this latest round of trying to lose weight.
168lbs this morning.

Good and bad news. The bad news, the tongue sore grew much worse yesterday. The good news, I believe I have a solution with that by avoiding rice and other grains. i find myself not pleased with avoiding grains but it is kind of odd in that I don't get anything from them. I don't enjoy rice all that much and sometimes find myself forgetting to eat it. At the moment i'm eating a lot of rice crackers. I'm guessnng that is causing the tongue sore. I'll know within a few days.
I've felt on the run down side today. Tongue looks ugly but does appear to be healing. If the tongue heals quickly then there is a very high probability that rice and other grains causes tongue sores. there might be other problematic foods but rice and grains are a problem for me. Will monitor. Ate 3 meals today since I was feeling run down. I'm still avoiding the nightshade family though I added beef back into the diet.
Tongue is looking better this morning, It looks much better than I thought it would. The markings/sores are still there but show significant healing. At this rate I'll guess by this weekend they will be gone.

So it is looking good that rice and grains are a significant cause of the tongue sores.

As mentiond in the past, I've avoided all grains for many years. And while I had some success with improving my stomach I never could figure out how to become competely well. There was something else causing problems. I know now that pork is a problem food and i was taking gelative capsules that would sometimes have been made from pork. I know too that cheese can be a problem food, and I was eating cheese.

Regardless it is looking at the moment like I should place grains on a similar list as pork, permanently avoid.

I'm feeling rather lousy this morning, fatigued and worn down. Don't know why. It feels like exercise fatigue so I'll take as easy today.
I know why I feel so achy today. I found some macadamia nuts and decided to eat them. Forgot that macadamia nuts make me feel achy and tired, back hurts, legs hurt, arms hurt, I'm moving slowly today. Imagine I'll feel much better by tomorrow.

Tongue sores are gone, nearly. the sores are healing quikcly, and only a light shadow remains. Imagine at this rate of healing they will be gone by tomorrow.
Worth mentioning, I continue to have a pretty good gut. This started ever since avoiding nightshade family and spices.
there is another theory that I think I might try. I'll add rice back into the diet. The theory for the tongue sores is that possibly I was eating to much fiber. I'll thinking about the change due to the gut doing so well since I began avoiding nightshade and spices. I'll give it a try for a few days and see what happens. In the past I felt that a turkey lunch meat i was often eating did not label having garlic and onions. Today that is mentioned on the label. I never have tested that one well.
Scratch that. I'll avoid rice and grains after all. It wouldn't hurt me, I doubt Id miss not eating rice, and I had a lot of success getting rid of the tongue sores in the past when avoiding rice. Also my hair has changed colors. Since avoiding rice it has turned darker brown. The grey in the hair has seemingly gone away. So something is going on that is good. Maybe my gut is doing well now due to me avoiding all grains not that long ago.
171lbs. Tongue sore still there but looks better. Imagine it will be gone soon. If I remember right the last time I avoided all grains I found it easy to fast and lose weight. Next week I might have to give that a try. No aches and pains noticed since avoiding macadamia nuts. Glad about that. I should be able to do some light exercises this morning. that's about it. Hope the tongue sores go away. Oh, also I'm eating refriend beans that have no spices added to them. In the past I've been concerned about beans being a problme, possibly the cause of the tongue sores.
Sometimes the best plans don't work out. I had a bad stomach flare this afternoon. So back to the drawing board.

The other day, Wed. I believe I ate some commercial greasy beef. At the time I was telling myself this is dumb of me to do. I've had mixed results wwith beef, but with commercial beef I've only had bad luck. With grass fed beef it is more confusing though. So that is one possible answer.

Another is the beans being eaten of late. they are relatively new to the diet. I'll avoid them.

Thinking I better just stick with the fish diet. Chicken never works uot. It takes a month to get sick but it seems to always work out that way. Todays flare was similar to the chicken, eggs flares, but a little more intense.

So I'll stick with the fish diet. I'll see if my tongue sore continues to go away. I'll add rice and grains back into the diet. If the tongue sore goes away and the stomach returns to a better mood, I have an answer most likely. I can't eat pork, beef, or chicken. It seems I liekly have alpha gal with the addition of chicken being a problem which I've read some report that.

I'll test beans some times in the future and see how I handle that.
To state the obvious, it might have been that the grease from the beef caused this flare. It could be simialr to when I sometimes, rarely eat magaragine. I'lloften be sick with a flare, sometimes a day later. This flare seemed worse than a margarine flare though.

With rice, I've been eating the rice chips and bean together.
So I'm on the fish diet, no beef, pork, chicken, turkey, eggs allowed. I'm also avoiding soy and other beans. Will see if the tongue sore goes away on this diet. I'm eating spices, grains, and nightshade.

Feeling better with the stomach. I'm a little weak but nothing terrible with the mini flare.
doing better today though quite nervous. I hate those surprise stomach attacks. It was one of those events where I doing just fine and then out of the blue about as sick as can be and a bit paralyzed with pain. So don't want that again. Tongue is looking good, maybe better since being on the fish diet and avoiding beans. Hope that takes care of things. I'd very much like to wrap this up.
Tongue sore is nearly gone Just a little bit of an outline can be seen. So I'm on a good diet for getting rid of the tongue markings I believe. Gut hurts just a bit still but not to bad. I'll stick with the fish diet, along with avoiding beans. I'm eating spices and nightshade.
Tongue looking good. It isn't entirely healed but pretty close to that I believe. It's been a boring day. Don't like that, but good that I'm more awake. I should have the energy to do more tomorrow. Energy levels are good. I'm thinking I'm prettu sure that eggs cause tongue sores. Chicken might cause the tongue markings. And beef very well might be a cause of tongue sores. I'm looking forward to testing beans, and testing farm raised spicy salmon. I'll wait till the tongue has healed up entirely before starting that.

Realized jokingly that I'm following the same diet as our cats. The cats will pretty much only eat fish. Everything else seems to upset their stomach, give them diarrhea. So I guess the cats take after me.
172lbs tongue looks healed. Maybe a little more healing to do but the tongue is looking good. I find myself frigthened of another one of those out of the blue flares. Energy levels feel decent. Strength is good. I'll stick with the fish diet, and aviding beans.
Most of the arthritis symptoms have gone away. The back hurts just a little but feels much better. My hops feel good. I can walk without to much issue though I remain sore some. gut is good. Appearance ok, healthy. I'll stick with avoiding beef, pork, dairy, and chicken/bird products. Along with avoiding beans. Tongue looks good though some marking remains.
172lbs or 171lbs. I didn't weight first thing this morning for my baseline weight. Did weigh myself before bed though and I'd weight 171 or 2 on waking.

Tongue sore is gone. If I look very closely I can see a bit of marking on the tongue but a quick look has the tongue looking healed and healthy. the fish diet is working at getting rid of the tongue sore. The last time a sore formed I had last eaten a beef meal. So there is a good chance that it was the beef that brought about the sore.

I'll be testing beans soon. Maybe by the end of the week I'll add beans back intot he diet and see what happens.

Still have a healthy level of fear due to the last flare.
I've had an upset stomach today. It is on the mild side but it is an upset stomach. Now trying to figure out what is going wrong is the tough part. I think I;ll stick with the tongue health and use that as my guide. I'll keep avoiding beef and beans. The tongue is looking much better since avoiding beef and beans. I am eating a lot of grains, gluten free spicy pretzels. That is likely upsetting my stomach. Think i'll take a short break from eating those and see if that helps.

On the positive, for the first time in awhile I'm appearing good and healthy today. That gives me more confidence.
Doing OK this morning so far. Appearance is good and healthy. Tongue looks healed. Once again there is a slight signs of markings but they are nearly gone.

Something big possibly is going on. I'm eating lots of spices. I'm eating witheach meal of late spicy gluten free pretzels. What makes this big is that I'm looking healthy while eating them. I've tended to blame spices and the nightshade family for making me look unhealthy. When I eat chicken and eventually become sick I tend to blame the spices and nightshade eaten for that. So this could prove spices are safe. More time and more spicy foods need to be eaten to prove this.

Running in my mind this morning, beef might end up being alright to eat. More testing of beef is needed at a later time. Hurricane season is here so it would be wise on my part to eat as healthy as I know and the fish diet gives me good confidence. the latest illness likely comes from the long time to heal. And for what ever reason when I stop eating all bird products I seem to always seem to have terrible stomach problems for the next few weeks.
Tongue looking good. Back hurt today. I'll take an easy with it. That pains seems to be hanging around. With the gut upset yesterday i'm guessing that is the cause of the back pain. Seems an upset stomach can cause all kinds of pains elsewhere from my past experience. Looking decently healthy. Energy levels OK. Strength not great but not horrible. I'll hold the course, stick with the fish diet and avoiding beans. Imagine soon i'll be able to test beans.
Doing ok this morning. I've been eating a little mroe than normal due to the illness and I've pained a couple pounds. I'll likely fast today. I was up to many times last night to use the bathroom due to eating and drinking more than typical. I ate around 5 in the evening a snack. I shouldn't eat in the afternoon. Gut is OK. Could be better but not terrible. Energy levels OK. Strength alright. Nothing great.

tongue looks very good. No sore. I'll stick with the fish diet. this weekend I'll plan on testing beans, adding beans to the diet. After that the next trial will be farm raised salmon, lemon dill flavor.
feeling run down today and to be understood. I've been busy and not eating much. But I'd say Im not feeling all that bad. tongue looks good. Some markings can be see now that I've not eaten today. Don't know why. Looking healthier. Maybe in another week I'll have that good and much healthier appearanc which I can get while on the fish diet sometimes. Still eating lots of spices. they don't seem to be a problem.
Something bothering me is that this back pain isn't going away. I tell myself to fight through it, the pain isn't bad, but I know from experience fighting through fatigue and pain tends to never workout.

I'm eating potatoes and onions. I'll avoid spices and the nightshade family to see if the back pain goes away. this could be a good opportunity.
170lbs. this is encouraging. I don't have back pain. The only food I avoided this morning with breakfast is those spicy pretzels. The pretzels have potato starch and onions in them. So I'll monitor and see if the back pains stay away with this diet change of avoiding spices and nightshade.

So if this turns out to be the answer with tongue sores and stomach issues, the flare of June 2nd was due to eating greasy plain beef two days before. Greasy foods will do that though that flare was worse then typical.
My back is feeling great today since I took the spicy pretzels out of my diet. It hurts little. there were 3 ideas I had the past week that i thought were contributing to the back pain. I thought jogging could be hurt my back. Push ups might be aggrivating the back. And eating rice might be a problem. I've done all 3 today and the back feels just fine. I highly suspect that it is something in the spicy pretzels causing the muscle pains, most likely onions or the potato starch.

My eye sight seems to be better today. I was able to read fine print. ONe of my theories as to why my eyes went bad to the point thta I need reading glasses is that I started eating french fries for awhile. I don't know if the two are related but wouldn't come as a shock if they are.

the diet I'm now on is the same diet eaten before the June 2nd flare. Has me thinking the flare was caused by that greasy beef I ate.

Tongue looks very good. The little bit of markings on the tongue appear to be gone.
My back hurts once again. It isn't bad but the pain has ticked up. So maybe the spicy pretzels are not a problem. afterall As usual little is clear cut. I'll test it out again at a later time. i'll stick with the fish diet, along with avoiding all the other items. Tongue looks good. I'll keep away from eggs, chicken and turkey which seems to cause tongue sores. Beef might be a problem also though I;ll undoubtably be doing more testing on that eventually.
171lbs. My back feel great this morning. I was wondering how I would feel when waking up. With the back hurting some last night thought I could wake up with a sore back. That isn't the case. So I think it reasonable to believe the spicy pretzels cause muscle pains and eating those spicy pretzels was causing me back muscle pains. I'll keep avoiding spices and the nightshade family. I'll also stick with the fish diet. At a later time I'll add beef, back into the diet and see what happens. I'll undoutbably test chicken and eggs too, eating them only seasoned with salt of course.
Kind of chuckling, the hurt backlikely is not a good idea to follow. the back hurts now. I suspect it is just over exercise that caused it to hurt. I just need to let those muscle rest and heal. I'll stick with the tongue sore.

Ate refried beans. i'll monitor my tongue of course and see if a sore forms.
Back hurt today. I ate a lot more rice than typical. If there is a diet connection to the back pains, then it might be caused by grains/rice. the back pain isn't terrible and doesn't slow me down. Just hoping it goes away soon.

Ill add spices back into the diet. i'll stick with the tongue sore monitoring and as best as I can tell eggs and chicken cause the tongue sores. Beef might also bring about a tongue sore though that is much less certain. Pork causes all kinds of health issues and to be avoided.

I'll stick with the fish diet, avoiding all other meats and dairy.

Ate beans today and havne't noticed any problems from it.
Im going to nix the eating spices. Something I didn't write down but looms big in my head is that I developed arthritis in my hands when I ate those spicy pretzels.

They make the very same pretzels that do not come with spices. They are just regular plain pretzels. I'll add those to my diet and see what happens.
I'm feeling good this morning. My mood is upbeat. Muscle feel good at the moment. Back at the moment doesn't hurt. I like it.

I'll just stick with avoiding spices, nigthshade family and follow the fish diet. It isn't like I'm craving to eat pretzels. Don't like them all that much. Hurricane season is here too so a little dietary cauton is warranted.

Weight 171lbs. Skin looks healthy.
It has been a good day. The big negative is the back still hurts. I remembered yesterday about the arthritis in my hands that developed when I was eating the spicy pretzels. There is another item i didn't note today and now have another opinion on what was going on. In the mornings i've feel a bit light headed at times while I was eating the spicy pretzels. i was blaming the light headedness on the chocolateI was eating. I'm not thinking it was the prezels that caused the light headedness. Today the light head feel went away. That is probably was i have been feeling good today.

I'll continue to follow the fish diet, avoiding spices and the nightshade family.
Feeling good once again this morning. Diet can play a roll in my personality. Back does not hurt much. I noticed last night that my back was less painful. I was able to twist my back more sothan before. Hope that continues. I have not exercised so far and exercise abuse might get the back hurting once again. Skin is looking healthy this morning. It has that nice milky white appearance. I'm not sure if it is the long term diet idea or the short term diet idea that is helping me. The longer term idea I've been on is avoiding all bird meats, beef, and pork. the short term idea started half a week ago isavoiding spices and the nightshade family. Most likely it is the spices and nightshade avoidance that is helping. I'll still avoid beef, and chicken for now though. I might be able to write less now that I'm going in a good direction. It is just a matter of waiting now, I believe, to see if the diet works or not.
Tired and worn out today, but overall a good day. I may be tired but I'm alert. Little back pain. I'm appearing healthy. I'll stick with the diet, fish diet, avoiding spices and nightshade family. If I can remain on this diet for a month I'm guessing I'll be back to that good feeling I had in Nov. I was basically well in Nov.
I need to make a diet change. I'm slightly dizzy this evening and the back hurts worse. I suspect that eating rice can make me dizzy. I'm not entirely sure on that but it is something I've suspect. and one of my leading theories about the back problem is that it was caused by eating rice/gains. I'm eating more rice right now than I typically do. So I'll avoid all grains/rice and see what happens. I'm going to add grass fed beef and potatoes to the diet. I don't like avoiding to many foods at a time.
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I'm back onto the rice free, grain free diet. So far I'm off ot a good start. I have no back pain. I've tried twisting my back, did some light exercises and felt no pain. Hope that continues. I don't feel light headed as I felt last night. I'll stay away from rice and other grains. Tongue looks great. My big complaint this morning is that I feel worn down/tired. I ate dinner last night and that seems to have worn me out, as eating dinner will.
I'm going to try another idea. Instead of avoiding rice and grains I'm going to avoid citrus. Here of late I've also been eating and drinking more citrus than typical. Ill avoid citrus and see if that helps my back and slight unsteadyness.
I've feeling very well this afternoon. My energy levels are up. I have all kinds of energy. I feeling good all over. i ate lots of rice with lunch today and don't seem to be experiencing a bad reaction from that. I've been avoiding citrus this afternoon and so far it seems to be doing me lots of good. As always time will tell.
Avoiding citrus for a second day is turning out to still be good. My energy levels are up. i'm looking healthy. Gut is good. the morning is starting out well. Weight 173lbs. I've eaten snacks in the evening. I need to knock that off.
I'm feeling stronger today. I'm much less unsteady. Avoiding citrus so far continues to be doing me good. My back hurtsjust a bit, in one area. Hoping that goes away soon. I did a bunch of push ups this morning. I'm not sure how that will effect the back.
Iforgot to write this down, as mentioned the other day I was going to add grass fed beef to the diet. I began defrosting beef, and i was going to cook it up for lunc today. I couldn't eat the beef. Ijust placed it back into the freezer.

the thing about the fish diet is that I've yet to be majorly ill to the stomach while eating fish. I've been very sick eating beef, and chicken, eggs, and pork does me no favoros. While eating fish, while I'm not well, I'm not having major stomach flares.

Think i'll be sticking with the apparently safe fish diet.

I am still avoiding garlic/onions, and just begiing to avoid citrus. the fish diet might work simply because I'm avoiding spices. The fish I'm eating is only in olive oil, no spices.
Avoiding citrus remains a good addition to the avoid list. Energy levels are on the higher end. I'm less dizzy. this morning my back hurts some but nothing terrible. So I'll continue to avoid citrus, follow the fish diet, and avoid spices. Tongue looks great also. No notice of sores at all.
to my shock this morning, I currently weigh 171lbs. I'm fasting today and being around noon, I could easily lose another 2 to 3 lbs. that is unexpected. I've noticed quick weight loss and gains at times. Maybe avoiding citrus can bring about weight loss.

throat is dry, as typically happens when I avoid citrus. I'm less phlegmy. I'm talking better as a result. back pain is gone at the moment. the back feels break. I feel strong. Life is good.
Doing OK this morning. Weight 170lbs. I was hoping for 169lbs but 170lbs it is. Avioding citrus has my throat cleared decently well, and I'm not sneezing, or better said I'm sneezing much less. I've noticed for some time that I tend to sneeze in the mornings. Morning is when I typically eat an orange. Makes me wonder if there is a connection there. The lack of hunger has come since avoiding citrus. the is common.
With lunch, being Friday were I'll sometimes open up the diet for the day, I ate some bread. And now i'm dragging. i'm quite tired. So i'll have to make this a rare treat.

on the positive side, I was testing out wheat to see if I would experience that painful feeling i sometimes can get when eating wheat of food being in my throat. Nope, i didn't experience that painful feeling. I thought that was an excellent positive.

Since eating wheat i am quite fatigued. hope that feeling goes away by this evening.
So im off to a good start with avoiding citrus. the two bigger differences noticed and seen are much less clogged throat. I can talk better as a result. i so far haven't not experienced pain swallowing food. The other item noticed is my hair has changed colors. My hair is now a nice dark brown color. No stray blonde or grays hairs seen.

Don't know where avoiding citrus will take me but I should stick with avoiding for a few months. Maybe my eyes will change color. The last time I avoided citrus, a year ago or so I'm guessing I remember I stopped for no good reason. I just got tired of avoiding citrus.

The tongue remains looking good and healthy. No tongue sores. Going onto the fish diet seems to have solved that problem. Another possible cause for the sores going away has been that I was eating 2 meals a day most of the time. Don't know, but glad to see the sores gone.

Also avoiding spices. No arthritis noticed since avoiding spices.

Back still hurts a bit. I feel it when getting up out of a chair. The back is better but figure at some point I pulled a back mucles and it takes time to heal.
I forget when but a week or two ago I added a ginger supplement to my diet. i'm going to take a vacation from teh ginger supplement and see if that improves my health, with the back and sometimes unsettled feeling I can get.
I woke up this morning wondering why I'm not avoiding grains. That has been a leading notice for the back pain and unsettled feeling. When ever I eat a lot of rice I know my back will hurt. When i eat a lot of rice I know I'll feel unsettled. So I'll avoid grains once again.

I'll stick with the fish diet, avoid spices, stay away from beans, and avoid citrus.

This is to much to avoid and test at one time. I'll just go a few days when add some foods back into the diet.

I don't know why keep eating grains. I don't like grains. When I eat them I tend to feel poorly afterwards. For what ever reason I seem to have a desire to have grains in my diet. Maybe it is because i tried this grain free diet in the past and couldn't make it work, though the grians free diet did work better than what I have going now
this morning I see I have a small tongue sore. Didn't notice it earlier, but after lunch it is easier to see. I'll monitor. If the grain theory of causing tongue sores holds true, yesterday I ate a lot of grains. I had wheat, rice and corn. So if avoiding grains gets rid of sores then this small one shouldn't grow much in size I'm guessing.

I've noticed that the back feel much different after using the bathroom. I've noticed in this is the past also. My guess is a build up of gas can push onto the back area causing some discomfort. Back is doing well today. Some soreness felt but nothing terrible.
The morning is starting out well. I'm not as nauseous, mildly dizzy. back doesn't hurt. Appearance healthy. Tongue sores are there. they remain small but have grown larger over night. Will monitor. I remember it would take 3 days after eating that chinese rice dish for the symptoms to go away. 173lbs. Eating all that wheat, corn, and rice really packed on the weight. Wouldn't be surprised though if I eat well and keep away from grains and citrus that I'll be back to 170lbs soon.
This morning I had a mild flare. I'm guessing it was my body getting rid of the grains I at on Friday. Will see. Hope this is the worst of it. Feeling OK, maybe a bit stronger since being ill. Last time I avoided all grains my tongue soon afterwards looked wonderful. Hope the same happens this time. If the same does not happen, then I should look at beans. Since yesterday I've been eating beans once again.
On the positive I'm a littel stronger this morning. On the down side, I feel louosy. My energy levels are not all that great. My gut hurts a little. the tongue sore has grown larger. the tongue sore though does look healthier, oddly. I'm going to go back to avoiding beans. i'll avoid all grains too. And stick with the fish diet. Today is day five of avoiding ctirus. Keep avoiding citrus. there is certainly noticable change since avoiding citrus fruits and wouldn't be all that surprised if this is a food group I should avoid permanently. I'm getting that feeling of being stuffed, something common when i avoid citrus. I'm avoiding garlic also. I'm less certain about avoiding it but will continue to do so for now.
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The brain fog, slight dizziness has all but done away today, Ya!! I'm guessing this is due to avoiding grains. Who knows though, possibly one of the other foods being avoided is the cause for the brain fog to leave. I'll test soon, in a few days so long as i continue to do better, adding beans, and citrus to the diet. If those foods turn out well then I'll permanently avoid grains. Tongue sore there but does look like it is healing. Weight this morning was 172lbs. Avoding grains does seem to help bring about weight loss.
I have a better theory on the cause of the tongue sores. That theory is that they are caused by beans/legumes. the reasons why i thnk that, tongue sores have been something that happened in the past. I haven't had these sores in many years. A new food I've added to the diet is beans. I've eaten grains, citurus and spices many times with out seeing sores before. So it is likely beans cause the sores.

I've theorized that if I had a bean allergy, any animal fed a diet of soy beans would give me health troubles. I've only tested this idea once. It was an indirect test but on that diet I would have been bean free. The end of late year, after the hurricane, I ate a wild fish diet that was bean free. And I become well. So that is what i'll do, eat bean free, and avoid animal foods were the live stock was fed beans.

Back hurts this morning. I must have slept poorly on the back. I did some back stretching exercises and that helped. Kind of disappointed as i went to bed with little back pain.

tongue sore is there but is the same in size as yesterday. It looks like it is healing. I haven't eaten beans for a few days so I'm guessing that is why.
Back hurt all day today. It hurt more today than it did yesterday. Tongue is not getting worse. It even appears to be healing. Imagine in a day or two the tongue will look much better. Naturally I've gone from believing beans are responsible for the tongue sore, to grains being responsible and maybe possibly citrus. I'll have to work that out someday. Glad today I wasn't experiencing brain fog or that unsteadiness I have felt the last few days. Other than the back I felt good and strong.
Back is feeling much better this morning. I don't feel all that much pain. If I move the back wrong though it lets me know about it though. So hope the back stay in decent shape for the rest of the day.

Tongue still has those markings but it is looking better.

I guess there are 3 main ideas for the cause of the sore and bad back. there is the idea that grains caused this. Grains have a reputation for causing all kinds of health issues, from sores to bad backs. The anti grain people even believe that JFK's bad back wasn't caused by a military event but by undiagnosed grain eating issues. Lots going with the grain theory.

Bean allergies leads my thinking on the cause of the tongue sore, bad back and stomach problems. I'm spooked about eating beans.

And the wild card is an allergy to citrus. A citrus allergy hasn't been tested all that much and I have noticed changes since avoiding citrus.

Once the tongue sore and back issue is resolved I'll begin testing once again. I'll probably eat citrus first and see how I handle it. It might be a long time before I eat beans or grains again. this past week has been painful.
The back pain continues to be significantly less. I thought it might flare up after lunch but so far I'm doing just fine. the pain is still there some but it is much easier to handle. I'm still guessing the main suspect is beans. I've had lots of grains in the past and don't remember experiencing tongue sores, back pains, and the like. Will see though.
173lbs. the back is feeling quite well this morning. Tongue sore is close to being gone. I've pretty much convinced myself that beans are to blame. I'll be avoiding beans and meats were the animal was fed soy beans.

Glass fed beef is likely safe. grass fed cheese is likely safe also. at some future time I'll test those.

For now I'll stick with the fish diet, and for the time bring avoid grains and citrus. Likely in a few days I'll add citrus back into the diet and see what happens.
I went ahead and drink some citrus juice, lemon and lime juice this morning. Tongue sore is nearly gone and back pain is gone. So if either become worse I'll know if the citrus juice is a problem or not.
So far so good with the citrus drunk this morning. Tongue is looking good, and back is doing well. the pain in my back is pretty much gone. I can feel a bit of pain if I go looking for it, but I'm no longer having to baby the back. I can move around as I want.
Tongu is looking good. It isn't completely healed but close to that. my back hurts morning this morning but that is likely due to sleeping at my parents house last night. The bed isn't as comfortable and I forget to bring my groupding items. So I slept poorly and my back hurts. The back pain though isn't all that bad and less of an issue than it was a few days ago, earlier in the week when I struggled to move around at times. Airconditioning broke at my house last night so hope that can b repaired this afternoon and I can be back at home for sleeping tonight.

I'm upbeat with the idea I have a bean/ legume allergy. I have lots of testing still to do but so far so good. The citrus eaten looks to be going down well. I might test graisn next week. .
oh my gosh. Yesterday I tested citrus. I was ready to right it off. This morning though my back hurts. I went for a walk and I'm feeling slightly dizzy. I'm feeling weak. Looks like I'm having a reaction to the citrus drunk yesterday. I didnt have any citrus with breakfast today thankfully. Well, alright;. This is unexpected. I'll go back to avoiding citrus and see how that goes.
I am feeling lousy today. I'm nauseous, I'm weak, stomach hurts some. In a humorous way I suppose I'm happy about that. i got the reaction i was looking for though surprised that it is citrus today this. It is 90F in the house. That isn't helping matters. Hope the repair guy shows up soon. He thought he would be here around this time when I talked with him this morning. Back hurts.
Yesterday I might have had a reaction to drinking some lemon and lime juice. It is hard to say though on what made me ill or feel awful for a time being. It occurred to me that I not only tested citrus but I also accidently tested grains. the lemon and lime juices had cane sugar listed as an ingredient. Sugar cane is a member of the grain family. And a listing of cane sugar is unrefined sugar, I believe. Regular sugar is probably fine for me, if I have a grain allergy problem. Unrefined sugar would be a problem though.

So best if I don't jump back into eating grains so quickly.

then again yesterdays "reaction" might have simply been due to me sleeping in another bed, sleeping poorly and not grounding as i typically do.

I still believe there's an excellent chance that it is grains that cause the tongue sores. The last tongue sore formed even right after eating a lot of grains last week.

So I'll stay the course. Avoid grains, citrus and beans.

Anohter idea occurred to me that if an animal is fed corn then corn allergens are likely to show up in the menat. It could explain why chicken, and grain fed beef are a problem for me.

Another idea concerns synthetic vitamins. No doubt I react very poorly to synthetic mulity vitamins. they make me very sick. And synthetic vitamins are fed to animals. One turkey lunch meat I used to eat and have concerns over it making me sick even listed on its web sight that its organic turkey meat is fed soybeans, corn and vitamins.

Tongue is looking good this morning. I can still see some markings of where the sores were but they are looking less noticeable. they are healing up.

And of course I might have very well been right with my interpretation of what happened yesterday. I had a reaction to drinking lemon and lime juice.

Guess with my next diet trail next week I'll add beans and see how that goes.
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I'm doing much better this morning. Energy levels are up. I'm feeling decently steady. Appearance healthier. I'll be staying away from that lemon and lime juice.
I find myself mentally wanting to reject the idea that citrus is a main problem food. For what ever reason it seems more likely that another food is my problem. But I shouldn't deny the result. Yesterday i felt pretty lousy and this comes after drinking citrus drinks.

Today I'm doing much better. The back feels decent. I'm looking healthier this evening. All seems to point town avoiding citrus as being good for me.

I have done long term citrus avoidance in the past. It didn't work. So I either screwed up somehow or there is another food or group of foods for me to be concerned over.
I'm feeling decen this morning. I'm on my way to feeling as I did in Nov I'm guessing. I have no idea how much longer that will be, maybe 2 weeks, but the current diet of avoiding all graiins, avoiding citrus and avoiding beans appears to be doing me good.

Cuorse lots of questions bounce around in my mind on what causes the tongue sores. I can make a case for any of the trhee. I did think of a new food item to have concern over and that is margarine. I bought some vegan margarine a month or two ago. I know it can upset my stomach if to much is eaten. It continues artificial vitamin A in it. Mutli vitamins will make me very sick to my stomach, put me in a daze/fog, and Ill be greatly fatigued. I don't know what synthetic vitamins is the problem. Possibly it is artificial vitamin A. And of course vitamins are fed to live stock.

In a few weeks if I'm feeling even stronger and healthier I'll test grass fed beef first.
Gut doing well today. it was a little trouble someone early this afternoon but it was just mild cramping. Nothing more.

I'm liking the theory of synthetic vitamins being fed to farm animals causing me stomach and fatigue problems. there is little doubt that multi vitamins are a big health problem for me. early on with my condition doctors wanted me to take a multi vitamins. I dutifully took one though the multi vitamins made me feel terrible. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and I stopped taking a multi. And as a result I gained 30lbs soon after and felt a little better at times. (I had dropped around 40lbs early with my IBD condition) And I've long suspected, with good proof that multi vitamins give me diarrhea. So possibly synthetic vitmains fed to farm animals are a problle for me. It might be the margarine with synthetic A in it that gave me my recent health problems.

Of course one can hope. It is another item on my list to test eventually.
173lbs. My back continues to feel better since I began avoiding citrus. this is the seond time this has happened. It is looking like eating and drinking citrus causes muscle and back problems. I'll keep avoiding citrus. I'm starting to lose my appitite since I began avoiding citrus. that is normal. It wasn't easy eating breakfast. I just wasn't that hungry.
Did some swimming today and some push ups also. My back hurts some but not all that much. So far avoiding citrus does seem to help my back and muscles feel better. Time will of course tell if this theory is correct.
Another idea that could explain what was going on before Nov., the tongue sores I've been avoiding all bird items, eggs, chicken, turkey since June 1. As i've found it takes a long time to heal. I might be the first month or two that I'm healing with a bird avoidance. then after that i get to feeling better. That might mkae the most sense, in particular in light of the experience in Nov wehre I was basically well.

Before the hurricane I was eating lots of chicken products. Then about 2 weeks I stopped. That trial failed and I was sick. For hte first two weeks I was pretty ill and worried when the hurricane came. I didn't want to drive long distance as i was feeling poorly. I stayed bird free for the month of Oct. Then sometime in Nov I was basically well. Then in Dec. i decided to eat chicken nuggets and I slowly went down hill from there.

I've long blamed tongue sores on eggs and chicken. Turkey might be the same.
My back feels good this morning. There is little pain. I thought there would be a good chance I'd wake up in pain after swimming and after doing some pushups. So the theory that citrus makes my back hurt still continues to work. I'll keep avoiding citrus.

Tongue looks great and healthy. Energy levels could be better but they are not awful. Skin looks nice and healthy. Maybe after Thursday I'll add grains to the diet and see how I react. That should be a good test.

Didn't weigh myself this morning but weighed before going to bed. I should be 173lbs. I want to get back to 170lbs so maybe I'll fast today. Will be a good test to see how I feel fasting while avoiding citrus.
I'm feeling really good today. Most likely it is due to avoiding citrus. Don't know of course as I'm avoding many foods, but citrus avoidance is the most likely cause of my feeling good. Did lots of pushups today. Also swam for 20 minutes. So far the back is feeling just fine. Most likely the back pain was caused by citrus. Maybe the tongue sores were also. I'm fasting today and while the first day or fasting tends to easier, I don't recall ever feeling good while fasting. this is a first.

Appearance is ruff looking though.
I'm doing so well today that tomorrow I'll begin testing foods. I'm fairly certain that I'm feeling good due to avoiding citrus. So I'll see if I can eat rice, without much issue and tongue sore concerns.
172lbs. my back feels great. that is one thing I can say about avoiding citrus, it appears to get rid of my back pain. I remember about a year ago I thought eating oranages was causing an allergic reaction. the reaction wasn't strong though and I ended up continuing to eat oranges. Now, with the addition of drinking lemonade and my back aching I can say citrus is a problem. Most likely of course. More time is needed to be certain.

Added rice to my diet this morning with breakfast. I'm doing well.

Tongue looks good and healthy. I'm a bit worn down from yesterdays pushups and swimming.