My life in a nut shell.

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 31, 2010
I was diagnosed with Crohn's in 1985, a week later I was pernounced pregnant with my first child. My doctor nailed it right away from the symptoms I had, I believe that I was suffering for at least a year before I finally consulted someone. I was put on Sulfasalozine and it worked fairly well. I also tried to limit my diet, although Beer was my best friend. I had one more boy and called it quits, working full time and two children were enough work. My husbands work took him away from home, as it is with a lot of families. By 1991 I was done with Beer, didn't feel to bad about it, I drank truck loads. I moved to Peace River and my family doctor changed my meds to Pentasa, which I have been using since. It worked relatively well, according to all the symptoms my Crohn's was and is still mild. I had been on Pregnesone once to control a flare up. Last year the desease, poked holes in my gut and I had a resection. The surgeon took 30 cm of my small bowel, including my appendix, call it a bonus. I spend two months of work. Surgery didn't take away the Crohn's, it's still there. My guts ache in all the same places, my hips hurt when they are sore. I know what foods trigger the diaria and for the most part avoid them. The only thing I guess I regret is that I can no longer have alcohol at all. After the beer, I found Rum, nummy. Well no more of that, boo hoo. It's good to be sober, heh, heh.
After the surgery, I finally saw my first GI specialist, she wanted to put me on Remicade. The side effects and cost scare me more than the desease. I am stubbornly holding out against going on it. I reacted to Imuran, pancreatitis, that was enough to make me run away. I will hold out as long as I can. Hoping they will find something else. Theres more to my story, but that is enough for now.:eek:
Welcome Riversilt.. you have come to a place where we understand your pain and feelings of drugs. The Alcohol...well I was not innocent of not drinking, but I found at an early age I couldnt tolerate alcohol and just as well..I have been surrounded in alcoholics all my life. Can't comment on that but I do know alcohol makes your Crohns worse and puts a heavy burden on your liver and other areas.

I was on Remicade..allergic, Humira, worked for a short period. I understand your thoughts on the drugs but we all do what we have to do to avoid a flare or it getting out of control and spreading without realizing. As we get older and in different stages it can pop up anywhere anytime. Hope you can hold out, best of luck to you. Alot of support here.
Hi Riversilt
and welcome

Yeah with you on the alcohol thang!
Have always drank lager for years, can't even stomach it now, any alcohol knocks me sideways for days, not worth it!
glad you found us tho, lots of advice and support here about drugs fears etc, any questions, fire away
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Thanks for your support.
For the longest time I felt that I was alone in my struggle. Now that I have found this outlet to use as a sounding board and advise council, it is a great help. Seeing a doctor today who comes up every three months. He does all the colonoscopy's for the region. It's been a year since the surgury, I think am holding out pretty well. I hope he confirms my thoughts.
Welcome, Riversilt! We are all here for you!
I haven't even tried to drink since my Crohn's was diagnosed. Kind of scared to mix alcohol with all the drugs I am on. But somedays a cold beer sounds so good. I may have to try a little here soon.
Jettalady is absolutely right, alcohol is very hard on your body, not just the guts. I don't apologize for my imbibing, I grew up in a family of happy drunks, :). However it is not worth the consequences for me. There are other ways to obtain release from stress, that once learned work just as well. The difference for me now is that I have the time to concentrate on myself and can practice them.
Switching to some good news, saw my doctor yesterday and the regime I am following now has my Crohn's in some kind of remission, that means I don't have to go on any higher level drugs. Yay!!! Life goes one.
Try and stay well all,

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