My little princess

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May 27, 2009
Being a parent with the challenges we all have physically, and emotionally due to whatever abdominal issues we struggle with. Here is a brief story that puts it all into perspective.

This morning it is raining like hell here in Southeastern Mass, I decided my first chore of the day was to get the empty trash cans from the edge of the road. I was really begin to work myself up with going through my mental task list for the day. I felt my little girl pull on my pantleg and say "could i go with you daddy?" I started to say, "sorry baby its raining out." She looked up at my with those beautiful, hypnotic brown eyes that her daddy has too. "Puuuuleeeeze dad?"

So we went out into the rain with the small priority of bringing back the cans. Even more important was that I was able to stop my own anxiety and stress and put it aside.

We jumped in each and every puddle outside in our driveway, her little tiny fingers wrapped around my 1st two fingers. she continued to hop up and down and her laughter was the most pure and innocent moment I have had in a long long time. After about 25 minutes of hopping into the puddles she agreed to go back in the house. Nearly the whole night she would intermittently say, "thank you daddy i had sooooo much fun!"

Just a little tiny beautiful messenger from god (whatever we percieve him to be) that it is not all bad. There are so many little gifts like this in our daily life that we overlook due to the buckets of stress we cart around with us each day.

Jerman:Karl: :Karl: :Karl:
She sounds like a tiny sweetheart, Jerman. Someone to really get you through the tough times and share the great times with!
Thank you for reminding me why I wanted kids. Sometimes I get so caught up it the negative things, I forget how wonderful they truely are.
Aww ... how sweet. I agree with IMP, sometimes it's easy to forget the wonderful and touching moments that have and give when you get so wrapped up in everyday troubles. Thanks for sharing. :)
what I find so inspiring about this is how you had the choice to make. I know exactly what you mean. We can do the mission must be accomplished thing, or we can remember what we are doing everything for in the first place. Heres to making more of the right choices :beerchug: