My seton fell out!!

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Nov 21, 2013
I have 2 setons since November 2013. One broke and fell out today. My doctor told me to wait and see what happens. Anyone had this happenned? What did you do? Is there a chance this will heal on its own? Or am I going to abscess again? I am kind of content with my seton so I am kind of freaking out that this happened. Anyone had similar experience, please chime in. Thanks.
Hey! Same thing happened to me! I had one going in to my vagina and it fell out - but I had had so many fistulas and reoccurence after numerous treatments that I ended up getting a permanent Stoma. But maybe just see what happens and if it feels painful or more painful than normal call your Dr straight away and see if they can re do it?

Sorry I'm not much help!!

The same thing happened to me too,and I panicked! But in the end I had it replaced after about three weeks.I suppose if you don't have the Seton in you could re abscess because the drain is keeping the fistula open. I'm waiting for operation number fistula is high and complex,and little portions keep growing back.I hope you have had some medical advice by now,and are not too worried.
The same thing happened to me too,and I panicked! But in the end I had it replaced after about three weeks.I suppose if you don't have the Seton in you could re abscess because the drain is keeping the fistula open. I'm waiting for operation number fistula is high and complex,and little portions keep growing back.I hope you have had some medical advice by now,and are not too worried.

Hello, My story is similar to yours. I underwent 6 surgeries in the USA. My fistula was high and complex. In spite of the seton, I was in lot of pain for 1.5 years of my struggle with the disease. I am now cured by a very successful treatment that is widely practiced in India. You may want to read about it.
I have 2 setons since November 2013. One broke and fell out today. My doctor told me to wait and see what happens. Anyone had this happenned? What did you do? Is there a chance this will heal on its own? Or am I going to abscess again? I am kind of content with my seton so I am kind of freaking out that this happened. Anyone had similar experience, please chime in. Thanks.
@PolarBear of mine also fell out. I was also quite upset after waiting in the surgery queue to have it placed. The CS told me it would be a 2 year wait list to have another seton placed because fistula patients weren't a priority in the scope of their practice. It caused repeated abscesses about every 3 days until a very painful abscess finally sent me to the ER. They did an ID & placed a new seton upon my ER admission.
Thanks for all the replies!! My second seton also broke the day after. So I am really nervous. It feels good without the seton, the hard part is getting paranoid about every twitch, itch, spasm etc.etc. thinking it might be an abscess brewing. The only thing I am doing right now is the Sitz bath. I do hope I do not abscess again.
@AFS If it is availabe in the USA I will surely consider it. Unfortunately, the cost is such a big factor for me. Thank for the link though, and I am glad that you find the treatment that worked for you.

@paindrain how are your fistulas now? One of my fistula is high and complex too so I really do not know what is going to happen next.

@ Jay Woodman, did you get the abscess as soon as the seton fell out? Were you on any antibiotics? Should I ask for antibiotics?
@Polar fistula saga is hopefully nearing its end.My surgeon is brilliant,and he is using the snug Seton technique,which is cutting through slowly...and working its way out...not far to go.I can manage with it,and although I haven't been able to work with it,I'm going back to work in September for the first time in nearly 2 years.High complex fistulas are really tricky to deal with,because of potential damage to the sphincter.I'm hoping my Seton will be cut out on the 20th,as the fistula is running much lower now,due to the Seton pulling it out.It still carries a low risk,but my surgeon thinks it is the best option (combined with a lot of patience!)I'm very lucky my Seton is virtually un noticable...just very thin little piece of rubber tied with silk thread.I get quite sore from drainage,but the whole thing is much easier to deal with now.I be honest,my surgery has been quite painful,but its worse for the first two weeks.I definitely know how you must be feeling! I will never forget this last two years of my life.Sending you all the best for your recovery!
Thanks paindrain! Is the snug seton technique the same as the cutting seton?
I will ask my doctor if that is something I can try. Wishing you a speedy recovery and please keep us posted how you are doing.
Hi Polarbear..well the snug Seton is like a cutting Seton,but its much slower which is lower risk and less painful.It gets changed every three months when the surgeon does an eua.I can feel the Seton has tension on it,and an MRI has shown its cutting through,so its doing its job.
Keep us updated when you speak to your surgeon.Sending you my thoughts and best wishes.
Well,had my op on the 20th,and it should be my last.Seton was low enough to cut out,so its gone and I have a small wound that I'm cleaning and packing myself.There will be light at the end of the tunnel! Just got to stop it healing too quickly.I can now get my life back to normal!
@PolarBear..Once the Seton fell out I was subject to small, surface area abscesses around the fistula opening. These would present & drain spontaneously about once or twice weekly. They were almost like a "surface blister" & not abscesses that were originating deep within the buttocks. They were still, however, quite bothersome & tender. Repeated Sitz baths were the primary source of relief. I did not go on any antibiotics during this several month time period that I was without a seton. My highly respected & highly regarded Canadian CS was quite adamant that "these things tend to heal while on Remicade without a seton". Unfortunately, the fistula finally presented with a deep abscess that I could not tolerate without an ER visit.
@Jay Woodman. Thanks for the info, wishing you a speedy healing of your fistulas. For how long are you going to be on Remicade? Can you stop once the fistulas close or is it a forever thing?
@Jay Woodman. Thanks for the info, wishing you a speedy healing of your fistulas. For how long are you going to be on Remicade? Can you stop once the fistulas close or is it a forever thing?
@Polar Bear. I'm afraid Remicade is a lifelong drug. However, after about a two year deliberation & suffering from abscesses, followed by fistulas,followed by repeated surgeries during this period, it was a decision to move to Remicade that I finally had to come to terms with.
My seton thread fell out on its own. At first there was this really tight feeling and then it fell out. But the wound seems to be healing as well. So what does this mean? There's no sign of any abscess.
@Dekingbee You may want to check with your doctor how they want to proceed. In my case, I was told to wait and see what happens. I was not put on any medication or antibiotics. While waiting, I did continue doing my sitz baths and very careful with my diet. I had 2 setons, both fell out days apart that was July 2015. One healed on its own, the other one did not. I dont do sitz baths anymore, except when the one fistula that did not close gave me issues. It happens whenever I had diarhea or ate something I shouldn't. If I did have pain on the fistula opening, I do hot compress and apply coconut oil with turmeric and try to really be careful with my diet till it settles down. And it do settle down. My doctor told me then to wait and see what happens, but if in the event of any pain in the rectal area or any fever to go see him right away. I hope everything works out for you.

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