Nausea - help me out?

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Oct 21, 2015
Hi everyone,
I wanted to as if nausea was a common occurrence for you as well.
I've had Crohn's since I was 13, but only in the last two years or so have I had issues with nausea.
Today was one of those days - I had a great weekend, ate nothing strange - and I wake up today am unable to climb out of bed without feeling like I will vomit, presumably, nothing.
The reflex stays and sometimes it lingers throughout the day - the only things that help are sleeping.

I'm at work now, quite proud I made the trip, but I wish I had stayed at home because my energy levels are 0 and I know I won't be able to eat for a while.
Nausea was my first and most persistent symptom. I found making my self eat even a small amount helped. There is also pills that help so you could talk to your Dr about that.

Hope this helps although as you know we are all different with what works for us.
I feel nauseated nearly all the time, probably it's from the chronic gastritis, no idea. If you can tolerate ginger, that might be worth a try. As a spice on your food or as ginger tea.
I used ginger and Dimenhydrinate. Marketed as Dramamine, Gravol and many other brand names, it's an over-the-counter antiemetic used for the treatment of the symptoms of motion sickness.
Do you have any other symptoms like abdominal pain and distention along with the nausea? If so then you may be dealing with a narrowing/stricture as mentioned above which can cause partial and full blockages. Ginger can definitely help with nausea, some like it carbonated. For me I had Zofran prescribed by my doctor as I do have a stricture but I also control it with diet as well (smaller easy to digest meals and a lot of liquids). Nausea is a possible symptom of IBD though even if you don't have a stricture.